-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Monday, August 31, 2015

No one in either party has the courage to do this.

Three Presidents


What did Presidents Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower have in common?

Back during the great depression, Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of ALL illegal aliens   in order to make jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work.

Harry Truman deported over two million illegal aliens   after WWII to create jobs for returning veterans.

In 1954 Dwight Eisenhower deported 13 million Mexicans   . The program was called Operation Wetback. It was done so WWII and Korean War veterans would have a better chance at jobs. It took two years, but they deported them!

Now, if they could deport the illegal aliens back then, they could surely do it today. If you have doubts about the veracity of this information, enter Operation Wetback into your favorite search engine and confirm it for yourself.

Why, you might ask, can't they do this today? Actually the answer is quite simple. Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower were men of honor, not untrustworthy politicians looking for votes!  

Reminder: Don't forget to pay your taxes - 12 to 20 million illegal aliens  are depending on you.

God bless,

Friday, August 28, 2015

Thanks to Congress the UN Plot to Confiscate American Guns Took a Giant Step Forward

From: The Common Sense Show

by 8-28-15

Trapped within the fanfare Chinese Black Monday and the American stock market plunging almost 600 points yesterday, suspicious explosions in China and on an American military base, there has been a very important,  but quiet development ,which is escaping the attention of both the American people and the Independent Media.

The Corker Bill Spells the End of the Second Amendment

We are safe from the ravages of the UN Small Arms Treaty, aren’t we? In fact, many Senators have openly stated that they refuse to ratify this controversial treaty. Well, that is not exactly true. There is a new process established by the new Corker bill may very well have changed the way treaties are passed from here on out.

Under our Constitution, a full two thirds vote from senators for ratification to approve any kind of a treaty. This provision of the Constitution is very clear on this point and it is designed to prevent a treasonous subversion of the Constitution. However when one is living under a criminal enterprise, such as the one presented by the present criminal enterprise in power, who worries about following the rules? As a case in point, under the Corker bill, in order to have stopped the Iran nuclear deal, a two thirds vote to stop it from being implemented by the White House. This is not what the Constitution says and this out and out treason against the people of the United States as the Corker bill is a back door to taking our guns while nullifying the second Amendment.

Under the Corker bill, the following paragraphs describe what we are in for.

The Plot to Disarm America Is Commencing

The evidence is mounting that Obama and his colleagues at the United Nations are preparing for complete gun confiscation of civilian owned American guns. There is a new document, previously held secret, which has surfaced and clearly signals the intention of the United Nations to engage in gun confiscation in the relatively near future. The document is damning, however, the existence of the document is not even needed to prove the point that there is a major confrontation brewing between the American people and an international peace-keeping UN force, and it’s coming right around the corner.

Another Nail In America’s Coffin

The following is a smoking gun document that presents seven sequential steps designed to culminate in the total disarmament of the American nation. For those of you that know your history, you will note that there were 17 genocides in the 20th Century and in each case, these genocides were preceded by gun confiscation by the host government. According to the Democide Project located at the University of Hawaii, governments killed far more people,  an estimated 26o million victims, than even war. History shows that if we ever allow government, the UN, or the U.S., to ever be able to seize our guns, we are signing our death warrant!

The following document is a declaration of war against the United States people. For those who find the document to be on the blurry side, scroll down to the Appendix to view a clearer copy.

The UN and its cohorts have accomplished steps 1-5 (see below). They are now working on steps 6 and 7 which would constitute complete disarmament of the American people.  
The UN and its cohorts have accomplished steps 1-5 (see below). They are now working on steps 6 and 7 which would constitute complete disarmament of the American people.

If one examines the first five steps of the plot, it is easy to ascertain the pattern of gun confiscation that Obama has attempted to follow. I do not believe that Obama has to completely implement steps 1-5 before moving to enforce steps 6 and 7. Therefore, even though Obama has not completely implemented the first five steps across the country, he has done enough to usher in Steps 6 and 7 in this United Nations disarmament plan. Steps 6 and 7 are listed below:
“6. Finally, codification of laws to completely makes any and all firearms illegal to own, possess or use outside of military and law enforcement usage.

