-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Friday, November 20, 2015

Muslim Refugees: This Could be the Most Disturbing Video You Will Ever See

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Should Barack Obama be impeached?

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Just months into his second term and President Obama is drowning in scandals. The NSA leak, IRS targeting, Benghazi attacks, Associated Press investigations... Many are calling for his impeachment. What do you think?

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Obama: Delusional or something worse?

From: World Net Daily

by -David Kupelian - 11/17/15

“Is Barack Obama delusional?”

That’s how Bill O’Reilly led his Fox News show last night, addressing Obama’s press conference in Turkey in which the president defended his disastrously ineffective policies for dealing with the rapidly metastasizing terror army ISIS which, after last week’s hellish Paris attacks, vows Washington, D.C., is next.

After the commercial break, O’Reilly started in again: “Is President Barack Obama delusional about ISIS? Joining us now from Washington, Charles Krauthammer. Is he?”

Responded Krauthammer, a Pulitzer-winning columnist and former psychiatrist: “Judging from the press conference, there are several explanations for that appalling performance; the kindest is that he’s delusional.”

Krauthammer explained: “He said on Friday that ISIS was not gaining in strength, [though] even his own Dianne Feinstein said essentially it’s a delusion. Of course it’s gaining in strength. … But the reason that ‘delusion’ is the kindest [explanation], is I think the more likely explanation is, he knows that opposition is weakening, he knows that ISIS is strong and that it’s a threat, but in the end, he doesn’t think it matters. He’s never thought the war on terror was important or existential. …”

O’Reilly: “But how can you say that he doesn’t understand that millions of people – millions of people – are either dying, being dislocated, being tortured, being wounded … and you still, Charles Krauthammer, say he doesn’t care? It doesn’t mean anything to him?”

Krauthammer: “There’s a difference between millions of people suffering and an existential threat to the West, which is what it is, and which is what he denies.”

A little later in Fox’s primetime lineup, former CIA operative Mike Baker, a guest on “Hannity,” described Obama’s actions and attitude with regard to radical Islam as “surreal.”

Then Hannity, in an exchange with psychology expert Dr. Gina Loudon about the Paris terror attacks, observed: “Some good people have a hard time grasping that these people could go into a crowded theater and start shooting innocent men, women and children. That’s just evil, in our time. This president’s not recognizing, won’t recognize – it’s pathological that he won’t recognize radical Islam.”

“It’s absolutely pathological,” responded Loudon. “And it’s not just pathological; it’s stupid and it’s dangerous.”

“Delusional.” “Surreal.” “Doesn’t care.” “Pathological.” “Stupid.” “Dangerous.” That’s America’s 44th president they’re talking about.

For the past seven years, sane Americans have been trying to explain Obama, evoking various hypotheses – including the possibility that he’s a genuine sociopath, that is, without conscience.

Fox pundit, long-time ABC News personality and Pulitzer-winning columnist George Will described “Barack Obama’s intellectual sociopathy – his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth.”

Here’s a typical description of “sociopathy,” so let’s see how it fits: “Sociopaths are often well-liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments.” Seems like a pretty good fit, but let’s continue.

One veteran forensic psychiatrist I know – an expert witness in thousands of court cases, whose expertise is sizing up criminal/antisocial people and determining what makes them tick – has described Obama to me in terms of “malignant narcissistic personality disorder.” The modifier “malignant” signifies the version of “narcissistic personality disorder” that may cross over into criminality, he explained.

He reviewed with me a list of some of the major symptoms of NPD, comparing them with Obama’s behavior as president. Among the key markers: 1) a grandiose view of one’s achievements (everything with Obama is “historic”), 2) an utter inability to handle criticism (almost everyone criticizing Obama or his policies is attacked as selfish, “partisan” or racist), and 3) lack of genuine empathy (Obama’s designation of the apocalyptic Paris terror attacks as a “setback” in his foreign policy was reminiscent of his televised speech on the day of the Fort Hood terror attack. With the entire nation reeling in shock and yearning for strong, reassuring words from their commander in chief, Obama instead engaged in small talk and an inane “shout-out” for two full minutes before even mentioning that the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 had just occurred hours earlier.)

Here’s how psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, M.D., explains people like Obama in his classic best-seller, “People of the Lie”:
Malignant narcissism is characterized by an unsubmitted will. All adults who are mentally healthy submit themselves one way or another to something higher than themselves, be it God or truth or love or some other ideal. They do what God wants them to do rather than what they would desire. “Thy will, not mine, be done,” the God-submitted person says. They believe in what is true rather than what they would like to be true.

… In summary, to a greater or lesser degree, all mentally healthy individuals submit themselves to the demands of their own conscience. Not so the evil, however. In the conflict between their guilt [i.e., conscience] and their will, it is the guilt that must go and the will that must win.

The reader will be struck by the extraordinary willfulness of evil people. They are men and women of obviously strong will, determined to have their own way. There is a remarkable power in the manner in which they attempt to control others.
With the catastrophic Obama-era decline of America now threatening to spin entirely out of control, many are again straining to understand what on earth is really going on inside Obama’s mind:
  • Some, as previously mentioned, cite the disturbing degree to which Obama manifests full-blown symptoms of narcissism and/or sociopathy.
  • Some cite his barely disguised Marxist worldview (Fox pundit Monica Crowley recently said on the radio, “Obama’s not a Democrat. He’s a Marxist revolutionary”), with its obsession with radical redistribution of wealth and power. Marxism, by definition, justifies as “moral” not merely lying, but ruthless suppression of dissent, violence and tyranny – as long as these measures advance the glorious (though delusional) utopian cause. “Exhibit A” for this point would be the entire 20th century.
  • Some cite Obama’s childhood and upbringing. His Marxist-atheist-alcoholic-bigamist Kenyan father abandoned him, his Islamic stepfather raised him as a Muslim in Indonesia, his mother essentially abandoned him, and his most influential mentor as a young teenager was Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, a pornographer and admitted sexual abuser of minors.
  • Some cite Obama’s religious background – his 20-year affiliation with his “spiritual mentor,” the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached raw hatred of America, capitalism and white people, and whose “black liberation theology” gospel amounts to Afro-centric Marxism dressed up with cherry-picked Bible verses.
  • Some cite his background in “Chicago politics” – a euphemism for wall-to-wall corruption and criminality. Indeed, the state of Illinois, where a staggering total of four recent governors – Otto Kerner, Dan Walker, George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich – have gone to prison for corruption, remains a political cesspool to this day, as confirmed by a study from the University of Illinois at Chicago’s political science department. Obama is a product of this legendarily corrupt “Chicago machine” and played the game ruthlessly while rising in the ranks there.
  • Some cite Obama’s education, the most important part of which, by his own admission, came via Saul Alinsky. During the 2008 campaign, Obama said of his years steeped in the Chicago Marxist’s revolutionary “community organizing” methods: “It was that education that was seared into my brain. It was the best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard Law School.”
So, let’s take stock: abandonment by his father, early Muslim training, toxic teen influences, hardcore Marxist indoctrination and Alinsky training, drug abuse (“Choom Gang”), association with criminals (Tony Rezko) and terrorists (William Ayers), racist religious affiliation (Jeremiah Wright), extreme political ambition, and probable mental illness/disorder. Quite a cocktail that forms the current U.S. president’s worldview and sensibilities.

