-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Thursday, December 29, 2016

DEAR DEMOCRATS: You Haven’t Changed Since The Days Of SLAVERY – Here’s PROOF

From: Clash Daily

Democrats are quick to cry ‘RACISM!’ at every turn. But what does history say about that?

They lost the Election because of RACISM!

If you critique Obama’s policies, it’s RACISM!

If you believe that enforcing the Rule of Law is right, it’s RACISM!

If you believe that we should secure our borders, it’s RACISM!

If you think that police officers should be permitted to use force when their lives are in danger, it’s RACISM!

If you believe that inner-cities should have school choice, it’s RACISM!

If you’re a Republican, it’s RACISM!


The Democrats haven’t changed much, as you can see.

Here’s a ‘Quick’n’Dirty’ History lesson:

– The 1857 Dred Scott case at Supreme Court, where 9 Democrat Justices determined that Scott was not a citizen, but property. Chief Justice Roger Taney said that slaves were, ‘so far inferior … that the Negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for their own benefit.’

– Dec. 6, 1865. Republicans pushed through the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. Southern Democrats respond by passing ‘Black Codes’ and ‘Jim Crow Laws’ to essentially re-enslave blacks, institutionalize racism, and deny blacks the right to own firearms. These laws were soundly criticized by Republicans.

– May 10, 1866. Republicans pass the 14th Amendment, extending state citizenship rights to former slaves. 100 % of Democrats opposed it.

– Jan. 8, 1867. Republicans in give freed slaves voting rights in DC, overturning Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto. Republicans continue to expand and protect voting rights to freed slaves, again overturning the veto of President Johnson. The impeachment process of Andrew Johnson begins at the initiative of Republicans in 1868.

– Feb. 3, 1870. The 15th Amendment passed, granting voting rights to all men regardless of race. 97% of Democrats opposed it. 

– Once the 15th Amendment was passed, Democrats used the KKK and lynchings to intimidate and persecute blacks.

– May 31, 1870. Republican President Grant passed the Enforcement Act imposing harsh penalties for depriving any citizen of their civil rights.

– Feb. 28, 1871. Republicans pass another Enforcement Act granting federal protection for black voters.

– April 20, 1871. Republicans pass the Ku Klux Klan Act, outlawing Democrat-affiliated groups that oppressed blacks.

– Democrat President Woodrow Wilson segregated the US Navy.

– During WWII, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower decided to arm African Americans. As a result, in 1952 and 1956, a majority of blacks voted for President Eisenhower.

– 1957 and 1959, President Eisenhower proposed civil rights bills to enforce the 15th Amendment. Hillary’s mentor, Klansman Sen. Robert Byrd and Gov. George Wallace opposed.

– Sen. Byrd also filibustered the Civil Rights Bill for 14h 13mins in 1964.

– Democrat Sen. Strom Thurmond said that the Civil Rights Bill was ‘unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason.’

– The Bill had 80% Republican support and 61% Democrat support
And on and on it goes…

You can read an awesome full history by Bill Federer at World Net Daily.

One parting thought:
Here’s what the former president of the United States had to say when he eulogized his mentor, an Arkansas senator:
We come to celebrate and give thanks for the remarkable life of J. William Fulbright, a life that changed our country and our world forever and for the better. . . . In the work he did, the words he spoke and the life he lived, Bill Fulbright stood against the 20th century’s most destructive forces and fought to advance its brightest hopes.
So spoke President William J. Clinton in 1995 of a man was among the 99 Democrats in Congress to sign the “Southern Manifesto” in 1956. (Two Republicans also signed it.) The Southern Manifesto declared the signatories’ opposition to the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education and their commitment to segregation forever. Fulbright was also among those who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That filibuster continued for 83 days…
…What is unforgivable is the way Democrats are still using race to foment hatred. Remember what happened to Trent Lott when he uttered a few dumb words about former segregationist Strom Thurmond? He didn’t get the kind of pass Bill Clinton did when praising Fulbright. Earlier this month, Hillary Clinton told a mostly black audience that “what is happening is a sweeping effort to disempower and disenfranchise people of color, poor people and young people from one end of our country to another. . . . Today Republicans are systematically and deliberately trying to stop millions of American citizens from voting.” She was presumably referring to voter-ID laws, which, by the way, 51 percent of black Americans support.
Racism has an ugly past in the Democratic party. The accusation of racism has an ugly present.
Read more: National Review
It’s been the Democrats not the Republicans that have been against civil rights for African-Americans throughout US History.

Democrats will continue to rewrite History to paint themselves as the ‘Good Guys’.

What else do you expect from people that think the Constitution is a ‘living’ Document that can be changed?

God bless,

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Sorry, But Our Fight Against Liberal Fascism Has Only Just Begun

From: TownHall

I wish I could tell you that, having dodged the naggy bullet that was Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, we can now spend the next four years being left alone. But that’s not in the cards. Liberals won’t – because they can’t – pause to reflect on how they should stop being such insufferable jerks and live with us normals in peace and mutual respect. Instead, they are doubling down on their gambit for unrestrained power over every aspect of our lives, fueled by a hatred for Donald Trump that is, in reality, a hatred for us

Remember, they really do hate us. Just ask them.

Just watch what they do. They will always side against us – even when a professional scammer stages a fake “hate crime” on an airplane. They will side with the hoaxer even though every single “Trump-inspired hate crime” – and almost all others – turns out to be a hoax. Every. Single. One.

When it comes down to it, they are more worried that some buffoon will sneer at a woman trapped in burka than that the psychotic creep who stuck in it will butcher a bunch of normal Americans while shouting “Allah akbar!” We have to say “No” – normal lives matter.