7. Creation of a United Nations Police Taskforce with the specific mission of assisting member nations with the collection of weaponry from civilian hands”.
The proof for the validity of the intentions signaled by this document does not lie in the authenticity of any single document. The smoking gun evidence that Obama is progressively moving towards seizing all 300,000,000 civilian guns in this country, lies in the ubiquitous manner in which Obama has pursued sequential and progressive steps toward the disarming of the American people. As it has been said, “Judge a man by what he does, not by what he says”. The cases in point would be what Obama has tried to accomplish after the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Batman Aurora, CO. shootings and the Sandy Hook event. With some very sloppy bootstrapping steps following these events, Obama has progressively attempted to make guns more difficult to obtain and he has greatly expanded what is defined as “military grade weapons” and to limit what is considered to be “appropriate” for hunting as he has tried to block Americans from obtaining as many of these weapons as possible.
“1. Classification of military grade weapons to be made illegal for possession”.
“4. Codification of laws to begin the restricting and strict licensing of hunting grade firearms.”
I am certain that most people familiar with present Second Amendment debates will recognize the various and omnipresent “gun buy-back” programs funded with your tax money designed to remove guns from civilian hands.
“2. Creation of programs to provide reasonable compensation for voluntary surrender of said arms”.
How many times have we witnessed Obama standing before the cameras and national press corps and threaten to take unilateral action against our gun rights following each one of the false flag events mentioned above? In each instance, Obama has used thinly veiled excuses that he only wants to take away guns that “military grade weapons”.
“1. Classification of military grade weapons to be made illegal for possession.
5. Codification of laws to restrict the sale of, and possession of ammunition and components to manufacture ammunition”.
 Connecting the Dots for Gun Confiscation

Even if the the UN document designed to disarm America, listed above, was not genuine (and it is), the following, very public document has been proven to be very authentic.

Under the heading, “Hiding in plain sight”, the United Nations has been advertising for the following position for over a year:
Posting Title: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer, P4
Department/Office: Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Duty Station: New York
Job Description: A minimum of seven years of progressively responsible experience in disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration or related area. Experience working within peacekeeping, peace-building or development programmes operations is desirable. Experience with small arms control, conflict/post-conflict crisis management, economic recovery is desirable. Experience coordinating multiple partner agencies, funds or programmes is desirable.
There  is even more fuel to throw on this raging fire as we consider the fact that, at the behest of President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry illegally, and in direct violation to the Constitution of the United States, signed the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. The UN Arms Trade Treaty contains all 7 provisions listed  above in the Disarmament Commission of the United Nations.

We should also be focusing on the military invasion that is about to unfold in this country. This will be the military invasion that will be UN sponsored and it will be the one that seizes our guns. Take a look at the following images of UN military vehicles spotted and photographed in our country in the past 14 months. 

  An occupation force is being mobilized.


Thanks to Congress, Obama has found a backdoor way around the Second Amendment by subverting our treaty process. The stealth in which this is occurring is mind-boggling. I hope that many of the readers will share this information with friends and neighbors. Americans cannot comply with the treason that will arise out of this act. 

God bless,

Thursday, August 27, 2015

America Saves THIS Much $$ By Sending Illegal Aliens Home – TRUMP IS RIGHT!

From: The Political Insider

Conservative candidate Donald Trump didn’t become a billionaire by accident. He is smart and savvy, which is why he released a brilliant plan to secure the border and send illegal immigrants home.

He knows the endless expenses involved with having tens of millions of lawbreakers sneaking into this country. And while the liberal media has been pushing back worried about the cost of deportation, a study proves Donald Trump is RIGHT about illegal aliens!

As Breitbart.com reminds us, the Heritage Foundation recently released a study by Robert Rector which shows that deporting illegals saves American taxpayers $700,000 or more for each family!
That’s because illegal aliens use many social services, are given free housing, are given food stamps, have their health care paid for, and their children are given education. This cost is roughly $113 billion, a net loss to the economy of approximately $100 billion.

In contrast, deportation is comparatively cheaper. Deportation alone would help save programs such as Social Security and Medicare, which are on the verge of collapse. Plus, a President Trump would support the enforcement of current immigration laws and E-verify, as studies have shown that many illegals will return voluntarily. We already saw this happen after Arizona passed strict immigration rules.

As Heritage’s Robert Rector explained:
The debate about the fiscal consequences of unlawful and low-skill immigration is hampered by a number of misconceptions. Few lawmakers really understand the current size of government and the scope of redistribution… Unlawful immigrants, on average, are always tax consumers; they never once generate a ‘fiscal surplus’ that can be used to pay for government benefits elsewhere in society.
Therefore, deportation will be a net benefit to taxpayers. Not only would American taxpayer be financial, but there would be a reduction of crime and issues involving the spreading of disease.
Donald Trump is right, and the well-funded business lobbyists are wrong.

