-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012

It’s Official: Obama Voter Fraud Reason for “Reelection”/growing Totalitarian Govt.

by - Sher Zieve - Monday, November 26, 2012

The truth about the Obama syndicate’s “victory” in November due to the most massive voter fraud in American history has become increasingly dire and overwhelming. It is also merely the latest treasonous act perpetrated upon We-the-People by our slave masters.

And—with the exception of the still-sycophantic Obama-media who enthusiastically embrace totalitarianism—said “win” by Obama shows how quickly he and the Marxist Democrat Party (with the help of willing RINO Senators and incorrectly named “representatives” of the people) affected the complete overthrow of the United States government…and We-the-People. If you are uncomfortable with these truths and believe that the telling of them constitutes defeatism, I suggest you stop reading now. My message will not get any rosier.

For those of you still reading, let’s jump in without further ado—or adieu as it were—shall we?

Facts already in Place-

  • First and foremost, Obama lost in each and every US State where voter ID laws were in place (Georgia, Indiana, Kansas and Tennessee)
  • Massive Obama voter fraud occurred in multiple States—especially the “swing states”
  • In 59 Philadelphia precincts, Mitt Romney received no votes and Obama received 100% of the votes. This fact, alone, should have raised red flags and set off all manner of bells, whistles and sirens. But, the Republican Establishment (aka Marxist-lite) has remained silent
  • In Florida, St. Lucie County and other counties experienced unprecedented voter fraud, with St. Lucie reporting in at a141% turnout—which is impossible
  • In Ohio, Obama “won” a county by 108% of registered voters—another impossibility, of course, except with well-planned and implemented election fraud
  • The military vote was almost totally suppressed in the November elections
  • People were openly reported to have voted twice—or more
  • Republican poll watchers in multiple states were either turned away and not allowed to enter the precincts or thrown out once they had done so
  • Voters in multiple voting booths across the country reported their votes for Romney were automatically changed to Obama (video below)
  • Votes for Romney/Ryan were either changed to Obama./Biden by poll workers or thrown out entirely
  • Democrats bussed non-US citizen voters, many of whom could not speak English, from state to state to vote for Obama
  • The RNLA reported “election fraud occurred in Flushing [NY] when a Korean-American translator helping voters at PS 20 was caught directing them to vote for Democratic candidates. A volunteer poll watcher confirmed the incident” and in North Carolina
“The father of a mentally handicapped woman claims his daughter and others were “carted off” to a North Carolina polling site last week and “coaxed” into voting for President Obama by workers of the group home where she stays Judson Berger, Group home accused of taking patients to vote for Obama, Fox News, Nov. 5, 2012” and in Massachusetts “FOX Undercover found out something else about Santiago-Vazquez. He’s been registered to vote from his home address in Lawrence since 2010. Our investigation shows he’s not the only registered voter in Lawrence who is not a citizen. By cross-checking Lawrence voter records with criminal records that included records indicating lack of citizenship, we found three others: * Bruno Paulino is a legal resident detained by immigration authorities earlier this year, has been a registered Lawrence voter since 2009; * Jose Jimenez, a legal resident who faces “potential deportation to the Dominican Republic”, according to federal court records, has been a registered Republican in Lawrence since 2010; * and Marcos Acosta, picked up during a recent immigration sweep, has been a registered voter in Lawrence since 2008.” Non-citizens registered to vote in Lawrence but officials shrug, Fox Boston, Nov. 5, 2012.

There are hundreds and thousands of the above reports on the Net, many of which can be viewed in my source material below. The central and grave problem we now face is that with the “new-normal” massive election fraud either being ignored (accepted) or discounted by the two major political parties we have, indeed, lost our Republic. Bear in mind that without our founding legal document—the US Constitution—being protected, observed and followed to the letter by our political and judicial leaders the Republic is moot. And the majority of our political leaders have not followed the US Constitution for decades. If they had, said “leaders” would not have been able to affect the unconscionable theft of the fruits of our labors which they have unethically and with abject turpitude ‘redistributed’ into their own pockets and they would certainly not have been able to strip us of our liberties one-by-one; so that we are now left with none. However, it was our own lack of attention to what they were actually doing and our own inaction in stopping them that—in great measure—allowed these atrocities to occur.

Before the last stage of our options is forced into implementation, there may be a couple of things we can do to stop the complete destruction and chaotic onslaught by our once-fellow citizen leaders. The first is to file a treason complaint against Obama and see if you can find a grand jury in your state that will agree to pursue it. We only need one, at this juncture. Multiple treason complaints have already been filed by LCDR Walter Fitzpatrick III and have been accepted by the courts as “meritorious.” The second is to get to the electors in each of your/our home states and beg them, in light of the unprecedented November voter fraud, not to cast their vote for Obama until a recount is affected. This must be accomplished before 17 December 2012. Information on both of these items may be accessed at the Jag Hunter and The Electoral College—both links below.

By now, we all know our last course of action. It is the same one into which our Founders were forced. May we pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that we are successful in our endeavors for God, family and country. In the end—as always—it is God who will bring us through the darkness and, once again, into the light.

“God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, & always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independent 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century & a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”—1787 Jefferson letter to William Smith

“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you”—Luke 10:19

Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012:
Massive Voter Fraud St. Lucie County, FL—141% turnout:
Vote Fraud News:
Ohio Vote Totals (108%) For Barack Obama A Statistical Miracle!:
Massive Voter Fraud: Military Vote suppressed:
Massive Voter fraud Virginia:
In 59 Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney got zero votes:
Romney earned zero votes in some urban precincts:
Busloads of Somali immigrants bussed in to vote by Democrats in Ohio, most of whom were not citizens and could not speak English:
“The List”, Obama Voter Fraud:
Ohio Man Allowed to Vote Twice:
Obama Lost in Every State with Photo-ID Laws:
Certified GOP Poll Watchers Turned Away in Florida:
PA Judge orders Republican poll watchers reinstated:
Watch Voting Machine Change Obama Votes To Romney Votes (video):
Poll watcher sees Romney ballots changed:
The Jag Hunter:
Electoral College:

God bless,

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why Democrats really want Republicans to cave on taxes

From: Fox News

By  / Published November 29, 2012 

Let’s stipulate something about the current tussle at the edge of the fiscal cliff. President Obama and the Democrats and the media--the champions of expanding the public sector at the expense of the rest of us–are going to win, and the Republicans–the last remaining defenders of the private sector–are going to lose. Taxes will go up on upper-income Americans, and spending will continue to grow–and Republicans will glumly go along with it.

But there are a couple things the GOP establishment might think about, before they capitulate.

The goal of getting Republicans to agree to raise taxes is not to raise new revenues. After all, allowing the Bush tax rates to expire for wealthier Americans will bring in perhaps $67 billion a year; Warren Buffet’s plan for a thirty percent minimum tax rate for millionaires another $5 billion. That’s spit in the ocean compared to annual deficits of $1 trillion and counting–let alone a $16 trillion national debt.

And contrary to reports from the media, the goal isn’t “to raise the morale of the middle class”by punishing the rich, or any such class warfare strategy.

The real goal is to detach Republicans from their Tea Party and conservative base, and wreck any chance of a repeat of 2010's GOP surge–not to mention recapturing the White House in 2016. 

What a Republican capitulation on taxes will really mean is a future of political defeats stretching out beyond the horizon, as a disheartened base either stays home or wages bitter Tea Party versus Establishment primary fights like the ones that cost them the Senate this year.