Understand that they will not stop. They will not change. We must therefore defeat them, because otherwise there will be no peace. As with so much in life, Dolph Lundgren shows us the way, though in this case liberals are less a macho, tough prizefighter named “Rocky” than a 23 year-old gender-fluid Oberlin grad named “Fussy” who lives in Brooklyn off of his/her/xes dad’s money while trying to be a non-rhyming poet.

We must keep fighting. We must never give an inch, never back down, never give up. We must respond to every attack upon us, large or small, with overwhelming firepower. But defense is not enough – we must go on offense, seize the initiative, and aggressively destroy anything that will aid liberals in their long-term goal of rendering us silenced and subservient.

The Democratic Party? Smash it.

The mainstream media? Crush it.

Academia? Nuke it ‘til it glows, preferably from orbit.

It’s the only way to be sure.

They babble on about not “normalizing” Trump’s election when their real goal is to delegitimize anyone exercising political power but themselves. This is not about Trump – this about us. Reluctant Rockettes? Radical LGBT jerks screaming at children on airplanes? And my personal favorite, the recent discovery by the very people who never saw a Soviet rear they didn’t hurry to kiss that the Russians aren’t our pals. This is how liberals intend to break our will to resist, with a never-ending series of petty controversies and provocations until, exhausted, we simply give up and surrender, exhausted, to their benign dictatorship.

Well, to quote their failed progressive goddess, we ain’t in no ways tired.

Fight. Every time, in every way.

Some jerk mouths off to you on Twitter? Smack ‘em back until they are a quivering mass of whiny liberal Jell-O.

Some company decides to take sides against us? Boycott their crappy products and let them know it. Hey Kellogg’s, hope your liberal constituency enjoys its diabetes. And support the companies that reject liberal scams – fly Delta!

Some mainstream media liar lies? Carpet bomb the comments and unsubscribe to his dying paper.

Oh, and some spazz starts shrieking at you and your kids? Use appropriate force within the bounds of the self-defense laws in your state, of course, to protect yourself and your family. 

Remember: Liberals are fearful because they know the kind of oppression they absolutely intended to inflict upon us if they had won, and they worry that we will do to them what they wanted to do to us. Well, I say let’s make their fears come true by demolishing their cultural edifice of hate and tyranny. Let them rule over the smoldering ruins of their dreams of power.

Look, none of us want to spend our lives in permanent battle mode, but there’s no time out for the foreseeable future. We don’t have a choice. Our enemies – and understand that progressives are our enemies, not just opponents of good will who merely disagree with us – will not give up. They can’t give up, because they are so invested in liberal fascism and in controlling us that they have nothing else, leaving them no option but perpetual cultural and political war. We would rather life get back to normal, but there is no “normal,” not anymore. 

You may not care about politics, but politics cares about you, and if we just give up and let these nanny state parasites go unchallenged we will eventually wake up in chains. Forcing our little girls to be surrounded by urinating men in dresses is not the endstate – it’s just the beginning of a never-ending series of cruel humiliations and calculated oppressions liberals will seek to inflict upon us. Their goal is not just to take power but to revel in the wicked delight of rubbing our faces in our powerlessness. 

They hate us. Get that through your head, then act accordingly. And acting accordingly means fight back, hard and ruthlessly, every time they try to assert their tyrannical inclinations.

But mere defense is not enough, though it is essential that each and every slight, provocation and assault be met with overwhelming and merciless pushback. It means attacking and gutting the liberal power base by popping the institutional pustules where progressivism festers.

Trump and the GOP must ruthlessly slash the governmental funding mechanisms that force us to pay for our own oppressors. Defund Planned Parenthood, sure. But that’s just a start. NPR, PBS, and all the rest need to go too. Outlaw collusive federal government lawsuit “settlements” that force companies to fund leftist “non-profits.” Derail the liberal gravy train. 

Wreak the Democrat Party. Ignore the liberal lie that minorities are too dumb to obtain ID – aggressively move to fix the election system to ensure liberals in big cities can no longer cheat. And yeah, they cheat. Enforce immigration laws and stop letting them import foreigners to outvote the Americans who reject Democrat nonsense. Support President Trump as he seeks the support of minority Americans – the Democrats rely on retaining minority support through lies and governmental dependence. Break that cycle, and it becomes a party of a few white wine-drinking toffs in high income zip codes and college towns.

Crush the college cartel. Slash their budgets. Attack the student loan scam that transfers money from naive young people to scheming academics who steal the futures of their grads in return for useless degrees in gender studies.

Punish the mainstream media by going around them. Don’t subscribe. Don’t watch. Support the Trump administration as it avoids the gatekeepers via alternative media and by communicating with us directly via Twitter. Support the alternative media yourself – if you are paying for the New York Times or watching NBC, you are collaborating with the enemy. And the same goes for the entertainment industry – refuse to watch or read leftist propaganda and support independent entertainment and books like, well, mine.

Here are your three choices. There are only three. Pick one.

1. Peaceful coexistence while leaving everyone alone and free

2. Conservatives in charge, protecting normal Americans’ freedom

3. Liberal in charge, persecuting normal Americans.

I would prefer Choice One, but liberals seem to have vetoed that. Fine. Then Choice Two it is – us in charge, because allowing these aspiring liberal fascists to rule us is no choice at all. 

God bless,

Trump's 'landslide': 2,623 to 489 among U.S. counties

From: World Net Daily

by - Bob Unruh

The idea isn’t new, but it’s being argued again over the 2016 presidential election results by some of those who were shell-shocked by Hillary Clinton’s loss to political upstart Donald Trump: The nation should decide its presidents based on a popular vote, not the constitutional Electoral College.