God bless,

TREASON! It Is Now Official: The Democrat Party Is a Party of Traitors

By /

“The Democrats who have approved this deal are turning their party into a party of atom bomb spies. . . They must know that they will be held accountable.  That when Iran detonates its first bomb, their names will be on it.”  —Daniel Greenfield, writing for FrontPageMag.com

What Is Treason, Exactly?
To quote from Article III, Section 3, of the US Constitution, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”  So, any person who makes war against America, or who aids and abets others in doing so, is a traitor to the United States.  If someone’s actions have the effect of weakening the power of the United States to attack or to resist its enemies, then it can be safely said that aid and comfort have been given.

You can generally only be charged with treason during times of war, but is there any doubt that the Iranian takeover of the American embassy, in 1979, constituted an act of war?  Since there has never been a peace treaty with Iran to formally conclude hostilities, and since Iran was actively fighting and killing US military personnel during the Iraq War, it is safe to say that a state of war continues to exist between Iran and the United States of America.  Thus, any members of Congress accepting Iranian money, in exchange for their votes to weaken American and strengthen Iran, are outright traitors.
The Deal
The Iran Deal allows Iran to inspect its own nuclear-weapons-research sites, to enrich uranium, to build more-advanced centrifuges, to purchase Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), to receive technological support in defending its nuclear program against any possible future American or Israeli attack, and to fund terrorists across the globe.  This deal clearly protects Iran from any possibility of inspection, while enhancing the technological means it already possesses to defend its nuclear program; this can only have the effect of speeding up its ability to build a nuclear bomb.

This deal is, in short, Obama and Kerry’s capitulation to Iran.  The deal is in Iran’s national interest, even while harming the national interest of the United States.  But this should come as no surprise, since the deal was negotiated by traitors and will pass with the help of traitors.  “Traitor” is not a word to be used lightly, and it is not used lightly here.

A Roll-Call of Traitors

The following politicians have all accepted money from the Iran Lobby (which includes the Iranian American Political Action Committee, the American Iranian Council, the Iranian Muslim Association, Hassan Nemazee, Akbar Ghahary, and possibly others) in exchange for their support in negotiating or passing the Iran Deal:

1) Barack Obama, Democrat, President of the United States of America;
2) John Kerry, Democrat, Secretary of State;
3) Edward Markey, Democrat, Junior US Senator from Massachusetts;
4) Al Franken, Democrat, US Senator from Minnesota;
5) Jeanne Shaheen, Democrat, Senator from New Hampshire;
6) Kirsten Gillibrand, Democrat, Senator from New York;
7) Hillary Clinton, Democrat, Former Secretary of State;
8) Joe Biden, Democrat, Vice President of the United States of America.

(Read more details about this at Front Page Mag.)

Closing Remarks

The presence on the list of President Obama—who facilitates infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into our country and into the Executive Branch of the US government—is no surprise.  (Read more about this infiltration here: http://eaglerising.com/14886/obamas-facilitation-muslim-brotherhood-infiltration-america/.)  Nor is the appearance of the name of John Kerry, who negotiated the Iran Deal, in spite of his being vulnerable to blackmail.  (Read more about Kerry’s feckless failure to recuse himself as lead negotiator here: http://eaglerising.com/22008/anatomy-of-a-betrayal-how-the-blackmail-influenced-the-iran-deal/.)  And, given Hillary’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood through Huma Abedin, perhaps it is not surprising that her name is also on the list.  (Read more about this connection here: http://eaglerising.com/8011/hillary-huma-muslim-brotherhood/.)  But, with Joe Biden’s name also appearing the list, what credible contender can the Democrats field for the presidency in 2016?

God bless,

Read: An open letter from retired generals and admirals opposing the Iran nuclear deal

25 August, 2015 

Hon. John A. Boehner
Speaker of the House
United States House of Representatives
1011 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-3508 

Hon. Nancy Pelosi
Minority Leader
United States House of Representatives
233 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0512 

Hon. Mitch McConnell
Majority Leader
United States Senate
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-1702 

Hon. Harry Reid
Minority Leader
United States Senate
522 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2803 

Dear Representatives Boehner and Pelosi and Senators McConnell and Reid: 

As you know, on July 14, 2015, the United States and five other nations announced that a
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has been reached with Iran to prevent it from
developing nuclear weapons. In our judgment as former senior military officers, the agreement
will not have that effect. Removing sanctions on Iran and releasing billions of dollars to its
regime over the next ten years is inimical to the security of Israel and the Middle East. There is
no credibility within JCPOA’s inspection process or the ability to snap back sanctions once
lifted, should Iran violate the agreement. In this and other respects, the JCPOA would threaten
the national security and vital interests of the United States and, therefore, should be disapproved
by the Congress. 

