-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Capitalist Comeback v. Socialist Supremacy

From: Town Hall

by - Marina Medvin - Aug 22, 2018

If capitalism had a comeback in 2016, then why are we seeing a rise in socialist supremacy supporters in 2018?

Capitalism trumped socialism in our last presidential election. Donald Trump won the 2016 election in large part due to the American working class. Hardworking Americans wanted to keep what they earned (capitalism) as opposed to having to give it up, by force, and watch that money be given away to those who didn't earn it at all (socialism). Andy Puzder gave this victory a great name: The Capitalist Comeback

The election of a president who supported capitalism became an issue of outrage for a small faction of angry socialists who believed in the destruction of private property rights—and destruction of property altogether. They claimed anyone who disagreed with them was a fascist and hence a capitalist (which is a significant logical error on their part, since fascists are in fact socialists, not capitalists). Antifa is what they called themselves, coming from the term anti-fascists. (They should more honestly call themselves Antica—because, in reality, they are just anti-capitalist.) They spent the past two years destroying private property and committing violent acts. 

The most intriguing aspect of the Antifa movement is that they have been growing and gaining popularity on the left.

CNN's Chris Cuomo came out in support of Antifa and their violence on national television, calling them "right." Democrat National Committee deputy chair Keith Ellison also came out publicly in support of Antifa, taking a smiling selfie while holding the Antifa handbook. But why are the Democrats so supportive of violence? 

Democrats, socialists, and leftists of all kind, have an ethical unity: they believe that the ends justify the means. And that ethical position justifies Antifa and the members' violent actions in entirety. So when Antifa attacks random police officers and media reporters, the left covers up for them. 

But are these socialists really that different from the fascists that they hate? No, they're not. They're the same breed of idiot. Ayn Rand put it best when she said, “Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Socialism are only superficial variations of the same monstrous theme—collectivism.” In fact, watching the fascist white supremacists v. the Antifa socialist supremacists in Charlottesville and D.C. these past two years was like watching a fight between two sides of the same pancake. 

Which brings me to the term that I have been using to describe Antifa, "socialist supremacists." If "white supremacist" is the correct term to describe someone who believes in his inherent superiority based on his pro-white beliefs, then "socialist supremacist" is the correct term to describe someone who believes in his inherent superiority based on his pro-socialist beliefs. Nazis and Antifa both believe in their inherent superiority. Both groups similarly believe in violence to achieve their goals, and both groups agree that the ends justify the means. In fact, Antifa has been learning from the Nazi side of the pancake that marching the streets while chanting idiocies in unison to Nazi rhymes is a great way to celebrate their inherent supremacy. 

But didn't Capitalism win in 2016? American capitalist Puzder even wrote a book to prove it: The Capitalist Comeback. So what happened? Why are we experiencing a rise in socialism in our local elections, with openly socialist candidates like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez winning over moderate Democrats? Why are we seeing a rise in support for violent socialist supremacists who call themselves Antifa? And what does this have to do with hating the police and singing about it to Nazi tunes?

To find the answers, I went to go to the expert on the battle of capitalism v. socialism in America, Andy Puzder. 

Here is Andy v. Antifa. 

Didn't capitalism win in 2016? Why are we seeing a rise in support for socialist supremacists who call themselves Antifa? 

"The capitalist candidate certainly did win the 2016 election.  I don’t think there was any doubt in most peoples’ minds that the New York real estate developer and entrepreneur was a capitalist. For socialist supremacists, the result of President Trump’s victory was utter and irreconcilable frustration.  

"But why was Trump’s election so impactful for young Americans, who make up the majority of Antifa’s supporters? According to a recent Gallup poll young Americans are actually more positive about socialism (51%) than capitalism (45%). More disturbingly, the percentage of young Americans with a positive view of capitalism has declined 23 points since 2010 when 68% viewed capitalism positively.

"That’s not totally surprising, they just lived through 8 years of the Obama administration where the press touted President Obama’s economic accomplishments at every opportunity despite the fact that economic growth was anemic – the worst of any post WWII president – quality jobs were scarce, income inequality increased and the middle class was decimated. Coming out of a recession, economic growth should have been tremendous. It was not.