The question is not whether Obama is delusional or not – that is undeniable. The question is, in what frame of reference is he delusional – the narrow one Krauthammer cites, regarding Obama’s denial that radical Islam poses an existential threat to America and the world? Or the wider context of the rest of life? For when we widen our scope, we are forced to acknowledge that Obama gravitates toward evil and delusion not just with regard to the jihad threat, but in virtually every area: He wants to force 15-year-old girls to shower naked with boys who delusionally believe they’re girls. He intentionally allows our nation to be overrun with illegal aliens and legal “refugees” from cultures that hate America (today’s headline says of the Syrian refugees already in the U.S., 2,098 are Muslims and 53 are Christians). He annually releases tens of thousands of convicted criminal illegal aliens – we’re talking murderers, rapists and drug-dealers – back onto American streets. He’s a radical proponent of what can only be called infanticide, the “aborting” of fully formed, full-term healthy human babies.

In every area, Obama demonstrates an unfortunate affinity for that which normal people would describe as destructive, corrupt, evil.

Whether this is because Obama is evil at his core, or whether there’s a decent person locked up inside but who has been traumatized and brainwashed – a Manchurian president, programmed not by exotic far-off communist brainwashers, but by a nonstop sequence of corrupting influences throughout his life – is not ours to know.

Ultimately, the question is largely academic. Whatever the ultimate explanation of Obama’s delusional presidency, he demonstrates at every turn a remarkable attraction for that which is destructive and corrupting to human life, that is, “evil.” And he is dragging America – and increasingly the world – through hell in search of it, which he somehow, however inexplicably, sees as good.

God bless,

France Closes Its Borders; Why Can’t We?

From: Town Hall

by - Phyllis Schlafly | Nov 17, 2015

The Friday night massacre of over 100 people at a soccer game, a rock concert, and five restaurants in Paris was apparently committed by 8 men working on behalf of ISIS, also called ISIL or the Islamic State. The day before the attacks, President Obama was on television reassuring George Stephanopoulos that "ISIL continues to shrink in its scope of operations" and that "we have contained them."

Next week, some 20,000 people (including President Obama, John Kerry and 3,000 journalists) are expected in Paris for the UN convention on climate change, which Obama in May called "an urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased ... refugee flows."

Based on a passport found next to his body, one of the 8 Paris terrorists was Ahmad al-Mohammad, 25, a native of Syria who passed through the Greek Island of Leros on Oct. 3 and crossed from Macedonia into Serbia on Oct. 7. He was part of the huge army of migrants flooding into Europe this year claiming to be refugees from the civil war in Syria.

Shortly after the coordinated attacks, France’s socialist president announced his decision to close the borders of France. "We must ensure that no one enters to commit any crimes, and also that those who have committed crimes can be arrested if they try to leave the country."

Close the border – what a great idea! Unfortunately, France eliminated most border checkpoints as part of Europe’s Schengen agreement, which is how a Syrian so-called refugee got all the way from Serbia to Paris without being stopped.

Some say stricter border controls can’t prevent "homegrown" terrorists such as the Paris perpetrators who were native-born French citizens. But in virtually every case, "homegrown" terrorists are sons of Muslim immigrants who are drawn to their ancestral faith and homeland instead of assimilating to Western values.

For instance, the Tsarnaev brothers, who bombed the Boston Marathon in 2013, grew up in Cambridge, Massachusetts in a family of ethnic Chechens who came here in 2002 as refugees from Dagestan and frequently visited the country they were supposedly escaping from. At least 22 young Somali men who grew up in Minneapolis have left to train or fight with terrorist groups in Africa.

Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, who killed four Marines and a sailor at two U.S. military recruiting offices in Chattanooga in July, grew up in a family of Palestinians who came here in 1996 and frequently went back to the Middle East for reasons unknown. On the same day as the Paris massacre, FBI Director Comey told reporters he would not reveal what the FBI had learned about the Chattanooga shooter’s motivations because "We don’t want to smear people."

While the Obama administration pledged to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees in the coming year, Hillary Clinton said in the Democratic debate that "we should increase numbers of refugees; I said we should go to 65,000." Not to be outdone, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) has called for 100,000 Syrians to be brought here.

Hillary promised that refugees would be put through "a screening and vetting process," but FBI Director James Comey and National Counterterrorism Center Director Nicholas Rasmussen both testified in October that it is simply not possible to screen them adequately. Speaking cautiously and carefully, Comey said "there are certain gaps in the data available to us" and Rasmussen offered the understatement that "the intelligence picture we have of this particular conflict zone is not as rich as we would like it to be."

When the first Syrian refugees began arriving in New Orleans last week without notice to local officials, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal sent President Obama a letter demanding answers about how they were screened and whether they will be monitored. Jindal concluded that in light of the Paris attack, "it would be prudent to pause the process of refugees coming to the United States."

Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX), a freshman member of Congress whose son is a Navy SEAL, recently addressed the House for 45 minutes about refugee resettlement. "I found out that no one was asking – much less answering – the questions of who, how, when, where, and how much regarding these refugees."