The agreement as constructed does not “cut off every pathway” for Iran to acquire
nuclear weapons. To the contrary, it actually provides Iran with a legitimate path to doing that
simply by abiding by the deal. JCPOA allows all the infrastructure the Iranians need for a
nuclear bomb to be preserved and enhanced. Notably, Iran is allowed to: continue to enrich
uranium; develop and test advanced centrifuges; and continue work on its Arak heavy-water
plutonium reactor. Collectively, these concessions afford the Iranians, at worst, a ready breakout
option and, at best, an incipient nuclear weapons capability a decade from now.

The agreement is unverifiable. Under the terms of the JCPOA and a secret side deal (to
which the United States is not privy), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will be
responsible for inspections under such severe limitations as to prevent them from reliably
detecting Iranian cheating. For example, if Iran and the inspectors are unable to reach an
accommodation with respect to a given site, the result could be at least a 24-day delay in IAEA
access. The agreement also requires inspectors to inform Iran in writing as to the basis for its
concerns about an undeclared site, thus further delaying access. Most importantly, these
inspections do not allow access to Iranian military facilities, the most likely location of their
nuclear weapons development efforts. In the JCPOA process, there is substantial risk of U.S.
intelligence being compromised, since the IAEA often relies on our sensitive data with respect to
suspicious and/or prohibited activity. 

While failing to assure prevention of Iran’s nuclear weapons development capabilities,
the agreement provides by some estimates $150 billion dollars or more to Iran in the form of
sanctions relief. As military officers, we find it unconscionable that such a windfall could be
given to a regime that even the Obama administration has acknowledged will use a portion of
such funds to continue to support terrorism in Israel, throughout the Middle East and globally,
whether directly or through proxies. These actions will be made all the more deadly since the
JCPOA will lift international embargoes on Iran’s access to advanced conventional weapons and
ballistic missile technology. 

In summary, this agreement will enable Iran to become far more dangerous, render the
Mideast still more unstable and introduce new threats to American interests as well as our allies.
In our professional opinion, far from being an alternative to war, the Joint Comprehensive Plan
of Action makes it likely that the war the Iranian regime has waged against us since 1979 will
continue, with far higher risks to our national security interests. Accordingly, we urge the
Congress to reject this defective accord. 


