-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Democrat Narrative: Votes, Power, and Violence

Raw hatred. Primitive, primal hatred. Mob violence. That is what the Democrat Party represents


From: Canada Free Press 


By ——  November 22, 2016


Pawns. The sheeple who have fallen for the Democrat Party’s rhetoric don’t seem to understand that they are merely tools. The Democrats know that when you buy votes with unconstitutional federal benefits you can treat the sheep any way you like and the voters will still do your bidding because of their dependency upon gifts from the treasury. The Democrat voters believe the distractions, the rhetoric, and the propaganda because the liars of the Democrat Party leadership, media, entertainment industry, and educators said so. 

To distract Americans from the issues, the Hillary Clinton campaign embarked on a campaign of mud slinging, trying to convince you that Donald Trump, and his Republican supporters, are white supremacists, racists, bigots, sexists, and xenophobic haters of all things not white, straight and Christian. Trump was paraded around by the Democrats as some kind of authoritarian as if he is somehow someone who is in a political style similar to Hitler. There were even some conservatives who fell for the deluge of false accusations - and they unfortunately joined the ridiculous, leftism orchestrated, Never Trump camp, and still continue to this moment in history after the election to try and convince Americans that Trump is somehow worse than Hillary Clinton, and he is going to renege on every one of his conservative-sounding promises. The truth doesn’t matter to these people. We are expected to be led around by the nose by the seriousness of the allegations. We are expected to believe the lies, without evidence, and without reason.

Now, as the protesters continue to swarm the streets of major cities with their snowflake temper tantrum, the anti-Trump crowd is unable to realize they are reacting exactly as they have been trained to do. They are, after all, nothing more than votes and agitators to the Democrat leadership. If the Democrats really cared about these people, after fifty years of Democrat control in the cities, life would be better, and the cities wouldn’t still be a rotten place to live.

The Democrats can’t believe they lost the 2016 Election. They bought votes, they demonized Trump, they have control of the media, academia, Hollywood, and the dead and illegal aliens were out voting in force.

Hollywood Actor Michael Shannon has decided that there should be a civil war, and all Trump supporters should die in a politically motivated genocide. How dare those right-wingers stand against his idea of what America should be. Don’t the Trump supporters understand that the First Amendment’s enumeration of Freedom of Speech is only for those who agree with liberal left Democrats? Otherwise, all dissent should be silenced. . . forever.

There have been calls for Trump’s assassination, multiple times. Horrific threats to do violent harm to Melania. Hillary Clinton was reported to have been physically violent after the election during her own temper tantrum. Sanctuary cities saying they refuse to work with the new President after cities and States were expected to bow to President Obama’s authoritarian demands. The mainstream media’s smugness has them in denial. Uprisings have erupted all over the country fueled by hate-mongering liberals, including a shooting in Portland. A mall Santa was fired for saying he has Hillary Clinton on his naughty list. We have ‘Anxious’ and ‘Fearful’ students demanding days off to cry about Trump’s win. The anti-Trump leftists have savagely beaten innocent Trump supporters to a pulp. The Democrat Party voters are violently rioting, trashing property, burning the American Flag, and burning Trump in effigy. California liberal Democrats are threatening to make sure the bluest of blue States secedes over the election. Some leftist voters are willing to file false police reports that falsely accuse Trump supporters of robbing them so as to try and make Trump supporters look bad, instead. A CNN reporter was even caught using one of the network’s former cameramen to pose as a disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporter in the hopes of stoking the madness. And even after a couple weeks beyond the election the crybaby Democrat voters remain in the throes of a massive mental and emotional meltdown 

When I reported about Pence being booed at a Hamilton play on Broadway, a liberal commenter commented, “Poor baby. Boo Hoo.” (I deleted it because of the stupidity. . . maybe I should have approved it) Really? I didn’t post it because because I am boo-hooing over it, idiot. I posted about it because it shows how idiotic and unwilling to work with the other side you so-called tolerant, “all the world needs is a little love” hypocrites you leftists truly are.

It’s like the idiot leftists booing the family of a fallen soldier on a airplane flight. It’s like the television station firing a reporter because she was happy Trump won on her social media page. I’m not crying. I’m pointing out how hypocritical the left-wing Democrat progressive liberal socialist nutcakes are. They say they are the loving ones (“love trumps hate”, remember?). They say they are the tolerant ones. They say they are the inclusive ones. They say they are the understanding ones. Really?

