-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Liberal Meltdown Is the Greatest Show on Earth

From: Western Journalism

By Angela Box - June 26, 2018

Do you smell that, patriots?

Kick aside the dirty needles and piles of human feces you find on the quaint streets of Seattle and San Francisco. Make your way past the tattooed and body-pierced non-binary, genderqueers of Berkeley and Brooklyn. Hold your nose as you step over an able-bodied millennial who is choosing homelessness #BecauseAntifa.

You’ll find that littered among the fetid armpits and unwashed hair of liberals, there is an underlying and deeper scent: the scent of desperation and fear.

The full liberal meltdown is now on full display.

Every week there’s another reason for these exceedingly unhappy lumps of flesh to lose what’s left of their minds.

An elected official like Rep. Maxine Waters (whose wig glue seems to be seeping into her scalp) is calling for violence and aggressive harassment of Trump administration officials. Sen. Cory Booker and others Second That Emotion.

To wit:

Stephen Miller, Trump’s most trusted aide on immigration, had his personal phone number released into the sewer of Twitter by a liberal group.

Occupy Wall Street has told fellow cockroaches how to murder ICE agents — and the Twitter post still exists.

Department of Homeland  Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was attacked in a Mexican restaurant by leftist thugs — including an Obama holdover from the Department of Justice.

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was chased out of a Mister Rogers documentary.

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family were kicked out of a Virginia restaurant because the owner took a poll of her idiot workers and they all agreed to make Sanders leave (and then proceeded to harass her family at another restaurant).

Never-relevant Peter Fonda publicly called for Barron Trump to be kidnapped from his mother, the first lady, and thrown into a cage with pedophiles.

Kathy Griffin — she of the Trump severed head skit — has excoriated comedian Kevin Hart for not bashing Trump.

Bill Maher wants a recession, so Trump’s (and Normal America’s) policies will be proven wrong.

The examples of the collective left’s serious mental breakdown are endless. (I didn’t even mention how insane the media is!)

Imagine the hatred they must feel every day for their fellow Americans. That is what the left is: Pure and unbridled hate — from the arbiters of “peace,” “love,” and “tolerance.”

Their philosophy is unworkable, and their policies are not supported by the majority — so they resort to fascist tactics (and the leftist judiciary) to get their way. That’s enough to put anyone in a bad mood!

And what has caused the latest liberal meltdown?

The leftists’ latest tantrum is caused by President Trump enforcing current immigration law, and then using an executive order to keep illegal alien families together — as they await deportation.

Leftists are even using fake photos of crying little girls and children in cages taken during the Obama administration to gin up outrage! (Side note: if Trump is so awful, why does the corrupt media have to invent illegal alien sob stories?)

The Democrat Party, which supposedly used to be the party of working-class Americans, wants to import uneducated and illegal foreign nationals and elevate them over American citizens.

They think Normal America is the enemy – not foreign invaders.

They think Trump’s tweets that illegals should be immediately sent back from whence they came – a sentiment which is shared by a vast majority of Americans – is a sign that he is Adolf Hitler.

Naturally, calling any Republican Hitler is nothing new, but the frothing of the mouth these psychotics are engaging in over Trump is really something to behold.

They are completely melting down.

When the media lament the lack of civility in America right now, who else are we to blame but them?

After all, they are the ones who have insisted on 90 percent negative media coverage for the Trump administration — and refuse to highlight anything positive at all.

Even with all of these cards stacked against him — in addition to the Obama administration and his FBI, DOJ, and CIA minions trying to fix an election for Hillary Clinton and allow her to get away with numerous crimes while trying to destroy her opponent — Donald Trump is winning.

He is winning because his policies are commonsense solutions supported by a growing majority of the American people.

Trump’s stance on immigration reflects what the American people want.

We have been screaming from the rooftops for 20 years to build a border wall and fix the system that allows illegals and their progeny to be placed above American citizens. We’ve begged our leaders stop the practice of funding sanctuary cities, welfare to illegals, or sending aid to nations that send their poorest and most uneducated illegally over our border.