1. Admiral David Architzel, US Navy, Retired
2. Admiral Stanley R. Arthur, US Navy, Retired
3. General William Begert, US Air Force, Retired
4. General J.B. Davis, US Air Force, Retired
5. Admiral William A. Doughert, US Navy, Retired
6. Admiral Leon A. “Bud” Edney, US Navy, Retired
7. General Alfred G. Hansen US Air Force, Retired
8. Admiral Thomas Hayward, US Navy, Retired
9. Admiral James Hogg, US Navy, Retired
10. Admiral Jerome Johnson, US Navy, Retired
11. Admiral Timothy J. Keating, US Navy, Retired
12. Admiral Robert J. Kelly, US Navy, Retired
13. Admiral Thomas Joseph Lopez, US Navy, Retired 
14. Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons, US Navy, Retired
15. Admiral Richard Macke, US Navy, Retired
16. Admiral Henry Mauz, US Navy, Retired
17. General Lance Smith, US Air Force, Retired
18. Admiral Leighton Smith, US Navy, Retired
19. Admiral William D. Smith, US Navy, Retired
20. General Louis C. Wagner, Jr., US Army, Retired
21. Admiral Steve White, US Navy, Retired
22. General Ronald W. Yates, US Air Force, Retired
23. Lieutenant General Teddy G. Allen, US Army, Retired
24. Lieutenant General Edward G. Anderson, III, US Army, Retired
25. Lieutenant General Marcus A. Anderson, US Air Force, Retired
26. Lieutenant General Spence M. Armstrong, US Air Force, Retired
27. Lieutenant General Harold W. Blot, US Marine Corps, Retired
28. Vice Admiral Michael Bowman, US Navy, Retired
29. Lieutenant General William G. “Jerry” Boykin, US Army, Retired
30. Vice Admiral Edward S. Briggs, US Navy, Retired
31. Lieutenant General Richard E. “Tex” Brown III, US Air Force, Retired
32. Lieutenant General William J. Campbell, US Air Force, Retired
33. Vice Admiral Edward Clexton, US Navy, Retired
34. Vice Admiral Daniel L. Cooper, US Navy, Retired
35. Vice Admiral William A. Dougherty, US Navy, Retired
36. Lieutenant General Brett Dula, US Air Force, Retired
37. Lieutenant General Gordon E. Fornell, US Air Force, Retired
38. Lieutenant General Thomas B. Goslin, US Air Force, Retired
39. Lieutenant General Earl Hailston, US Marine Corps, Retired
40. Vice Admiral Bernard M. Kauderer, US Navy, Retired
41. Lieutenant General Timothy A. Kinnan, US Air Force, Retired
42. Vice Admiral J. B . LaPlante, US Navy, Retired
43. Vice Admiral Tony Less, US Navy, Retired
44. Lieutenant General Bennett L. Lewis, US Army, Retired
45. Vice Admiral Michael Malone, US Navy, Retired
46. Vice Admiral John Mazach, US Navy, Retired
47. Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney, US Air Force, Retired
48. Lieutenant General Fred McCorkle, US Marine Corps, Retired
49. Vice Admiral Robert Monroe, US Navy, Retired
50. Vice Admiral Jimmy Pappas, US Navy, Retired
51. Vice Admiral J. Theodore Parker, US Navy, Retired
52. Lieutenant General Garry L. Parks, US Marine Corps, Retired
53. Lieutenant General Everett Pratt, US Air Force, Retired
54. Vice Admiral John Poindexter, US Navy, Retired
55. Lieutenant General Clifford "Ted" Rees, Jr., US Air Force, Retired
56. Vice Admiral William Rowden, US Navy, Retired
57. Vice Admiral Robert F. Schoultz, US Navy, Retired
58. Lieutenant General E.G. “Buck” Shuler, Jr., US Air Force, Retired
59. Lieutenant General Hubert 'Hugh" G. Smith, US Army, Retired
60. Vice Admiral Edward M. Straw, US Navy, Retired
61. Lieutenant General David J. Teal, US Air Force, Retired
62. Vice Admiral D.C. "Deese" Thompson, US Coast Guard, Retired
63. Lieutenant General William E. Thurman, US Air Force, Retired
64. Lieutenant General Billy Tomas, US Army, Retired
65. Vice Admiral John Totushek, US Navy, Retired
66. Vice Admiral Jerry Tuttle, US Navy, Retired
67. Vice Admiral Jerry Unruh, US Navy, Retired
68. Vice Admiral Timothy W. Wright, US Navy, Retired
69. Rear Admiral William V. Alford, Jr., US Navy, Retired
70. Major General Thurman E. Anderson, US Army, Retired
71. Major General Joseph T. Anderson, US Marine Corps, Retired
72. Rear Admiral Philip Anselmo, US Navy, Retired
73. Major General Joe Arbuckle, US Army, Retired
74. Rear Admiral James W. Austin, US Navy, Retired
75. Rear Admiral John R. Batzler, US Navy, Retired
76. Rear Admiral John Bayless, US Navy, Retired
77. Major General John Bianchi, US Army, Retired
78. Rear Admiral Donald Vaux Boecker, US Navy, Retired
79. Rear Admiral Jerry C. Breast, US Navy, Retired
80. Rear Admiral Bruce B. Bremner, US Navy, Retired
81. Major General Edward M. Browne, US Army, Retired
82. Rear Admiral Thomas F. Brown III, US Navy, Retired
83. Rear Admiral Lyle Bull, US Navy, Retired
84. Major General Bobby G. Butcher, US Marine Corps, Retired
85. Rear Admiral Jay A. Campbell, US Navy, Retired
86. Major General Henry D. Canterbury, US Air Force, Retired
87. Major General Carroll D. Childers, US Army, Retired
88. Rear Admiral Ronald L. Christenson, US Navy, Retired
89. Major General John R.D. Cleland, US Army, Retired
90. Major General Richard L. Comer, US Air Force, Retired
91. Rear Admiral Jack Dantone, US Navy, Retired
92. Major General William B. Davitte, US Air Force, Retired
93. Major General James D. Delk, US Army, Retired
94. Major General Felix Dupre, US Air Force, Retired
95. Rear Admiral Philip A. Dur, US Navy, Retired
96. Major General Neil L. Eddins, US Air Force, Retired
97. Rear Admiral Paul Engel, US Navy, Retired
98. Major General Vince Falter, US Army, Retired