Babin continued, "nearly 500,000 new refugees have come into the United States under the Refugee Resettlement program since President Obama first took office." Refugees "have been resettled by private contractors across this country in over 190 towns and communities whose local citizens have little to no say in the matter."

Babin cited numerous examples of refugees or their children who have been found with ties to terrorist organizations or have even traveled overseas to join the fight against America. Although more than 90 percent of recent Middle Eastern refugees are on welfare, Babin noted that "the five wealthiest countries on the Arabian peninsula – Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, and Bahrain – have not taken in a single refugee that we know of."

A Quinnipiac poll taken in September found that 58 percent of respondents thought that admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees "would pose a threat to the national security of the United States." Tell your member of Congress to eliminate refugee resettlement from the spending bill that must be passed by Dec. 11.

God bless,

Dutch Parliament Member: We Must Close All Mosques & Ban Islam

From: Freedom Outpost

by -

The Netherlands had had the voice of Geert Wilders speaking out against the Islamization of the Dutch country for years. Another member of Geert Wilders’s Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV), Machiel de Graaf, spoke out and saying, "We must close all mosques and start deporting Muslims.”

"Without Islam, the Netherlands would be a wonderful country," Graaf began. "I have heard very few speakers yet on this subject, although everyone is of course concerned with their own issues during the budget."

Graff provided some vital statisitcs on how the Netherlands is paying for its own destruction by bringing in the followers of Muhammad.

“Without Islam, the Netherlands would not be losing $7.2 billion [Euros] per year on mass immigration,” he said.

"Without Islam there would not be any mosques in the Netherlands and people would not be confronted every day by Islamic headscarves and djellabas, ‘hate beards’ and minarets," he continued. "A country without all the symbols of Islamic domination – wonderful!

What a country the Netherlands would be without Islam. We wouldn’t have to deal with the policy of population replacement, nor with the policy of Islamic colonisation, nor with the settlement policy in more and more districts in large and small cities.

Graff continued his thoughts of what the Netherlands would be like without Islam stating, "Without Islam, the Netherlands would be protected, protected from the social disruption that is taking place as a result of mass immigration, that of hate preachers who come here through family reunification, victim behaviour, Moroccan crime, Turkish interference, and which take place by making Islamic demands for adjustment by the Netherlands and by the Dutch. All those barbaric, backward, totalitarian ideas from a seventh-century leader of a band of robbers, a mass murderer and paedophile."
He continued on with the vision of his country devoid of the religion of pieces for nearly 20 minutes and finally came to a conclusion and challenge to the people.

“The message should be clear: the Netherlands must be de-Islamised, all mosques must be closed – especially the Wester Mosque in Amsterdam, by the city council of the minister, who was still a member of the city council when at the will of members the Wester mosque was built with millions in hidden subsidies.”

He then concluded with a warning and a simple plan that the simplest among us can understand.

"The integral approach to jihadism is a farce," he said. "Jihadists must be expelled from the country and never allowed back, even if they only have one passport. The borders must be closed to people from Islamic countries, the government must commit itself to voluntary emigration to Muslim countries. Criminals with a double passport must be expelled, and only if these measures are implemented will the Netherlands see a positive change. The problems are obvious and so are the causes of these problems, and we therefore call on the minister to tackle the problems and do what needs to be done, because looking the other way, placation and appeasement are no longer an option."

America also has similar means under our Constitution of stopping the Islamization of our country and ridding the US of Islam, mosques and the proselytizers of Muhammad. The question now before us is simply, will we do it, or have we become too comfortable with political correctness and so demoralized that we fail to have the strength to stand against the enemy?

What follows is the transcript of the speech in its entirety.

Without Islam, the Netherlands would be a wonderful country. I have heard very few speakers yet on this subject, although everyone is of course concerned with their own issues during the budget.

Without Islam, the Netherlands would not lose something like 7.2 billion [Euros] a year on mass immigration. Without Islam there would not be any mosques in the Netherlands and people would not be confronted every day by Islamic headscarves and djellabas, ‘hate beards’ and minarets. A country without all the symbols of Islamic domination – wonderful!

What a country the Netherlands would be without Islam. We wouldn’t have to deal with the policy of population replacement, nor with the policy of Islamic colonisation, nor with the settlement policy in more and more districts in large and small cities.

Without Islam, the Netherlands would be protected, protected from the social disruption that is taking place as a result of mass immigration, that of hate preachers who come here through family reunification, victim behaviour, Moroccan crime, Turkish interference, and which take place by making Islamic demands for adjustment by the Netherlands and by the Dutch. All those barbaric, backward, totalitarian ideas from a seventh-century leader of a band of robbers, a mass murderer and paedophile.

Madam President, without Islam, Pim Fortuyn would not have been murdered by Volkert van de Graaf, who claimed that he acted out of piety with Muslims.

Without Islam, Theo van Gogh would not have been slaughtered by Mohammed Bouyeri, and my own party leader, Geert Wilders, would not need bodyguards.

Without Islam, politics would not be full of Islam-huggers, each one of them with their own cynical interest or naive outlook.

Without Islam, Madam President, in the Netherlands we wouldn’t have honour killings, and the phenomenon of nephew-niece marriages would virtually no longer exist. Jewish children would simply be able to go to school without protection, and gays and lesbians would be safe on our streets.

Without Islam we would have to spend something like half as much on welfare, we would need fewer prisons and police and much less money would go to deprived areas. Integration subsidies would be unnecessary. We would have less animal mistreatment, and apartheid would be a word in the history books.

Without Islam, highly qualified Dutch people would feel less inclined to emigrate.

Without Islam, sharia would not be insidiously introduced in more and more districts, and in their judgements, judges would not again … make allowance for it.

Without Islam, Minister Asscher would not have had his election poster translated into Turkish. In the Dutch Parliament no-one would ever have shouted, “May Allah punish you severely”, and no wash room or prayer room would have been demanded by Islamic members of parliament.

Without Islam, no criminal organisations such as … Milli Görüs and Suleiman, which forms the long Islamic arm of Ankara in the Netherlands … Madam President, the long arm of Ankara should be amputated. Ban these organizations, just like the organizations associated with Fethullah Gülen. Expel their leaders – as we call on the minister to do so, and close their offices. Is the minister prepared to do this?