But there’s also more at stake than elections.

What Obama and the Democrats are hoping is that GOP lawmakers will publicly abandon the no-new-taxes pledge they signed as part of their campaigns for office. The media like to blame  Grover Norquist for the pledge, but he was only the instrument, and his Americans for Tax Reform the vehicle, made for the purpose. The pledge was simply a solemn promise to voters that this Republican candidate at least, when he went to Washington, would not be party to stealing more from the private sector in order to grow the welfare state.

The pledge isn’t legally binding. As Vice President Al Gore would say, there’s no governing legal authority enforcing it. The only thing involved is honor, and trust–the honor of the candidate who took the pledge to voters not to raise their taxes, and the trust of voters that this time, unlike with President George “Read My Lips” Bush, they wouldn’t be betrayed again.

Honor and trust. Breaking the no-tax pledge violates both–and it’s hard to see how either ever comes back. And the Democrats know it. That’s why they’ve focused on the pledge. They don’t just want to take away Republicans’ voters; they also want to destroy their sense of honor and integrity. They know it will make Republicans more compliant for future deals, and more alienated than ever from the voters they will need if they ever get another chance to salvage what’s left of this country.

“The greatest way to live with honor,” the playwright Sophocles said, “is to be what we pretend to be.” Republicans have pretended to be the party of no new taxes. Let’s see them live up to it–and by saving their honor maybe they’ll save us all.

God bless,
P.S. Republican Senators and Congressman be warned, we are watching you. You are our last line of    defense, so uphold your oath and protect our constitutional rights, let them call you names if they will, but somebody has to protect our constitutional rights and you swore an oath to do so. DO IT.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Conservative Plan

From: American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF)

by Donald Devine - Issue 216 – November 28, 2012

All of the usual liberal suspects are crowing that conservatives are disoriented in the wake of the devastating election defeat. Nothing could be further from the truth. The way forward has never been as obvious as it is today.

The logic is simple. President Barack Obama will wield the veto for the next four years. That means no major conservative program can be enacted. The obvious conclusion is that conservatives must look elsewhere to make any progress. Of course, the right must support Republicans in control of the House of Representatives to block new bad legislation and to keep control there and win the Senate in 2014 but that is just catch-up. The fact is there will be little good news from Washington for the rest of the Obama term.

So where should we fight? As Craig Shirley argues in this edition, the way forward is to look back to our foundations. The first principle of both the Constitutional and modern conservative movements is federalism. Lord Acton traced America’s moral and legal traditions and even separation of powers to Europe – but the unique American contribution to world history was the doctrine and reality of federalism. Shirley suggests “localism” might even be a better term for what must be done. The great social analyst Alexis de Tocqueville found that what made America different at its founding was that unlike Europe it did not look to central government but the people did things themselves through their local governments and voluntary associations.

That is the plan. Forget about begging Washington and start building locally, back where we can really get things done ourselves. There is only one exception, the so-called sequester. Any “deal” will be cosmetic. As Gary North makes clear in this issue, the agreement to cut domestic and defense spending had already been agreed to in 2011 by President Obama, the Democratic Senate and the GOP House. The “cliff” was the solution because they could not agree on anything else. Only by doing nothing now can the House produce reductions in government spending over the next four years. Yes, taxes would go up too and that would hurt the economy but they would also increase in any deal and  the Democrats could never again blame the economy on the Bush tax cuts. With no place to hide, the foolishness of the liberal plan to tax the economy to recovery will be revealed and make recovery possible sometime later.

What about Obamacare? How can conservatives turn their back on a plan that will ruin the best healthcare system in the world? In fact, the solution is in the states. The positive result of the Supreme Court decision was that it ruled that the Feds could not force the states to increase their spending through Medicaid to support Obamacare. Obama relied on Medicaid spending (including the national contribution) to support about half of the subsidies for the previously uninsured. The states can stop this and many have already said they will not participate. As many as half could opt-out. The rest of the uninsured were supposed to be subsidized through “exchanges” run by the states. Already 14 states have passed laws refusing exchanges and 22 more have not created exchanges even though the national deadline to do so has already passed.

A mass movement already exists. Conservatives merely need to keep it going. As our author John Goodman has been urging, the states can either stop Obamacare or force national revisions now or after Obama passes from the scene. Robert Moffit warns the Feds could use the opportunity to run the program themselves but they do not have the resources to make it work. Besides encouraging state opt-outs conservatives can lobby individuals and corporations too. Individuals can pay a mere $95 fine the first year to escape paying thousands in insurance premiums and insurance companies under Obamacare still have to accept them after they get ill. Businesses are finding it much cheaper to cancel their employee health insurance entirely and throw them into the exchanges, completely overwhelming their resources. Obamacare’s irrationality cannot be sustained. States, individuals and businesses will sink the whole operation.

The states are where the action is even in programs like the interstate highway program that are arguably national under the interstate commerce clause. As our Robert Poole has been writing over the past year, the highway trust fund is running dry and Washington cannot even keep the bridges from falling down. Only the states can solve the problems in these days of tight budgets. User fees and state-private partnerships are the only possible solutions. Paying a fee for a service is not a tax but equivalent to a fee for private service which is simply the responsible market solution. The problem is that many so-called user fees pay a minor fraction of the cost. The inland waterways fees pay a mere eight percent. Conservatives need to support the principle that there is no free lunch.

Social issues present other opportunities to look local. Social conservatives have been urging national and state laws confirming traditional marriage but, as Henry Potrykus, Patrick Fagan, Robert Schwarzwalder demonstrate, it is marriage itself that is in crisis. The solutions they propose are all best solved at the state and local level. As Marvin Folkertsma shows, America is in a crisis of aging that will not only drain resources in elderly retirement and health care but does not produce enough children to pay taxes and earn the incomes necessary for a growing economy. He believes only a drastic decrease in government dependency programs can moderate the problem but that Obama will not do so. But conservatives can demonstrate in their states like California, New York and Illinois to show dependency is the problem and prove in the more conservative states how reducing dependency helps families and social life generally.

education. As Mike D’Virgilio argues, the fact that 50 million children go every day to schools run by teachers propagandizing their liberal/left/progressive doctrines to generation after generation explains why Barack Obama won the election of 2012 and why so many leftist state social issue referenda prevailed. It so happened that I was visiting one of my children in one of those states to hear my smart and dear granddaughter give the liberal party line on gay marriage. With two intelligent conservative parents, where did she get this idea? She heard it at school, which she insisted was rated one of the highest in the country. Highest on what, in promoting national politically-correct ideas? At least she discusses these at home. Will conservatives fight Washington and lose their own children? Private schools are expensive and many preach the same line but the right one could save one’s most precious gift. Home schooling should be recognized for the truly heroic profession it is. There is no reason to sit still for the ruinous education the government monopoly indoctrinates, punishing parents with their own tax dollars.

Finally, under our Constitution all elections are local. Conservatives can organize in every district to recover in 2014 and 2016.

There is plenty for conservatives to do over the next four years. Complaining will not help. Hitting ones head against the Washington leviathan is a waste of time. Only working locally and earning back individual freedom, social responsibility, and economic prosperity will allow us to reverse the dependency and financial bankruptcy of the welfare state and return to the federalist society the Founders planned for us.

