-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Thursday, December 31, 2015

John Wayne's Daughter Endorses Trump, Listen to John Wayne Discuss Liberalism

From: TownHall

by - Justin Holcomb | Dec 31, 2015

Yesterday, Aissa Wayne, daughter of legend John Wayne, wrote a letter to Donald Trump, endorsing him for president of the United States.  
She wrote:
My dad, I am sure, would be very proud of Mr. Trump and the goal to Make America Great again! I want to thank Mr. Trump for the tireless work he is doing for this country... please know that I am in your corner, I am certain that my dad would have been a big supporter of Mr. Trump.
John Wayne was not one to talk much about politics in America, but when he did, his words were powerful and still resonate today.  

In the audio below, Wayne speaks of a new liberalism that never listens to another person's point of view and makes decisions only according to their point of view.  He laughs when he realizes that he is considered a 'right wing extremist'.

Wayne talks about human behavior and how government can never make laws that change human behavior.  

He admits that America is being conned into socialism, which will not stop the human element of greed.

"If you take $20 and give a dollar to every son of a b**** in the room, you come back a year later one of the b*****ds will have most of the money.  I mean it’s just human nature.  We’re never gonna whip it with a lot of laws," Wayne said.

God bless,

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

This Trump Supporter’s Video About Liberal Media Bias Is Going VIRAL!

From: The Political Insider

Someone passed this to me on Monday, and I was floored. Citizen Dale, or that’s the name this person chose to be recognized as, caught the entire house of cards in this video and published it so everyone could see. This is a wake-up call to voters no matter what party you belong to.

</div> <div id='passback-wb47370bc13'></div>
This election is not about Republican or Democrat, as we have seen they work together. This video shows the perils of the media and corrupt DC politicians working to make sure you never wake from the sleep this nation is currently experiencing.

Here is the letter and video of Citizen Dale. After you watch this make sure you share it everywhere you can.
Dear Mr. Trump,
I am writing you today because I, like most citizens of this nation, am sick and tired of the talking heads on TV working together to brainwash us into believing that you can’t win. They are fearful because they know you’ve got the people’s vote.
In 1996, I personally talked with over 40,000 people during the volunteer petition drive for Ross Perot, remember him? People told me they were so fed up and disgusted with our inept and corrupt politicians that they refuse to vote any more. Blue collar workers suffered the most because their jobs were either shipped overseas or across the Mexican border. These citizens of the United States are too angry to vote for anyone but you. I call this huge, untapped pool of defiant voters the MONSTER VOTE.
Moving forward to 2016, the vast majority of Americans still feel powerless, unaware of the immense power they possess, as the largest voting bloc in America! If you awaken the monster vote, you will win in a landslide.
In 2012, almost five out of ten eligible citizens did not vote. That means 66 million voted for Obama, 61 million for Romney, and a whopping 100 million eligible citizens did not vote. Ironically these 100 million citizens, who typically do not vote, represent the largest voting bloc in America. They can elect any one they want to be their President and they want you! They are the MONSTER VOTE.
Right now, we’re living through a pivotal moment in history because you have America’s ear. Please tell the hard-working citizens of this country that you know who they are.
Countless others and I wish you the best, Mr. Trump. Thank you for sacrificing your personal time and money to run for President of these United States.

With highest regards,
Citizen Dale
Check out the video that accompanies this letter, this is very powerful and if it catches fire, Katy bar the door!

God bless,

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

History Forgotten, the Armenian Genocide and the Assyrians Today

World turned a deaf ear. The Ottoman/Islamist ISIS massacre against Christians continues to this day in Iraq and the good people of the world are doing little to help the victims


From: Canada Free Press


By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh -- December 29, 2015


 “Around the world, Christians are facing violence, persecution, brutality in a way we have not seen in generations.”  – Rey Flores, “The Wanderer”


The leftist charlatans with their fake “war on women” movement are deafly silent in the face of a real genocide, the deliberate and brutal torture and killings of Christian men and women.  Yazidi women and girls are kidnapped, raped, and driven into a life of slavery to ISIS as forced converts to Islam.

A small army of resistance is fighting the scourge of ISIS, in a valiant attempt to save what is left of their tribes and of their women.  ISIS is bent on eradicating them, their religion, their ancient culture, and any archeological remnant of their history. Their churches are destroyed while ancient artifacts and monuments are blown up. Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II said that “forced displacement on the basis of religious beliefs, be it Islam or Christianity, is a crime against humanity,” referring to the war crimes inflicted upon his people by ISIS in Mosul.

Pope Francis spoke in 2014 about the Armenian genocide during Mass in the Armenian Catholic rite at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.  Church leaders and the Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan were in attendance. He spoke about humanity witnessing “three massive and unprecedented tragedies” in the 20th century.  “The first, which is widely considered, ‘the first genocide of the 20th century,’ struck your own Armenian people,” he said. The Nazi Holocaust and Stalin’s mass killings were followed by other genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Burundi, and Bosnia.

In 2015 Pope Francis mentioned three “massive and unprecedented tragedies” of the last century, the “Great Crime,” the methodical genocide of Armenian Christians who “were killed because of their faith,” and the “atrocities of the Nazis and of the communists, along with other mass killings…”

As Christians, it is our duty and responsibility to keep alive the memories of those killed, the Pope said. “Concealing or denying evil is like allowing a wound to keep bleeding without bandaging it,” Pope Francis continued.

BBC News reported on April 12, 2015, that Turkey was angry with Pope Francis’ description of the mass killings of Armenians under Ottoman rule in WWI as “genocide.”  Turkey plays down the genocide as smaller numbers of deaths resulting from the WWI clashes in which ethnic Turks have also suffered. 

Most Western scholars regard the 1.5 million Armenians civilians, who were deliberately deported between 1915-1916 to desert regions where they succumbed to starvation and thirst, as genocide. Countries like Belgium, Canada, Argentina, France, Italy, Russia, and Uruguay recognize the mass killings of Armenians as genocide.