"However, most have been educated in a system controlled by socialist supremacists – and inundated with leftist ideology as entertainment. Rather than blaming Obama’s big government economic policies, young Americans have been conditioned to blame every economic problem on capitalism. They have been fed the lie that capitalism is based on greed while socialism is benevolent. This is a strange argument because, in a capitalist economy, the way you succeed is by meeting the needs of others.  No matter what product or service you are providing, you will only succeed if meet the needs of a broad base of consumers who - in a form of economic democracy - vote with every dollar they spend on which businesses will succeed and which will fail. Capitalism takes the desire of every person to improve his or her life and directs it towards the needs of others. That may not be totally selfless conduct, but it isn’t greedy. Under socialism, on the other hand, you improve your life by getting more for yourself from a limited supply of goods or services the government makes available to the exclusion of others.  Whether waiting in the inevitable bread line or the line for gasoline, your concern isn’t the needs of those in front or behind you. Its how to get the most for yourself. That’s a lot closer to greed than benevolence.

"We are now experiencing a tremendous economic surge because our capitalist president cut taxes, eviscerated Obama’s regulatory onslaught and incentivized the development of domestic energy, basically reversing every one of President Obama’s growth retarding Progressive economic policies. This Trump economic boom is benefitting people from every class and of every race.  Hopefully, reality will help young Americans see through the lies of the Left. When that happens, groups like Antifa will have few supporters."    

Based on your knowledge of socialist uprisings throughout US history, is the Antifa uprising something that we should be concerned with? 

"We should always be concerned whenever socialism raises its head in America – or anywhere else. American capitalism has spread more wealth across broader demographics than any economic system in history. Socialism has been an abject failure in every nation in which it has been tried, but it appeals to elites who want to see themselves as the vanguard of the future. Those elites are desperately trying to maintain their illusions; they won’t be able to do it for long, but in the meantime, they cause a lot of damage. Unfortunately, younger Americans have been subjected to an education system and an entertainment industry more committed to leftist ideology that has been the case at any other time in our nation’s history.  

"Many of us thought that the fall of the Soviet Union would have put the final nail in the coffin for American socialists. I had this to say in Chapter 5 of my book about the crisis of belief on the Left:"   

'For over a century, many on the Left had invested their credibility in a utopian vision of socialism as the cure for capitalism’s supposed ills. . . . Think about the effort people with high IQs expended writing books and articles, organizing workers and activists, establishing careers and reputations, all in support of what turned out to be utter nonsense.  . . . The Progressives were wrong about everything, completely and comprehensively wrong, and [with the fall of the Soviet Union] it was now so obvious that even herculean efforts at doublethink could no longer hide it.' 

"For the Progressive Left, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the ascendancy of capitalism was a disaster. It put the lie too often repeated claims of a socialist workers’ paradise. The joke at the time was that the only place you could find a Marxist was in the faculty lounge at Harvard. Unfortunately, those faculty lounge Marxists have grown in number and taken over our institutions of higher education while leftists dominate the entertainment industry. They’ve created a bubble in which they indoctrinate young people. The result is a generation of Americans vulnerable to the lies and deceit of socialism. Some of them march in rallies for Antifa. Yes, it is something about which we should be very concerned." 

Why does Antifa hate our police officers?

"Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization. As Politico reported in 2017, by early 2016, the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security formally classified Antifa’s activities as “domestic terrorist violence.” A 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI, blamed Antifa “for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of ‘the capitalist system,’ racism, social injustice and fascism.” 

"The police stand as the guardians of peace and order, preserving an environment in which different groups can express views under the First Amendment in a peaceful manner.  This is one of the things that distinguishes the United States from the nations ruled by the very fascist governments Antifa claims to so vehemently oppose.  The police are an impediment to terrorist violence, so they are a clear threat to Antifa’s efforts to subvert free expression and terrorize the American people." 

Why did these socialist supremacists chant “all police are racist” in replacement of the Nazi words “you will not replace us,” but to the same Nazi tune, during Antifa's 2018 Charlottesville march?