WGN reported, “It’s official, Clinton swamps Trump in popular vote,” and while the “swamps” to describe a 2.9 million difference among some some 130 million voters easily could be challenged, the bare numbers show Clinton got 65,844,954 votes to Trump’s 62,979,879.

But those are not the only numbers Americans need to know about the heated race that left a leftist movement stunned and disoriented.

For example, Clinton won California by 4.2 million votes and New York by 1.6 million, meaning that across 48 of the 50 states, Trump was the victor by about 3 million votes in the popular vote. Including New York, he was the popular vote winner by more than a million votes.

Trump has addressed the issue by tweeting, “Campaigning to win the Electoral College is much more difficult & sophisticated than the popular vote. Hillary focused on the wrong states!”

The constitutional reality is that the nation’s founders set up a system where there would be a popular vote, but the actual decision is made by 538 members of the Electoral College, members appointed largely by political parties in the states, with one designated for each congressional district or U.S. Senate seat in Congress. In many states they are legally obligated to vote the way their state’s voters do.

There, Trump won 306 on election night, and ended up with 304 after two, influenced by what has been described as a “coup” attempt trying to prevent him from taking office, voted against the wishes of their states’ voters.

Hillary Clinton ended up with 227, having lost five faithless electors of the 232 she won on election night.

Trump said campaigning for the different votes is different.

“I would have done even better in the election, if that is possible, if the winner was based on popular vote – but would campaign differently,” he suggested.

The Electoral College was set up to assure that a handful of population centers across the country cannot in perpetuity control the presidency. That’s well illustrated by the 2016 results, where Trump won vast swaths of America, but still came up short in the popular vote because of the results, essentially, in one state, California.

The Electoral College addresses that because the minimum number of states a candidate must win, and these include the large population centers, to win the presidency, is 12 states.

And they are scattered across most of the country, with the exception of the plains states really.

Under a minimalist approach to the Electoral College, a candidate must win at least California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey and any other state with at least 10 votes, (Virginia, for example, has 13) to win.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence put it in another perspective, revealing that Trump won 30 out of 50 states, and 2,623 counties, to Clinton’s 20 states or 489 counties.

The left-leaning Politifact admitted Pence’s statement that that was the biggest part of America won in an election since Ronald Reagan was rated as “mostly true.”

It revealed that Trump, in fact, “receives credit from electoral specialists for expanding the Republican footprint, notably in places that had previously backed Barack Obama,” confirming Trump won 220 counties that had voted for Obama in 2012.

The 2016 results really reveal that America has become two different nations: far left metropolitan and urban areas and much more conservative regions of small cities, towns and rural areas.

The impact is never so strong as in a visual image. The blue here reveals how, by the state, voters went for Donald Trump.

And here’s the same results with the party preference by county.

In the Daily Mail, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich pointed out “liberals who insisted Trump’s victory is illegitimate because more Americans voted for Clinton” are simply wrong.

“This is football season. A team can have more yards and lose the game. What matters is how many points you put on the board. The Electoral College is the points,” he said.

Gingrich pointed out Trump never campaigned in California, which for years has leaned far left and routinely has voted Democratic.

“Trump actually carried – in the 49 states outside of California, he had a 1.2 million vote majority,” he said.

“The Democrats had two people running for the U.S. Senate the way California law works, no Republican running for the U.S. Senate. So we got beaten in the biggest state. It didn’t matter. That’s not how you pick the presidency. Trump’s now going to be president. She’s not going to be president. That’s called winning the game”

In the Truthfeed blog was the comment: “There are rules to the contest, and Trump won fair and square. The rest is just noise and sore loser whining.”

Such as a suggestion from Sen. Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat, to abolish the Electoral College.

“The Electoral College is an outdated, undemocratic system that does not reflect our modern society, and it needs to change immediately,” she said, after finding out that middle America states like the Dakotas, Montana, Iowa and others had combined to overrule the 55 votes held by her state.

Gingrich said there are some in the Democrat party who are simply not going to adjust to a President Trump.

“He is, from their standpoint, horrifying … They live in a delusional world. That’s why they lost the election: they decided to stay with the delusion.”

Trump critics observed that Clinton won “every large-sized county economy in the country” while Trump’s victory came through “hundreds and hundreds of tiny low-output locations.”

The bottom line, from WNG? “More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history.”

God bless,

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Terrifying Aftermath of Hillary’s Election Victory

From: Town Hall

In the midst of our joyous celebrations, and as we savor the delicious schadenfreude left in the wake of Hillary’s humiliating rejection by normal Americans, it’s easy to forget that there is a much darker timeline where things could have gone very differently . . . (Hat Tip: John L. Pitts; Mickey White

The first few weeks after President-elect Clinton won the election set the tone for what she expected would be the next eight years, and that tone was neither gracious nor inclusive. She wasted no time in flaunting her 306 electoral votes and the Democrats’ 52 seat Senate majority. “America has decisively rejected the hate embodied by Donald Trump and his deplorable supporters,” Hillary bellowed, as she gripped the podium unsteadily, still woozy from her 80 proof election night “party.” 

She went on: “I have a massive mandate to impose fundamental change and usher in a new America! And let me warn those who would seek to stop us – you do so at your peril!” 

Her supporters were even less restrained. As Joan Walsh of Salon crowed: “The message to backward, uneducated, angry cis white males in Jesusland is that you’re not needed and you’re not wanted. You don’t even get in the room, much less a seat at the table!” 