For the first time, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan offered condolences in 2014 to the grandchildren of the Armenians who were massacred in 1915. This year marks a century since the atrocities were committed, and, until all countries recognize that the genocide had occurred, it is an incomplete mourning exacerbated by denial stories to this day.

Why were Armenians massacred by the Turks? To understand the reason, you must understand who the Armenians were, how, and why they lived under the Ottoman Empire, and their status as non-Muslims, “non-believers,” and second-class citizens.

Armenians are ancient people who lived in Anatolia some 2500 years ago. They had their own distinctive alphabet and culture. There are 6 to 7 million Armenians today, half living in the Republic of Armenia, while the rest are scattered in the U.S., Russia, France, Lebanon, and Syria.

In the year 301 A.D., the King of Armenia was the first ruler to adopt Christianity as the official state religion, even before the Roman Emperor Constantine’s conversion to Christianity. Captured by the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century, Armenia was absorbed into the Islamic Ottoman Empire, along with a large swath of European lands. As subject of the Sultan, Armenians had less freedom, had to pay higher taxes, were discriminated against, and were not allowed to serve in the military.

Unhappy with the second-class citizen status, by the end of the 1800s, Armenians demanded equality. In the 1890s the Bloody Sultan who was presiding over a weak government, used massacres as a way to maintain law and order.  In 1894-1896 200,000 Armenians were killed during the Hamidian massacres under the rule of Abdul Hamid II, a foreshadowing of what was to come in 1915.

When the Young Turks forced the Sultan out in 1908, Armenians were allowed to serve in the military. In 1912-1913 the Christian regions of Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria gained their independence from the Ottoman Empire.

According to Vahaken Dadrian, Director of the Genocidal Research at Zoryan Institute, as quoted on a film aired on PBS,

“For the first time in recent history, the glorious Ottoman army suffered a major military defeat at the hands of their former subject-nations, Greeks, Bulgarians, and Serbs,” losing in two weeks 75 percent of their former European territories.

The despair borne by such a loss in the Balkans gave rise to a deep hatred against Christians, inflamed by Ottoman refugees’ stories, refugees thrown out of Christian lands, turning angry Turks against their indigenous Christian population, the Armenians – “Revenge, revenge, revenge, there is no other word.”

Ambassador Henry Morgenthau published in 1918 his personal account of the Armenian genocide. Chapter 24, ‘The Murder of a Nation’, describes in grisly detail how Armenian men, who were formerly soldiers and cavalrymen in the Turkish army, were stripped of their arms and transformed into road workers and “pack animals.” Carrying heavy loads onto their backs, these men were whipped and bayonetted by the Turks into the Caucasus Mountains, sometimes waist-deep through snow. 

“They had to spend practically all their time in the open, sleeping on the bare ground. … They were given only scraps of food; if they fell sick they were left where they had dropped,” while the Turks robbed them of their possessions and their clothes. “Squads of 50-100 men were taken in groups of four, marched to a secluded spot a short distance from the village,” they were stripped naked and shot, having been forced to dig their own graves.

Morgenthau described the fate of an entire Armenian regiment sent to Diarbekir. Agents notified Kurdish tribesmen to attack and kill these weak and starved soldiers “that they might gain that merit in Allah’s eyes that comes from killing a Christian.”

Ambassador Morgenthau explained how “throughout the Turkish Empire a systematic attempt was made to kill all able-bodied men, not only for the purpose of removing all males who might propagate a new generation of Armenians, but for the purpose of rendering the weaker part of the population an easy prey.”

When thousands failed to turn in weapons, the Turks ransacked churches, desecrated altars, marched the naked men and women through the streets, letting them be whipped by angry Turkish mobs. Those imprisoned who did not manage to flee into the woods and caves were subjected to the “bastinado” torture, the beating of the soles of the feet until they burst and had to be amputated.

Crucifixion, pulling of fingernails, of hairs, of eyebrows, tearing of flesh with red-hot pincers, and then pouring hot oil into the wounds were some of the barbaric methods of torture drawn from the records of the Spanish Inquisition.

Torture was just the beginning of the Armenian atrocities. What was to come was the actual destruction of “an entire Armenian race” by deporting it to the south and southeastern part of the Ottoman Empire, the Syrian Desert and the Mesopotamian valley. Morgenthau said, “The Central Government now announced its intention of gathering the two million or more Armenians living in the several sections of the empire and transporting them to this desolate and inhospitable region.” They knew they would die on the way of thirst, starvation, or murdered by “Mohammedan desert tribes.”

The deportations took place through the spring and summer of 1915. The entire Armenian population of villages was ordered to appear in the main square, sometimes with little time to prepare, their homes and possessions confiscated for “safekeeping” and then divided among Turks. Once the deported Armenians had traveled several hours, they were attacked and killed in secluded valleys by Turkish peasants with clubs, hammers, axes, scythes, spades, and saws.

The “caravans of despair” originated in thousands of cities and villages in the Ottoman Empire.  Ambassador Morgenthau described how village after village and town after town were emptied of their Armenian population and, in six months, “about 1.2 million people started on this journey to the Syrian desert.” He believed it absurd that the Turkish government claimed to deport Armenians to “new homes,” the real intent was extermination. He concludes, “The details in questions were furnished to me directly by the American Consul in Aleppo, and are now on file in the State Department at Washington.” (Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story:  A Personal Account of the Armenian Genocide, Henry Morgenthau, Cosimo Classics, New York, 2010)

Henry Morgenthau Sr. (1856-1946) “details how Turkey fell under the influence of Germany and how this led to the Armenian Genocide. In a trial run of the extermination of the Jews, the Germans orchestrated the murder and exile of the Armenians from Turkey, with ‘Turkey for the Turks’ as a rallying cry. The similarities to the Holocaust are chilling.”

Also chilling is the recent discovery made by Stefan Petke of the Technical University of Berlin who uncovered rare WWII footage that documents the existence of Muslim units (The Free Arab Legion) in the Nazi army who were used as ‘working soldiers’ because they “were a complete failure in the battlefields of Tunisia in 1943.”