 Leftist elites don’t care about these people streaming over our border – the invaders who expect American taxpayers to take care of them and their children.

Elites want to make sure they are stocked with nannies and gardeners in Santa Monica, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Manhattan, East Hampton, Martha’s Vineyard, and Loudoun County — and anywhere else they gather.

Elites never have to deal with the actual ramifications of illegal immigration.

Ramifications like the American children who can’t get an education because the teacher’s time is spent remediating and teaching English as a Second Language.

The American construction worker who can’t find a job because business owners hire illegal workers on the cheap.

The American mothers and fathers who have lost children because an illegal alien decided to drive drunk, murder, rape, assault, or traffic their beloved child.

The American taxpayer who is on the hook for all of it.

No, elites don’t care about any of that. They are perfectly fine with importing more invaders and amassing more power among the true one percent.

Donald Trump and his supporters have upended all of that. Trump did not come into this job as a textbook conservative or ideologue — but he is governing as one.

We’ve had one Civil War already in our history. The next Civil War seems to be quickly approaching.

But considering liberals would rather go to feminist marches and scream at the Twitter CEO for eating a chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-A, I’m not too worried about our chances.

And for the record, it will be leftists who fire the first shot – either figuratively or literally.

Normal America will be there to answer them.

God bless,

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Progressive Ethics

From: TownHall

One of Charles Krauthammers’ precepts is to speak bluntly about Things that Matter. As the 2018 election season begins, one that’s bedeviled the American voter for nearly a hundred years is the notion of Progressive Ethics. 

Like the phrases, honest politician, genuine imitation, and perfect child—each of which is joined by words with mutually exclusive meanings—evidence suggests that Progressive Ethics has a place all its own in the Hall of Oxymorons. 

Progressives may be devoid of ethical constructs because they are political amnesiacs. They promise one thing, then disavow their words when it becomes convenient to forget their inconvenient truths. Here are just a few examples:

1. In the early 1930s, Democrats made a play for Black voters, who until WWI and shortly thereafter, had usually voted Republican in memory of their putative savior, Abraham Lincoln. What happened next? FDR’s massive government projects denied work to Black laborers and mechanics because they were not members of craft unions as required by the Davis-Bacon Act. FDR’s rejection of anti-lynching legislation permitted ongoing, unspeakable brutalities toward Blacks for another three decades. FDR’s refusal to integrate the armed services kept Black men in mostly menial positions until Truman remembered his courage. 

Blacks were forgotten until needed for the Great Society welfare experiments which dismantled millions of Black families and made them welfare dependent. Except for throwing billions more into the stewpot of bureaucratic incompetence, Progressives have walked away from it all.

2.  In the 1970s, with Roe v. Wade, Progressives made their play for women voters under cover of a woman’s right to terminate another life on demand—forgetting their decades of opposition to abortion, given the religiosity of their ethnic constituents. Their true assertion of a woman’s place in the world occurred in the Clinton Administration when the president and his wife monstrously decried women who outed Bill’s ongoing predatory behavior. That Clinton has become the poster boy for #MeToo is no surprise.

3. Progressives’ amnesia continued when the LGBTQ community garnered enough support to push the Clinton’s into abandoning the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) right after President Obama did the same. They were all for it until they were against it.

4. In 2008, Obama promised to solve the immigration problem once in office. Except for record numbers of deportations during his eight years, he did no such thing. Instead, he promptly trashed his promises to Latinos, squandering his House-Senate, two-year majority to force The Affordable Care Act down the throats of all Americans (say, “Aahh!”).  Not least, he forgot his promise to “keep your doctor.” 

5. Didn’t Obama promise a new, high level of respect amongst nations, then gave us a feckless foreign policy in Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Israel, just to name a few—all anchored by the humiliation of Benghazi, a low point in modern American diplomacy?

6. Isn’t it now becoming clear that Obama broadly manipulated DOJ/FBI investigative actions to help assure a Clinton victory in 2016—forgetting the elegant words about his presidency being emblematic of integrity?