God bless,

Democrat operatives launch class-warfare website

'More of our elections going forward will feature' divisive tactic

From: World Net Daily

by Aaron Klein - November 28, 2012

A George Soros-funded radical think tank with close ties to the Democratic Party has launched a new website urging politicians and activists to wage class warfare while hailing what it calls a new era in politics – the use of class warfare to win elections.

WageClassWar.org was launched last week by the Campaign for America’s Future, or CAF.

CAF’s co-director, Robert Borosage, explained the need for such a website.

“America’s growing diversity and its increasingly socially liberal attitudes played a big role in this election. But looking back, we are likely to see this as the first of the class warfare elections of our new Gilded Age of extreme inequality,” he wrote in a statement.

“More and more of our elections going forward will feature class warfare – only this time with the middle class fighting back. And candidates are going to have to be clear about which side they are on,” he wrote.

Continued Borosage: “In 2012, candidates who supported the economic interests of the many over the few won their elections. Populism was the voice, but economic opportunity was the message. The pundits may wring their hands, but in the future it won’t be values voters, angry white men or soccer moms that win elections. It will be class war.”

The website does not feature a mission statement and is unclear about exactly how the group will go about attempting to wage class warfare.

The site explains how Obama’s 2012 campaign utilized class warfare and set the stage for the deployment of such tactics in future elections.

“Obama’s campaign built its message on class war battles that broke out in the Republican primary, as challengers sought to bring down ‘the main from Bain,’ Mitt Romney,” notes the site.

“In the end, the keys to Obama’s reelection were his calls for raising the taxes of the wealthy and his support for reinvesting those revenues in education and jobs to rebuild the middle class and to protect programs like Medicare from cuts.”

The site hails how Obama repeatedly portrayed Romney as a “walking example of the out-of-touch elite, an opponent of the auto industry bailout that saved an entire manufacturing sector, and a 1 percenter who would jeopardize social programs, education, and Medicare in order to cut taxes on his rich friends.”

CAF writes that Obama’s reelection now sets the stage “for class warfare as a potent and necessary tool to promote rebuilding the economy from the bottom up, rather than perpetuate the right wing’s failed trickle-down policies.”

Occupy, Soros, Democratic Party

WND previously reported how CAF has partnered with Occupy.

CAF is funded by Soros’ Open Society Institute as well as by the Soros-funded Tides Center, which channels funding to hundreds of progressive and far-left groups.

Tides has been connected to the Occupy movement since its beginning.

Another grantee of Tides is Adbusters magazine, which is reported to have come up with the Occupy Wall Street idea after “Arab Spring” protests toppled governments in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. The Adbusters website serves as a central hub for Occupy’s planning.

MoveOn.org, which has joined Occupy, is funded by Tides. CAF’s board of directors includes MoveOn.org President Eli Pariser.

CAF’s co-founder and director Roger Hickey, who also co-founded the Soros-funded Economic Policy Institute, was reportedly heavily involved in crafting the foundations for President Obama’s health-care law.

CAF campaigns for universal health care, immigration reform and progressive education initiatives.

CAF is deeply tied to progressive politicians from the Democratic Party, many of whom routinely are featured at CAF events.

Just last year, Nancy Pelosi was the featured speaker at CAF’s “America’s Future Now” conference in Washington, D.C.

In 2008, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., was honored at CAF’s annual dinner for her “advocacy in Congress,” noted Discover the Networks.

God bless,

Monday, November 26, 2012

Egypt Quickly Turning Into a Muslim Brotherhood Dictatorship

From: Town Hall Magazine

by -  Katie Pavlich - News Editor, Townhall - Nov 26, 2012

At the beginning of the Arab Spring, the Obama administration thought it would be a good idea to get rid of Egyptian Dictator Hosni Mubarak. Although Mubarak passed away earlier this year after giving up his position and spending time in prison, he served as the peace keeper between much of the Arab world and Israel for 40 years. After his power was stripped, the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi was elected president of Egypt. Immediately after taking office, Morsi announced the possibility of not renewing the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, expressed strong interest in implementing Sharia law in the country, didn't bother stopping a 9/11 attack on the U.S. Embassy in Cairo when the American flag was ripped down and replaced with the flag of radical Islam, and although he is being credited with the cease fire between Israel and Hamas, it only happened because he needs the billions in aid the United States gives him every year. After all, Egypt's prime minister traveled to Gaza to show sympathy for Hamas, a terrorist organization, during the fighting before the cease fire. On top of all of this, last week Morsi made a power grab that gives him dictator powers, despite the goal of taking Mubarak out being to foster democracy in the country

Egypt's Islamist President Mohamed Morsi assumed sweeping powers on Thursday, drawing criticism that he is seeking to become a "new pharaoh" and raising questions about the gains of last year's uprising which ousted Hosni Mubarak.

The move is a blow to the pro-democracy movement that toppled the long-time president, himself derided by many as a pharaoh, and raises concerns that Islamists will be further ensconced in power.
Naturally, this has caused protests to break out in Cairo because afterall, the point was to get rid of the dictatorship.
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's decision to assume sweeping powers caused fury amongst his opponents and prompted violent clashes in central Cairo and other cities on Friday.

Police fired tear gas near Cairo's Tahrir Square, heart of the 2011 uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak, where thousands demanded Morsi quit and accused him of launching a "coup". There were violent protests in Alexandria, Port Said and Suez.

Opponents accused Morsi, who has issued a decree that puts his decisions above legal challenge until a new parliament is elected, of being the new Mubarak and hijacking the revolution.

"The people want to bring down the regime," shouted protesters in Tahrir, echoing a chant used in the uprising that forced Mubarak to step down. "Get out, Morsi," they chanted, along with "Mubarak tell Morsi, jail comes after the throne."
Bottom line? Egyptians elected this guy. Morsi is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is essentially a world wide religious dictatorship.

God bless,

Obama's Soviet Mistake

From: Pravda

By Xavier Lerma - November 19, 2012

Putin in 2009 outlined his strategy for economic success. Alas, poor Obama did the opposite but nevertheless was re-elected. Bye, bye Miss American Pie. The Communists have won in America with Obama but failed miserably in Russia with Zyuganov who only received 17% of the vote. Vladimir Putin was re-elected as President keeping the NWO order out of Russia while America continues to repeat the Soviet mistake.

After Obama was elected in his first term as president the then Prime Minister of Russia, Vladimir Putin gave a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January of 2009. Ignored by the West as usual, Putin gave insightful and helpful advice to help the world economy and saying the world should avoid the Soviet mistake.

Recently, Obama has been re-elected for a 2nd term by an illiterate society and he is ready to continue his lies of less taxes while he raises them. He gives speeches of peace and love in the world while he promotes wars as he did in Egypt, Libya and Syria. He plans his next war is with Iran as he fires or demotes his generals who get in the way.

Putin said regarding the military,

"...instead of solving the problem, militarization pushes it to a deeper level. It draws away from the economy immense financial and material resources, which could have been used much more efficiently elsewhere."

Well, any normal individual understands that as true but liberalism is a psychosis . O'bomber even keeps the war going along the Mexican border with projects like "fast and furious" and there is still no sign of ending it.  He is a Communist without question promoting the Communist Manifesto without calling it so. How shrewd he is in America. His cult of personality mesmerizes those who cannot go beyond their ignorance. They will continue to follow him like those fools who still praise Lenin and Stalin in Russia.  Obama's fools and Stalin's fools share the same drink of illusion.

Reading Putin's speech without knowing the author, one would think it was written by Reagan or another conservative in America. The speech promotes smaller government and less taxes. It comes as no surprise to those who know Putin as a conservative. Vladimir Putin went on to say:

"...we are reducing taxes on production, investing money in the economy. We are optimizing state expenses.