The Armenian genocide, the Nazi Holocaust, Stalin’s mass starvation of his own people seem forgotten because schools spend no time discussing the atrocities committed.

The good people of the world turned a deaf ear then just like they are doing today. The Ottoman/Islamist ISIS massacre against Christians continues to this day in Iraq and the good people of the world are doing little to help the victims.

God bless,


20 years later: All eyes awaken to U.S. blueprint for terror

OKC bombing investigator warns Islamic sleeper cells in America ready to activate

From: World Net Daily

by - Leo Hohmann - 12-27-15

Jayna Davis put her journalistic career on the line 20 years ago to prove that a third terrorist, the so-called John Doe No. 2, was a Middle Eastern man who was seen in the Ryder truck with Timothy McVeigh.

McVeigh detonated the truck, blowing up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.

It was the largest act of terrorism on U.S. soil prior to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. It killed 168 Americans and wounded 680, and Davis sees stark parallels between that attack and the one earlier this month in San Bernardino.

Both included native-born men with clean images, a “useful idiot” and a shadowy Middle Easterner.
The Middle Eastern man in Oklahoma, she contends, was Hussain al-Hussaini, a former Iraqi soldier who came to the United States as a refugee after the first Gulf War.

Hussaini was one of about 6,000 Iraqi soldiers who were reclassified as refugees, poorly vetted and allowed into the United States under President Bill Clinton’s watch.

According to Davis’ research, Hussaini was seen by several witnesses with McVeigh in the days leading up to the bombing, and one witness saw him get out of the Ryder truck with McVeigh before it blew up.

Davis was a dogged TV reporter back then for the NBC affiliate in Oklahoma City. She accumulated vast amounts of evidence tying Hussaini to the crime and presented it the FBI.

But the boys at the bureau weren’t interested. They had their case of “homegrown domestic terror” against two native-born Americans, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, and they refused to consider that the case may have involved an element of international terror. McVeigh, a veteran of the first Gulf War, would get a lethal injection in 2001 while Nichols received life behind bars.

Hussaini drifted for years, in and out of mental institutions, and finally landed in jail for assaulting another man with a broken beer bottle.

In 2005 Nichols admitted in a jailhouse interview with Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., that the theory put forth by Davis in her book, “The Third Terrorist: The Middle Eastern Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing,” was accurate and that other people were involved in the attack. But Nichols refused to provide names, citing fears that it could endanger his family.

Her book became a New York Times-bestseller in 2005 but the FBI never took note.

OKC a ‘blueprint’ for future attacks

Davis says the FBI still hasn’t learned the pivotal lesson in the way it investigates terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. And those failures were on full display in the recent San Bernardino attack.

“What I found in 1995 was basically a blueprint for terrorist attacks today. What I found as a journalist, it’s basically what is happening today,” she said. “I see striking parallels between 1995 and what is happening today.”

If Davis has cracked the code, what does it reveal?

She believes the government is lying about the nature of the attacks. The San Bernardino shooters were not merely “self-radicalized” or “inspired” by a foreign terrorist organization.

Rather, she believes they were part of a larger network of sleeper cells operating within the United States. This network has been in place at least since the early 1990s following the first President George Bush’s Gulf War. It was after that war that the U.S. started bringing in large contingents of Islamic “refugees,” from places like Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Uzbekistan.

But there are also American citizens who are recruited to deflect attention from the web of international Islamic terror.

“They are starting to use what are called ‘lily whites,’” Davis said. These are men or women who would not naturally draw the attention of law enforcement.

“Our Pakistani terrorist, Mr. Syed Farook, even though his ethnicity was Pakistani, he still was a U.S. born, full American citizen. He’s educated and gainfully employed, had a new baby and was starting a family,” she said. “He wasn’t doing anything to draw attention.”

That is potentially more dangerous, more sinister than a “lone wolf” who just wants to kill for the notoriety or fame it will offer.

‘Just a normal guy’

Davis compares Farook to McVeigh, the former U.S. Army infantryman who won accolades for bravery in Iraq but felt jilted when his efforts to join U.S. special operations were spurned.

Farook also went out of his way to blend in. He didn’t broadcast his intentions on social media or boast to a friend. His co-workers all described him as polite and affable, showing no signs of having ill intent against anyone. He was just a “normal guy,” they said.

“The scariest part of it is, these people did nothing deliberately to draw attention to themselves, they used aliases, they destroyed hard drives and cellphones,” Davis said.

They also had their “useful idiot” in Enrique Marquez, a friend and neighbor who bought the two assault refiles about two years prior to the attack.

If Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, had truly been “self-radicalized” as the FBI insists, they would have left a trail on social media.

“Their egos, they’ve got to be known, they’ve got to be noticed, those are the ones that law enforcement really don’t have a problem recognizing,” Davis said. “But these two were not like that.”

Sleeper cells inside the United States

But there is a more dangerous threat. And it’s much more subtle and hard to detect.

“I believe there are sleeper agents here in the United States of America, I believe these terrorists have tactical support. I don’t believe they just got self-radicalized online,” Davis told WND. “They went dark, they went to encrypted communications. And it’s been weeks now and the FBI can’t crack it.”

Davis says the hallmark traits of a self-radicalized terrorist is that they are seeking notoriety and don’t cover their tracks.

“They would want the credit for everything they did,” she said. “But these guys are spooky and it’s the way we are going to be struck in the homeland, and there is a major infrastructure in place in major cities across the U.S.”

Enter Enrique Marquez, the 24-year-old useful idiot who dabbled in Islam and befriended Farook years ago when they were still too young to buy weapons or practice using them.

The New York Times reported that Marquez would get loose lipped after a few drinks at a local bar, where he worked cleaning toilets and checking IDs. He talked a lot about sleeper cells getting ready to rise up in America.

“He would say stuff like: ‘There’s so much going on. There’s so many sleeper cells, so many people just waiting. When it happens, it’s going to be big. Watch,’ ” Nick Rodriguez, a frequent bar patron who had known Marquez on and off for the past two years, told the Times. “We took it as a joke. When you look at the kid and talk to him, no one would take him seriously about that.”