Complaints by Trump supporters of voting irregularities in places like Detroit were dismissed by Clinton as “ridiculous whining by losers. All these claims of voter fraud, foreign influence and ‘fake news’ are just pathetic excuses by the side the voters rejected.” She called the complaints of a “rigged election,” the pleas to the electors, and the recounts “attacks on our Constitution’s democracy (sic) and the kind of thing only a bitter, rejected failure would engage in. The losing candidate ought to be embarrassed by this pathetic performance.” The media eagerly joined in savaging anyone who did not absolutely and unequivocally accept the legitimacy of the new President-elect.

Incoming Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was delighted with the opportunities presented by Democrats holding all three branches of government. “With her overwhelming mandate, the Republicans need to understand that their obstructionism won’t be tolerated. The Reid Rule was an important reform that allows a President to have his, her, or xer’s nominees confirmed despite a filibuster. We will certainly use it to confirm President Clinton’s Supreme Court nominee, and to pass critical legislation like single payer. The filibuster is outmoded and it should never, ever, under any circumstances, be used to obstruct a new president from making appointments and pushing through key priorities!”

Incoming House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi remarked that, “The House is ready to work with the new President to ensure the values of enlightened places like Washington and San Francisco will no longer be obstructed by the cis-het male troglodytes who refuse to acknowledge their legacy of evil. This is why my first act will be to introduce the National Restroom Equality Act to ensure that backwards people can no longer avoid confronting the reality of gender fluidity when going to the bathroom.” 

She added, “And now that Elizabeth Warren is heading to the Supreme Court, the gun nuts are in for a rude awakening. We are no longer going to tolerate the epidemic of mass murders committed by conservative Christian NRA members. I will be introducing legislation to outlaw dangerous weapons like automatic assault shooting rifles and killer pistol guns that fire 100 bullets a second with their 200 bullet clips.” Gun sales hit five million in November 2016 as the New York Times howled that “Gun confiscation is a moral necessity!” 

Hillary even had some Republican support. “I just adore Ms. Clinton and she can count on my loyalty and help,” said a smiling Lindsay Graham. “The key to a successful Republican opposition is cooperation and flexibility in our positions. I’m particularly excited about my new comprehensive immigration reform bill to bring these poor, innocent undocumented workers out of the shadows and into the voting booth!” 

Bernie Sanders, asked about legislative priorities in the new Senate, explained, “I think I have lost my shoe. It’s a brown shoe and I thought it was on my foot, but it seems to be gone and I think I have lost my shoe. Do you have my shoe?”

Hillary announced an ambitious agenda for her first 100 days. There was the new law designed to circumvent Citizen’s United; Hillary fully expected her 5-4 liberal Supreme Court to uphold the provision imposing a two-year prison sentence on those making movies critical of progressive politicians. Similarly, Hillary was confident that the new high court would find another exception to the First Amendment to uphold the “Stop Hate Speech Act.” In conjunction with her “Fairness Doctrine” executive order, it promised to eliminate the unregulated cacophony of disruptive voices on radio, cable and on the internet in favor of a reasonable, gatekept consensus. It would also prevent people from writing books that spread dissent

Then there was the fracking and oil drilling ban; the Saudis who had helped fund her campaign were delighted that America would turn its back on its hard-won energy independence. Noting that this would devastate Texas and other red states, John Podesta wrote, “That will show those yokels they best get in the Clinton Caboose next time.” This comment was revealed in an email obtained by a precocious 16 year-old from Idaho who got access to Podesta’s new AOL account by tricking him into hitting a link in a phishing email with the subject line “What Mary Ann From Gilligan’s Island Looks Like Now Will Take Your Breath Away!”

Hillary got busy making other key appointments. The EPA was filled with climate change “realists” who had faithfully updated their dire predictions of doom each year as the previous year’s dire predictions of doom failed to come true. The new IRS commissioner promised to continue to deny tax-exempt status to troublesome dissidents, and to go further and withdraw the tax deductions from churches and synagogues that refused to sanctify gay marriage. Mosques, however, got a pass. 

Hillary’s immigration czar, one of the six “trans, questioning and/or genderfreak” individuals she promised to appoint to key Administration jobs, was very concerned about there being far too few Muslims in America. Xe promised to increase immigration from the Middle East ten-fold. Coincidentally, exit polls had showed that Muslims voted 80% Democrat. As for other immigration enforcement, Hillary ordered ICE to “stand down” and stop all deportations: “The idea that this country can deny citizenship-challenged people their right to be here is part of America’s shameful racist legacy!”

Hillary also announced that she had named Bill Clinton ambassador to Papua-New Guinea.

The media was excited too. “This just reaffirms our relevance,” said Brian Stetler of CNN. “And it shows how important it is for the media to reject so-called objectivity and embrace a new truth-telling style of journalism where we explain things to those citizens who do not live in large, coastal cities and are therefore not wise enough to understand the world without our patient guidance.” Thomas Freidman urged that “We need to move beyond the so-called concern for the ‘rights’ of our ignorant, bigoted conservative minority and move forward aggressively with progressive change, like our friends in China would.” A congratulatory call to Hillary by the President of Taiwan was sent to voicemail.

In a New York Times interview headlined “President Clinton’s Grace and Poise Shines a Bright Light of Justice Upon an Ecstatic Nation,” Hillary talked about those Americans who failed the moral test of supporting her: “The sad fact is that many millions of Americans are sexist, racist, homophobic, Islamophobia, transphobic, homophobic, and … wait, did I already say ‘homophobic?’ I did? Okay, then cut out that second ‘homophobic.’” The Times complied.

She continued: “We will reward our friends and punish our enemies – domestically. I will govern for the benefit of the people who make up the future, not the irredeemable people who make up the past. They need to understand that they are at the back of the line now, that they must adapt for the good of the whole and accept their new status. This means changing their notions of religion, giving up their guns, and realizing that their so-called rights are subject to the needs of the many. They lost, we won, and now they must stop talking and start listening.” 