7. Progressives’ behavior toward CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel underscores their courage to forget. When Obama nominated John Brennan for that position in 2013, Democrats had no problem confirming him by a wide margin, despite a 2007 CBS interview in which he stated that waterboarding gleaned useful intelligence information and “saved lives.” With near total amnesia, only six Democrats could vote for Haspel’s confirmation in May 2018, despite her repeatedly declared disavowal of the use of torture. 

8. We come full circle to 2018, a damning memory for Progressives, given their intransigence in solving the immigration issue once and for all, despite showings a strong majority of Americans are willing to support a DACA solution and a defined, non-amnesty path to citizenship for many illegals, in trade for strong border security and merit-based immigration. Their banal cruelty creeps into sunlight when decrying the separation of children from their families at the border while furthering the number of American family units torn asunder by poverty, drugs, and illiteracy with their policies of big government, welfare dependency, and free stuff. 

For a group that has done much to further one-parent households all across America, to rob our culture of unifying behaviors (standing for the anthem?), to make religious freedom its own oxymoron, Progressive promises for our future are as empty as their memories. With them, we can count on one thing: They will run from one constituency to another, promising everything, all the while dividing us and stripping us of our rights.

With Progressives, it’s nothing new. In The Benedict Option (p89)author Rod Dreher reminds us of de Tocqueville’s belief that democracy in America “could not survive the loss” of its religious faith, that “self-government required shared convictions about moral truths,” or else, the nation, “falls prey to inordinate individualism, materialism, and democratic despotism,” all precursors “for servitude.” No thanks.

Americans should know what to do about Progressives. From now on, forget them.

God bless,

Monday, June 25, 2018

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder – the Solution Has Been Found

From: Eagle Rising

Written by Greg Holt

Yes folks the solution for the incurable disease known as liberalism has been found. It has actually been right under our noses the entire time.




You read that right; California is the solution to the liberal problem. First however, we need to make a few simple changes:

1. California will immediately be renamed Libfornia.

2. Libfornia will immediately become a U.S. territory. No voting rights that way you see. The former state of California’s Senators and Representatives will be removed from Washington and sent home.

3. All liberals will be rounded up and sent to Libfornia effective immediately. What liberal would want to miss the opportunity to live in the land of their own making?

4. All illegal border crossers will henceforth be sent to Libfornia, after all, liberals want open borders.

5. MS-13 gang members that are caught crossing the border or are in police custody will be sent to Libfornia – liberals seem to think that their daughters should date MS-13 members rather then Republicans and think that MS-13 members are only misguided so they will be Libfornia’s problem from now on.

6. As liberals hate America, America will not be responsible for Libfornia’s problems.

7. Libfornia’s new capitol will be poop central, San Francisco. After all, what liberal could resist the city destroyed by their own stupidity. Covered in human feces, dirty drug needles, and a huge homeless population – all brought on by liberal Democrat policies.


Libfornia will likely become the Mecca of political correctness and the world bastion of liberal thought. It is also anticipated that medical care will be free for everyone, and a college education will cost zero. Residents of Libfornia will almost assuredly be able to apply for and receive a Universal Basic Income in the very near future.

The fallout from these decisions will be swift and sure. Libfornia will very likely collapse in the near future. Free college, free medical care, and free money – who will pay for this, where does the money come from? Maybe Google, Facebook, and Elon Musk will chip in. Rational thought is not part of the liberal platform.


After Libfornia implodes completely – the U.S. can reenter the territory taking control, and reestablish the sane rule of law. Maybe a few liberals will even abandon liberalism…

God bless,

Dear America, The LEFT Has Declared War On You

From: TownHall

by -Kevin McCullough | June 24, 2018

While you’ve been busy enjoying your new jobs, improved wages, lower taxes, and less government interference in your life the left has decided that all of those things are immoral. They must be undone. And those who enjoy them must be made to understand that they are not good American citizens, but some sort of participant to hurt others. They would love to say it makes you a racist, except that African Americans and Hispanics are enjoying the best economy they’ve ever known in American history. They would love to say your lack of desire to give government more and more of what you earn makes you an elitist, except that you aren’t. You’re creating new companies, hiring more people, and taking control back of your personal choices. This leaves less capital for them to make choices for you and run your life with. Therefore when all options have been exhausted their desperation leaves them with only two options—conform to the new energy transforming life, business and people in America, or destroy it. 