The hostile protesters aren’t even really protesters, for the most part. Democrat operatives are busing them in, and they are being paid to riot. The liberal left is playing you, sheeple. You are pawns in their plan to continue to divide America, and like mindless idiots, you do as you’re told without asking why. You are nothing more than a vote and a useless idiot to the Democrats. You are a tool.

How does it feel, liberal left sheeple, to be nothing more than a useless idiot used for political reasons? Do you really think the liberal left Democrat politicians give a rat’s behind about you?

Do you live any better than you did eight years ago?

And who are the protesters protesting? White billionaires? White rich people? You mean like the puppet masters in the Clinton Crime family and George Soros?

And the war is just beginning. So, liberal left loonies, do you want to be tools for socialism and people who don’t give a care about you except for your vote? Or do you want to fight for freedom and liberty?

The puppeteers want a race war. They are baiting the ill-informed, because those people are loyal because of the gifts they get from the government.

Blood is already being spilled in the streets.

Raw hatred. Primitive, primal hatred. Mob violence. That is what the Democrat Party represents. . . just as it did after the American Civil War when the Democrat Party created the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and participated in lynchings.

Where will the liberal left stop, this time? Will they begin killing their opposition without remorse? Will we be attacked in our homes? Will conservative women and children be beaten because of the Democrat Party’s out of control hatred for anyone who dares to disagree with them?

Heck, this is the angriest the Democrats have ever been in history, except when the Republicans freed their black slaves over a hundred years ago.

Trump is challenging the establishment, and the media. He is exposing the corruption and lies of the Democrat Party. How vicious do you think they will get now?

The heat is being applied. The Democrats are so angry they are willing to push this to a breaking point with the rioting, rage and violence. Members of the Electoral College are receiving death threats.

Will we even make it to Trump’s inauguration day?

California Democratic senator Barbara Boxer just filed legislation to completely abolish the Electoral College! Granted, it needs a constitutional amendment to be repealed, but Democrats don’t care about the rule of law. They just want their way.

The fair and loving Democrats refuse to accept the loss they received in this election. They loathe the thought of losing their power. They are acting the way they claimed the conservatives would act in 2008. Notice, there was never any violent rioting or belly-aching like this by any conservative. . . ever!

The Democrats refuse to go quietly. They criticized Trump’s refusal to say if he’d accept the election results when they thought they were a shoe-in, yet now the are not accepting the election results and will do whatever it takes to get their way.

So, we must ask, “What’s next?”

How far are they willing to push the envelope?

How violent are they willing to get?

Are the Brown Shirts ready to begin terrorizing anyone who dared to support Donald Trump?

One wonders.

Time will tell.

God bless,



Monday, November 21, 2016

Memo to millennials, that awful feeling you've got is called losing. It happens. If you want to know how to win, stop whining for a bit and learn some lessons from Trump

From: Daily Mail

By Piers Morgan -

Cheer up, American millennials!

I mean, seriously, CHEER THE **** UP!

Oh, I know you’ve had a rough week ever since Donald Trump won the election.

But it’s time to get a grip.

STOP crying.

STOP taking personal days off work to ‘process’ what happened.

STOP huddling with your equally distraught buddies in Starbucks over your Venti Iced White Chocolate Mocha.

STOP howling away on social media about how unfair life is and how it’s the end of the planet as we know it.

STOP updating the exact number Hillary won the popular vote by, because it doesn’t bloody matter.

STOP marching around screaming your fury at the result when many of you couldn’t even bothered to vote.

STOP retweeting all your favourite celebrities’ own outbursts of pique, rage and anguish.

STOP demanding the Electoral College reverse the decision in December.

In short, STOP being such a faux-tormented bunch of absolutely deluded cretins.

Want to know why Trump is going to be your next president?

It’s because he is what’s called a ‘winner’.

I know it’s not ‘cool’ to be a winner these days.

It’s become an ugly, dirty word in your PC-crazed universe.

Far better, the social media millennial mob cries, to be a gallant loser who tries their best but comes up short - like Bernie, or now Hillary.

To which I say: bulls**t.

Winning is what life’s really about - whether in sport, politics, or simply producing the best decorated pumpkin in your town’s Thanksgiving parade.

If you don’t strive to be the very best at whatever you do, however big or small, then what’s the point in doing it, or frankly even being alive?

Why wallow in self-induced mediocrity?

Yet that is precisely where so many of America’s 80 million millennials enjoy wallowing, and as a result they have become the most pampered, privileged and selfish members of the human race in history.

Where’s my evidence for such a shocking assertion?