But the Other Americans, as the media began calling them, weren’t ready to do that. On the 101st day after her inauguration, Governor Greg Abbot called the White House to request a meeting with the new President about “an important subject.” White House Chief of Staff Huma Abedin directed that no one return his call. “Texas can wait,” she said, provoking a raucous chorus of laughter among the Ivy League grads staffing the West Wing. 

However, Texas and the other red states couldn’t wait. And when they announced their intention to #RedExit the United States, Hillary was furious. But with all the guns in the red states, and most of the military being from them as well, there was little she could do other than shriek and hit the Crown Royal harder than usual. 

She decided to seize the initiative, telling the nation, “We’re kicking them out!” But that plan went poorly as well. So when she finally left office, the country split apart and the economic crisis deepening as the blue states discovered that climate change karma can’t generate power and that you can’t eat diversity, Hillary wondered if she had been wrong in starting her term with a ruthless attack on nearly half the population. That thought passed quickly. “No, it’s the fault of those racists and sexists. Yeah, that’s it. It was all the racists’ and sexists’ fault. And probably the Russians.” 

But, of course, the timeline didn’t go that way, did it?

God bless,

Friday, December 16, 2016

How Obama Negatively Impacted American Culture

From: Constitution

By Dave Jolly December 16, 2016 

I’m not ashamed to admit that I am a 65-year-old, white Christian conservative male who has worked hard his whole life and is a loyal patriotic American. For over 200 years, that would have made me a normal American citizen. However, after just 8 years of Barack Obama’s influences, American culture has changed and I am no longer considered a normal American citizen.

Like many of you, I receive tons of emails that are forwarded from one person to another, most of which has some kind of well-intentioned message, but my normal routine is to delete them as I just don’t have time to read them all. However, one such email was brought to my attention and after reading it, I had to share it with all of you as it truly reveals the negative impact that Barack Obama has had on American culture.

The email read:
“What has happened to me? A rather thought provoking note!
I used to think I was just a regular guy, but I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist.
I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today’s standards, makes me a fascist.
I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobe.
I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business.
I am a Christian, which now labels me as an infidel.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which now makes me a member of the vast gun lobby.
I am older than 70 and retired, which makes me a useless old man.
I think and I reason, therefore I doubt much that the main stream media tells me, which must make me a reactionary.
I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, which makes me a xenophobe.
I value my safety and that of my family and I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.
I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual’s merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.
I (and most people I know), acquired a fair education without student loans (it’s called work) and no debt at graduation, which makes me some kind of an odd underachiever.
I believe in the defense and protection of the homeland for and by all citizens and I honor those who served in the Armed Forces, which now makes me a militant.
Please help me come to terms with the new me, because I’m just not sure who I am anymore! I would like to thank all my friends for sticking with me through these abrupt new found changes in my life and my thinking! I just can’t imagine or understand what’s happened to me so quickly!
Funny all of these changes have occurred in the last seven to eight years!
As if all this nonsense wasn’t enough to deal with. I’m now afraid to go into either restroom!”
It’s truly sad to see how one man could destroy 200 years of proud rich heritage. I know it wasn’t Obama alone, but most of this took place with his blessing and his policies that brought liberals out of the woodwork. With the help of liberal judges appointed to the bench by a liberal president, only the minority perverts and other liberals are now considered normal.

In less than 10 years, millions of Americans, including myself, have been transformed from being a strong, well-accepted and respected part of American society to being a persecuted and despised group of people considered to be more dangerous than anything else.

One can only hope that under a Trump presidency, some of what we’ve lost can be regained. If so, then and only then can America be great again.

God bless,

Thursday, December 15, 2016

It's The Most Wonderful Time in Eight Years

God bless,
and merry Christmas,

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Democrats Leak CIA’s “Russia Connection,” but FBI says ‘Not so Fast’

From: Constitution

By Onan Coca December 14, 2016

So we learn the #RussiaHacking “CIA intel” comes from disgruntled Senate Democrats in a “leak” to The Washington Post? Talk about “Fake News.” Pravda is alive and well in America. And so we wait for just one piece of empirical evidence (none forthcoming) that the Russian government had anything whatsoever to do with the devastating WikiLeaks evidence of Democrat criminality. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Only propaganda intended to delegitimize Donald Trump. These “Russian Hackers” clearly conspired with the same shadowy figures who released the YouTube video responsible for Benghazi. Watching the junk media push Obama’s and Democrats’ nonsensical “Putin-wanted-Trump-to-win” propaganda is like watching a parody on journalism.”

— Author, Lawyer, Conservative Activist J. Matt Barber 

We are living in dangerous times, my friends, and as usual with these kinds of events, most of the danger comes from within our nation.

ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other Islamist extremists pose a very real, and very dangerous threat to our homeland. The threat these terrorist groups pose is not existential, but the threat we face from weak-kneed, power-hungry liberals most certainly is. The latest reminder of this threat to our national integrity comes to us from the most recent stories about President-elect Trump’s Russia connection.

Over the weekend, the liberal media was abuzz with the possibility that Russia may have interfered in the 2016 presidential election in an effort to get Donald Trump elected. The story first appeared in the New York Times and then appeared across almost every major media source in print and on TV.

Almost immediately the liberal media was ablaze with coverage of a story that they argued proved that Trump was a Putin-puppet and that the election was illegitimate. Sure, the Times (and their partner in journalistic crime, the Washington Post) couldn’t offer any proof of their accusations, citing only unnamed “sources” and cryptic unpublished “reports.” It adds up to a pile of hearsay without any evidence. The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald (a liberal journo himself) reacted appropriately to the story by arguing “anonymous leaks… are no substitute for evidence,” and decrying both the Times and the Post for their journalistic prostitution.