99. Rear Admiral James H. Flatley, US Navy, Retired
100. Major General Bobby O. Floyd, US Air Force, Retired
101. Major General Paul Fratarangelo, US Marine Corps, Retired
102. Rear Admiral Veronica "Ronne" Froman, US Navy, Retired
103. Rear Admiral R. Byron Fuller, US Navy, Retired
104. Rear Admiral Frank Gallo, US Navy, Retired
105. Rear Admiral Albert A. Gallotta, Jr., US Navy, Retired
106. Rear Admiral James Mac Gleim, US Navy, Retired
107. Rear Admiral Robert H. Gormley, US Navy, Retired
108. Rear Admiral William Gureck, US Navy, Retired
109. Major General Gary L. Harrell, US Army, Retired
110. Rear Admiral Donald Hickman, US Navy, Retired
111. Major General Geoffrey Higginbotham, US Marine Corps, Retired
112. Major General Kent H. Hillhouse, US Army, Retired
113. Rear Admiral Tim Hinkle, US Navy, Retired
114. Major General Victor Joseph Hugo, US Army, Retired
115. Major General James P. Hunt, US Air Force, Retired
116. Rear Admiral Grady L. Jackson, US Navy, Retired
117. Major General William K. James, US Air Force, Retired
118. Rear Admiral John M. “Carlos” Johnson, US Navy, Retired
119. Rear Admiral Pierce J. Johnson, US Navy, Retired
120. Rear Admiral Steven B. Kantrowitz, US Navy, Retired
121. Major General Maurice W. Kendall, US Army, Retired
122. Rear Admiral Charles R. Kubic, US Navy, Retired
123. Rear Admiral Frederick L. Lewis, US Navy, Retired
124. Major General John D. Logeman, Jr., US Air Force, Retired
125. Major General Homer S. Long, Jr., US Army, Retired
126. Major General Robert M. Marquette, US Air Force, Retired
127. Rear Admiral Robert B. McClinton, US Navy, Retired
128. Rear Admiral W. J. McDaniel, MD, US Navy, Retired
129. Major General Keith W. Meurlin, US Air Force, Retired
130. Rear Admiral Terrence McKnight, US Navy, Retired
131. Major General John F. Miller, Jr., US Air Force, Retired
132. Major General Burton R. Moore, US Air Force, Retired
133. Rear Admiral David R. Morris, US Navy, Retired
134. Rear Admiral Ed Nelson, Jr., US Coast Guard, Retired
135. Major General George W. "Nordie" Norwood, US Air Force, Retired
136. Major General Everett G. Odgers, US Air Force, Retired 
137. Rear Admiral Phillip R. Olson, US Navy, Retired 
138. Rear Admiral Robert S. Owens, US Navy, Retired 
139. Rear Admiral Robert O. Passmore, US Navy, Retired 
140. Major General Richard E. Perraut, Jr., US Air Force, Retired 
141. Rear Admiral W.W. Pickavance , Jr., US Navy, Retired 
142. Rear Admiral L.F. Picotte, US Navy, Retired 
143. Rear Admiral Thomas J. Porter, US Navy, Retired 
144. Major General H. Douglas Robertson, US Army, Retired 
145. Rear Admiral W.J. Ryan, US Navy, Retired 
146. Rear Admiral Norman Saunders, US Coast Guard, Retired 
147. Major General John P. Schoeppner, Jr., US Air Force, Retired 
148. Major General Edison E. Scholes, US Army, Retired 
149. Rear Admiral Hugh P. Scott, US Navy, Retired 
150. Major General Richard Secord, US Air Force, Retired 
151. Rear Admiral James M. Seely, US Navy, Retired 
152. Major General Sidney Shachnow, US Army, Retired 
153. Rear Admiral William H. Shawcross, US Navy, Retired 
154. Rear Admiral Bob Shumaker, US Navy, Retired 
155. Major General Willie Studer, US Air Force, Retired 
156. Major General Larry Taylor, US Marine Corps, Retired 
157. Rear Admiral Jeremy Taylor, US Navy, Retired 
158. Major General Richard L. Testa, US Air Force, Retired 
159. Rear Admiral Robert P. Tiernan, US Navy, Retired 
160. Major General Paul E. Vallely, US Army, Retired 
161. Major General Kenneth W. Weir, US Marine Corps, Retired 
162. Major General John Welde, US Air Force, Retired 
163. Rear Admiral James B. Whittaker, US Navy, Retired 
164. Major General Geoffrey P. Wiedeman, Jr., MD, US Air Force, Retired 
165. Rear Admiral H. Denny Wisely, US Navy, Retired 
166. Brigadier General John R. Allen, Jr., US Air Force, Retired 
167. Brigadier General John C. Arick, US Marine Corps, Retired 
168. Brigadier General Loring R. Astorino, US Air Force, Retired 
169. Rear Admiral Robert E. Besal, US Navy, Retired 
170. Brigadier General William Bloomer, US Marine Corps, Retired 
171. Brigadier General George P. Cole, Jr., US Air Force, Retired 
172. Brigadier General Richard A. Coleman, US Air Force, Retired 
173. Brigadier General James L. Crouch, US Air Force, Retired 
174. Rear Admiral Marianne B. Drew, US Navy, Retired 
175. Brigadier General Philip M. Drew, US Air Force, Retired 
176. Brigadier General Larry K. Grundhauser, US Air Force, Retired 
177. Brigadier General Thomas W. Honeywill, US Air Force, Retired 
178. Brigadier General Gary M. Jones, US Army, Retired 
179. Brigadier General Stephen Lanning, US Air Force, Retired 
180. Brigadier General Thomas J. Lennon, US Air Force, Retired 
181. Rear Admiral Bobby C. Lee, US Navy, Retired 
182. Brigadier General Robert F. Peksens, US Air Force, Retired 
183. Brigadier General Joe Shaefer, US Air Force, Retired 
184. Brigadier General Graham E. Shirley, US Air Force, Retired 
185. Brigadier General Stanley O. Smith, US Air Force, Retired 
186. Brigadier General Hugh B. Tant III, US Army, Retired 
187. Brigadier General Michael Joseph Tashjian, US Air Force, Retired 
188. Brigadier General William Tiernan, US Marine Corps, Retired 
189. Brigadier General Roger W. Scearce, US Army, Retired 
190. Brigadier General Robert V. Woods, US Air Force, Retired