Try the National Institutes of Health, which reported that 40% of millennials believe they should be promoted every two years regardless of performance, and are so fame obsessed that three times as many middle school girls now want to grow up to be the PA to a talentless celebrity like Kim Kardashian as want to be a senator.

(Hardly surprising therefore that 77% of millennials can’t even name a senator from their home state…)

Oh, and 80% of millennials say they’ll be richer than their parents, yet more of them live with their parents than with a spouse, still take cash off their parents, and work half as hard.

The tragic truth is that America’s millennials are a bunch of phone-addicted, selfie-obsessed, hashtagging, snapchatting, kale-munching, twerking, lazy, whining, ill-informed, politically correct, cossetted narcissists who find absolutely everything mortally offensive and believe there are 165 ways to sexually identify.

They don’t understand the concept of ‘losing’ because they’ve never had to experience it.

At school, to avoid any ‘low self-esteem issues’, they were all given endless ‘Participation Prizes’.

It’s hard to think of a more ridiculous, insidious ‘honour’.

What possible pleasure can there be in ‘winning’ a prize for just turning up? What incentive is there to compete in anything if you’re going to ‘win’ anyway?

Participation prizes converted a whole new generation into people with no understanding of what genuine competition actually means.

This, coupled with the advent of social media technology that allowed them to post relentless ‘filtered’ images of themselves, led to staggeringly self-absorbed figments of their own perfection.

The combined effect of these two things has been to create a deep-rooted sense of entitlement that manifested itself in a breakdown of biblical proportions when Trump triumphed last Wednesday.

Well, welcome to the real world, my delicate little Instagrammed snowflakes.

This is how democracy works…

You all have a chance to vote…

Someone wins, someone loses…

To the winner of a US presidential election goes all the spoils of being the most powerful person on earth...

To the loser, no gold stars for effort.

Winners like Trump don’t believe in ‘participation prizes.’ They believe you either win or lose.

Winners like Trump don’t weep and wail when they lose. They vow to win next time.

Winners like Trump don’t take days off to ‘process’ their loss. They dust themselves down and get on with life.

Winners like Trump don’t assume they’ll win. They do what it takes to win.

Winners like Trump don’t leave anything in the field of competition. They give it 100%.

‘Winning,’ said the great NFL coach Vince Lombardi, ‘is not a sometime thing, it’s an all the time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit.’

Lombardi further clarified: ‘Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.’

That’s Trump’s life mantra too. It’s why he’s now heading to the White House, and also why he may now surprise people and turn out to be a rather effective president.

The millennials can’t handle it because it wasn’t supposed to be this way.
Hillary Clinton was their anointed one, their heroine, their pick for first female president.

No matter that she was a dull, humourless, uninspiring candidate mired in Wall Street greed, Washington dogma, and dodgy email servers.

Trump won because he didn’t even bother trying to conform to this new world order of eggshell-hopping me-me-me millennials who infest places like New York and California.

Instead, he invested his time and effort in America’s rust belt states where such idealistic, sugar-coated nonsense is complete anathema.

The reaction to Trump’s win has been absurdly, dangerously over-the-top.

A San Diego based cyber-security firm founder and CEO millennial named Mark Harrigan resigned this week after posting the following on Facebook:

‘I’m going to kill the president elect. Getting a sniper rifle and perching myself where it counts. Find a bedroom in the whitehouse that suits you motherf***er. I'll find you. In no uncertain terms, f*** you America. Seriously. F*** off.'

Hardly the personification of ‘#LoveTrumpsHates’ is it?

Today, it emerged that 200 students from a Manhattan high school were allowed to skip lessons to join the protests outside Trump Tower.

Can you imagine the furore if Trump-supporting students had demanded the right to do that if Hillary had become President?

It’s all so pathetic.

The simple fact is that Trump won, fair and square.

The moaning millennials may not like it but refusing to accept the result is not just undemocratic, it’s un-American.

Nobody rioted when Obama won, twice – though feelings ran just as high against him from those who voted for the other side.

As Trump’s rally song by the Rolling Stones so perfectly summed it up: ‘You can’t always get what you want.’

So suck it up you squealing softies, get back to work or college, and if you want to win next time, get a candidate who’s a winner not a loser. 