Now, everyone is taking Marquez seriously. Even the FBI, which arrested him last week in connection with the San Bernardino shooting.

Whatever information he may have provided about Farook has thus far been kept secret.

“There is one clue that the FBI has not explained,” Davis says. “Why do you cover your tracks if your only goal is martyrdom? Unless you are part of something larger, unless you have already sworn allegiance to a wider network.”

So, while there has been endless media attention in recent weeks about Syrian refugees coming to America and whether they can be properly vetted, Davis believes that’s a distraction.

More than a million Islamic refugees and asylum seekers have already arrived in the U.S. since 1990, straight from jihadist cesspools in the Middle East and Africa.

“God forbid if it becomes the headline of the month, another attack, because we do have a sleeper network here in the United States of America. And it’s been building since the 1990s,” Davis said. “Oklahoma City was the nerve center. My intelligence sources in the U.S. government called it Little Syria. There’s a reason why (terrorism investigator) Steve Emerson began his investigation right here in OKC. This is what we are not acknowledging. We have to demand more from our law enforcement.”

Another parallel between the Oklahoma City attack and San Bernardino was that both incidents produced multiple eyewitnesses of additional terrorists. A "third shooter" was seen jumping out of the SUV in San Bernardino and police even conducted a house-to-house search in the area, only to come back later and say there never was a third shooter.

The FBI also has ample evidence to suspect that Farook and Malik were part of a wider network.

"Number one they were low profile. They thought of themselves as jihadists and they were loyal to ISIS in Syria," Davis said. "The FBI said she was posting online right after the attack. Why would she hide her face, why would she use an alias in her communications, why the encrypted messages and the attempt at a getaway? They had someone else buy their rifles …If they didn't want to be noticed it's because they wanted to continue their terrorist rampage elsewhere."

Marquez and Farook reportedly hatched another terror plot more than a year earlier but they got cold feet and scuttled their plans, ostensibly because there had been an arrest of several other terrorists in the region charged with providing material support to overseas terrorists.

Obama describes Farook, Malik as 'self-radicalized'

Three days after the California attack, Obama took to the podium in a prime-time, televised address. He was careful to portray the tragedy as part of a plot by two "self-radicalized" domestic terrorists who acted without direction from any wider network or overseas terrorist organization.

"It was just inspired (by overseas terrorists), not directed," Davis said.

Davis is now revisiting what she discovered more than two decades ago in Oklahoma City.

"We have a direct connection of the hierarchy of the ISIS terror network," she said.

WND put a face on that network, she said, when it reported that a former Somali refugee turned American citizen and then ISIS recruiter was mentioned by the FBI as having had communications with Farook prior to the San Bernardino attack. His name was Mohamed Hassan, who lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota, attended local schools and left the country in 2008 during his senior year of high school to join a terrorist network in Somalia.

Strangely, no other major media outlets picked up the story about Hassan, other than Fox News, which failed to report that he had come to the U.S. as a refugee.

Hassan also played a key role in "inspiring" the attack by two jihadists on Garland, Texas, at a "draw Muhammad" cartoon contest in May. He had tweeted 10 days before the Garland attacks that the "brothers in Paris" were to be congratulated for their attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine office and now the "brothers in the U.S." needed to step up and carry out their own attack. He then followed that tweet with another offering the link to the Garland, Texas, event hosted by Pamela Geller.

But after his name surfaced again in the San Bernardino attack, Hassan mysteriously turned himself in to Somali authorities, claiming his innocence.

"Look at the way the FBI is backtracking as Hassan turned himself in and said he didn't do it," Davis said.

Like Hassan, the Iraqi soldier Hussein al-Hussaini had also entered the U.S. as a refugee.

As Congress and the nation's governors debate whether 10,000 Syrian refugees should be allowed into the country, it was reported last week that 100,000 Syrians had already entered the U.S. on green cards since 2012.

A similar number of Somali Muslims have entered the U.S. since 1990 and another 120,000 have come from Iraq. Thousands of others have come from Afghanistan, Bosnia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan and Burma.

"Why are we worried about the 10,000 and not the hundreds of thousands who are already here?" Davis said.

'Vetting' problems under Clinton presidency

Eight Iraqi soldiers arrived in Boston in 1994, placed there by the International Rescue Committee, one of nine private agencies that contract with the federal government to resettle foreign refugees into more than 180 U.S. cities and towns. These eight men, one of whom was Hussaini, were part of a broader group of 6,000 Iraqi soldiers who came to the U.S. during that same time frame. Another contingent of at least 100,000 came from Iraq between 2001 and 2015.

As for the 6,000, they were mainly enemy combatants who took up arms against U.S. soldiers during the first Gulf War.

"The only way we could resettle them was to reclassify from ex-enemy combatant to refugee and claiming if they go back home Saddam's going to kill them," Davis said. "We took them at their word because we couldn't check their backgrounds with Saddam in power. But the translators kept saying they believed a lot of these guys were lying and they were trying to infiltrate through our refugee program."

President Bill Clinton inherited the problem from President George H.W Bush.

"(Former CIA Director) Jim Woolsey said at the time that the U.S. had no databases to vet these people, we had to take them at their word," Davis said. "And as it turned out one of them bombed an American federal building in Oklahoma City. They teamed up with a native-born man, Timothy McVeigh. It's tragic but true."

Meanwhile, Clinton was bringing in his own preferred group of Muslims from Bosnia following the Kosovo conflict in which the U.S. and NATO went to war against the Christian Serbs.

Today's Syrian refugees present the same problem as the Iraqis in the 1990s. FBI Director James Comey has echoed the earlier warnings of Woolsey, that it's impossible to vet the Syrians or even confirm many of their identities.

But because of political correctness, the Syrians will be coming, 10,000 this year and "many more," according to the U.S. State Department, in fiscal 2017.