But, as Greenwald points out and even the Washington Post was forced to acknowledge… the FBI is unwilling to draw the same conclusions that the CIA supposedly has.
Democratic lawmakers in the room, again and again, tried to pin the FBI official down on whether the bureau believed that Russia had a preference in who won the election.
“It was shocking to hold these [CIA] statements made about Russian intentions and activities, and to hear this guy basically saying nothing with certainty and allowing that all was possible,” said an official who attended the briefing. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive discussions.
It shouldn’t just be the fact that the FBI is contradicting the New York Times and the Washington Post on the Russia-Trump connection that bothers the average American reading the story. We should also be concerned with what Michael Sainato of the Observer points out: while all of these allegations are very serious… not one shred of proof has accompanied the accusations!
On December 9, the Post published a similar neo-McCarthyist article, once again relying on anonymous sources saying the Russian government interfered in the 2016 elections by hacking Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s emails, and giving them to WikiLeaks, all to help Trump.
“The key claims are based exclusively on the unverified assertions of anonymous officials, who in turn are disseminating their own claims about what the CIA purportedly believes, all based on evidence that remains completely secret,” reported Glenn Greenwald for the Intercept. “Critically, none of the actual evidence for these claims is disclosed; indeed, the CIA’s ‘secret assessment’ itself remains concealed.” Greenwald noted that The New York Times published a companion article to The Washington Post’s, but the Times said that the Republican National Committee (RNC) was also hacked and made no assertion that Russia’s intent was to support Trump. Both articles make frequent use of the word “believe” to compensate for the lack of any evidence cited.
The New York Timereported on December 11, “The C.I.A.’s conclusion does not appear to be the product of specific new intelligence obtained since the election, several American officials, including some who had read the agency’s briefing, said on Sunday. Rather, it was an analysis of what many believe is overwhelming circumstantial evidence—evidence that others feel does not support firm judgments—that the Russians put a thumb on the scale for Mr. Trump, and got their desired outcome.” This conclusion is based on speculation, saying the RNC was hacked, but those emails were never released. The RNC denies ever being hacked, and if emails were obtained from the RNC at the same time they were hacked from the DNC, those emails would likely be more benign, as Trump’s Republican primary victory at this time was secure. The FBI and CIA are conflicted about these conclusions. The CIA is like likely to publicly hint behind anonymous sources and a secret assessment as to what the motives for the hacks were, without providing the public with the evidence used as a basis for those speculations.
The demand for evidence and an insistence to remain skeptical on claims from unnamed sources was echoed by several journalists and civil rights activists.
Over at the Hill, Joseph R. Murray II agrees, arguing that the Democrat Party is using Vladimir Putin to delegitimize President-elect Trump.
Today, there is no evidence — other than a “secret” CIA assessment — that that the Russians interfered and the fact that Hillary won the popular vote undermines their influence was successful. It was the intervention of our founding fathers in the electoral process that created a Trump presidency, not Kremlin cadets.
So, despite the onslaught of headlines then warning and now lamenting a Russian hack, there is no proof. We have no reason to believe that our election was rigged. All we have is are the words of professional politicians that have made careers out of lying to the American public for their own personal gain.
Implicating Russia is the last stand of the Old Guard; it is all it has left. Trump has won, the American people have spoken. This is one bell Obama, Hillary, or Putin cannot unring.
How can we take the liberal concerns about the Trump-Russia connection seriously when they won’t even offer a single shred of evidence? Everything they point to comes from anonymous sources, and “secret” reports. Meanwhile, when conservatives were railing on about the Benghazi scandal, or Clinton’s Unsecure servers, they were waving verified facts, eyewitness (and not anonymous) testimony, and actual proof and Democrats simply shrugged their shoulders and said it was just a ‘conspiracy.’

The Trump-Russia witch-hunt, much like the “fake news” conniption, and the popular vote/recount effort kerfuffle are all simply outgrowths of the very undemocratic Democrat Party’s post-election temper tantrum.

God bless,


Saturday, December 10, 2016

What A Stupid Time To Be Alive For Liberals

From: TownHall

Pity the poor liberals in the aftermath of November’s humiliationathon – as we’ve discussed before, they thought they were headed for the penthouse but they found themselves in the outhouse, and there’s no Charmin left to squeeze. Yet that hasn’t stopped them from stupiding all over the place ever since, as if they accepted a dare to see how completely they can compound their failure. 

For example, it’s game on for Joe Biden. He has wandered aimlessly back into the spotlight with vague hints that he might stagger for president in 2020, assuming he can find his way back to D.C. from the Delaware balcony where he will spend his post-vice presidency firing random shotgun blasts to fend off imaginary intruders. Democrats have to be excited about the thought of another ancient person of pallor at the top of the ticket; the hip kids sure love them some Joe. As he likes to say when trying to connect with millennial voters, “How about that rap music, huh? Nothing I dig more than busting a move like the Fresh Prince! It’s wack, homies!” 

This is the guy who would have probably been president if he hadn’t been scared off by the unstoppable juggernaut that was Hillary. Luckily, when he slams his head over and over again on the particle board desk in the vice president’s office somewhere in the back of the White House annex next to the Coke machine, he’s not risking injuring a vital organ.

Hillary hasn’t said much about 2020 publicly. Her fans – both of them – tried to get her picked as Time’s Person of the Year, and she lost that to Trump too. This does raise several questions, though, including “What were you thinking?” and “Is Time still a thing?” 