 The second possible mistake would be excessive interference into the economic life of the country and the absolute faith into the all-mightiness of the state.

There are no grounds to suggest that by putting the responsibility over to the state, one can achieve better results.

Unreasonable expansion of the budget deficit, accumulation of the national debt - are as destructive as an adventurous stock market game.

During the time of the Soviet Union the role of the state in economy was made absolute, which eventually lead to the total non-competitiveness of the economy. That lesson cost us very dearly. I am sure no one would want history to repeat itself."

President Vladimir Putin could never have imagined anyone so ignorant or so willing to destroy their people like Obama much less seeing millions vote for someone like Obama. They read history in America don't they? Alas, the schools in the U.S. were conquered by the Communists long ago and history was revised thus paving the way for their Communist presidents. Obama has bailed out those businesses that voted for him and increased the debt to over 16 trillion with an ever increasing unemployment rate especially among blacks and other minorities. All the while promoting his agenda.

"We must seek support in the moral values that have ensured the progress of our civilization. Honesty and hard work, responsibility and faith in our strength are bound to bring us success."- Vladimir Putin

The red, white and blue still flies happily but only in Russia. Russia still has St George defeating the Dragon with the symbol of the cross on its' flag. The ACLU and other atheist groups in America would never allow the US flag with such religious symbols. Lawsuits a plenty against religious freedom and expression in the land of the free. Christianity in the U.S. is under attack as it was during the early period of the Soviet Union when religious symbols were against the law.   

Let's give American voters the benefit of the doubt and say it was all voter fraud and not ignorance or stupidity in electing a man who does not even know what to do and refuses help from Russia when there was an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Instead we'll say it's true that the Communists usage of electronic voting was just a plan to manipulate the vote. Soros and his ownership of the company that counts the US votes in Spain helped put their puppet in power in the White House. According to the Huffington Post, residents in all 50 states have filed petitions to secede from the Unites States. We'll say that these Americans are hostages to the Communists in power. How long will their government reign tyranny upon them?

Russia lost its' civil war with the Reds and millions suffered torture and death for almost 75 years under the tyranny of the United Soviet Socialist Republic. Russians survived with a new and stronger faith in God and ever growing Christian Church. The question is how long will the once "Land of the Free" remain the United Socialist States of America?  Their suffering has only begun. Bye bye Miss American Pie!  You know the song you hippies. Sing it! Don't you remember? The 1971 hit song by American song writer Don McLean:

"And, as I watched him on the stage my hands were clenched in fists of rage.

No angel born in Hell could break that Satan's spell

And, as the flames climbed high into the night to light the sacrificial rite, I saw...

Satan laughing with delight the day the music died

He was singing, bye bye Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry

Them good ol' boys were drinking whiskey and rye, singing...

This'll be the day that I die

This'll be the day that I die

So, the question remains:

How long will America suffer and to what depths?

God bless,

A Prayer for Morons

Psalm 666.  A Psalm of Obama

From: Anonymous

The State is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
It makes me lie down in federally owned pastures.
It leads me beside quiet waters in banned fishing areas.
It restores my soul through its control.
It guides me in the path of dependency for its namesake.
Even though our nation plunges into the valley of the shadow of debt,
I will fear no evil,
For Barack will be with me.
The Affordable Care Act and food stamps,
They comfort me.
You prepare a table of Michelle Obama approved foods before me in the presence of my Conservative and Libertarian enemies.
You anoint my head with hemp oil;
My government regulated 16-ounce cup overflows.
Surely mediocrity and an entitlement mentality will follow me
All the days of my life,
And I will dwell in a low-rent HUD home forever and ever.

(May Heaven help us.)

God bless,

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Obama Legitimizes Morsi’s Protection Racket

From: Front Page Magazine

By November 22, 2012

Hamas fires 275 rockets at Israel and is rewarded with de facto acceptance as a legitimate negotiating partner in the Middle East peace process, as well as with a relaxation of the Israeli blockade of the Gaza coast. Israel is prevented from exacting a price for Hamas’ actions sufficient to deter future attacks or degrade Hamas’ capabilities. In one stroke, the Obama administration has overturned thirty years of American policy, which rejected negotiations with Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Secretary of State Clinton, to be sure, did not negotiate directly with Hamas, but rather with Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi, who supported Hamas unequivocally and encouraged its attacks on Israel. Morsi is the leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is the Palestinian chapter. It is astonishing that American officials and the world media have hailed Morsi simply because he first sicced his dog on his neighbor, and then called the dog off.

As the Associated Press put it:

“The accord inserts Egypt to an unprecedented degree into the conflict between Israel and Hamas, establishing it as the arbiter ensuring that militant rocket fire into Israel stops and that Israel allows the opening of the long-blockaded Gaza Strip and stops its own attacks against Hamas. In return, Morsi emerged as a major regional player. He won the trust of the United States and Israel, which once worried over the rise of an Islamist leader in Egypt but throughout the week-long Gaza crisis saw him as the figure most able to deliver a deal with Gaza’s Hamas rulers.”

It is a misstatement of huge proportions to suggest that Morsi “won the trust of Israel.” On the contrary: American pressure prevented Israel from degrading Hamas’ terror capabilities.

When Hamas cranked up its rocket barrage against Israel ten days ago, numerous analysts asked: Why now? In retrospect, the answer appears obvious: Because Barack Obama had been re-elected and had a free hand. From February 2011, when National Intelligence Director James Clapper praised the Muslim Brotherhood as a “largely secular” organization, the White House has made clear that it believes that the Brotherhood represents the wave of the future in the Middle East. American backing for Morsi was nearly derailed in September when the Egyptian president failed to provide security for America’s embassy in Cairo during riots that followed the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi. That affront has been forgotten amidst the accolades.

America’s traditional allies in the region, notably Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States (notably excepting Qatar) viewed Morsi as an enemy. Almost out of cash and suffering from extreme shortages of fuel and other essential items, Morsi failed to obtain financial support from the Saudis. With a current account deficit of perhaps $1.5 billion a month, Egypt was running on fumes and small handouts from Qatar and Turkey. A number of American commentators suggested that Morsi was motivated to act moderately because he needed Saudi and American help to prevent economic catastrophe. Precisely the opposite is true: the only way Morsi could shake down the Saudis for significant sums was to threaten a regional blowup.

Morsi read the American political landscape accurately. He perceived that the White House was so deeply invested in the success of the Muslim Brotherhood that it would respond to a crisis provoked by Hamas by splitting the result down the middle, giving Hamas sufficient concessions to allow the terrorist group to declare victory. He also understood the implications of Mitt Romney’s supine performance during the third presidential debate on foreign policy. The Republican party continues to drag around the chains of the Bush foreign policy like Marley’s ghost, and will offer no opposition to Obama. Influential Republicans, moreover, are so invested in the notion of Islamist democracy that many of them will go along with Obama in supporting Morsi’s protection racket. Bill Kristol, for example, opined in the Weekly Standard’s weekly podcast that Morsi has “behaved somewhat responsibly” and that the ceasefire, although it might last only a few months, was “better than nothing.”