Children at school would not be confronted with halal meat during Christmas dinner, Christmas trees would not be a subject for discussion, and the end of Ramadan would not result in empty classrooms.

Without Islam, no hundreds of thousands of Turkish people in the Netherlands who say that they do not think that violence against followers of other faiths and non-believers is wrong, and no hundreds of thousands of Turkish people who think that Islamic jihad fighters are heroes.

Without Islam, no problems with jihad fighters. Without Islam, no substantial level of threat concerning terrorism and no children rejoicing in the streets after the mass murders in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Yes, Madam President, imagine what a wonderful country it would be if you could leave all that behind you. Ask the minister whether he shares this vision and, if not, what vision the minister has concerning the ongoing Islamisation of the Netherlands.

Of course, I do not suggest that everything that is going wrong is the fault of Islam; but a very great deal of it is. I have just made that quite clear. Imagine a country without all those problems that I mentioned!

Even though there was immigration in the past from Suriname and Jewish people came from Portugal, there is a huge difference with the mass immigration of Muslims into the Netherlands. The other immigrants assimilated and saw the Netherlands as their new home; the Muslims who generally come here do not change, do not integrate, do not assimilate. No, they convert the Netherlands at our expense into their own homeland with all the mosques, and the original population are just guests.

Islamic immigration, the hijra, has been doing things this way for 1400 years and that will not change. Take a look at the situation in what once was Christian North Africa, and take a look too at Marseilles, at Brussels, or at the Islamic rape hotspot, Rotherham in England.

We are in an alarming phase, Madam President: over the past 40 years no-one has ever see such a change in the demographics. In cities such as The Hague, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, more than half of the Dutch population has now been replaced by people from other countries, mostly Muslim countries.

The birth rate of Muslims is much higher than that of the Dutch, but in France, Belgium and Sweden it is even higher still, and with the open borders, then you know enough. In France, the birth rate among immigrants is 1.3 and for Muslims 3.5, which means that within two generations, within two generations the large majority of the population will be Muslim.

In 2013, the name Mohammed and all its variants such as Mohammad, Muhammed, Mahmoet was the second most popular name in the Netherlands, and this applies not only to the occupied areas in major cities, Madam President, it applies for the whole of the Netherlands, the whole of the Netherlands. The forecast for 2014 is really a startling one: in the first three quarters of this year, Mohammed with all its variants was the most common name for newborn boys in this country, and there is no reason to believe that this trend will reverse soon. The minister cannot avoid responding; what does he think the Netherlands will look like in 2025 or in 2030? Because if they continue with government policy in this way then it will become one huge Islamic mess, Madam President; the fertile polder will become a desert of clay. Muslims, said Bernard Lewis, are not the children of the desert but the fathers. Does the minister share this observation from this eminent historian, and can the minister indicate how he intends to stop the Islamisation?

One of the problems, Madam President, that Islam has brought to the Netherlands is the increased anti-Semitism. I will give you some national and international examples: four Jews were killed last Tuesday by Muslims in a synagogue in Jerusalem, while the inhabitants of Gaza celebrate with axes, knives and guns in their hands on account of this slaughter. The leaders of Hamas called the criminals heroes, and literally right in the middle of the Islamic festivities for this anti-Semitic act of terror, the Labour Party [PvdA] proposes to reward these leaders who have an incurable hatred of Jews with a state of their own! The Labour Party should be ashamed.

It is going too far to call the Labour Party an anti-Semitic party, but it certainly looks like they want to accommodate more and more the anti-Semitic views of the Muslim voters.

Madam President, Islam is bringing anti-Semitism back to Europe – since we were on that subject. In Toulouse and Brussels, Jews have been shot and killed by Muslims just because they were Jewish. In Amsterdam, because of threats by young Muslims you are no longer safe on the streets. Facts – wearing a kippah. I mean, that’s a fact. And during an anti-Israel demonstration in the Schilderswijk in The Hague a Muslim demonstrator said to a reporter, and I quote: “If all Muslims were to form a single front, we would have beaten the West and the Jews years ago.”

Madam President, to illustrate, last year David Suurland graduated with honours on the comparison between Nazism, Communism and Islam. Anti-Semitism is inherent in Islam, he also says. It would indeed be naive to think that fourteen hundred years of Islamic writings inspiring hatred of Jews would remain without consequences. I quote: “How often have Bolkestein, Fortuyn, Jansen, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Van Gogh and Wilders been accused of inciting racism and been prosecuted? When it comes to anti-Semitism among Muslims they were quite right, and we haven’t even mentioned the endemic hatred of gays or the intolerance for dissenters and apostates”, writes Suurland in an article in the NRC newspaper.

Does the minister subscribe to this interpretation from this researcher and, if not, what arguments does Minister Kamp have for this deviant position? What does the minister think about the fact that the Islamic preacher Yusuf al-Qaradawi who, in 2008, called on the Muslims here in the Netherlands to punish the Jews as a follow-up to the last great punishment of the Jews by Adolf Hitler? And is the minister aware of the fact that the man who brought al-Qaradawi to the Netherlands called this Al-Qaradawi a respected authority, that this man al-Qaradawi is a reliable and learned man and an example for the Islamic community who says inspiring things about Muslims in society? What does the minister think of that, Madam President? Is the minister also aware of the fact that the man who brought al-Qaradawi here draws his inspiration from the books of the inspirer of the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda, namely Sayyid Qutb, who has been called the godfather of the terrorism club Takfir w’al-Hijra by the Dutch Intelligence Agency, and he claims that the Qur’an is the principal guide for them? Does the minister know that? And is the minister aware of the fact that this man, according to two old party colleagues, has said that … you should not act too openly, you must act secretly, do it quietly.

Yes, Madam President, I am talking about party colleague Thyssen from the Labour Party, the right hand of this minister Mr Marcouch; and I will tell you, whoever votes for Asscher at the next elections will get Mr Marcouch for free, they are sitting together on the tandem. Marcouch is running hard in the direction of the complete Islamisation of society; Asscher doesn’t run because the cables have been cut.

