-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Friday, March 18, 2016

Trump versus The Corrupt Political Establishment

From: Anonymous 

If you really want to know why DJT is being attacked at every level, it's all right here and it makes perfect sense. If you have the cognitive abilities required to actually wrap your mind around the truth and ignore the hype.

"They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump.

Don’t be surprised if Trump has an accident. Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few.

It's about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business, and big media. They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this partnership, and it's in all of their interests to protect one another. It's one for all and all for one. It’s a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich, everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the patsies. But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. The over-the-top reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media, and the biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened.

Donald Trump can self-fund. No matter how much they say to the contrary, the media, business, and political elite understand that Trump is no joke. He could actually win and upset their nice cozy apple cart.

It's no coincidence that everyone has gotten together to destroy The Donald. It's because most of the other politicians are part of the a good old boys club. They talk big, but they won’t change a thing. They are all beholden to big-money donors. They are all owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic environmental organizations, and multinational corporations – like Big Pharmacy or Big Oil. Or they are owned lock, stock, and barrel by foreigners like George Soros owns Obama or foreign governments own Hillary and their Clinton Foundation donations.

These run-of-the-mill establishment politicians are all puppets owned by big money. But there's one man who isn't beholden to anyone. There's one man who doesn't need foreigners, or foreign governments, or George Soros, or the United Auto Workers, or the teacher's union, or the Service Employees International Union, or the Bar Association to fund his campaign.

Billionaire tycoon and maverick Donald Trump doesn’t need anyone’s help. That means he doesn’t care what the media says. He doesn’t care what the corporate elites think. That makes him very dangerous to the entrenched interests. That makes Trump a huge threat to those people. Trump can ruin everything for the bribed politicians and their spoiled slave masters.

Don’t you ever wonder why the GOP has never tried to impeach Obama? Don’t you wonder why John Boehner and Mitch McConnell talk a big game, but never actually try to stop Obama? Don’t you wonder why Congress holds the purse strings, yet has never tried to de-fund Obamacare or Obama’s clearly illegal executive action on amnesty for illegal aliens? Bizarre, right? It defies logic, right?

First, I'd guess many key Republicans are being bribed. Secondly, I believe many key Republicans are being blackmailed. Whether they are having affairs, or secretly gay, or stealing taxpayer money, the National Security Agency knows everything.

Ask former House Speaker Dennis Hastert about that. The government even knew he was withdrawing large sums of his own money from his own bank account. The NSA, the SEC, the IRS, and all the other three-letter government agencies are watching every Republican political leader. They surveil everything. Thirdly, many Republicans are petrified of being called racists, so they are scared to ever criticize Obama or call out his crimes, let alone demand his impeachment. Fourth , why rock the boat? After defeat or retirement, if you’re a good old boy, you’ve got a $5 million-per-year lobbying job waiting. The big-money interests have the system gamed. Win or lose, they win.

But Trump doesn’t play by any of these rules. Trump breaks up this nice, cozy relationship between big government, big media, and big business. All the rules are out the window if Trump wins the Presidency. The other politicians will protect Obama and his aides but not Trump. Remember: Trump is the guy who publicly questioned Obama's birth certificate. He questioned Obama's college records and how a mediocre student got into an Ivy League university. Now, he's doing something no Republican has the chutzpah to do. He's questioning our relationship with Mexico; he's questioning why the border is wide open; he's questioning why no wall has been built across the border; he's questioning if allowing millions of illegal aliens into America is in our best interests; he's questioning why so many illegal aliens commit violent crimes, yet are not deported; and he's questioning why our trade deals with Mexico, Russia and China are so bad.

Trump has the audacity to ask out loud why American workers always get the short end of the stick. Good question! I'm certain Trump will question what happened to the almost billion dollars given in a rigged no-bid contract to college friends of Michelle Obama at foreign companies to build the defective Obamacare website. By the way, that tab is now up to $5 billion. Trump will ask if Obamacare's architects can be charged with fraud for selling it by lying. Trump will investigate Obama's widespread IRS conspiracy, not to mention Obama's college records. Trump will prosecute Clinton and Obama for fraud committed to cover up Benghazi before the election. How about the fraud committed by employees of the Labor Department when they made up dramatic job numbers in the last jobs report before the 2012 election?