God bless,

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

No, Hillary Did Not Win the Popular Vote…And Yes, the Electoral College Did Protect America from Corruption at the Ballot Box

Direct election would break down the federal system under which states entered the union, which provides a system of checks and balances to ensure that no area or group shall obtain too much power.”  —John F. Kennedy


From: Eagle Rising

by Paul Dowling - November 15, 2016

Election Aftermath
In the aftermath of Election Day—November 8th, 2016—the Democrat-run, propaganda media began telling Americans that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.  But this is simply not true.
Millions of Uncounted Ballots Favor Trump
To begin, millions of absentee ballots remain untallied and will never be counted.  The reason is that states only count absentee ballots, if they are more numerous than the votes between the top two vote-getters.  For example, if Trump wins in Michigan by 13,000 votes, and there are 12,999 absentee ballots, it is not worth counting them, as a practical matter, since those votes could not change the result.  And here is the truth about absentee ballots in America: 2/3 of absentee voters have historically voted Republican, probably because so many absentee voters are elderly shut-ins who are more conservative.  Across states, millions of ballots will remain uncounted that would likely run in Trump’s favor by 2 to 1, boosting his vote total by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, more than Hillary’s vote total.
Illegal Voters Vote Over 90% Democrat
In California, New York, Illinois, and other bastions of Democrat corruption, dead people voted in the millions for Hillary Clinton, as did illegal aliens.  Also, George Soros-affiliated voting machines were changing Trump votes to Clinton votes by the millions in at least sixteen states.

California alone has over a million non-citizen voters (with some estimates running as high as two million), since Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation allowing illegal aliens to vote.  Indeed, Jerry Brown signed legislation granting drivers’ licenses to illegals, and then signed a law allowing anyone with a California driver’s license to vote. Given California, New York, and Illinois’s non-citizen voters, coupled with the 1.8 million deceased voters who, despite being dead, somehow continue to vote across elections, it is no wonder Clinton’s popular vote total exceeded Trump’s. Add into the mix the corrupt George Soros voting machines, and what it all adds up to is an enthusiasm for Donald Trump so intense that it fueled voter turnout high enough in many states to overcome all the built-in election fraud. Thank God for the Electoral College!
The Electoral College, a Check against Corruption
Because the sovereign states created the federal government, they saw to it that the popular vote would not choose the president; indeed, it is the states who get to choose, by means of the Electoral College. The creation of the Electoral College was wise, for it acts, to this day, as a protection against corruption in the American electoral process.

For example, the outright entitlement of illegal-alien voting, along with many states’ lack of a voter-ID laws, encourages non-citizens to vote and allows vote-rigging Democrats to vote more than once under the names of dead people.  Under such a corrupt system, California alone could skew the national popular vote total enough to cause an illegitimate win for a presidential candidate, if the president were elected on the basis of the popular vote.  Hillary Clinton’s so-called “win” in the popular vote is, therefore, beyond illusory.  In a fair vote, among living US citizens only, Hillary Clinton is certain to have lost the plebiscite by several million ballots!  The Electoral College acts as a check against corruption, at least confining ballot-box corruption to one state at a time and not allowing it to plague the entire nation as a whole, except insofar as it does affect the choice of Electors in one state.  Harm to the republic is, therefore, mitigated.

The Electoral College Also Provides Checks & Balances
The Electoral College was created by the Founders with special consideration to small states.  The number of Electors is determined by adding the number of Representatives to the number of Senators for any given state.  Thus, Rhode Island receives three electoral votes, rather than only one; 1/435 is what would be the ratio of representation if a direct-proportion model of representation were used; but Rhode Island is represented within the Electoral College at a ratio of 3/535—which is significantly better, giving such a small state more power to tip the scales in a close election.  The impact of this arrangement on large states is one of diminishing their power to bully the smaller ones.
The Problem with Illegal Voting
Illegal voting deprives US citizens of their right to self-determination, according to the US Constitution.  The more corrupt a state is with regard to controlling illegal voters, the more it will help the party favored most by those voters.  In other words, Democrats can win big by encouraging dishonesty, while Republicans lose big by encouraging integrity in the electoral process.  Dishonesty will win every time, in such an environment.
A New Threat on the Horizon
And now there is a new Democrat scheme to pervert the Electoral College system even more, called the National Popular Vote Plan.  Under this scheme, states will make the Electoral College irrelevant by agreeing to award their electoral votes to whomever wins the popular vote in a presidential election.  States agreeing to the plan do not, necessarily, award their votes according to the wishes expressed by their state’s voters!  The plan takes effect once the states signing on to the plan finally reach a total of 270 electoral votes among them.  Imagine what would have happened in the 2016 presidential election, if California, New York, Illinois, and many other states along with them, had awarded their Electors to the winner of the fraudulent national vote total, rather than awarding their electoral votes to the candidate their citizens voted for!  Indeed, such a nefarious plan encourages interstate collaboration in stuffing the ballot boxes with illegal votes across states, in order to tip the popular vote towards a pre-selected candidate, thus triggering the illicit awarding of Electoral College votes to that candidate.