Hillary is taking it easy now, her calendar of $250,000 ten-minute speaking gigs having suddenly cleared. When she’s not muttering “But I got the most votes!” she’s drowning her sorrows via tumbler after tumbler of icy Crown Royal. And Bill – who no one has seen since he stood uncomfortably behind her, occasionally checking his watch, during her November 9th failure speech – is drowning his sorrows via tumble after tumble with hot blondes. 

California, which is still mad after flunking out of the Electoral College, has decided that it will massively resist what it expects will be the Trump administration’s actual enforcement of our immigration laws. And by “massively resist,” it apparently means that it will pout aggressively. Insurrections are not what they used to be – California’s promised rebellion will likely only involve the deployment of devastating Twitter hashtags, like #WeLoveDisplacingAmericanWorkers, #WelcomeForeignCriminals and #ComeOnInWelfareCheats.

If California forms its own army to resist a tyrannical federal government bent on shamelessly enforcing duly enacted laws, we can assume it will have to draft the gender indeterminate children of Silicon Valley tech nerds, San Francisco chardonnay sippers, and Westside L.A limo libs since everyone else has moved to Texas. This will not exactly be the most effective fighting force the world has ever known, but it will certainly be the whiniest. Gluten-free MREs, anyone? No doubt the proper term of address for a superior officer will be “Dude.”

The latest VA scandal has hundreds of vets exposed to hepatitis and AIDS by a government dentist who thought “Sterilize, shmerilize!” Another vet who survived war could not survive the kind of government health care liberals want to impose on every American; they found maggots in his body, the perfect metaphor for government health care. Apparently, no one above the minion level at the VA has been fired yet; Mr. president-elect, just put John Bolton in as Secretary of State and assign turnaround whiz Mitt Romney to fix this disgraceful abomination. Our currently missing-in-inaction president never cared about our vets; he was always more concerned with preserving the jobs of Dem-voting government slobs no matter how many patriots had to suffer. When finally reached at the 18th hole for comment about why, after eight years, the VA is still less sanitary than Lena Dunham’s bidet, President Obama blamed Fox News, systemic racism, and Donald Trump.

Speaking of Donald Trump, his election has apparently made liberal women not want to mate with liberal men. So now these shrill cat ladies are even less likely to breed any more insufferable Sanders voters – talk about #Winning. Note that conservative women never wanted to mate with liberal men; this was because of good taste, self-respect, and the belief that sex should be enjoyable for women too. 

The liberal news media that brought us Dan Rather is pretending to be enraged about “fake news.” What it’s really mad about is the competition. All these uncontrolled, uncurated, and worst of all, unliberal media outlets are cutting into Big Lie’s action. 

The fact is that only properly licensed MSM journalists have the education, training, and skills needed to properly produce and promote fake news. I’m not talking small potato stupidity, like pizza parlor pedo rings that involve the Illuminati, the reverse vampires, and the saucer people. I’m talking the big lies that cause riots, get cops killed, and will destroy the economy – the “hands up, don’t shoot” and “the polar bears are melting so everyone except us liberals stop driving SUVs”-level frauds. Come on people – let’s leave the agenda-driven lies to the professionals!

And it’s delightful to watch the MSM collectively freak out every time President-elect Trump decides to ignore them and tweet to the masses ungatekept, leaving the media clowns quivering in fussy impotence. There’s plenty to find troubling about Trump, but every true American loves to see the way he mercilessly torments the newsweasels and journalosers. It’s about time someone humbled them, considering they clearly have so much to be humble about.

Liberals can’t help themselves. In the midst of repudiation, they console themselves with the certain knowledge that they are the best and the brightest, while all the while essentially saying “Hey, hold my maple-infused craft IPA and watch this!” 

God bless,

Friday, December 2, 2016

Liberals get hysterical over the 'alt-right' but we are living in their 'alt-left' world

From: Fox News

The traditional media are obsessed with tying conservatives to the "alt-right." There have been more than 50 major news network mentions this year alone as journalists try to do what they always do -- paint conservatives as racist, sexist, and a few other words that end in ist. All in the name of “tolerance.”

But when it comes to the left, then they abandon that strategy. There is no alt-left. They are not alternative. Their mainstream is radical and out of the American mainstream on almost everything. 

This was quite obvious as liberals bemoaned the death of Fidel Castro, a man his own daughter called “a tyrant.” The Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. summed up years of devotion, recalling how, “the oppressed the world over joined Castro's cause of fighting for freedom & liberation.”

Some liberals distanced themselves from that love affair, though many have embraced left-wing dictators from Stalin to Chavez. But, the left is even worse when it comes to policy, where it shows its true colors (red).

On every major issue of the day, the left is unified. Taxes. Climate. So-called “free” college. Citizens United. Transgender bathroom/locker rooms/showers. ObamaCare. In each case and thousands more, the left wants more, bigger, better-funded government.

Liberals want higher taxes because they know how to spend your money better than you do -- on what they want. They have turned climate science into a religion where disbelief is to be persecuted or even prosecuted

Look at The New York Times’ obsession with the topic and the bogus Paris “treaty” when staff interviewed Trump. And rather than examine the causes for spiking college costs, the left wants taxpayers to spend another $50 billion a year as the national debt nears $20 trillion.

They also don’t care that the Citizens United ruling let political opponents make a film about Hillary Clinton, that young girls might be forced to disrobe or shower next to men or that ObamaCare rates have skyrocketed.

This is the essence of the liberal world view. The solution to every problem is bigger government. 

If there are no regulations, then they are needed. If they exist, then there needs to be more and a better-funded enforcement agency. 

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. 

This is what we must start thinking of as the "alt-left." "Alt," not because they are out of the liberal mainstream. They aren’t. Alternative because they are out of the mainstream of an America where 37 percent are conservative and 35 percent are moderate. Just 24 percent are liberal.