In the past week public mobs—always organized by leftist groups—have taken to public harassment of women who merely work for the current administration. Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was literally shouted at until she left a dinner at an eatery near the White House. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders just Friday evening was told she would not be served (nor her family) at the Red Hen eatery of the Shenandoah Valley in Lexington, Virginia. She was told she was refused service was because she works for the President. Secretary Nielsen has had additional groups camped outside her house playing loud speakers, disturbing the peace of she and her neighbors. Entitled leftist celebrities like Robert De Niro bogart awards shows encouraging viewers to sexually violate the President. Washed up former TV stars like Tom Arnold claim they will harass the First Lady at her son’s school. And true Hollywood losers like Peter Fonda claim that Sarah Sanders’ as well as Melania Trump’s children should literally be raped by pedophiles and sex traffickers. 

 There is an obvious purpose in the illegitimate behavior that they are engaging in. Taking the primary methods of the losers from the “Occupy” movement they believe there is no moral barrier stopping them from doing any thing at all (in their way of thinking) “necessary” to take back power. They believed they had finally launched America onto its great socialist enlightenment under dear leader Obama, and they all but believed they had eight more years with the Hillary Clinton presidency. The only problem turned out to be that she was a horrible candidate, and Trump understood the people of this country better than she did. That’s why he routed her. In a contest of states 33 to 17 is a spanking by any measure.

That they had control of extended reach into law enforcement, justice, the judiciary, and all of the media and entertainment elite allies they enjoy, the left never believed that they would ever see the tornado of activity that has occurred in the first eighteen months of the Trump administration. A Supreme Court Justice who will reliably remove power from the hands of government, twenty-four appellate court judges, and seventy-one additional judicial appointments that all reflect that same judicial temperament add up to a limited window of time before much of the anti-constitutional hackery that has taken place over the last few decades is toast. But they are content to undo as much of what is true just and good as they can on any level. This week Gubernatorial candidate for New York—Cynthia Nixon—openly advocated for the elimination of Immigration & Customs Enforcement. She claimed they had gone adrift from their mission. Yet their mission is to do nothing but enforce immigration and customs law. 

Their activist agents in the FBI (at least five of them identified in the report released by Inspector General Horowitz) demonstrated that their was no filter governing their approach to investigation. Agent Strzok volunteering in texts to sympathizers they he/they had the power to stop a lawfully executed election and that they would. The slimy behavior of Comey, Lynch, McCabe and Dr. Rice, their willingness to countenance, cover the backside for, and go the extra mile to mislead everyone only demonstrates this idea that they have no responsibility to respect the process of our republic. They feel entitled not only to disagree with us, but to rig the system against us in an attempt to force our conformity.

That they were willing to threaten the children of the First Lady, the Press Secretary and joking or otherwise suggest molestation as a way to even the score against their opponents, is sick. That they literally seem unmoved by the fact that smugglers and human traffickers will thrive if we re-adopt their catch & release procedures is even worse. Yet even in the debate over such policy they lied in using pictures from 2013-14 to justify their rage They were just fine with TIME magazine lying through its teeth on this week’s cover, and they have no perception of the danger endless catch & release has on our neighborhoods, hospitals, and schools. All of which indicates their unwillingness to literally care for America as opposed to many others who wish to come here without a commitment to “be” American.

Follow any number of left leaning celebrities, pundits, politicians, public figures & elected officials on Twitter (as I do) and you will easily see that everything I have argued here is already happening. The desperation at the loss of power, the open & undeniable hostility towards traditional America, their mockery making of our elections, laws, and public servants, their use of any and all tactics to fight back regardless of how gutter-prone they may be all pale in comparison to what they believe about their own beliefs. No longer interested in a pluralistic society with many different world-views competing in generations’ long struggle over ideas. They have had enough. They are not interested in hearing opposing viewpoints, much less allowing them to prosper. This is why they want no church to teach that abortion is taking a human life, many sexual behaviors are literally unhealthy, or that people should choose to do good vis-a-vie their earnings vs. being forced to at the government’s point of a gun. 