A Constitutional crisis would surely ensue from such a practice, since, according to the US Constitution, in Article IV, Section 4—known as the Guarantee Clause—a state is prohibited from entering the Union unless it guarantees its citizenry a republic: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.”  States agreeing to the National Popular Vote Plan are actively working against the Guarantee Clause, since the wishes of their own voters are no longer of consequence under the plan.  These states are violating the guarantee—the human right, as it were—of democratic self-determination, which is the hallmark of a republic.

There is not much in the way of federal case law on the Guarantee Clause, because, in the 1849 case of Luther v. Borden, the Supreme Court decided that enforcement of the clause is more properly an issue for Congress—not the judiciary—to deal with.  Citizens of a state who believe their government is no longer republican are to apply to Congress, rather than to the courts, for justice.  For this reason, the Congress should make haste to take up, and expeditiously pass, a bill that would outlaw the National Popular Vote Plan.

If the Democrats were allowed to enact their corrupt plan, then the Electoral College, which exists, in part, as a counterweight to corruption, would be at risk of losing its relevance.  And our free republic would fall victim to nationwide corruption inflicted upon the majority by the tyranny of a dishonest few.

All the potential dishonesty that could be unleashed by such a plan would mean that, regardless of how well a candidate campaigns, it would not matter on Election Day.  The only thing that would matter would be the effectiveness with which the political machines of corrupt states operated to skew the national popular vote count in favor of an illegally pre-chosen candidate, and backroom deals would become more important than promises made to the public.  This would do irreparable harm to the integrity of the American electoral system.  Only the best cheaters would prevail.  And the death of our democratic republic would be assured.

God bless,


Letter to the NFL Commisioners


I’ve been a season pass holder at Yankee Stadium, Yale Bowl and Giants Stadium.

I missed the ’90-’91 season because I was with a battalion of Marines in Desert Storm. 14 of my wonderful Marines returned home with the American Flag draped across their lifeless bodies. My last conversation with one of them, Sgt Garrett Mongrella, was about how our Giants were going to the Super Bowl. He never got to see it.

Many friends, Marines, and Special Forces Soldiers who worked with or for me through the years returned home with the American Flag draped over their coffins.

Now I watch multi-millionaire athletes who never did anything in their lives but play a game, disrespect what brave Americans fought and died for. They are essentially spitting in the faces and on the graves of real men, men who have actually done something for this country beside playing with a ball and believing they’re something special! They’re not! My Marines and Soldiers were!

You are complicit in this! You’ll fine players for large and small infractions but you lack the moral courage and respect for our nation and the fallen to put an  immediate stop to this. Yes, I know, it’s their 1st Amendment right to behave in such a despicable manner.

What would happen if they came out and disrespected you or the refs publicly?

I observed a player getting a personal foul for twerking in the end zone after scoring. I guess that’s much worse than disrespecting the flag and our National  Anthem. Hmmmmm, isn’t it his 1st Amendment right to express himself like an idiot in the end zone?

Why is taunting not allowed yet taunting America is OK? You fine players for wearing 9-11 commemorative shoes yet you allow scum on the sidelines to sit, kneel or pump their pathetic fist in the air. They are so deprived with their multi-million dollar contracts for playing a freaking game!

You condone it all by your refusal to act. You’re just as bad and disgusting as they are. I hope Americans boycott any sponsor who supports that rabble you call the NFL. I hope they turn off the TV when any team that allowed this disrespect to occur, without consequence, on the sidelines. I applaud those who have not.

Legends and heroes do NOT wear shoulder pads. They wear body armor and carry rifles.

They make minimum wage and spend months and years away from their families. They don’t do it for an hour on Sunday. They do it 24/7 often with lead, not footballs, coming in their direction. They watch their brothers carted off in pieces not on a gurney to get their knee iced. They don’t even have ice! Many don’t have legs or  arms.

Some wear blue and risk their lives daily on the streets of America . They wear fire helmets and go upstairs into the fire rather than down to safety. On 9-11, hundreds vanished. They are the heroes.

I hope that your high paid protesting pretty boys and you look in that mirror when you shave tomorrow and see what you really are, legends in your own minds. You need to hit the road and take those worms with you!