God bless,

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

GOP Pollster gets 'Wobbly' from Listening to Trump Supporters


By Bobby Eberle

Noted GOP pollster Frank Luntz -- the man behind those post-debate focus groups -- recently gathered together twenty-nine Donald Trump supporters to find out what makes them tick. The responses made Luntz's "legs wobble," and he said that what's happening right now in the GOP presidential races should be a "wake up" call to the Republican leadership. 

The focus group was observed by a group of reporters who were seated behind a one-way mirror. As Time Magazine reports, "This 29-person focus group ... had gathered to explain the phenomenon of Trump."
Luntz's firm paid each of the participants $100 for the two-and-a-half hour session. (They wore tags with their first names that were mostly illegible to reporters behind the glass.) The group was not a representative sample of the Republican party, or early state voters, as all of them had been selected because they like (or love) Trump and live in Washington or its suburbs in Maryland and Virginia. But they offered a glimpse into the Trump mystique, a lucrative brand whose success has caught the national media, the Republican establishment and experienced pollsters like the veteran Luntz off guard.
So what did Luntz learn? He learned what just about every grassroots conservative has known for a long time: that in many cases, the leadership of the Republican Party is no better than the Democrats. According to the Time article, "They believed Washington politicians and the Republican party had repeatedly misled them, and that the country is going down the tubes. They looked for relief in Trump."

The focus group believes that Trump has their best interests at heart, while "other Republicans are looking out for themselves." I guess this is what happens when we elect Republican majorities, and absolutely nothing changes. We get Republicans who continue to push amnesty for illegal aliens and bogus trade deals and increased government spending. Geez... they can't even defund Planned Parenthood even when the truth on what the organization does has become clearly evident.

On the other hand, in the eyes of Trump supporters, he can deliver. He is different. He doesn't follow the politically correct behavior that the media and other Democrats and Republicans follow. People believe he'll do what he says he's going to do.
"You guys understand how significant this is?" Luntz asked the press breathlessly when he came back into the room behind the glass. "This is real. I'm having trouble processing it. Like, my legs are shaking."
"I want to put the Republican leadership behind this mirror and let them see. They need to wake up. They don't realize how the grassroots have abandoned them," Luntz continued. "Donald Trump is punishment to a Republican elite that wasn't listening to their grassroots."
One woman who sat on the panel summed up the feelings of many grassroots conservatives by saying: "They treat us like crap and they lie to us and promise us things and then they expect us to vote again. ... That's why we want Trump."