"It's the same thing, we have nothing, no data, to compare and cross check," Davis said. " I'm not a racist, I'm saying I believe in history and evidence and can prove it in a court of law."

There are other parallels as well between Oklahoma City and San Bernardino.

Farook went abroad to find a jihadist wife, Malik, who he met online and then claimed in Saudi Arabia.

Terry Nichols did the same thing, picking up a "mail order bride," Davis said.

Farook, with his U.S. passport, drew no attention when he traveled to Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Middle East, where many believe he picked up valuable terrorist training.

"He went to the Middle East, he got trained, so he came back, but he had a passport, there's no red flags for that," Davis said.

In yet another parallel, McVeigh’s defense team had uncovered evidence that Terry Nichols received training in bomb making from the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center attack, Ramzi Yousef, during his many forays to the South Pacific islands.

Davis said the FBI is not trained to look for the proper red flags.

"I don't care if he is of Middle-Eastern descent, if he's Asian, or if he's Caucasian; the bottom line is what's between his ears? What's his ideology? Do I hate the U.S. government, its foreign policy? Do I act on that, and then try to cover it up, to protect the U.S. sleeper cell network, which has already been in place since at least the early 1990s? That's what's coming, and that's what's going to instill fear in the hearts of the American public. And that's what's going to bring us down."

'You'll never hear' the truth

Davis said she lays the blame squarely at the foot of the U.S. government because authorities have had this template since the mid-1990s.

"They deny it exists. They know it exists, but they deny it. That's why you're hearing the words 'self-radicalized,' that's why you're hearing the words 'inspired by' ISIS, but not 'directed by.'

"You'll never hear that there's a network of sleeper-cells organized, trained and ready to rise up in this country," she continued. "You will never hear about a sleeper cell, or terrorist cell. The American people, because they're not educated enough and because they're busy trying to make a living, are never going to understand. The minute you hear "inspired," you think, 'OK, this is not an organized attack.' There's no way the FBI is leaking that to the New York Times."

Davis said the FBI will never "under any circumstances" disclose to the American people that there is a jihadist sleeper structure within the U.S. and that these cells can be activated at any time.

"And the FBI will not see them coming until people die," she said.

"That's what I see coming."

CAIR puts fear into hearts of Americans

After the 9/11 attacks, the newly formed Department of Homeland Security came out with an ad campaign that encouraged the public to call in tips about strange activity. They called it "See something, say something."

But that policy has been successfully undermined by groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR, which threatens to sue over any speech it considers "anti-Muslim."

CAIR and its affiliated Muslim Brotherhood organizations have succeeded in creating a climate in which people are more afraid of being branded an "Islamophobe" than they are of the terrorists.

This was never more clear than in the case of Farook. Construction workers in his neighborhood noticed suspicious activity for weeks, with Middle Eastern men coming and going, packages being delivered and strange noises from the garage. But they said they decided not to report the suspicious activity for fear of being called racists.

"CAIR shows up, and they let everybody know if you say anything, if you say radical Islam, you're going to get sued," Davis said.

And CAIR's allies sit at the pinnacle of power. Obama's own attorney general, Loretta Lynch, warned after San Bernardino that she would not hesitate to prosecute any American who spoke critically of Muslims in a way that could be seen as inciting violence.

But what happens to criminal refugees like Hussein al-Husseini?

He has a violent crime on his record for assault and battery with a deadly weapon. He slashed a man's face with a beer bottle.

But rather than be deported, Hussaini was able to stall his trial for four-and-a-half years by checking in and out of mental hospitals. He reportedly confessed to the crime, but that didn't hurt him.

"He was going to have to go to trial, finally they had a hearing three months ago on his confession, and the judge threw it out because he said this poor pitiful refugee couldn't understand English. I interviewed him and he understood English perfectly, he was fluent," Davis said. "But they threw it out. They were able to neutralize the charge and he did not go to a state penitentiary, and was never deported. So when he gets out in 11 months he's going to hurt someone else."

There were 6,000 Iraqi prisoners of war who came to the U.S. around the same time and the evidence suggests one of them, Husseini, "was complicit in the Oklahoma City bombing and took down a nine-story federal building and killed 168 people," Davis said.

Now two more terrorists have struck in San Bernardino, with a third accomplice, Marquez, implicated. Evidences suggests the killers tried to cover their tracks, which flies in the face of the "lone wolf who got self-radicalized" theory.

But, according to the FBI and President Obama, there are no Middle Eastern terrorist networks inside the United States. They do not exist.

The 'poster girl' for PC police

And if any journalist or FBI agent tries to say otherwise, no matter the evidence they may uncover, they will be blackballed and likely sued.

That's what happened to Davis. She won the suit, however, as Husseini's claims of libel against her were dismissed.

"I'm the poster girl for what happens with political correctness. Give up your profession. I was vindicated, but to this day I'm, quote 'the racist reporter who went after the Middle Eastern guy,' and dammit I was right," Davis said.

"The danger is, they are not going to take you seriously, and pray you don't get sued," she added. "Look what happened with the little Alarm Clock Boy who was apprehended for what appeared to be a bomb. It's working. I have got to give them credit. They have won. We do not have a front line of defense. The DHS and FBI will not protect this country when it is threatened by international terrorist groups, and they are living among us. So, as long as we don’t say it, we don't speak it, the terrorists win."

So the terrorist networks will continue to go by their playbook, which has proven  successful beyond their wildest dreams, she said.

"Cover your tracks, use the useful idiot. Farook – he just wanted to belong. Tim McVeigh was under the control of the Iraqi network. Someone was controlling Farook and Malik. How do we know that? Because they covered their tracks so no one would find them afterwards. They had skills, they had training, they knew how to communicate in secret, they knew how to use aliases online, and how to control and remain unseen. They didn’t draw attention to themselves, they were trained, they were disciplined. That's the way McVeigh was. Somehow they would team up with Middle Eastern terrorists, who would have thought?"