And criticism, Madam President – of the hatred of Jews sanctioned by Islam, the hate towards gays, women and dissenters, the hostility to Western standards and values, democracy and the rule of law, the rejection of those and the glorification of violence – is labelled by the followers of Islam and those who agree with this ideology ‘Islamophobia’, dismissed as if you have a phobia, dismissed away because you dislike Islam.

This is nothing more than an instrument from the politically correct box of tricks, Madam President, to silence criticism of Islam, to pollute the debate, and to accelerate the destruction of Western society.

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.” It was not De Graaf who said this, Madam President, I quote Mr Winston Churchill.

But soon, since I was talking about Islamophobia before the introduction from Mr Kerstmis, all that will be prohibited if it is left to the Labour Party. Criticism of Islam is in fact justified, and generally not wrong … Hence Churchill is in good company with others: Maimonides, also known as Ramban, Erasmus, Voltaire and [?], all men who promoted Western civilisation through research, through debate.

Those who all too easily make use of the term Islamophobia serve the opposite purpose: namely the decline of our society and the promotion of ignorance, as censorship on the path towards Islamic dictatorship. Does the minister share this view or not? We would also like a reasoned statement of the opinion of the minister concerning this.

Madam President, being polite is a choice, being threatened is not, and there as far as the PVV is concerned is a very clear distinction: verbal criticism is allowed, but violence and threats of violence are totally unacceptable. The law provides sufficient resources to tackle the latter. Comparing criticism of Islam to robbery, for example, once more lifts the tip of the veil on what apparently is the opinion within the Labour Party of our fundamental rights. The holy war that the Labour Party – Madam President, I have named him already, Mr Marcouch – is conducting against alleged ‘Islamophobia’ is the struggle against freedom of speech. It leads to the criminalisation of any discussion about Islam and thus in the long term to the criminalisation of any discussion of every religion.

What will Islam still allow you to say? That you can live quite well without religion? Or that Christianity is fine; is that not an insult to Islam?

Criminalisation of so-called Islamophobia therefore leads directly to the end of religious freedom and even more to the end of freedom of speech. Once again I ask the minister if he agrees with me and if not, we would like a reasoned, clearly reasoned standpoint from the Minister.

As I said earlier, Madam President, in the Netherlands a demographic disaster awaits us, an undesirable cultural revolution that is unparalleled, via the replacement of the population. In the coming decades the immigrant population will continue to grow, in contrast to the indigenous population.

… and despite pouring money into integration projects, urban renewal, advances for language lessons, allotments in the Schilderswijk and free WiFi, there is little prospect of improvement. The Moroccan problem that we have in the Netherlands will not decrease, but rather increase, and we can only hope that with this policy the increase is not exponential.

The schools are seeing an avalanche of children who are named after Muhammad. We are going to see the majority of all children at school being Islamic, and that is certainly, that is truly not a pleasant prospect. Madam President, the Dutch identity, the identity and culture is being destroyed by immigration and through the uterus. Various Islamic leaders literally said that, such as Gaddafi, but apart from the PVV no-one is taking it seriously. The annual integration report is quite clear about it: there never was any integration, there is no integration, and there never will be any integration either.

Or does the minister think that things won’t happen so quickly? If so, what does he think the near future will look like? Madam President, more than halfway. He who pays the piper calls the tune does not apply, unfortunately, for multiculinarism is a fine thing as such, but it does not bring integration any closer, just as multiculturalism doesn’t.

Now that the multicultural society is generally seen to have failed it is time for the next step, the replacement of a policy focused on integration with a policy focused on assimilation. Amongst other things, the integration policy has led to an Islamic parallel society and has increased the contrast in Dutch society. Open borders, the multicultural ideology, the integration policy, the all too easily given benefits to immigrants, these are harmful matters that are deeply anchored in the cultural relativistic and cultural Marxist epidemic that has afflicted the West for many decades.

Even worse, Madam President, cultural Marxism is one of the biggest causes of the soft policy on migration and migrants, and thus immigration itself. It has caused a blind spot in the eyes of socialists, but also Christian and liberal politicians who defend Islam from the standpoint of a supposed benefit.

Liberals see the arrival of a workforce, but the PVV sees that the coffee houses are full during work hours.

Socialists see Islam as a means of staying in power, but in 1979 we saw how Ayatollah Khomeini made such deft use of them to come to power, and after that had the socialists hanged first.

Christians see Muslims as brothers in faith and fall into the trap of that small step that leads from Christianity to Islam; but the PVV sees the step from Islam to Christianity is ‘rewarded’ (in quotation marks) with death, there is a death sentence for that. But we also see that many Christian politicians failed to fight against what they call in their profession of faith false prophets and false province, and in that they are expertly helped by the leaders of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands. I am telling you that they are making a great mistake, and it’s actually a travesty that a secular party such as the PVV has to save their skins from the Islamic hell fire.

Liberals in the Netherlands, Madam President, should put an end to their relaxed attitude of, “they can believe what they want as long as they don’t bother me”, because that can no longer be tolerated. With that attitude they place liberalism in serious danger themselves. The socialists in the Netherlands, well sorry, I don’t know what to say about them, we will have to come up with a solution for that. And I have already talked about the culture-relativistic group of people.

Madame President, in conclusion, the message should be clear: the Netherlands must be de-Islamised, all mosques must be closed – especially the Wester Mosque in Amsterdam, by the city council of the minister, who was still a member of the city council when at the will of members the Wester mosque was built with millions in hidden subsidies.

The mega-mosque in Gouda, now postponed for six months, probably because of the elections so that the parties in power do not suffer any damage, must never be built, just like that thing in Groningen, in Selwerd, a disgusting place. The only vacant property that makes the Netherlands better is empty mosques. When is the minister going to organise that?

I’m almost done, Madam President. The integral approach to jihadism is a farce. Jihadists must be expelled from the country and never allowed back, even if they only have one passport. The borders must be closed to people from Islamic countries, the government must commit itself to voluntary emigration to Muslim countries. Criminals with a double passport must be expelled, and only if these measures are implemented will the Netherlands see a positive change.

The problems are obvious and so are the causes of these problems, and we therefore call on the minister to tackle the problems and do what needs to be done, because looking the other way, placation and appeasement are no longer an option.

En garde, I say to the minister. Thank you.