Obama, the multinational corporations and the media need to stop Trump. They recognize this could get out of control. If left unchecked, telling the raw truth and asking questions everyone else is afraid to ask, Trump could wake a sleeping giant. Trump's election would be a nightmare. Obama has committed many crimes. No one else but Trump would dare to prosecute. He will not hesitate. Once Trump gets in and gets a look at the cooked books and Obama's records, the game is over. The goose is cooked. Holder could wind up in prison. Jarrett could wind up in prison. Obama bundler Corzine could wind up in prison for losing $1.5 billion of customer money. Clinton could wind up in jail for deleting 32,000 emails or for accepting bribes from foreign governments while Secretary of State, or for misplacing $6 billion as the head of the State Department, or for lying about Benghazi. The entire upper level management of the IRS could wind up in prison.

Obamacare will be de-funded and dismantled. Obama himself could wind up ruined, his legacy in tatters. Trump will investigate. Trump will prosecute. Trump will go after everyone involved. That’s why the dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump.

Yes, it's become open season on Donald Trump. The left and the right are determined to attack his policies, harm his businesses, and, if possible, even keep him out of the coming debates. But they can't silence him. And they sure can't intimidate him. The more they try, the more the public will realize that he's the one telling the truth".

God bless,

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Establishment Elites Going All Out to Derail the Trump Express

From: Town Hall

by - Rachel Marsden | Mar 16, 2016

Welcome to the club, America! You're now experiencing first-hand what was previously seen as something that only happened in foreign lands: an overt electoral hijacking attempt by establishment elites.

What do you do when the democratic process turns out to be a bit too democratic, in the sense that people on the side that's currently winning don't support your worldview? You swarm it and use the media attention to issue your own manifesto. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has the establishments on both the left and the right so riled that they're no longer even being discreet in pulling out all the stops to end his candidacy.

A group of billionaires and tech CEOs converged on a private island off the coast of the state of Georgia earlier this month for the American Enterprise Institute's annual World Forum. The gathering reportedly turned into a political strategy session, with captains of industry teaming with "old boy" Republican strategists and donors to plot a derailment of the Trump Express.

The tech guys are in panic mode because of Trump's hard-line stance on immigration. They depend heavily on foreign-born employees who will work for lower wages, leaving American workers on the sidelines. Trump threatens the widespread hiring practices of the entire industry.

The money men are in the unfamiliar and highly uncomfortable position of not being able to buy influence, because Trump won't take their cash. The establishment old boys, as always, are just looking out for No. 1. If their horse doesn't win the race, they can't score a gig in the new administration or impress clients with their White House connections. They issue their anti-Trump manifestos through current and former candidates such as Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney.

Trump opposition from the left has taken a different form. A Trump rally in Chicago was abruptly canceled last week after protests became unruly. Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, issued a statement in support of the planned disruption of the Chicago rally. "MoveOn proudly supported University of Illinois at Chicago students and local organizers in their courageous nonviolent protest outside the event," said the statement. "We helped student leaders by printing signs and recruiting MoveOn members to attend the student-led protest."

It certainly seemed odd that after months of Trump campaign events, activists would just organically decide to swarm a rally. News flash: You're being used, guys. You're mere pawns in a billionaire's ongoing game of subversion. And that billionaire isn't Donald Trump.

George Soros, whose net worth is estimated at $23 billion, was a prominent supporter of President Barack Obama's White House bid, and a significant number of administration appointees were drawn from Soros-funded think tanks. Soros is also a major funder of MoveOn.org.

America isn't the only place where Soros has attempted to flex his political muscle. In November, Russia's general prosecutor's office banned the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations and Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation, calling their activity "a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the security of the state."

Soros then wrote an opinion piece for The Guardian earlier this year in which he cast Russian President Vladimir Putin as an enemy of Europe. "Attacks mounted by jihadi terrorists, however terrifying, do not compare with the threat emanating from Russia," Soros wrote.

Yeah, right -- just like the threat of special interests in American politics does not compare with the threat emanating from Donald Trump? Anyone else see a pattern here?

Soros is the establishment writ large. The little people are nothing but cannon fodder for him and for the policies that further his interests, in America and abroad.

Other than political ideology, there is little difference between the Silicon Valley titans, the permanent members of the Democratic and Republican establishments and their bagmen, and billionaires like Soros with their useful leftist tools.

This election isn't about left versus right. Instead, this election pits those who feel entitled to shape America the way they see fit and impose their worldview on everyone else against hardworking citizens who are sick of seeing wealthy and influential meddlers interfere with the translation of the popular will into a sensible national agenda.