The Oklahoma City beheader, an African-American Muslim convert named Alton Nolen who decapitated a female co-worker, was also dubbed "self-radicalized." His act of terror was classified as "workplace violence."

"He was your classic self-radicalizer, but I don't believe it," Davis said. "He attended the local mosque. Everything. It's like they're taking it from the OKC playbook. Use of lily whites. Terrorists living in our midst, they have an organized terrorist infrastructure they can activate anytime they want. Everyone is screaming about our borders and Syrian refugees, and I get that, but they're already here."

"You're going to see the same talking points, if they can't get away with calling it workplace violence they're going to say they were self-radicalized or 'inspired' but not sponsored by an international terrorist network. You're going to see 'ISIS-inspired.'

"They say it was inspired in one breath and then in the next breath they're saying they went out of their way to hide their identity and they destroyed their cells and hard drives and they used aliases and they went overseas for training. That Somali guy (Hassan) – he absolutely is a player, his tracks he can't cover them now, but our FBI is in the mindset that they won't pursue it any further. That's the PC policy. They did it with the Boston bombers. They knew from the Russians they could absolutely confirm the communications between the Tsarnaev brothers and the hierarchy. If they'd gone to their social media and looked under their aliases, they would have seen it."

The younger brother posted and said he was going to carry out an attack two years prior to the actual attack in summer of 2013.

"He said he was coming after us. That came out in the trial," Davis said. "The media is not going to cover it. They just cover the slaughter of the week, the slaughter of the month, they won't connect the dots."

Davis believes Oklahoma City served as the 21st century blueprint for Islamic terror on American soil.

"We're playing catch up 20 years later."

It's not just about ISIS. The head of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was the head of al-Qaida in Iraq. U.S. forces let him go. He later formed the Islamic State, also called ISIS.

"Here no evil, speak no evil, see no evil," Davis said. "There is no Middle Eastern terrorist network on U.S. soil. That is the policy of the FBI."

God bless,


Thursday, December 24, 2015

DONALD TRUMP: ‘They Will Kill Him Before They Let Him Be President’

From: Clash Daily

We’ve yet to determine if it is Bennett’s work. That said, whomever wrote it we feel the message is a must read.

Why the professional politicians hate Trump

They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump.

Don’t be surprised if Trump has an accident. Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few.

It’s about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business, and big media. They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this partnership, and it’s in all of their interests to protect one another. It’s one for all and all for one.

It’s a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich, everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the patsies. But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. The over-the-top reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media, and the biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened.

Donald Trump can self-fund. No matter how much they say to the contrary, the media, business, and political elite understand that Trump is no joke. He could actually win and upset their nice cozy apple cart.

It’s no coincidence that everyone has gotten together to destroy The Donald. It’s because most of the other politicians are part of the a good old boys club. They talk big, but they won’t change a thing. They are all beholden to big-money donors. They are all owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic environmental organizations, and multinational corporations – like Big Pharmacy or Big Oil. Or they are owned lock, stock, and barrel by foreigners like George Soros owns Obama or foreign governments own Hillary and their Clinton Foundation donations.

These run-of-the-mill establishment politicians are all puppets owned by big money. But there’s one man who isn’t beholden to anyone There’s one man who doesn’t need foreigners, or foreign governments, or George Soros, or the United Auto Workers, or the teacher’s union, or the Service Employees International Union, or the Bar Association to fund his campaign.

Billionaire tycoon and maverick Donald Trump doesn’t need anyone’s help. That means he doesn’t care what the media says. He doesn’t care what the corporate elites think. That makes him very dangerous to the entrenched interests. That makes Trump a huge threat to those people. Trump can ruin everything for the bribed politicians and their spoiled slave masters.

Don’t you ever wonder why the GOP has never tried to impeach Obama? Don’t you wonder why John Boehner and Mitch McConnell talk a big game, but never actually try to stop Obama? Don’t you wonder why Congress holds the purse strings, yet has never tried to de-fund Obamacare or Obama’s clearly illegal executive action on amnesty for illegal aliens? Bizarre, right? It defies logic, right?

First, I’d guess many key Republicans are being bribed. Secondly, I believe many key Republicans are being blackmailed. Whether they are having affairs, or secretly gay, or stealing taxpayer money, the National Security Agency knows everything.

Ask former House Speaker Dennis Hastert about that. The government even knew he was withdrawing large sums of his own money from his own bank account. The NSA, the SEC, the IRS, and all the other three-letter government agencies are watching every Republican political leader. They surveil everything. Thirdly, many Republicans are petrified of being called racists, so they are scared to ever criticize Obama or call out his crimes, let alone demand his impeachment. Fourth , why rock the boat? After defeat or retirement, if you’re a good old boy, you’ve got a $5 million-per-year lobbying job waiting. The big-money interests have the system gamed. Win or lose, they win.

But Trump doesn’t play by any of these rules. Trump breaks up this nice, cozy relationship between big government, big media, and big business. All the rules are out the window if Trump wins the Presidency. The other politicians will protect Obama and his aides but not Trump. Remember: Trump is the guy who publicly questioned Obama’s birth certificate. He questioned Obama’s college records and how a mediocre student got into an Ivy League university.

Now, he’s doing something no Republican has the chutzpah to do. He’s questioning our relationship with Mexico; he’s questioning why the border is wide open; he’s questioning why no wall has been built across the border; he’s questioning if allowing millions of illegal aliens into America is in our best interests; he’s questioning why so many illegal aliens commit violent crimes, yet are not deported; and he’s questioning why our trade deals with Mexico, Russia and China are so bad.

Trump has the audacity to ask out loud why American workers always get the short end of the stick. Good question! I’m certain Trump will question what happened to the almost billion dollars given in a rigged no-bid contract to college friends of Michelle Obama at foreign companies to build the defective Obamacare website. By the way, that tab is now up to $5 billion. Trump will ask if Obamacare’s architects can be charged with fraud for selling it by lying. Trump will investigate Obama’s widespread IRS conspiracy, not to mention Obama’s college records. Trump will prosecute Clinton and Obama for fraud committed to cover up Benghazi before the election. How about the fraud committed by employees of the Labor Department when they made up dramatic job numbers in the last jobs report before the 2012 election?