God bless,

Monday, November 16, 2015

Time For US, Russia, To Team Up Against ISIS

From: Affluent Investor

by - November 16, 2015

It is very temping right now to advocate a massive escalation of the war against IS in Syria and Iraq. This would be a mistake. It is in fact exactly what Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – the proclaimed Caliph of the Muslim world – wants the West to do. Nothing would benefit the Islamic State more than for there to be another ten year counter-terrorism and nation-building exercise in Iraq. The Islamic State suddenly looks to some of the Muslim world as the sole opposition to Christendom. In a situation like that, public support for Islamic State in the Middle-East goes up, as do recruitment rates.

But there obviously must be some response, regardless of who precisely launched this attack. It was either the Islamic State itself, which seems most likely at the moment, or an organization loyal to the Islamic State, or individuals listening to al-Baghdadi’s hate speech. In any event, the Islamic State is responsible, and an attack like this demands a response.

I would advocate not an invasion, but a series of more intense air strikes. Make no mistake, IS is indeed a state, and it has launched an attack on another sovereign state – one that happens to be part of the most powerful military alliance in the world. NATO is fully capable of a meaningful, powerful response to this. But that response does not need to be carried out by thousands of ground troops and a prolonged counter-terrorism campaign.

When Libyan agents attacked a German nightclub frequented by US soldiers in 1986, Ronald Reagan did not respond by invading Libya, overthrowing its government, and rebuilding the state over a course of ten years. He bombed the capital and the Presidential palace. This was by no means a weak or ineffectual response, and if – to paraphrase Winston Churchill – the Christian, civilized, scientific states responded to this attack by bombing Raqqa and other cities occupied by IS, the message would get across.

This event is also an opportunity to repair relations between the West and Russia. Suddenly, the war in Ukraine seems marginal, and Putin seems like an ideological ally, not an enemy. The dispute between the West and Putin is one about liberalism as a political view. The dispute between the Islamic State and the European and American states is far more fundamental. It’s not about liberal democracy vs. illiberal democracy, it’s about civilization vs. barbarism.

In this war, Putin’s Russia is an ally, not an enemy. The Islamic State resembles the Soviet Union far more than Putin’s Russia does: IS advocates the violent revolution and overthrow of all non-ideologically pure states and their forced conversion. For the USSR, this conversion was to the pseudo-religion of Communism; for the Islamic State, it’s the actual religion of Islam.

A coordinated military response that includes NATO and Russia against the Islamic State would be the beginning of the reparation of Western relations with Russia and a major event in the ideological war against radical Islam. A united front comprised of the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Russia, Germany, and the other NATO states, launching air strikes against the Islamic State is a good idea. In order for this to happen, the European governments must realize that the Islamic State is a much greater threat to European civilization than Russia.

God bless,

GOP Leaders: Stop Bringing Jihad To America Or Be Complicit In Its Bloodshed

From: Conservative HQ

George Rasley, 11/16/2015 

bodies of jihadi murder victims in Bataclan theater 

The attack on Paris by Islamic terrorists – jihadis as they call themselves – has presented the Republican Party’s establishment leaders with the ultimate test of their legitimacy and fitness to govern America.

As the jihadi attacks in Paris splashed blood across the capital of France – and the front pages of newspapers around the world – the same malign force that brought slaughter in the name of Islam to the French was quietly brought to America by our own government.

At least one of the Paris attackers has been confirmed as having registered as a “refugee” in Greece before traveling to Paris to launch the attack. Despite that obvious warning sign, the first group of alleged refugees from Syria was delivered to New Orleans while news of the Paris attack was still rolling in.

Although the Obama administration has repeatedly said that it had no way to conduct a security investigation of the thousands of so-called refugees it plans to bring to the United States from Syria, the leaders of the party that controls Capitol Hill – and has the ability to cut off the funds to stop such a plan – have done nothing.

Indeed, by passing the “zombie budget” as John Boehner’s going away present to Barack Obama, the Republican establishment committed to fund this program at Obama’s requested level for the next two years.

What’s more, Breitbart’s Julia Hahn detailed in an exclusive interview with House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-4) that conservative House members have received no commitment from Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan that he would in any way try to curb Obama’s policy of importing vast numbers of Muslims to America.

Nothing captures the reasons for the white-hot fury of America’s country class voters quite so well as this spineless failure of the Republican Party’s leadership to exercise their constitutional responsibility to protect and defend the Constitution and the American homeland from such an obvious threat.

And nothing captures how the “iron triangle” of entrenched Washington insider interests uses its influence on Congress to raid the Treasury and betray the American people as does the refugee “resettlement” industry.

As our friend James Simpson documented in a recent article for The American Thinker, taxpayer funded so-called “Voluntary Agencies,” such as Catholic Charities, are paid close $1 billion a year to bring U.N. designated refugees to America.

And their leaders, who are paid in the high six figures, meet regularly with Congress to lobby for more refugees to be brought to America, and more taxpayer spending to support them.

Refugees from Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere establish their own little enclaves. They are not taught to assimilate. They are however, taught how to game the system.

With 74.2 percent of refugees on food stamps, 56 percent on Medicaid and 47.1 on SSI cash assistance Simpson calculates refugee “resettlement” costs are currently running at well over $10 billion per year.

But the vast cost of these programs isn’t the worst part; some 77 percent of these “refugees” are young men of military age. It is the clear and present danger these “refugees” pose to America – and the near-treasonous dismissal of that danger by Republican leaders – that has brought us to this national security crisis.

As we here at CHQ documented, Muslim Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were welcomed into the United States as “refugees” and given welfare and other government benefits during their youthful inculcation in radical Islamist thought and terrorist tactics.

And Senators Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz have documented some 72 other domestic terror “incidents” attributable to Muslim refugees or refugee-related individuals – in just the past year alone.

As the entirely predictable story of the role of so-called Syrian refugees in the Paris attacks unfolds, the Capitol Hill Republican establishment can no longer act like they don’t understand the danger of bringing another jihadi attack to America that Obama's immigration policies pose.

The ultimate test of the legitimacy of any government is whether or not it has the consent of the governed, and acts in their best interest.

Republican leaders on Capitol Hill now face that test.