"It’s an attempt to disparage the police and align them with the targets of Antifa’s terrorist activities. It feeds into anti-police sentiment on the Left.

"Keep in mind that Washington DC, where Antifa was also disparaging the police, has a total population that is 64.5% minority and the police department is 68.4% minorities. African Americans make up 48.7% of the DC population and 59.3% of the police force. These numbers are from 2013, which are the most recent I’ve seen. Although no one knows for sure, based on the videos I’ve seen, I suspect that the DC police department has better minority representation than Antifa."

Why is the media so concerned with protecting leftist violence from bad press? Why does the media value socialism above truth? Is this something that we have seen in American culture in the past? 

"Yes, we have seen it before.  Just look at the obsequious coverage that the New York Times gave to the Soviet Union in the 1930s.  There is a long progressive media tradition that they have no enemies on the Left, and that is in full display in their coverage of Antifa.  

"It’s also important to remember that the Left (including much of the press) is still convinced that the direction of history is in their favor. They are “progressive”, after all – they believe history is progressing towards the inevitable vindication of what they believe. They have a tremendous ego investment in that certainty.  But it is increasingly difficult for them to sustain that investment against the weight of evidence of the last 100 years. So, every day they have to ignore the truth that is all around them to believe what they feel impelled to believe. After a while ignoring the truth becomes a habit, and we see that habit in action when they report (or don’t report) on Antifa.  

"I think this fear of the truth is the cause of much of the media’s utter hatred for President Trump.  The President doesn’t hide his contempt for their moral authority, their identity politics, their vision of the future, and their influence on the culture.  The fact that Trump is president, and that he won’t back down, is for them an intolerable assault on things they hold sacred.  They can’t even humanize Trump without threatening their own sense of identity."

What is your advice to a conservative on how to handle Antifa or socialist supremacists in a conversation, knowing that an appeal to reason does not work when communicating with them?

"That’s a tough one. If they truly are committed Antifa members, I doubt they’ll be willing to have a conversation with you. If they are just young people indoctrinated into socialism, I’d speak to them about the virtues of capitalism, keeping in mind that they will need to be deprogrammed. Ask them if they are willing to engage in a longer-term dialogue and make clear that you want to hear their opinions and respond to their points. Then I would try to interest them with a statement like: “I have good news for you. The economic system into which you were born is the best system ever devised for the poor and the marginalized. It gives them power and creates the opportunities that make them prosperous, and it’s the greatest engine for the redistribution of wealth in history. It’s called capitalism.” 

"You’ll need to be prepared yourself if you are going to engage young people in a conversation like that. I’d get a copy of my book. That’s why I wrote it."  

To summarize, Andy attributes the rise of socialist supremacists and Antifa to young people blaming all of society's economic ills on capitalism. I agree with him. I believe this is a perpetual, fundamental misunderstanding by our youth of why an economic problem exists in the first place. Instead of understanding the nature of personal responsibility, quality work, the marketplace, supply and demand, and market value, our youth just understands a superficial visual comparison: rich and poor. Failing to properly educate our children about capitalism and socialism is the greatest tragedy of our seemingly capitalist-wannabe nation. 

To better educate our youth, go get a copy of Andy's book. He writes about the outrageous ways that socialists have been gaining power throughout America's history. He explains the history, development and the mindset the socialist left. The more you know and understand about what led to modern day Antifa, the more empowered you will be to educate your children, and the better prepared you will be to stand your ground if faced with an argument with or about socialist supremacy. 

Reinvigorate and reinforce The Capitalist Comeback

God bless,

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Explaining Trump Hatred

From: Townhall

by - Marvin Folkertsma - Aug 15, 2018

On May 22, 1856, South Carolina Congressman Preston Brooks entered the Senate chamber and approached Charles Sumner, who was sitting at his desk applying a postal frank to copies of his “Crime Against Kansas” speech, in which he excoriated Senator Andrew Butler for embracing “the harlot, Slavery.” Brooks beat the unsuspecting Sumner senseless with a dog-whip cane, sending him into convalescence for the next three years and ending what remained of “reasoned discourse” in the Senate. A half-decade later, the nation plunged into the Civil War, settling disputes on the battlefield that could not be addressed by a civilized exchange of views, which had been crushed by passions of the time.