This is the last stand of the political establishments, and they're using every tactic in their arsenal. If Trump wins, they lose. They can only win if voters are duped into buying what they're selling.

God bless,

PS. in order to take our country back we need destroy the corrupt poliitical esttablishment by voting against every career senator and congressman that is running for re-election and voting for new representatives. Once we drain the swamp the establishments are done.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

We Need to Destroy the Republican Establishment Now!

After reading this article you see the true nature of the republican party. It is basically owned by the big money donors to their campaigns. our elected senators and congressmen are no longer representing we the people they are representing the big money and their agendas at our expense. It is time to drain the swamp. We need to vote out all the career politicians and vote in new people with no ties to big money so we can take back our goverment.

Approximately 54 Private Jets Arrive with GOP Leaders and Donors Set on Stopping Donald Trump 

From:  Freedom Outpost


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Rampant Voter Fraud and Manipulation Thanks to Electronic Voting and Dirty Politicians

From: Eagle Rising

By /

We in the United States no longer live in a free Constitutional country where our so called elected officials are chosen by us and represent our perspective interests. What we now have is appointed government officials who enact laws of their own choosing and disregard the will of their constituents in every aspect. This is happening in all areas of the US from a local level to nationwide.

One aspect that has allowed this to transpire is the fact that the voting process in the US has become rigged, so that the government's desired candidates will always win. The only way a candidate of the people’s choice wins in America today is by gaining so much public support that any finagling by the government to sway the election outcome would be noticed by everyone.

We haven't had a fair election in this country since we switched to electronic balloting, supposedly because of the Hanging Chad controversy in Florida in the 2000 Presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore.

Aside from rigged ballots, we have the establishment politicians who want illegal aliens to have the right to vote. As it is now, illegal immigrants have the right to vote in all US elections in California, with New York and Florida considering it. The most interesting fact is, under US law, it is illegal in itself for someone here illegally to vote in any election. What this should mean for states allowing illegal immigrants to vote is their votes have to be considered null and void, disqualifying the particular state's voting results altogether.

Then we have the present government's desire to do away altogether with voters having to present state or Federal picture IDs before voting in some states. What no identification requirement really means is those who want to vote multiple times for the same person in the same election could easily get away with it. It also means that people could steal the information of those deceased to vote in their identity, and with as many dead people as possible. No voter ID laws also easily permits people here illegally to vote, as well as those otherwise disqualified from voting because of their criminal background.

Rampant cheating by the candidates themselves is yet another socialist pin in the balloon of freedom as is seen in this year's Presidential primaries primarily by Hillary Clinton, who blatantly cheated her way to wins in Iowa and Nevada.

We also have the mainstream media constantly trying to influence the public to vote for the candidate of their choosing. This was seen early on in in the 2016 Presidential primary, where, from day one, the media tried to convince Republican voters that their polls showed Jeb Bush as the front runner, when in fact, the majority of voters did not want another Bush in office.

As the Primaries and debates began to take their toll on Republican candidates, we have seen many drop out of the race. In each instance, the media latched on to the candidate they wanted the public to vote for, not the most publicly popular one. For instance, when it became apparent to anyone with an IQ above moron that contrary to the media’s fixed polls, Jeb Bush was not wanted by the public, they latched on to the next candidate they thought they could manipulate us into supporting, this being Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. With the prospects of a Rubio win becoming an impossibility, Ted Cruz will garner the media support. When it becomes apparent Cruz is going nowhere fast, the media will begin to slightly support Donald Trump while wildly praising the Democrat candidate whether it be Clinton or Sanders.

The bottom line is the media will support the candidate who represents the current socialist establishment.

The biggest mistake most voters make is still believing that there is a political difference between Democrats and Republicans. Nothing could be farther from the truth as the political landscape in Washington today consists of neither party, but government officials having a socialist agenda, and the few politicians who are American Patriots believing in the constitution as the basis of all law.

The only way to break the stronghold of socialism in the US is for the American people to demand a return to paper ballots which have to be individually counted and verified and get rid of electronic ballots which have essentially ended fair elections.

We must also demand that all states require ID from everyone before casting a vote, as well as ending any state's right to allow people who are not citizens of the US to vote, period.

The prosecution of politicians who openly cheat their way to wins must also be demanded. We simply cannot afford to allow any questionable wins from anyone running for office, from the President down.

Until these and other election issues are resolved, voting in the US is meaningless and we will continue to have appointed rulers rather than elected representatives.

God bless,