Time to change the channel.

Ret Marine Col. Jeffery Powers

God bless,


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Face of Failure

Now that #WhatsHerName has been relegated to the dustbin of political history, the list on the right is just a stunning lesson in hubris...

God bless,

Black vet's epic takedown of anti-Trump rioters

A black Air Force veteran is fed up at anti-Trump rioters who disrespect America’s flag, refuse to say the Pledge of Allegiance, reject their duly-elected president and wreak havoc in U.S. cities, smashing windows, blocking freeways and igniting fires.

In fact, Thaddeus Dionne Alexander is so outraged by the rioters that he posted a video on YouTube and Facebook – and his message is going viral with 20 million views and nearly a million shares on Facebook alone.

“Wow, y’all are protesting? Really? Man, I don’t understand. It’s not Republicans causing all this destruction, you know, burning up the streets, blocking roads and things like that. It’s the liberals,” Alexander begins.

“You know, these are the same people that are against the Second Amendment. Because they want to ‘decrease violence,’ nobody should have guns. The same people that are [pro]-abortion because they want to ‘save lives.’ And you’re causing all this destruction just because your candidate lost.”

But Alexander explains, in America, “You can’t always get your way.”

He continued:
Everybody wants to be politically correct. Quit being crybabies!
Ain’t nothing free! You ain’t no slave!
You don’t get your way, so you act like a 2-year-old, burning up people’s stuff?
Destroying the streets, making people late for work?
Man, I’m glad I don’t live in New York City or Washington or Oregon because I would run one of your asses over. You are outrageous, man. You are the exact reason why Donald Trump won the election. Because we’re tired of you crybabies.
You didn’t earn anything. None of you put on a uniform. But you’re quick to disrespect the flag. Not want to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Not want to recognize the Bible. But you want everything.
You didn’t fight for anything. But you want it.
It doesn’t work like that. …
All these people out there that want to protest and burn stuff up, I don’t think the cops should protect them. When people look at the flag and say, ‘That’s not my flag. Donald Trump is not my president,’ then you know what? Obviously this ain’t your damn country! Leave!
Find another flag. Find another president. Go to Mexico. I really don’t care.
But quit tearing up stuff.
Quit causing destruction and preaching peace. Because you’re contradicting yourself.
During a Monday appearance on “Fox & Friends,” Alexander explained that he was astonished at how the left depicted Republicans as angry individuals who hoarded guns and wanted to “kill babies.”

In fact, Clinton-supporting media outlets predicted Republicans would refuse to accept undesirable election results. On Oct. 27, the New York Times warned of violence by Trump supporters and “another Revolutionary War” should Hillary Clinton win the White House.

And after Trump’s Election Day victory, CNN reported Tampa Bay Buccaneers wide receiver Mike Evans refused to stand for the national anthem. “I’m not going to stand for something I don’t believe in,” Evans said, adding that “America’s not right” for electing Trump.

But for all the media warnings, it turns out, anti-Trump rioters are the ones inflicting violence, destruction and mayhem in American cities.

“I just thought it was so hypocritical. It just amazed me how people reacted,” Alexander said.

“We need to preserve this country. We need to stop burning flags. We need to stand for the pledge of allegiance. And we need to be proud of what we have here.”

Alexander concluded, “Being a black man, there is no other country where we’re accepted like we are in the U.S.

“People may think so. I’ve had friend say, ‘We’ll go back to Africa.’ Well, everybody knows if you’re black man, you’re not accepted in Africa. You’re not African. It’s just not going to work like that. This is the only place where you can be openly gay or homosexual. There’s nowhere else to go.”

Since his video went viral, Alexander’s Facebook page has been flooded with comments, mostly in support of his statements. Some include:
  • I vote Dionne for the 2020 election!
  • Thank you for putting yourself out there!
  • I think you’re amazing, and you’ve taught me not to be afraid of what people think of me! Thank you for that, and thank you for your service to our great nation!
  • I’m with you. Stand your ground. I refuse to be bullied and don’t care what they say. I take no stock in what they say, I know what’s in my heart. The biggest racist are the ones labeling all of us racist.
  • No, you’re not the only one that thinks this way. There are $50+ million of us. Thank you for your service to this country and speaking up on this important issue.
  • You deserve so much recognition. It’s Americans like you that make this country great. Thank you.
  • My family and I sincerely thank you for your service. Its comforting to see people of ALL race, color and creed beginning to unite and come together for a better America!

God bless,