Today’s passions explode from elites embracing harlots of hatred and denunciation sufficient to shock the sensibilities of any ante-bellum orator: fake severed heads, assassination threats, enough F-bombs to obliterate America’s enemies, along with endless verbal assaults against President Trump, saturate Progressive bellowing. All of which is insane, of course: if only H. P. Lovecraft (Mountains of Madness) were around to help us cope. Absent that, we always have the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, though its entries apply to individual cases and not to entire categories of people losing their minds. What, then, can be said? What explains such unbridled hatred of President Trump? Here are a few suggestions.

1. Trump is an outsider. Trump is not a normal Republican, or a normal Democrat, or a normal anything. He burst into the political scene late in his life, with few political obligations to anyone, least of all to entrenched elites in both political parties. Progressives have been accustomed to milquetoast Republicans for many decades; even Ronald Reagan didn’t depart from the script in ways that threatened the established order. And both Bushes, regardless of their occasionally bellicose policies, were eminently manageable; Bush I reneged on his No New Taxes pledge in a heartbeat and Bush II even expanded Medicare. Of course, both were still vilified, but, hey, that’s the leftist script. Plus, like most Republicans, they didn’t complain too much. Heck, they’re almost one of us! Trump isn’t.

2. Trump fights back. The last thing leftist mudslingers expected was a Republican who would bring a cannon to a gunfight. In fact, President Trump’s loose Twitter lips have punctured enough egos among his opponents to prod battalions of leftist potty-mouths to sue for copyright infringement. Donald Trump’s intemperate (and often ill-advised) responses to filthy onslaughts against him has had the effect of tarnishing his opponents’ brand names—especially in the media—by triggering even more extreme attacks. Before Trump, ideological hemophiliacs on the left bled fashionable resentment with every minor cut, every perceived slight; now, here comes a guy who declares elite media as the “enemy of the people.” His denouncers are in full Keith Olbermann mode, now, competing for an award that celebrates obscenity-screeching madness. Would be entertaining if it were not so sickening, so pathetic. And dangerous.

3. Trump loves America. He loves the country, that’s it. No apologies, no equivocations, no “on the other hands”—he stands up for America, for ordinary citizens, for every skin color, from sea to shining sea. He stiffs welfare-state besotted Euro-weenies, demands a level playing field in trade, and insists that government’s main concern should be for American citizens, and not foreign lawbreakers either in China or across the Rio Grande. Progressives have contempt for America. They spit on the flag, despise at least half of our citizens, trash our history, sneer at capitalism, denounce our founders, the Declaration, the Constitution, and dismiss most Americans with a blizzard of acronyms. And then they wonder why Trump won. Go figure.

4. Lib-Progs are spoiled rotten. They’ve had their way for the past half-century without serious interruption and still fully expect to transform the rest of the country to conform to the one-party systems they’ve clamped onto academia. A transformed America has no guns, no free speech, no boundaries, no conservatives, no Christians, a strictly controlled economic system, and a monstrous government in thrall to Lib-Progs’ lunatic weather cult and its grotesque commitment to infanticide. In short, totalitarianism. And then along came Trump.

5. Lib-Progs’ entitlement complex. Nothing in life is a matter of merit, achievement, or individual responsibility; everything is a matter of administratively determined entitlement, with an arc of history thrown in. Both ensure that the country rumbles along in a direction culminating in rule by an elite corps of Platonic guardians—liberal progressives controlling government, media, entertainment, academia, everything. In short, the country, history, owes them. And then along came Trump.

Although these suggestions offer hints to solving the Trump-hatred puzzle, one may still be left with a sense of incompletion, that something else still needs to be understood, an overlooked variable. Unfortunately, we may never understand such hatred completely, and even if we did, this knowledge may not thwart leftist plans for America. Normal cycles of politics will return liberals to government eventually; perhaps then, greater numbers of Americans besides the “deplorables” will more fully grasp what their self-described betters have in mind for them.

The only question is whether such a realization will arrive in time to save the country from those who despise Donald Trump and everything he stands for.