Every one of these points was illustrated on some level. They have declared a war on America. What America is. What she stands for. What she believes. They are angry. They are fueled by hate for everyone who disagrees with them—though many may describe it as piously as a law professor claiming to see a court case from all sides. They are bitter. And they are ticked that America is prospering, making more money, doing more good, and getting better sleep than they do.

War has been declared, and we can only hope that America responds in the best way she knows how—under God, with Liberty & Justice for all.

God bless,

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Dick Morris: Winning the Trade War with China

From: The Western Journal

By Dick Morris - June 19, 2018

The current stock market selloff is a key part of a test of wills between Beijing and Washington that President Donald Trump must win. And we must support him while he battles.

The fact is that the U.S. sells the Chinese only $130 billion of goods and services and buys $505 billion from them (2017 data).

The trade deficit of $375 billion with one country (China) accounts for three-quarters of the total U.S. trade deficit of $515 billion. Most of the rest is for oil.

We cannot let this subsidy of China stand.

To do so would be to agree to the creation of a rival economic — and eventually military — power subsidized by our consumers.

Getting off dependence on Chinese low-cost imports is a bit like kicking a drug habit: tough but necessary.

Doing so will cause short-term pain as stocks drop, partly because certain sectors are especially vulnerable and partly because the Chinese are trying to deter Trump by selling stocks on Wall Street.

But the U.S. can, must and will win a trade war.

With over $500 billion in imports we can punish and only $130 billion in exports they can limit, the math works strongly in our favor.

We need to back Trump and remain patient while the market reacts.

This trade war is a battle for our economic independence. It is the cold turkey we must undergo to end our addiction to Chinese imports.

The political risks Trump incurs by angering the Midwestern farmers and other exporters will be slight in comparison with the incredible economic and political harm he can inflict on China.

The Chinese political structure is predicated on its wealth. If China falters economically, it falters politically.

Beijing maintains a huge state sector in its economy that is totally unproductive and exists only because of government subsidies. Its purpose is political — to give tens of millions of people jobs doing stuff they can deceive themselves into believing is real work for real wages.

This chimera will collapse quickly in the face of a trade war.

China is totally dependent on exports and cannot survive politically without it.

In reaching a settlement after the dust has settled, we must be mindful of China’s bottom line. It needs its exports and it requires its trade surplus to survive politically.

But it doesn’t need to be a $375 billion annual surplus. It can be a third of that and still satisfy Beijing’s political needs.

God bless,

President Trump Considering Executive Action to End Family Breakup of Illegal Immigrants

From: The Political Insider

By Jim E |

President Trump has had enough of the media’s onslaught of critical coverage of his immigration policies. The “zero tolerance” approach to illegal immigrants, which is seeing all adults arrested who attempt to illegally enter the country, and forced separation from minors who accompany them, has brought explosive attention to the Administration.

The coverage has been so critical that Administration officials are actually being accosted in public by violent, loathsome liberals.

Trump has been asking Congress to pass a permanent fix to the border crisis and reunite the families. But lawmakers have been dragging their feet. Now, we’ve just gotten word that Trump may enact a quick fix to the situation via executive action. The news comes via John Roberts of Fox News:
The order is reportedly being drafted:
Oddly enough, this is exactly the kind of fix congressional Democrats have been urging. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has called on Trump to fix the immigration issue via executive action:
This is a short-sighted move that doesn’t actually fix the crisis at the border. The problem with what’s going on at the border stems from a series of court decisions, executive actions, federal statutes, and a Congress too cowardly to actually pass a comprehensive solution. 

Whatever action Trump takes will be challenged in court. It will be a Band-Aid – not an antibiotic, which Congress needs to pass.

If Trump takes unilateral action, that will take the pressure off Congress to pass an actual solution to the ongoing situation.

What’s happening at the southern border is hard for all Americans to watch. But we need a real fix to the heartbreaking circumstances. An executive order won’t cut it.