Turkey’s Islamist prime minister Tayyip Erdogan had another motive for backing Hamas. Turkey views the prospect of Syrian disintegration and the spinoff of an autonomous zone for Syria’s two million Kurds as an existential threat. At current trends, half of Turkey’s military-age population will come from Kudrish-speaking households within a generation, and a Syrian precedent for Kurdish autonomy threatens the integrity of the Kurdish state. Erdogan is counting on the Muslim Brotherhood to rule a unified Sunni government in Syria, and has allied with Morsi to bring this into effect. Turkey’s weakness gives Morsi additional bargaining power.

Presuming that Morsi’s ceasefire holds, the absence of rocket fire from Gaza during the next several months holds little comfort for Israel. Hamas will have more opportunity to stockpile the longer-range Iranian Fajr rockets that struck near Tel Aviv and Jerusalem last week. Iran has boasted that it has transferred the technology to Hamas to quickly produce the rockets in Gaza. Whenever the ceasefire breaks down, Hamas will have far greater capacity to kill Israelis in the future. If Israel were to strike Iran’s nuclear capabilities, the price it would pay in rocket attacks from Hamas as well as Hezbollah in the north would be substantially greater than it is now.

Israel suffered a setback, but not a decisive setback, because the whole Gaza business is tangential to the overriding strategic issue, namely Iran’s prospective acquisition of nuclear weapons. Were Israel to attack Iran’s nuclear bomb-making capacity, it will pay a higher price for doing so in terms of civilian casualties. That is a human tragedy but not a strategic disadvantage. Hamas does not represent a strategic threat to Israel, and the degraded and demoralized Egyptian military represents less of a threat to Israel than at any time since its founding, while Syria represents no threat at all. The unexpectedly strong performance of Israel’s anti-missile technology, meanwhile, represents a new and critical strategic advantage for Israel. Egypt’s Morsi may obtain a respite, but Egypt will continue to live under the threat of economic breakdown for the indefinite future. The Muslim Brotherhood will fail to stabilize Syria.

Nothing that happens in Gaza will decide the future of the region. Israel still must decide whether to attack Iran’s nuclear program in the face of adamant opposition from the Obama administration. It is not clear how long the window of opportunity will last for Israel to pre-empt Iranian nuclear weapons deployment, but it is measured in months, not years.

God bless,


Fear, Everywhere, Fear

There is ample reason to fear not only the collapse of the nation’s economy, but the loss of liberty in America

From: Canada Free Press

by - - Alan Caruba - Sunday, November 25, 2012 

 If my emails and the headlines I am reading indicate anything, there is widespread fear among Americans that something terrible has occurred with the reelection of President Obama. Not all Americans, though. Those who voted for Obama appear to remain oblivious despite the threat of a “fiscal cliff” or the new taxes in Obamacare that will kick in on January 2nd.

We have a Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy, Geithner, calling for an end to debt ceilings, apparently believing that America can continue to borrow money to pay for the interest on its escalating debt, now pegged at $16 trillion and growing daily. The U.S. borrows $4 billion a day. Anyone with a credit card knows that their payments increase as they struggle to deal with their personal debt. Eventually they either declare bankruptcy or turn to companies that negotiate a payment to release them.

If America was to default on its debt, the dollar, already in free fall, would be worth nothing. We would be bartering shiny beads and anything else to buy food and other necessaries. We would become Zimbabwe where you need a million of their dollars to buy a loaf of bread.

Writing recently on her Fox Business blog, Gerri Willis spelled out the huge rise in taxes Americans are facing. “All told, next year, total taxes will go to almost 50% for the middle class; the very group that the president says he wants to protect. That means 50 cents out of every dollar earned has to go to the government. Half of everything will go to an entity that didn’t earn that money, and shouldn’t be entitled to all that dough.”

What kind of madness is it that the Teamsters union would impose such senseless rules that it would weaken Hostess to the point of bankruptcy, preferring to let the company die rather than to protect the jobs of 18,500 bakers? Other unions are engaged in attacks on a weakened economy. What kind of nation is it that its government employees are lobbying Congress to not only increase their pay, but to exempt them from the impact of the spending cuts scheduled to kick in?

There is a full-scale attack on the privacy Americans have taken for granted, protected by the fourth Amendment that says “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…”

On November 14th, the Heritage Foundation asked “Do you trust the government with your computer?” The government has had “13 breaches and failures of its own cybersecurity just in the last six months.” Even so, “the President and his allies in the Senate are pushing forward to regulate America’s cyber-doings, without any clues about how much this will cost or how it will work.”

“It has become the norm with this President—if Congress fails to accomplish his objectives, he goes around it with executive orders and federal regulations. He’s doing it again. Congress did not pass the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 before the election, so the President has issued a draft of an executive order to put much of that legislation in place without lawmakers voting.”

This is the very essence of tyranny and the President has had four years to perfect it. Are conservative think tanks the only ones paying any attention? It would appear so.

A new proposed law in the Senate would strip Americans of any privacy as they communicate with one another by email. A vote for the law would allow warrantless access to American’s email and is scheduled for a vote shortly. It would allow 22 federal agencies as well as state and local law enforcement to access one’s emails with nothing more than a subpoena. This is totally unconstitutional.

Already $16 trillion in debt, the government is looking for ways to take over the $3 trillion that is held in private retirement plans such as 401(k) plans and IRA’s. A recent hearing by the Treasury and Labor Departments addressed the nationalization of the nation’s pension system. The director of the National Senior’s Council, Robert Crone, warns “It is clear that this is the first step towards a government takeover. It feels just like the beginning of the debate over health care and we all know how that ended up.”

As we move closer to an Electoral College vote confirming Obama’s reelection, whistleblowers are coming forth in Ohio, Florida and elsewhere to reveal that significant voter fraud was a contributing factor, but it receives little or no media coverage. One must ask how 99% of votes in Philadelphia districts went to Obama and ask why nothing is being done to investigate this and other offenses such as the 141.1% of the vote recorded in Florida’s St. Lucie County. That is statistically impossible, but it robbed Rep. Allen West (R) of his seat in Congress.

This isn’t government. It is gangsterism. It is “the Chicago way.”

The monster Homeland Security Agency just graduated its first class of FEMA Corps, kids aged 18-24, recruited from the President’s Americorps volunteers, that will become a full time, paid standing army. Fears of FEMA camps abound and in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, people seeking shelter and food were herded into one that resembled a concentration camp of the Nazi regime and told not to use various means of communication to contact the media or outside community. They went from hurricane victims to prisoners of the government.

In so many ways, the freedoms protected by the U.S. Constitution are in danger of disappearing along with the separation of powers it requires.

Little wonder that citizen’s petitions from a growing number of states are called for secession. Or that governors are refusing to set up the Obamacare exchanges required by a law that has taken control of twenty percent of the nation’s economy; their budgets held hostage to Medicaid.

On an individual level, people who have jobs are fearful of losing them. College graduates are fearful of the huge debt they carry for the loans they received. People wonder if they can afford to get married. Married couples fear the cost of having another child. Homeowners fear not being able to pay their mortgages. Seniors fear that their savings won’t last as they live longer.

There is ample reason to fear not only the collapse of the nation’s economy, but the loss of liberty in America.

God bless,

Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Republic, If You Want It

From: The Heritage Foundation


Our federal government, once limited to certain core functions, now dominates virtually every area of American life. Its authority is all but unquestioned, seemingly restricted only by expediency and the occasional budget constraint.

Congress passes massive pieces of legislation with little serious deliberation, bills that are written in secret and generally unread before the vote. The national legislature is increasingly a supervisory body overseeing a vast array of administrative policymakers and rulemaking agencies. Although the Constitution vests legislative powers in Congress, the majority of “laws” are promulgated in the guise of “regulations” by bureaucrats who are mostly unaccountable and invisible to the public.