We urge you to contact your Representative and Senators (the Capitol Switchboard is 1-866-220-0044) tell them that it is time for leadership; they must stop bringing jihad to America. Tell them to take a good long look at the photo that accompanies this article, and then tell them that if they fail to act to stop Obama from bringing more Syrian “refugees” to America they will have not only forfeited what little legitimacy they have left, they will have become complicit in the bloodshed that will surely follow.

God bless,

A dance of death in the West

Michael Savage: 'They're Nazis in head scarfs. This is a barbaric revolution'

From: World Net Daily

by -Michael Savage - 11-14-15

There is a dance of death in the West and actual death in the Middle East, courtesy of the Islamofascists. Meanwhile, the Caesar in the White House entertains himself with a thousand sycophants, partying on behind closed doors as if the Islamofascist hand will not touch him. He thinks he’s protected from this new plague, the Black Death of radical Islam.

We’re facing something the West hasn’t had to deal with since the wars of religion in the 16th and 17th centuries. When those religious wars ended in one place, they began in another. They lasted for over one hundred years.

The same thing is happening right now. The radical Muslims are on the warpath and they are against everyone else. They are against Muslims who are not as fanatical. They are against the members of all other religions. They think they are going to take us back to some pristine religious period in human history that never actually occurred.

It’s all complete rubbish. These “faith warriors” live lower than the pigs they despise. They kidnap and rape 8-year-old girls and say the Quran authorizes it. They’re not purists. They’re killers. They’re Nazis in head scarfs. They aren’t leading a religious revival. They’re trying to take us back to a state of barbarism that has been extinct for 1,200 years.

This is a barbaric revolution, and we have a man in the White House who denies its existence. But whether he chooses to acknowledge it or not, it’s going to continue until someone puts a stop to it.

Jonathan Sacks called the fight against radical Islam the “defining conflict of the next generation.” He likened radical Islam to a starfish. When you cut off a spider’s head, it dies. But when you cut off the leg of a starfish, the starfish can regenerate it. Radical political Islam is a starfish. If you defeat ISIS or al-Qaeda, they will merely come back under another name.

Why would any government bring in unvetted Muslim immigrants at a time like this? It would seem that only an insane prince would do this to his country. But Obama is not insane. He’s stoned. He’s stoned on the orthodoxy of the progressive left. Obama and his supporters are drunk on their ideology. They think they’re going to create a progressive utopia by continuing their attack on all Western values.

This is precisely how great civilizations of the past declined and eventually fell. They rejected the values that made them great and degenerated into narcissism and selfishness. They kept on partying until they were too weak to defend themselves. Then, the unthinkable happened. They fell.

God bless,


From: Clash Daily

Not so well, eh?



Garsh, who’d a thunk that evil ISIS operatives, with mass murderous wet-dreams, would try to scam their way into France under the guise of being-persecuted, California-Dreamin’, nanny-goat-bearded good guys?

I’ll tell you who would’ve “thunk” it: pretty much everyone with a lick of common sense, that’s who.
Helen Keller could’ve have seen that one coming.

Dear God, some of you are slow on the uptick. Please forgive them, Lord.

Now, for those of you who bought the altruistic bovine scatology regarding the Hello-Kitty refugees, please go find a sledge-hammer and hit yourself in the face with it for aiding and abetting this atrocity.

In addition, after crashing your mug, go down to the nearest cafe … order a triple espresso … down it after it cools and then … please … wake the hashtag up because your We-Are-The-World acid trip is getting people needlessly slaughtered.

Yes, I said it. Your political correctness opened the door, and thereby helped cause, this Parisian catastrophe with your oh-so-trendy, big-hearted and empty-headed belief that: “if we embrace Islam then they’ll chill out and play parcheesi with us.”

Well, you were dead wrong … again. Operative word: dead.

This is what political correctness has yielded up, namely: nations full of retards led by leaders that think they’re morally superior by embracing their own death.

Here’s reality, folks: Islam makes things suck every where it goes.

For instance: They hate our freedoms, our Constitution, our customs, our flag, our various religions, our atheists, our women, the gays; they’d stone Bruce Jenner, they despise our music, they don’t like bacon or bikinis and, truth be told, they’d love nothing more than to take over Western Civilization and make it bow in submission to the dictates of a 7th century pedophile who heard voices. That’s Islam in a nutshell. They radically and fundamentally hate us. So … if what I just described sounds peachy with you, and for your posterity, then inject some Muslims into your national mix and give it about 30-40 years to simmer.

Oh, and for those still playing Ring-Around-The-Rosie and blathering about how the “moderate Muslims” are mondo-jovial peeps, please note… we’re not hearing too much from them condemning the massacre in Paris; or their calling for European or American leaders to lock down our respective borders because there are tens-of-thousands of crazy mofos amongst the “poor refugees”.

I think Europe and the USA should follow Japan’s lead and make our countries insanely hard to get into.

Lastly, here’s my prediction regarding the French: I bet they, starting with Hollande, curl back up into the fetal position.  I bet they go back into PC mode after a few days of bombing ISIS. And I bet our leaders, especially on the Left, do so, as well.

Yep, I bet we blind ourselves all over again to Islam being an implacable enemy inside our borders; and that we will not truly wake up until… God forbid… Islam smacks the West so hard, killing way more than they did on 9/11, that finally our fairy tale about Islam being yummy will simply not cotton with reality.

Hopefully, when that happens, we’ll have leaders with a steel will who will plow through the residual cruel remains of political correctness and give Islam the apocalypse it says it wants.

God bless,

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

5 Things President Obama Has Done to Destroy America

From: Charisma News

by - Larry Tomczak - 11/10-15

"I'm the author of all your pain."

In Spectre, the 25th James Bond film currently in theaters, Oscar-winning actor and villain Christoph Waltz snidely tells Agent 007 these words. While a bit of an overstatement, the point is well taken.

As the years unfold, I am persuaded that countless millions will identify words like these with the Obama presidency. Whether our next president can help dismantle some of what Barack Obama has done remains to be seen.

Barring a spiritual awakening in America and the resulting returning to our conservative values led by a uniquely gifted commander-in-chief, the repercussions of Barack Obama's "transformation of America" will be catastrophic.

It's why seven years ago Rush Limbaugh said his desire for the Obama presidency was simple: "I hope he fails."