Obama, the multinational corporations and the media need to stop Trump. They recognize this could get out of control. If left unchecked, telling the raw truth and asking questions everyone else is afraid to ask, Trump could wake a sleeping giant. Trump’s election would be a nightmare. Obama has committed many crimes. No one else but Trump would dare to prosecute. He will not hesitate. Once Trump gets in and gets a look at the cooked books and Obama’s records, the game is over. The jig is up. The goose is cooked. Holder could wind up in prison. Jarrett could wind up in prison. Obama bundler Corzine could wind up in prison for losing $1.5 billion of customer money. Clinton could wind up in jail for deleting 32,000 emails or for accepting bribes from foreign governments while Secretary of State, or for misplacing $6 billion as the head of the State Department, or for lying about Benghazi. The entire upper level management of the IRS could wind up in prison.

Obamacare will be de-funded and dismantled. Obama himself could wind up ruined, his legacy in tatters. Trump will investigate. Trump will prosecute. Trump will go after everyone involved. That’s why the dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump.

Yes, it’s become open season on Donald Trump. The left and the right are determined to attack his policies, harm his businesses, and, if possible, even keep him out of the coming debates. But they can’t silence him. And they sure can’t intimidate him. The more they try, the more the public will realize that he’s the one telling the truth.

God bless,

Friday, December 18, 2015

More Hillary Chronicles

From: Town Hall

by - Judge Andrew Napolitano | Dec 17, 2015

While the country has been fixated on Donald Trump's tormenting his Republican primary opponents and deeply concerned about the government's efforts to identify any confederates in the San Bernardino, California, killings, a team of federal prosecutors and FBI agents continues to examine Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state in order to determine whether she committed any crimes and, if so, whether there is sufficient evidence to prove her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

What began as an innocent Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch, a D.C.-based public advocacy group promoting transparency in the executive branch, has now become a full criminal investigation, with Clinton as the likely target.

The basic facts are well-known, but the revealed nuances are important, as well. When the State Department responded to the Judicial Watch FOIA request by telling Judicial Watch that it had no emails from Clinton, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit. When the State Department made the same representation to the court -- as incredible as it seemed at the time -- the judge accepted that representation, and the case was dismissed.

Then The New York Times revealed that Clinton used a private email server instead of the government's server for all of her work-related and personal emails during her four years as secretary of state. After that, the Judicial Watch FOIA case was reinstated, and then the judge in the case demanded of State that it produce Clinton's emails.

When Judicial Watch expressed frustration to the judge about the pace at which it was getting emails, the judge ordered Clinton, "under penalty of perjury," to certify that she had surrendered all her governmental emails to the State Department.

Eventually, Clinton did certify to the court that she did surrender all of her governmental emails to the State Department. She did so by sending paper copies of selected emails, because she had wiped clean her server. She acknowledged that she decided which emails were personal and which were selected as governmental and returned the governmental ones to the State Department. She has denied steadfastly and consistently that she ever sent or received any materials marked "classified" while secretary of state using her private server.

All of her behavior has triggered the FBI investigation because she may have committed serious federal crimes. For example, it is a crime to steal federal property. What did she steal? By diverting to her own venue the digital metadata that accompany all emails -- metadata that, when attached to the work-related emails of a government employee, belong to the government -- she stole that data. The metadata do not appear on her paper copies -- hence the argument that she stole and destroyed the government-owned metadata.

This is particularly troublesome for her present political ambitions because of a federal statute that disqualifies from public office all who have stolen federal property. (She is probably already barred from public office -- though this was not prominently raised when she entered the U.S. Senate or the Department of State -- because of the china, silverware and furniture that she and her husband took from the White House in January 2001.)

Clinton may also have committed espionage by failing to secure the government secrets entrusted to her. She did that by diverting those secrets to an unprotected, nongovernmental venue -- her own server -- and again by emailing those secrets to other unprotected and nongovernmental venues. The reason she can deny sending or receiving anything marked "classified" is that protected government secrets are not marked "classified."

So her statement, though technically true, is highly misleading. The governmental designations of protected secrets are "confidential," "secret" and "top secret" -- not "classified." State Department investigators have found 999 emails sent or received by Clinton in at least one of those three categories of protected secrets.

Back when Clinton became secretary of state, on her first day in office, she had an hourlong FBI briefing on the proper and lawfully required care of government secrets. She signed a statement, under penalty of perjury, acknowledging that she knew the law and that it is the content of emails, not any stamped markings, that makes them secret.

Earlier this week, my Fox News colleagues confirmed the certain presence of top-secret materials among the 999 emails. Intelligence from foreign sources or about foreign governments is always top-secret, whether designated as such or not. And she knows that.

As well, she may have committed perjury in the FOIA case. When the House Select Committee on Benghazi, in its investigation of her role in the deaths of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans, gathered emails, it found emails she did not surrender to the State Department.

Last week, the State Department released emails that give the FBI more areas to investigate. These emails may show a pattern of official behavior by Clinton designed to benefit the financial interests of her family's foundation, her husband and her son-in-law. Moreover, the FBI knows of a treasure-trove of documents that may demonstrate that the Clinton Foundation skirted the law and illegally raised and spent contributions.

Two months ago, a group of FBI agents sat around a conference table and reviewed the evidence gathered thus far. Each agent was given the opportunity to make or detract from the case for moving forward. At the end of the meeting, it was the consensus of the group to pursue a criminal investigation.

And Clinton is the likely target.

God bless,

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Petition Congress to 'halt Muslim immigration now'

From: World Net Daily

Petition Congress to 'halt Muslim immigration now'

ISIS fighters (Wikimedia) The United States is fighting a clash of civilizations with a dysfunctional immigration system, which is mocked and exploited by its mortal enemies. In response, today WND has launched a petition demanding that Congress temporarily halt Muslim immigration into the U.S. Americans promised to "Never Forget" after the 9/11 terror attacks, but for…

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Actor Kurt Russell: “If You Think Gun Control is going to Change the Terrorists’ Point of View, You’re out of Your Mind!”