UPDATE – John Roberts reports that Trump is also being lobbied by Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen to accept an expedited bill to end family separation from Congress:

God bless,

The Media Lies Against Trump’s ‘Child Separation’ Policy Keep Coming

From: Constitution

By Warner Todd Huston June 19, 2018

The nation has seen two full days, now, of the left-wing media disgorging one bald-faced lie after another while pretending to “report” on the Trump administration’s policies for minors brought illegally over the border. The lies are so thick and the “reporting” so shrill that if you had any doubt that the media is not for “news” but is solely an adjunct to the Democrat party, you can retire any such doubts.

Firstly, the policy of separating children from criminal illegal adults is not a new policy. It has been around at least since the 1990s. So, when the lying liberal media keeps saying “Trump’s policy” this and that, you know they are lying. Trump did nothing other than enforce the rule. But it is one that Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama all enforced to one degree or another.

Indeed, one of the rules for holding children who came here with illegal criminals was written in 1997. It is called the Flores Consent Decree, a rule from 1997 which says that unaccompanied immigrant children can be held for 20 days. But a later Ninth Circuit ruling extended the 20-day period to children who come as part of illegal alien family groups, too. So, as you see, this is a matter of law, not any sort of “new” Trump policy.

Indeed, what we are generally dealing with is illegals bringing kids who are not their own across the border with the expectation that these kids will afford them a free pass to get into the U.S.A.

Take the case of the illegal woman recently caught trying to get into the U.S. with a handful of kids. When border patrol agents in the Del Rio Sector detained her they found that three of the children she was traveling with were not her own children.

It is cases like this that has the U.S. Department of Homeland Security insisting that it has done nothing extra-legal or immoral with its policies.

“We will not apologize for the job we do or for the job law enforcement does, for doing the job that the American people expect us to do,” Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen said before the National Sheriffs’ Association in New Orleans. “Illegal actions have and must have consequences. No more free passes, no more get-out-of-jail-free cards.”

National Review added:
Nielsen went on to decry inaccurate media portrayals of the Trump administration’s enforcement policy, which requires the detention and prosecution of all individuals caught crossing the border illegally. The policy has resulted in the separation of roughly 2,000 children from their parents, who are in detention awaiting trial.
The separations have been attacked as immoral by congressional Democrats and a handful of Republicans, who advocate a return to the previous policy of releasing individuals awaiting trial for trying to immigrate illegally with their children. But Nielsen placed blame for family separations squarely on lawmakers, citing legislative inaction on immigration reform as the central obstacle to changing the system. She also suggested that previous administrations are partly to blame for incentivizing child trafficking by providing “free passes” to adults who try to cross the border with children.
“From October 2017 to this February, we have seen a staggering 315 percent increase in illegal aliens fraudulently using children to pose as family units to gain entry into this country,” she said. “This must stop. All this does is put the children at risk. To address these issues we’ve asked Congress to change the law to allow for the expeditious return of unaccompanied children, regardless of their country of origin. We are also asking Congress to allow us to keep families together while they are detained.”
The fact is, we have only two choices where it concerns our border policy. One, we continue with the Obama-styled policy of essentially having no border at all and enticing millions of people to chance the extremely dangerous conditions in the attempt to get here, or, two, we can enforce our rules and prevent people from wanting to chance those dangerous conditions.

The truth is, the presidential culprit is Obama. It is Obama’s dangerous polices that created the perilous situation. It’s time we put an end to it all. If anyone is at fault for separating kids at the border, it’s Obama’s fault.

But what happens? We get liars in the media pretending that they care about these migrant kids and literally crying about our policies.