Scripture tells us, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man beareth rule, the people sigh" (Prov. 29:2, ASV). Plainly stated, people have cause to either rejoice or mourn dependent on whether their governing authorities are God-fearing or unrighteous.

When competent and godly leaders rule, they set a tone for the society as they conduct affairs according to God's standards. The result will not be utopia but rather a general happiness, prosperity and stability in the land. President Obama does not fit this category and that is a primary reason why there is so much mourning throughout our land.

I step back knowing I prayed for this man every single day of his terms in office yet must respectfully but forthrightly assess his "fruit" as disastrous. What he has done has been unbelievably detrimental to the Judeo-Christian principles upon which our nation was founded. Are you aware of how far we've fallen under his leadership and lack thereof?

Five Major Areas of Decline

1. The Military

Besides what has been called the "gayification" of our Armed Forces, we've seen the undermining of religious expression among our military chaplains and officers. Lieutenant General (retired) William Boykin put it best, "If chaplains and other personnel are censored from offering the full solace of the gospel, there is no religious freedom in the military."

There have also been massive reductions in military personnel, leaving us dangerously vulnerable in the event of a crisis, plus military frustration at the highest level in decades. "There's a level of dissatisfaction among the uniformed military that I've never seen in my time here" said John McCain, Senate Armed Services Chairman.

For this I mourn.

2. Marriage and Family

President Obama's aggressive advocacy of the LGBTQ agenda has brought devastation to the traditional family. He endorsed gay marriage; violated young girls by forcing school districts to allow boys who identify as girls to have full access to the girl's locker room and showers; undermined the Defense of Marriage Act; celebrated the LGBTQ lifestyle by affirming people "coming out" and appointing unprecedented numbers of LGBTQ proponents to government positions; and, now endorses efforts to ban "conversion therapy" counseling for youth struggling with gay and transgender confusion.

President Obama has worked aggressively to transform marriage, sexuality and our children into considering participation in the LGBTQ lifestyle as a normal, healthy sign of liberation!

His official White House website touts efforts to stop counseling young people struggling with same-sex attraction and transgenderism as "protecting America's youth."

For this I mourn.

3. Radical Islam and Terrorism

President Obama's timid approach to dealing with the menace of ISIS and other radical, Islamic jihadists is unbelievably reckless. Believing that we can somehow diminish their strength and effectively defeat these barbarians by ignoring them or downplaying their threat, strains credulity. Their growing threat coupled with the Iranian "nuclear deal" is bringing us to an apocalypse.

The latest terror warning in Sinai with 224 passengers killed in the "downing" of a Russian plane caused the Wall Street Journal to bluntly state in a lead editorial, "The greatest folly of the administration's Mideast policy has been to imagine that an arms–length approach to the region's troubles would keep its problems away from us. But as with the refugee crisis in Europe, or ISIS inspired jihadist attacks in the US, the tragedy in Sinai is another reminder that trying to downplay the threat of terrorism only brings its risks closer to home."

For this I also mourn.

4. The Economy and National Debt

Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff, Professor of Economics at Boston University tried to wake up our leaders in testimony before the U.S. Senate. He stated emphatically that "Americas fiscal insolvency and it's generational consequences means our country is broke. It's not broke in 75 years or 50 years or 25 years or 10 years. It's broke today. Indeed, it may well be in worse shape (currently almost $19 trillion in debt) than any developed country, including Greece."

Yet our president keeps spending, raising the debt limit, promising entitlements, all the while adding almost as much debt as all previous American presidents combined. And don't forget he conveys how our economy is booming while conveniently ignoring over 90 million people not in the workforce; 50 million on food stamps; Obamacare premiums skyrocketing; and, the inevitable day of economic reckoning drawing near.

"Time is running out. Get ready for a roller coaster ride through hell!" warns economic forecaster Larry Edelson.

Forbes magazine helps us comprehend this staggering amount, which is leading us to the inevitable economic crash: "In 2015, Taylor Swift did 55 concerts and earned $80 million. She would have to perform 365 concerts a year for three years to simply pay for ONE DAY OF INTEREST accrued on our debt." Get the message?

For this I likewise mourn.

5. Illegal Immigration and Prisoner Release

President Obama refuses to enforce laws concerning the massive influx of illegal immigrants into our country, knowing these are grateful, potential Democratic voters! The majority is Hispanic but there are Muslims as well. Europe is being overrun by the immigrant crisis and what is happening there will be our lot in 10 years unless new leadership acts swiftly, legally and compassionately.

Have you noticed some signs of the times? Hamtramck Michigan City Council now has a Muslim majority. Washington, D.C. joins other locales in giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

Our president also believes in leniency and amnesty for drug felons. Almost 50 percent of the inmates in federal penitentiaries serving time for drug offenses are now having their sentences automatically reduced.

"These are young people who made mistakes that aren't that different than the mistakes I made and the mistakes that a lot of you guys made," the president told journalists recently at a federal prison in Oklahoma.

The reality is 75 percent of these individuals are violent criminals. Their "mistakes" consist not merely of smoking a casual joint but distribution of hard drugs, often involving gangs and weaponry. Their felony convictions resulted in many of the 44,000 who die from drug overdoses each year. Consider also the scores of young people getting addicted, families being destroyed and children now executed in drug gang wars like the nine-year-old boy a week ago.  

Are these harmless, victimless crimes and simply minor "mistakes?" Or is this an example of misguided "mercy" that likewise brings in new Democratic voters? Read "Obama's Tragic Let 'em Out Fantasy" in the Wall Street Journal on 10/25/15 to learn more.

Yes, for this I also mourn.

Here's the Deal: In 2009, President Obama declared these words regarding his Obamacare victory, "Elections have consequences. And at the end of the day, I won!"

It would do us well to remember that in the 2012 presidential election, Obama beat Romney by 5 million votes. Over 17 million evangelical Christians stayed home and did not vote. Is voting important?

For the past seven years we learned the hard way that President Obama was serious about his pledge to "fundamentally transform America." I believe without question that his lack of character and questionable commitment to his professed Christian faith have wreaked havoc on the moral landscape of the United States of America. May we redouble our efforts in prayer, fasting and civic engagement to see competent, godly leaders raised up so mourning may be silenced and some rejoicing begins afresh in our land!

God bless,