Americans are wrapped in an intricate web of government policies and procedures. States, localities, and private institutions are submerged by national programs. The states, which increasingly administer policies emanating from Washington, act like supplicants seeking relief from the federal government. Growing streams of money flow from Washington to every congressional district and municipality, as well as to businesses, organizations, and individuals that are subject to escalating federal regulations.

This bureaucracy has become so overwhelming that it’s not clear how modern presidents can fulfill their constitutional obligation to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” President Obama, like his recent predecessors, has appointed a swarm of policy “czars” — über-bureaucrats operating outside the cabinet structure and perhaps the Constitution — to promote political objectives in an administration supposedly under executive control.

Is this the outcome of the greatest experiment in self-government mankind ever has attempted?

We can trace the concept of the modern state back to the theories of Thomas Hobbes, who wanted to replace the old order with an all-powerful “Leviathan” that would impose a new order, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who, to achieve absolute equality, favored an absolute state that would rule over the people through a vaguely defined concept called the “general will.” It was Alexis de Tocqueville who first pointed out the potential for a new form of despotism in such a centralized, egalitarian state: It might not tyrannize, but it would enervate and extinguish liberty by reducing self-governing people “to being nothing more than a herd of timid and industrious animals of which the government is the shepherd.”

The Americanized version of the modern state was born in the early 20th century. American “progressives,” under the spell of German thinkers, decided that advances in science and history had opened the possibility of a new, more efficient form of democratic government, which they called the “administrative state.” Thus began the most revolutionary change of the last hundred years: the massive shift of power from institutions of constitutional government to a labyrinthine network of unelected, unaccountable experts who would rule in the name of the people.

The great challenge of democracy, as the Founders understood it, was to restrict and structure the government to secure the rights articulated in the Declaration of Independence — preventing tyranny while preserving liberty. The solution was to create a strong, energetic government of limited authority. Its powers were enumerated in a written constitution, separated into functions and responsibilities and further divided between national and state governments in a system of federalism. The result was a framework of limited government and a vast sphere of freedom, leaving ample room for republican self-government.

Progressives viewed the Constitution as a dusty 18th-century plan unsuited for the modern day. Its basic mechanisms were obsolete and inefficient; it was a reactionary document, designed to stifle change. They believed that just as science and reason had brought technological changes and new methods of study to the physical world, they would also bring great improvements to politics and society. For this to be possible, however, government could not be restricted to securing a few natural rights or exercising certain limited powers. Instead, government must become dynamic, constantly changing and growing to pursue the ceaseless objective of progress.

The progressive movement — under a Republican president, Theodore Roosevelt, and then a Democratic one, Woodrow Wilson — set forth a platform for modern liberalism to refound America according to ideas that were alien to the original Founders. “Some citizens of this country have never got beyond the Declaration of Independence,” Wilson wrote in 1912. “All that progressives ask or desire is permission — in an era when ‘development,’ ‘evolution,’ is the scientific word — to interpret the Constitution according to the Darwinian principle; all they ask is recognition of the fact that a nation is a living thing and not a machine.”

While the Founders went to great lengths to moderate democracy and limit government, the progressives believed that barriers to change had to be removed or circumvented, and government expanded. To encourage democratic change while directing and controlling it, the progressives posited a sharp distinction between politics and what they called “administration.” Politics would remain the realm of expressing opinions, but the real decisions and details of governing would be handled by administrators, separate and immune from the influence of politics.

This permanent class of bureaucrats would address the particulars of accomplishing the broad objectives of reform, making decisions, most of them unseen and beyond public scrutiny, on the basis of scientific facts and statistical data rather than political opinions. The ruling class would reside in the recesses of a host of alphabet agencies such as the FTC (the Federal Trade Commission, created in 1914) and the SEC (the Securities and Exchange Commission, created in 1934). As “objective” and “neutral” experts, the theory went, these administrators would act above petty partisanship and faction.

The progressives emphasized not a separation of powers, which divided and checked the government, but rather a combination of powers, which would concentrate its authority and direct its actions. While seeming to advocate more democracy, the progressives of a century ago, like their descendants today, actually wanted the opposite: more centralized government control.

So it is that today, many policy decisions that were previously the constitutional responsibility of elected legislators are delegated to faceless bureaucrats whose “rules” have the full force and effect of laws passed by Congress. In writing legislation, Congress uses broad language that essentially hands legislative power over to agencies, along with the authority to execute rules and adjudicate violations.

The objective of progressive thinking, which remains a major force in modern-day liberalism, was to transform America from a decentralized, self-governing society into a centralized, progressive society focused on national ideals and the achievement of “social justice.” Sociological conditions would be changed through government regulation of society and the economy; socioeconomic problems would be solved by redistributing wealth and benefits.

Liberty no longer would be a condition based on human nature and the exercise of God-given natural rights, but a changing concept whose evolution was guided by government. And since the progressives could not get rid of the “old” Constitution — this was seen as neither desirable nor possible, given its elevated status and historic significance in American political life — they invented the idea of a “living” Constitution that would be flexible and pliable, capable of “growth” and adaptation in changing times.

In this view, government must be ever more actively involved in day-to-day American life. Given the goal of boundless social progress, government by definition must itself be boundless. “It is denied that any limit can be set to governmental activity,” prominent scholar (and later FDR adviser) Charles Merriam wrote, summarizing the views of his fellow progressive theorists. “The modern idea as to what is the purpose of the state has radically changed since the days of the ‘Fathers,’” he continued, because

the exigencies of modern industrial and urban life have forced the state to intervene at so many points where an immediate individual interest is difficult to show, that the old doctrine has been given up for the theory that the state acts for the general welfare. It is not admitted that there are no limits to the action of the state, but on the other hand it is fully conceded that there are no ‘natural rights’ which bar the way. The question is now one of expediency rather than of principle.
This intellectual construct began to attain political expression with targeted legislation, such as the Pure Food and Drug Act under TR and the Clayton Anti-Trust Act under President Wilson. These efforts were augmented by constitutional amendments that allowed the collection of a federal income tax to fund the national government and required the direct election of senators (thus undermining the federal character of the national legislature).

The trend continued under the New Deal. “The day of the great promoter or the financial Titan, to whom we granted everything if only he would build, or develop, is over,” Franklin D. Roosevelt pronounced in 1932. “The day of enlightened administration has come.” Although most of FDR’s programs were temporary and experimental, they represented an expansion of government unprecedented in American society — as did the Supreme Court’s late-1930s endorsement of the new “living” Constitution.

It was FDR who called for a “Second Bill of Rights” that would “assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness.” Roosevelt held that the primary task of modern government is to alleviate citizens’ want by guaranteeing their economic security. The implications of this redefinition are incalculable, since the list of economic “rights” is unlimited. It requires more and more government programs and regulation of the economy — hence the welfare state — to achieve higher and higher levels of happiness and well-being.

The administrative state took off in the mid-1960s with Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. By creating a truly national bureaucracy of open-ended social programs in housing, education, the environment, and urban renewal (most of which, such as the “War on Poverty,” failed to achieve their goals), the Great Society and its progeny effected the greatest expansion of the administrative state in American history.