Take CBS’ Gayle King who falsely invoked the Statue of Liberty. As Breitbart reported:
Monday at a border patrol facility in McAllen, TX on “CBS This Morning,” co-host Gayle King said the Statue of Liberty is “weeping right now” over the separating of immigrant children from their families.
King said “We arrived yesterday afternoon. We went straight to the facility, the location where kids and their parents were reunited. All I can say after talking to the people, watching the people, listening to the people, that the Statue of Liberty I think is weeping right now. It’s unbelievable the stories we’ve heard.”
She added, “We’re standing in front of a converted warehouse. This is the first stop for many undocumented families caught at the southern border. It’s where federal officials are trying to weed out criminals. An executive officer at the center told us a 55,000-square-foot facility can hold about 1,500 people. This is a very nondescript building. It’s not marked. And it is deliberately not marked. Yesterday, more than 1,000 people were being processed here. That includes more than 500 families and 197 unaccompanied children.”
It is clear King is trying act as if the poem on the famed statue — “give us your tired, your poor, your illegals sneaking in with fake children” — is somehow both an American first principle and our immigration policy.

The fact is, Emma Lazarus’ airy poem was not even part of the Statue of Liberty until 1903, 17 years after the statue was erected. Furthermore, her socialist-inspired poem (Lazarus was an avowed socialist) never formed any part of our national immigration policy. The truth is, we have always blocked some group or another from coming here.

Then there was the left-wing outburst from Kasie Hunt, a supposed “reporter” from NBC. She jumped to her overheated Twitter account to make this proclamation:
Kaise Hunt is a liar and she is advocating for policy, here, not “reporting” on it.

The airwaves are filled with liars and shills like King and Hunt.

But, in the end, Breitbart’s Brandon Darby had the best retort to the left-wingers lying about these immigration policies. Darby has been creating first-hand reporting from the border for years, now, and no one alive today knows more about what is really going on down there than Darby.

Darby had a fantastic Twitter thread that you just have to see. Darby showed us dozens of photos taken during the Obama era of the same holding facilities the media is suddenly all concerned about.

Thanks to Twitchy:
Well, you get the picture. There are DOZENS more of Brandon’s photos from the Obama era on his Twitter feed. Dozens.

What we are seeing is the left’s lies written in photos because not a single so-called mainstream news outlet published Mr. Darby’s photos during the Obama era. Indeed, not a single “news” outlet talked about Obama’s warehousing of kids brought here by illegals. So, what is different between today and those few years ago? Well, today the media can use the story as a weapon to destroy President Donald Trump.

When the media claims they care about the kids, know that they are liars.

God bless,



Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids

God bless,

We Swore We Would Never Forget 9/11. But We Did.

From: Brittany Hughes - mrctv

Sixteen years ago, 2,606 people were killed when two planes slammed into the World Trade Center in New York City.

Another 125 died when a third plane hit the Pentagon. Forty more were killed when hijacked flight United 93 crashed in a Pennsylvania field.

We all sat there glued to our box TVs, watching the whole nightmare, most of us completely helpless to do a thing.

Do you remember our reaction 16 years ago today? In the months after 9/11, there was barely a car on the road that didn't have an American flag bumper sticker.

Today, we can't even fly Old Glory at a baseball game without someone getting offended.

Sixteen years ago we watched proudly as a group of New York City firefighters raised a American flag over the rubble at Ground Zero.

Today, left-wing rioters burn American flags in the streets.

Sixteen years ago, millions of Americans were introduced to Islamic extremism for the very first time.

Today, you can't even say the words Islamic extremism without being accused of bigotry and hate.

Sixteen years ago, our nation was attacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists, all of whom were foreign and at least three of which were here illegally.

Now at the time, we were outraged. But today, if you dare to say that immigrants should be thoroughly vetted, that foreign visitors must obey our visa laws, and that illegal aliens should be removed, you're a hateful xenophobic Nazi.

Sixteen years ago, we as a nation promised that we would never forget 9/11. But we did. We forgot.

Every time some bleeding heart liberal apologizes for Islamic violence, every time a sanctuary city leaves us open to foreign threats by deliberately ignoring our immigration laws, every time some attention-whoring athlete or overpaid celebrity gets famous off insulting a nation that has given them so mush, we forget.

Sixteen years ago , 2,977 innocent people died in a terrorist attack on U.S. soil, and we forgot.

And it is high time we started remembering.

May God bless those who lost loved ones on 9/11, whose hearts still ache every year on this day.

And may God, in His mercy, bless the United States of America.

God bless,