God bless,

Friday, August 3, 2018

More Than a Man, Trump is a Personification of American Values and Beliefs

The Left relentlessly attack Trump personally; his speech, hair, mannerisms, etc. They are oblivious to the reality that Trump is a symbol of the societal beliefs and values of millions of citizens

By —— Bio and Archives--August 3, 2018

Ever since his astonishing election win, Donald Trump has been assailed by the Left: Dems,  RINOs, MSM, academia, the “deep state,” Silicon Valley elites, and globalists. Recently, the anti-Trump forces have become increasingly frustrated, and even enraged, from failed efforts to remove POTUS. The Left’s DNA is not coded for them to understand Trump, or why he remains, and will remain, impervious to their continual broadsides. The Left have gaping moral, social, and intellectual blind spots that render them incapable of separating Trump, the man, from the American values and beliefs he represents. 

Heart and Soul of the American Spirit slowly dying under Obama

The political and ideological enemies aligned against Trump are tilting at windmills when they attack Trump personally. The reality is the Left’s mortal foe is not made of flesh & blood. Their archenemy is far more formidable than a mere man. Their foe is amorphous, intangible, i.e., a belief system conterminous with the American Spirit, diffused with foundational values and beliefs. These cherished values/beliefs had been ignored, demeaned, and actively suppressed during the Obama presidency. Millions upon millions of bewildered, hardworking citizens witnessed the debasement and refutation of traditional family values, American excellence, the rule of law, meritocracy, biological principles of male/female physiology, etc. Millions of other citizens experienced the eradication of livelihoods sacrificed before the altar of “climate change.”
With the heart and soul of the American Spirit slowly dying under Obama, “non-coastal” citizens began to abandon all hope, with the “certainty” of a Hillary presidency and the coup de grace to follow. Then, a phenomenon occurred during the GOP primaries. A tough-as-nails, street fighter emerged, a person who spoke from his heart and sincerely cherished and unabashedly expressed his love for America, the American Spirit, and American exceptionalism. Multitudes of desperate citizens flocked to, or watched the patriotic, perpetual Trump rallies. Despite his Queens accent and his odd-colored hair, citizens bonded with this main-street billionaire, whom they began to trust implicitly to champion the restoration and protection of their deeply held beliefs in God, country, and family. On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 these citizens voted en masse and Trump won in the early morning hours of Wednesday. Then, that very afternoon, the Left launched its all-out war on Trump.

The war against Trump continues unabated

The war against Trump continues unabated. Bereft of honesty and conscience, however, the Left now flounder on their incessant waves of opposition to Trump. The Left never did, never can, and never will understand Trump’s visceral connection with everyday citizens. They cannot fathom that Trump is the citizens’ champion who fights for their American values and beliefs. Trump has fashioned a broad shield to protect everyday citizens, one made from the patriotic sinew of the American Spirit, a shield, while intangible, that can never be splintered. Equally demoralizing for the Left is their continuing inability to parry the nationalistic “sword” Trump so skillfully deploys on the political battlefield. His myriad of enemies are clueless as to the strategies relied on by Trump as when to advance, thrust, feint, and disengage. They also are unaware that Trump’s sword has been tempered repeatedly, over decades, in the no-holds-barred arena of real estate development against well-lawyered cutthroat adversaries, street-savvy competitors, and the insidious power of regulatory tyrants and political gatekeepers. Now, as POTUS, Trump arises early each morning armed with shield and sword to engage in political battle for the sole benefit of American citizens.

The Left will continue to focus their hatred and venom on their faux mortal enemy, Trump, the “man.” They fatally misidentify their nemesis. For Trump is but the transparent symbol of the ideals that undergird American society. Ideals which flow from fundamental and natural rights embedded in the text and spirit of the U.S. Constitution. These American ideals resonate within the souls of citizens from all walks of life and age groups. Without reason or thought, the Left have unwittingly joined in battle against not a man, but an indomitable American Spirit personified by a man with blonde hair from Queens. The champion of “we the people.” In the coming skirmishes and battles with the Left, Trump knows in his heart he fights not alone, for Trump is “us.”

God bless,