The Great Society also took the progressive argument one step farther, by asserting that the purpose of government no longer was “to secure these rights,” as the Declaration of Independence says, but “to fulfill these rights.” That was the title of Johnson’s 1965 commencement address at Howard University, in which he laid out the shift from securing equality of opportunity to guaranteeing equality of outcome.

“It is not enough just to open the gates of opportunity. All our citizens must have the ability to walk through those gates,” Johnson proclaimed. “We seek not just freedom but opportunity. We seek not just legal equity but human ability, not just equality as a right and a theory but equality as a fact and equality as a result.”

And now progressive reformism is back. We’re witnessing huge increases in government spending, regulations, and programs. And as the national government becomes more centralized and bureaucratic, it will also become less democratic, and more despotic, than ever.

The tangled legislation supposedly intended to “reform” health care is a perfect example. It would regulate a significant segment of society that has been in progressives’ crosshairs for over a hundred years. Nationalized health care was first proposed in 1904, modeled on German social insurance. It was in the Progressive party’s platform of 1912. It came back under FDR and Truman, then Johnson, then Clinton, and now Obama. And the goal all along has had little to do with the quality of health care. The objective is rather to remove about a sixth of the economy from private control and bring it under the thumb of the state, whose “experts” will choose and ration its goods and services.

President Obama and the Democratic leadership prescribe a government-run health plan, burdensome mandates on employers, and massive new regulatory authority over health-care markets. Their requirement for individuals to buy insurance is unprecedented and unconstitutional: If the Commerce Clause can be used to regulate inactivity, then the government is truly without limit. They would transfer most decision-making to a collection of federal agencies, bureaus, and commissions such as the ominous-sounding “Health Choices Administration.” And their legislation is packed with enough pork projects and corrupt deals to make even the hardest Tammany Hall operative blush.

It would be easier, of course, just to skip the legislative process, and when it comes to climate change that’s exactly what the progressives are doing. In declaring carbon dioxide to be a dangerous pollutant, the Environmental Protection Agency essentially granted itself authority to regulate every aspect of American life — without any accountability to those pesky voters.

The Left has long maintained that the administrative state is inevitable, permanent, and ever-expanding — the final form of “democratic” governance. The rise of progressive liberalism, they say, has finally gotten us over our love affair with the Founding and its archaic canons of natural rights and limited constitutionalism. The New Deal and the fruits of centralized authority brought most Democrats around to this view, and over time, many Republicans came to accept the progressive argument as well. Seeing responsible stewardship of the modern state and incremental reforms around its edges as the only viable option, these Republicans tried to make government more efficient, more frugal, and more compassionate — but never questioned its direction.

As a result, politics came to be seen as the ebb and flow between periods of “progress” and “change,” on one hand, and brief interregnums to defend and consolidate the status quo, on the other. Other than the aberration of Ronald Reagan and a few unruly conservatives, there seemed to be no real challenge to the liberal project itself, so all the Democrats thought they had to do was wait for the bursting forth of the next great era of reformism. Was it to be launched by Jimmy Carter? Bill Clinton? At long last came the watershed election of Barack Obama.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the next revolution.

The Left’s over-reading of the 2008 election gave rise to a vastly overreaching agenda that is deeply unpopular. Large numbers of citizens, many never before engaged in politics, are protesting in the streets and challenging their elected officials in town-hall meetings and on talk-radio shows. Forty percent of Americans now self-identify as conservatives — double the amount of liberals — largely because independents are beginning to take sides. Almost 60 percent believe the nation is on the wrong track.

Voters are deeply impassioned about a new cluster of issues — spending, debt, the role of government, the loss of liberty — that heretofore lacked a focal point to concentrate the public’s anger. The Washington Post reports that “by 58 percent to 38 percent, Americans prefer smaller government and fewer services to larger government with more services. In the last year and a half, the margin between those favoring smaller over larger government has moved from five points to 20 points.” Is it possible that Americans are waking up to the modern state’s long train of abuses and usurpations?

There is something about a nation founded on principles, something unique in its politics that often gets shoved to the background but never disappears. Most of the time, American politics is about local issues and the small handful of policy questions that top the national agenda. But once in a while, it is instead about voters’ stepping back and taking a longer view as they evaluate the present in the light of our founding principles. That is why all the great turning-point elections in U.S. history ultimately came down to a debate about the meaning and trajectory of America.

In our era of big government and the administrative state, the conventional wisdom has been that serious political realignment — bringing politics and government back into harmony with the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution — is no longer possible. Yet we are seeing early indications that we may be entering a period of just such realignment. Perhaps the progressive transformation is incomplete, and the form of the modern state not yet settled — at least not by the American people.

This creates a historic opening for conservatives.

Growing opposition to runaway spending and debt, and to a looming government takeover of health care, doesn’t necessarily mean that voters want to scrap Social Security or close down the Department of Education. But it may mean that they are ready to reembrace clear, enforceable limits on the state. The opportunity and the challenge for those who seek to conserve America’s liberating principles is to turn the healthy public sentiment of the moment, which stands against a partisan agenda to revive an activist state, into a settled and enduring political opinion about the nature and purpose of constitutional government.

To do that, conservatives must make a compelling argument that shifts the narrative of American politics and defines a new direction for the country. We must present a clear choice: stay the course of progressive liberalism, which moves away from popular consent, the rule of law, and constitutional government, and toward a failed, undemocratic, and illiberal form of statism; or correct course in an effort to restore the conditions of liberty and renew the bedrock principles and constitutional wisdom that are the roots of America’s continuing greatness.

The American people are poised to make the right decision. The strength and clarity of the Founders’ argument, if given contemporary expression and brought to a decision, might well establish a governing conservative consensus and undermine the very foundation of the unlimited administrative state. It would be a monumental step on the long path back to republican self-government.

God bess,

Israel’s Iron Dome exposes misguided US missile defense

From: Human Events

Robert Maginnis  -

Israel’s highly successful Iron Dome anti-rocket system that defeated hundreds of Gazan rockets launched at Jewish populated centers over the past week ought to persuade the Obama administration to abandon its dangerous missile defense strategy.

Iron Dome is a mobile all-weather air defense system of radars and interceptors that detect incoming short range rockets and artillery shells (ranges from 2.5 to 44 miles), determine which ones threaten populated areas and/or critical infrastructure, and then launch and guide killer “Tamir” missiles to the threatening projectile.  Each interceptor costs $40,000 to $50,000 and is equipped with a proximity-fused warhead.

During Israel’s recent Operation Pillar of Defense the Iron Dome network of five batteries each armed with 60 interceptors arrayed across southern Israel destroyed 84 percent of 421 of the rockets headed for city centers thus saving untold lives, preventing significant damage to Israeli property, and likely prevented Jerusalem from launching a costly ground attack into Gaza to stop the launches.  Perhaps just as important the Iron Dome gave the Israeli public a sense of security and an appreciation its government is protecting them from a serious threat.

Further, Israel’s Iron Dome anti-rocket system validates the low end of former President Ronald Reagan’s 1983 Star Wars vision.  Then President Reagan described in glowing terms his vision for an impermeable missile shield that nudged the Soviets toward agreements that sharply reduced nuclear arsenals but it took three decades to overcome most of the thorny technological challenges just now being realized with the Iron Dome.

Israel with American financial assistance – $275 million in FY11-12 and $680 million pledged under the condition of technology sharing over the next three years – conquered most technological challenges to field the Iron Dome and now, in cooperation with several U.S. firms the Jewish state is rapidly developing a “multi-layer shield” that includes David’s Sling (aka Magic Wand) and the Arrow system.