From: Freedom Outpost

American Muslims are not the enemy, but Sharia Law is a Clear and Present Danger to America

The war against radical Islam is worldwide and the goal of our enemy is establishment of Sharia law throughout the world.

“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. … Islam doesn’t care about the land or who owns the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power that gets in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy. In order to fulfill that goal, Islam can use every power available every way it can be used to bring worldwide revolution. This is Jihad.”
– Sayeed Abdul A’la Maududi, founder of Jamaat-e-Islami.
In his article, It’s the ideology, Stupid; Australia’s Warner MacKenzie writes, “The West’s propensity for ignorance is nothing short of astounding … Never before have books on the subject of Islamic history and terrorism been so prolific, yet the same old opinions on the causes of Islamic violence remain as popular, uniformed and widespread as ever.”

With the recent Jihadist massacre in San Bernardino by domestic Islamic terrorists, followed by Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s proposal to put a moratorium on Islamic Immigration “until we find out what the hell is going on”, the debate about Islam in America has become heated. Despite condemnation from the mainstream media, Democratic leaders, as well as many in the Republican Party establishment, Trump’s poll number rose substantially in the days following his proposal.

Many Americans sense a connection between Islam and the acts of terror we witness overseas and on our shores. That said, freedom of religion is an enduring American value. Though the U.S. Constitution allows Congress to limit or restrict immigration of any group, many of us do not want to take the step of singling out Muslims due to their personal understanding of God. We must have an honest dialogue about the true political threat to America, Shariah law, if we are to have religious freedom.

First, too many Americans have not taken the time to learn about Sharia law, and distinguish the political ideology of Sharia law from a personal belief in God. This is surprising, considering we have been at war with those seeking to further Sharia law for decades. We’ve had plenty of time to learn in the decade and a half since the 9/11 attacks. Unfortunately, Americans have listened to both Muslim apologists and many American political leaders claiming that Sharia law is no different than U.S. law. The refusal to understand the distinction between a competing political ideology and religion has become dangerous. For those who can handle the truth: Sharia law is a political threat which could spell the doom of our constitutional republic and the end of Western civilization.

Islamic Sharia law includes a clear legal double standard for non-Muslims, violating our notions of equal protection and due process. Under Sharia, Muslims cannot change their religion. Other religions cannot proselytize Muslims. From the respected Hadiths, or sayings of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed, he told his followers (Bukhari): “If a Muslim changes religion, kill him.” This is backed up by similar mandates in the Qur’an.

Therefore, in most Islamic countries it is illegal (up to the death penalty in nations like Saudi Arabia, Iran and others) for a Muslim to change religion or to proselytize.

Islamic Scholar Brigitte Gabriel described the legal treatment of Christians and Jews under traditional Sharia Law in her book, They Must Be Stopped: “Christians and Jews were made to pay the jizyah (tax only paid by non-Muslims) at humiliating public ceremonies. … Christians and Jews were forbidden to construct new churches, temples or synagogues. They were also forbidden from ringing their church bells or blowing the shofar to begin services, just as they are forbidden today in Saudi Arabia and Iran. Dhimmi” (non-Muslims) were forced to wear distinctive clothing, including a yellow badge for Jews, which Hitler copied centuries later.”  

The letter of Sharia law is what we see in practice within the Islamic State (aka ISIS or Daesh), and why we see the horrific images of death and mutilation emanating under true Shariah law in Iraq and Syria.

The San Bernardino killers pledged allegiance to ISIS, and sought to bring Sharia law to the U.S. That is what is meant by “radical Islam” as distinguished from Muslims who only desire a personal belief in God.

When I served in Afghanistan, I was blessed to have met Christian Afghans living under the oppression of Sharia law. The Afghan Constitution begins: “No law will conflict with Islam,” and this is unfortunately understood to many as the institution of Sharia law. Only one of these Afghan Christians I knew was open about his faith. Quite courageous, as this man knew he faced the possibility of death. His family ostracized him, and he is no longer in Afghanistan. This man faced the Afghan government putting him on trial for his life, as they had done in 2006 with another Afghan Christian. Also, by Sharia law a non-Muslim man cannot marry a Muslim woman, though Muslim men are encouraged to marry non-Muslims if possible. This is due to the fact that the children of a Muslim man are considered Muslim and unable to change. Therefore, the Afghan Christian I knew faced a life of never being married due to Sharia law.  He is now in India, as he unfortunately could not obtain refugee status to come to the U.S.  

It would be nice if the same level of criticism aimed at Donald Trump for a proposed temporary moratorium on Islamic immigration to America was also leveled at the legal discrimination against non-Muslims under Sharia law. Instead, the silence dooms many non-Muslims.

In addition to the unequal treatment of non-Muslims, women face similar unequal treatment under Sharia law. For example, the Islamic Prophet Mohammed also is quoted as saying (Bukhari): “The Prophet said, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half that of a man?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind… I looked at hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants are women.’” Under traditional Sharia law, a woman’s testimony in court is only half that of a man.

Sharia law is incompatible with the U.S. constitution. Therefore, those seeking to further Sharia are a “political” threat we should not tolerate. We have every moral and legal right to prevent those holding this ideology from entering the U.S. as immigrants. In 1952, a critical time during the Cold War against the ideology of communism, Congress passed the Immigration and Naturalization Act, specifying that those seeking citizenship in the U.S. must be “attached to the principles of the Constitution.” Ensuring we allow no immigrants who desire to further Sharia law is fair, and allows for religious freedom by distinguishing faith in God from a political ideology. 

The war against radical Islam is worldwide and the goal of our enemy is establishment of Sharia law throughout the world. Americans need not give into discrimination against those who believe in their understanding of God as a personal matter. Let’s keep our religious freedom, but let’s also determine to keep Sharia law out of America.  

God bless,