Will they listen? Donald Trump has the Republican establishment (both politicians and pundits) in a tizzy. In a recent column in the Washington Examiner, Byron York points out the problems with the Democrats on the issue of illegal immigration, but he also mentions what other so-called conservatives are writing about:
"Trump's immigration plan could spell doom for the GOP," read a headline on a syndicated column by George Will. "Trump's recklessness threatens GOP," read a headline on a Charles Krauthammer column. "Donald Trump reveals the ugly side of the right," read a headline on a piece by the Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin.
Maybe they're all right. Maybe they're not.
So, that's what grassroots conservatives are getting from conservative media. They don't want you to want Trump. They are terrified of that notion. Here's a novel idea: let the voters decide! The more the Republican establishment pushes an anti-Trump narrative, the more the grassroots conservatives will push back. And NONE of this would have happened if Republicans would just act like conservatives instead of Democrats or professional Washington elite.

God bless,

Charlie Daniels' Open Letter to Congress: 'You've Betrayed Your Country'

From: CNS News 

I am a proud American who believes that America has held – and still holds – a very sensitive and special place in the affairs of mankind on Planet Earth. I believe that America has been divinely blessed and protected in our two centuries plus of existence.

I believe that America has been a counter balance that has cancelled out a lot of tyranny, evil and conquest, and admittedly, we have made a lot of mistakes. But on balance we have exerted a certain Pax Americana in the international affairs of mankind.

It took a lot of old fashioned guts for the Continental Congress to stand up to the world's mightiest military and tell them that we demanded our independence, even at the peril of going up against a far superior force on land and sea, and with only a ragtag army of untrained citizens, many of whom had to supply their own firearms.

It took courage above and beyond for Abraham Lincoln to push the country into a Civil War that he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt would divide this nation for decades.

It took guts to give the order for American troops to storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, straight into the face of artillery and machine gunfire, wave after wave being cut to ribbons by German shore emplacements.

The history of this nation is written in the blood and courage of men who stood in the face of overwhelming odds – politicians, soldiers, statesmen and ordinary citizens who sought to do the right thing regardless of the cost or the consequences.

Well, ladies and gentlemen of the United States Congress, it seems that that particular pen has run out of ink. The courageous politicians that once championed this nation have been replaced, for the most part, by a breed of milksop, politically correct, scared of their own shadow, pushover, pathetic excuses for public servants who are supposed to be representing a constituency of citizens who have to live with the circumstances of their timid folly.

You don't even have the courage to face down an out of control president, even when he makes a deal with the devil. Don't you bunch of timid capons even care what kind of world you're leaving to your children and grandchildren, not to even mention the rest of us? Are you really party partisans before your parents and grandparents or even human beings?

Be honest with yourselves a minute. Go into the bathroom and look in the mirror and ask the person you see this question: "Do I really believe that Iran will not use the money we're releasing to them to finance terrorists to kill Americans, and, when, not if, but when, the Iranians develop their nuclear device, will they really use it against America and Israel?"

You can’t hide from the truthful answer to that question forever, an answer will be required of you one day.

You have allowed Obama to tilt the Supreme Court so far to the left that they're little more than a shameful extension of the Executive Branch.

You have talked for decades about the porous southern border but have done absolutely nothing about it.

You have allowed cities in this nation to declare themselves sanctuary cities where they protect the worst of the worst criminal aliens, and American citizens are paying an awful price for your silence.
You watch an impossible National Debt balloon completely out of control, knowing full well that a day of reckoning is coming that will seriously curtail the quality of life for coming generations.

You allow corrupt government agencies like the IRS to run over the very people you are sworn to protect and allow the entitlement society to expand exponentially. All the while, you are actually entertaining the idea of raising taxes on those who still work and shoulder the burden.

You compose a third of the constitutionally mandated ruling system,and you shirk your duty
and allow this nation to move a little closer to the edge every day.

Your ratings are in the single digits; your morals are in the gutter; your minds are on self-preservation; and somewhere along the way, you’ve traded your honor for political expediency.
You've violated your oaths; you've betrayed your country; you've feathered your nests; and you've sat on your hands while an imperial president has rubbed your noses in the dirt time after time.

You're no longer men. You're puppets, caricatures, jokes, a gaggle of fading prostitutes for sale to anybody who can do you a political favor.

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

 God Bless America
Charlie Daniels

God bless,

Friday, August 21, 2015



If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you must show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If an 80-year-old woman who is confined to a wheelchair or a three-year-old girl can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion while not working is rewarded with Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, time shares, a wall-sized do-it-all plasma screen TV and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If being stripped of your Constitutional right to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
God bless,