Once fully fielded Israel’s “multi-layer shield” should guard against short-range rockets from Gaza and southern Lebanon to ballistic missiles from Iran.  Specifically, David’s Sling is designed to intercept medium-range (25 to 185 miles) missiles, while the Iron Dome system will be effective against short range rockets.  The Arrow system forms the top layer of the defense shield.  It is designed to knock out ballistic missiles, primarily the Shabab-3B deployed by Iran and the more advanced solid fuel Sejjil-2 Tehran is now developing.

This is promising news for those concerned about the escalating global rocket and missile threat.  But evidently President Obama isn’t so sanguine about America’s need for comprehensive missile defense even though the homeland and our overseas troops remain vulnerable to rockets and missiles fired from the other side of an Afghan mountain, a rocket-armed ship off our coast or long-range missiles launched by rogue regimes through space to our shores.

“Since entering office, the Obama administration has demonstrated a lack of interest in, and support for, missile defense – specifically, the defense of the United States,” said Rep.  Michael Turner (R-Ohio), Chairman for the House Strategic Forces Subcommittee. Rep. Turner said at a hearing earlier this year that Obama’s missile defense budget request slashed $3.6 billion in fiscal years 13-16 which translates into fewer missile silos as well as “[funds] to maintain all the silos we have,” mothballs some anti-missile radar systems, cuts over sixty Terminal High Altitude Area Defense interceptors, and allocates no money for an East Coast national missile defense site, which our homeland defensive headquarters, Northern Command, strongly recommends.

Strangely, Obama did request funds for regional missile defenses for Europe.  Specifically, Obama wants to spend $5 on the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) for every $1 on America’s national missile defense.   The EPAA is a gift to NATO at a cost of $8.5 billion to the American taxpayer and replaces former President George W. Bush’s European-based missile defense system that was to be part of our national missile defense.

America’s fledgling national missile defense is a system of missile interceptors that are located at Fort Greely in central Alaska and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.  The system’s kill vehicles are meant to rocket into space to destroy enemy warheads by force of impact.  The West Coast interceptors are primarily focused on North Korean launches and President Bush intended his proposed European-based system to protect the East Coast, which is now unprotected thanks to Obama’s decision.

Meanwhile, America faces a growing and serious missile threat.  Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said in 2011 “with the continued development of long-range missiles and potentially a road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile [ICBM] and their continued development of nuclear weapons, North Korea is in the process of becoming a direct threat to the United States.”

Rep. Turner and five other members of Congress wrote Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta asking him to justify the administration’s proposed missile defense cuts in light of the growing threat.  Turner summarized Panetta’s response: “while Iran and North Korea are developing and perhaps readying the deployment of significant numbers of ICBMs, the Obama administration is concentrating on building communications terminals and crossing its fingers about reliability improvements.”

Obama’s evident lack of interest in missile defense extends to our troops in Afghanistan.  Earlier this year Rep. Howard McKeon (R-Calif.), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, wrote Obama asking him to deploy to Afghanistan the Iraqi battlefield proven Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar Intercept system (C-RAM).

C-RAM, America’s Iron Dome-like system, would provide an effective defense against attacks against our Afghanistan installations but isn’t deployed because of politics.  In 2009, then U.S. Central Command commander General David Petraeus requested C-RAM intercept capability for Afghanistan but the White House gave the commander a dangerous choice.  In order to accept C-RAM, the commander would have to withdraw an equivalent number of troops already committed to other missions.  The Obama administration’s politically-inspired force cap restriction forced the commander into the unacceptable dilemma of choosing between executing the mission and protecting lives.

So what should be the Obama administration’s missile defense strategy?

Iron Dome demonstrates President Reagan’s vision of an “impermeable missile shield” is technologically possible at least at the low end.  President Obama should redouble our efforts to overcome the remaining technological barriers before missiles rain on America.

Specifically, we need a multi-layered missile defense capability vis-à-vis Israel.  Our forward deployed interests such as troops in Afghanistan need C-RAM seamlessly integrated with Iron Dome to complete a layered defense and our homeland needs a fully funded, viable and comprehensive national missile defense system before we invest billions in a system exclusively for the Europeans.  It is past time the Europeans pay for their defense.

America must protect its homeland, overseas interests and key allies from the very dangerous, growing threat posed by the proliferation of rockets and missiles.  The Israelis prove missile defense works and is critical to protecting against the growing threat.  It is past time President Obama acknowledges that threat and works with Congress to realize President Reagan’s validated missile shield vision before it is too late.

God bless,

Friday, November 23, 2012

Is Gramsci’s Theory for Overthrowing America Being Realized?

by  - November 20, 2012
In view of Barack Obama’s re-election, consider the following quote from Stanislav Mishin, writing in PRAVDA—the state newspaper of Russia: “It must be said that, like the breaking of a great dam, the American descent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed, against the backdrop of a passive, hapless sheeple—excuse me dear reader—I meant people.”  Is it possible that outsiders who are steeped in what Marxism really looks like can see what Americans cannot?

Most Americans have heard of Karl Marx and his plan for overthrowing democratic governments through armed revolts of the workers.  But few Americans have heard of Antonio Gramsci.  This is too bad because Gramsci is the communist philosopher who developed a theory specifically for overthrowing America.  Gramsci thought that overthrowing the United States through an armed revolt of indigenous workers was unrealistic.  He theorized that a better approach would be to undermine the culture and morality of America so that our country would destroy itself from within.

His plan was for intellectual elites to take control of colleges, universities, public schools, and the government and to use their control to destroy the America of our Founders in the name of progressivism.  Sound familiar? Gramsci called his theory “cultural hegemony.”  As I consider the re-election of Barack Obama and think about the cultural and moral changes that have occurred in America in just the short span of my lifetime, I have to wonder if we are seeing the realization of Gramsci’s theory.  This column explains just a few of the main tenets of his theory.

Gramsci admonished college professors and the leftwing media to refer to communist dictators as “Chairmen,” “Leaders,” and “Presidents,” but never as “dictators.”  This type of rhetorical misdirection would soften the views of the public at large to communist leaders.  The communist tyrant, Mao, was always referred to in the media and by leftwing professors as “Chairman Mao.” Castro is still referred to as “Premier” or “political leader,” but never as “communist dictator.”  Even Joseph Stalin, a dictator who exterminated 30 million of his own people, was referred to fondly as “Uncle Joe” or respectfully as “Premier.”

Another tenet of Gramsci’s theory was gradualism.  He knew how Americans would react to armed insurrection by indigenous workers or anyone else.  Consequently, Gramsci recommended a slow transition first to socialism and then to communism.  The transition to socialism would be done under the guise of saving jobs during times of economic recession.  The government would take control of businesses or even whole business sectors to rescue them from bankruptcy.  Sound familiar?

Another of Gramsci’s strategies was to promote the United Nations as the best hope for world peace and a one-world government.  Once the United Nations was firmly established, the nest step would be to ensure control of the body by communist nations and their surrogates. This meant getting communist China established in a seat on the United Nations Security Council and giving voice to all of the smaller nations around the world that are either controlled or heavily influenced by communist nations such as China.  Again this should sound familiar.

Marx missed the boat concerning how to overthrow America, but Gramsci appears to have hit the mark.  Well before Barack Obama was elected the first time, America was well down the road in implementing the various tenets of Gramsci’s theory.  But under the Obama administration the process has speeded up.

God bless,