Yet the most extreme of that 24 percent dominate our culture. Our TV, movies, music, plays and, yes, our news are controlled by those who three-fourths of America consider wildly out of step. The progressive, far-left agenda has conquered the traditional left’s agenda.

The alt-left is everything bad the left claims about the right. It is extreme and doesn’t want compromise. It wants to demonize or destroy opponents and intrude into every aspect of our lives. 

Media outlets that bemoan Trump turning America to the right forget the alt-left support a Socialist had running in the Democrat primary. Good, old-fashioned liberalism has been replaced by a far-more radical brand.

It’s not just the policy positions. It’s how the left enforces them. Opposing views are suppressed in any space liberals control -- academia, Hollywood and media.

Colleges and universities have become safe spaces for liberal thought while conservative speakers are regularly chased off campuses or harassed by rabid alt-left protesters. 

Hollywood spent a quarter century promoting Hillary Clinton for president and has already used nearly 30 TV shows to target the man who eventually defeated her. 

Traditional media outlets accuse conservative websites of offering “fake” news but skip the rampant lunacy in places like The Huffington Post, Slate and, God help us, Salon.

None of this is new. Liberals saw the Obama presidency as a chance to kill off conservativism and they used the tactics honed by brown shirts of the 1930s -- including violence, vandalism and intimidation. They and their media allies then treat every such incident as the reincarnation of Gandhi.

The alt-left has been growing more publicly extreme since the arrival of Occupy Wall Street in 2011. Then, protesters vandalized, blocked traffic, intimidated and threatened police and set fires -- all under the banner of “revolution.” Even the protest-friendly New York Times admitted Occupy Oakland had been a “riot.” “Packs of protesters charged into businesses, overturning tables, shattering windows and smashing A.T.M.’s.”

When the Occupy protests were over, 7,700 Occupiers had been arrested. Three were convicted “in a failed plot to bomb an Ohio bridge,” according to The Los Angeles Times. The rallying cry for Occupy, “We are the 99 percent,” can be traced directly back to alt-left stalwarts like Vanity Fair, PBS and others.

Liberals don’t recall Occupy as criminal or dangerous. HuffPo’s “Occupy Wall Street” page shows no evidence of any controversy, any violence. In fact, the site's page celebrates Occupiers with “10 Iconic Photos Of Occupy Wall Street, 3 Years Later” and a call to “Occupy Congress.” Rich celebrities also supported the Occupiers -- Yoko Ono, Russell Simmons and Alec Baldwin, to name just a few. Michael Moore wanted police to leave their posts and join the unrest like Egypt (which led to revolution). And the major media celebrated them almost as much.

The alt-left didn’t end with the Occupy movement. It got worse. New groups appeared, embracing the aggressive tactics and a similar radical agenda, ranting “against the ravages of global capitalism.”

They rioted in Ferguson, based in part on false news reports about what Michael Brown allegedly said. “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” was born and we got more riots, more protests and more disruption. The actual phrase was never uttered, even The Washington Post and the Obama administration admit that. 

It doesn’t matter. The expression continues to be used throughout the left, as well as in major media from ABC to ESPN. In 2014, five St. Louis Rams players even held their hands up in a protest at a game. Their protest was based on a lie. The alt-left didn’t care.

That protest has evolved and included the Black Friday, Ferguson, and ShutItDown protests, the Freddie Gray riot, Black Lives Matter and now the #NotMyPresident protests and riot. In the Freddie Gray riot alone, 130 police officers were injured, more than at any incident since 9/11. 

There was lots of ink in the alt-left media to support the rioters, very little that even mentioned the injured police. The same thing happened when Black Lives Matter protesters injured 21 police in Minneapolis in July.

Those weren’t the only alt-left unrest. Trump supporters were victims of similar assaults during the campaign. They were punched, attacked, egged and threatened. Major media blamed Trump by a factor of 15-1. Alt-left media were worse. Liberal Prof. David Coates wrote in HuffPo to blame the right, saying the violence was all on angry Republicans, “an anger that has no parallel in and around the base of the Democratic Party.” Classic misdirection.

The alt-left doesn’t just use violence to enforce its will. It smears its opponents as racists and Nazis while journalists help them do it. Together they dredge up 30-year-old comments from Sen. Jeff Sessions to say he’s racist. Yet they ignore how liberals have helped kill 60 million mostly minority babies and never once accuse them of trying to genocide African-American and Hispanic communities. Only liberals are allowed to use ist words.

When that doesn’t work, the alt-left turns to its deep bench of celebrities. We are flooded with climate change stories, many featuring Hollywood stars. Actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Woody Harrelson and director James Cameron are go-to, alt-left climate scolds

Liberal outlets never tell us about the carbon footprint of the 400-foot royal yacht DiCaprio rented. Or maybe how Harrelson had his vegan belt and shoes flown to France special. Cameron, for his part, owns a collection of motorcycles, cars, dirt bikes, a yacht, a helicopter -- even a fleet of submarines. Yet he’s a climate hero.

None of that matters to either the alt-left or the major media. But it matters to the rest of us. 

The alt-left is more than just a web of sometimes-demented liberal websites and pundits. It is the major media outlets and journalists who credential those sites and ideas. Some of Huffington Post’s most-devoted readers are the very journalists who then claim neutrality on national issues.

If this election didn’t prove the traditional news media are devoted left-wingers, nothing will. 

Is there any doubt that The Times is just as alt-left as Huffington Post? They share a common world view. They promote the same agendas. They mirror each other’s disgust for things not liberal. So when Trump skewers Times liberals, he is taking on the massive creature that is the alt-left.

It’s the 800-ton Godzilla in the room. It’s about time we called it a monster.

God bless,