-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Friday, June 24, 2016

America Should Embrace the Brexit Spirit

From: Town Hall

Well, what do you know?

Faced with fear-mongering status quo addicts warning them of the dangers of real change, British voters chose to take a stand for sovereignty, borders and national identity.  Now we’ll see if America will do the same in November.

Displaying a courage and clarity that seemed decidedly American in flavor, The UK has cast off the suffocating blanket of the European Union.  This should serve to inspire other countries on the continent who are noticing that their national identities are being smothered by globalist instincts to homogenize their societies for some ill-conceived greater good.  

Forged by post-World War II economic partnerships and honed under the European Economic Community (EEC) title from the late fifties until the official EU designation in 1993, the concept of a partnership to exploit common interests has morphed into a burdensome anvil that restricts the properties that allow Europe’s nations to excel on the engines of their individual merits.

It boggles the mind why any nation would agree to enter into an overarching supervisory arrangement that has its own parliament.  Britain surrendered latitude over lawmaking on matters from the environment to transportation to consumer rights.  And that’s before we even get to borders.

Any EU nation passport is recognized in all EU nations, a lovely convenience for tourism but a nightmare in an era when unfettered immigration is diluting once-distinct European societies.  Want to live in another EU country?  Pack and go. 

A European Court of Justice rules on EU laws, ruling against many appeals brought by the British government.  The ECJ even makes it harder for the UK to deport violent criminals.

British immigration is out of control.  Government targets of limiting the influx to 100,000 are a fantasy unless border controls are returned to the British people, who are seeing their society threatened by an annual intake of more than 350,000.

Now Britain has voted to kiss this folly goodbye, along with its massive net costs and few net benefits.

The Remain brigades whipped the electorate into a worried lather with promises of a plunging currency, shattered trade agreements and diminished influence on the world stage.  They lost clarity on the fact that a nation’s influence is most sharply defined when it thinks and acts based on its own interests, not watered down into a multinational porridge. 

As the hour grew late in America, and dawn approached in Great Britain, a fire was lit as the BBC and other networks called the election in favor of Leave.  If American voters can muster the same strength, we can show the world that we too have regained our senses after years of being mashed into an internationalist puree, not by a multinational external nanny state but by our own leaders.

Leading from behind.  Subjugating American interests to foreign sensitivities.  Downplaying U.S. values as inferior against a backdrop of a world losing its grip on basic values.  These slides have consequences, and some Americans have had enough of it.  Those passions were atomized across a field of Republican candidates, but most gathered around the candidacy of Donald Trump.

A flurry of mixed feelings swirls around the Trump candidacy as voters weigh whether they can sign onto his multi-flavored ideologies and multi-faceted personality.  But the core of Trump followers, with differences on foreign policy, taxes and social issues, unite under a shared hunger— a return to a time when our leaders considered the interests of our people, our economy and our borders first.

The appeal of that concept does not fit tidily into the ideological frameworks that usually guide our elections.  This is why some conservatives are tied up in knots when they know deep down that they must vote to prevent a Hillary Clinton presidency:  the Trump Train was hardly the vehicle they envisioned as their ticket to escape the Obama era.

But November provides us a chance to echo the inspiring audacity of our British cousins,  beefing up our borders and standing up for sovereignty after decades of neglect at the hands of both parties.

UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage spoke to adrenaline-fueled supporters at 4 a.m., expressing the hope that Brexit success “leads us to a Europe of sovereign nation-states trading together, being friends together, cooperating together.”  He gave voice to his countrymen ready to jettison the trappings of the collectivist EU and its reign from afar:  “Let’s get rid of the flag, the anthem, Brussels, and all that has gone wrong…  Let June 23rd go down in our history as our independence day!”

This is compelling stuff, and instructive if we are wise enough to pay attention.  A comfort-zone establishment scolded voters eager for change, cajoling them to simply bow to the elders’ wise counsel and shed their crazy instincts for bold change. 

Sound familiar?

British voters trusted their instincts that several fundamental things in their nation were going very wrong, mostly at the behest of ideas that had subjugated their national identity.  The same has happened in our own nation, and if we have the guts to vote accordingly in November, we can engineer our own exit, from years of inattention to the characteristics of a strong nation: borders that mean something, pride in who we are, and priorities that favor our own citizens.

God bless,

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Emails: State Dept. scrambled on trouble on Clinton's server

From: AP

FBI 'revolt of Watergate proportions' if Hillary skates

From: World Net Daily

by - Jerome R. Corsi - 6-22-16

NEW YORK – A former U.S. attorney says there is no doubt that, before the November election, the FBI will recommend to Attorney General Loretta Lynch that she prosecute Hillary Clinton for mishandling of classified information, warning that intervention by the White House would provoke a revolt of Watergate proportions.

In an interview with WND, Joseph diGenova said that based “on all the available evidence, including what is publicly known and what is known in the law enforcement community, there is sufficient, credible evidence needed to meet the predicate to begin a grand jury – sufficient evidence for probable cause to believe various crimes have been committed.”

There is simply no doubt that the FBI is going to recommend a series of charges to Attorney General Lynch,” he insisted.

DiGenova said he has been speaking with former FBI, Secret Service and intelligence people about the case.

“Based on the information they have secured from their brothers and sisters in the law enforcement community, there is unanimity on the fact that charges are going to be recommended by the FBI,” he said.

“It is impossible for them not to, under the circumstances,” he stressed.

DiGenova acknowledged, however, that Lynch has the discretion to do nothing.

But to the people in the FBI and intelligence community, he said, that would be “inconceivable.”

“There is going to be a revolt of Watergate proportions if criminal charges do not go forward.”

Purposeful avoidance

The FBI criminal investigation of Clinton began with questions regarding her handling of classified information through a private email server.

“First of all, the key to this is the private server,” diGenova said. “The existence of that server and its use by Hillary and her aides in an unencrypted mode, along with all their unencrypted personal devices, is a per se violation of the Espionage Act. It is the failure to properly store, maintain and protect classified information.”

DiGenova noted the FBI already has established a criminal case against a number of people on that charge, including Gen. David Petraeus, the former director of the CIA.

“The FBI, by virtue of seizing not only Hillary Clinton’s server but also numerous servers at the State Department, has begun to unravel the various communication levels and levels of classification beyond what the State Department is slowly releasing to the public,” he said.

He explained that the FBI is “acting on the basis that the server was set up purposefully to avoid disclosure to the public, the press, the Congress and the courts in response to legitimate legal requests and in response to subpoena.”

“That establishes the intent necessary for criminal activity, in the area of negligent handling of classified information,” he said.

DiGenova said the FBI has established a connection between the official acts of Clinton as secretary of state and the speech and fundraising activities of the Clinton Foundation.

He said he wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI has already begun retrieving documents from the Clinton Foundation as its investigation of Hillary Clinton expands into issues of political corruption.

“If I were a U.S. attorney today and this investigation was in my office, I would empanel a grand jury and I would seek charges. This is a no-brainer,” he said.

“This is a locked case of minimally a violation of the classified information statutes,” he said. “There are people who have lost their jobs, lost their security clearances, have been convicted of crimes, for leaving a single document out on their desks overnight.

“This case dwarfs, and I underscore dwarfs, the Petraeus case by multiples in the thousands.”

God bless,

Donald Trump Delivers the Speech of a LIFETIME – Demolishes Hillary Clinton

From: Politico - 6-22-16

by - Donald Trump

Today I‘d like to share my thoughts about the stakes in this election.

People have asked me why I am running for President.

I have built an amazing business that I love and I get to work side-by-side with my children every day.

We come to work together and turn visions into reality.

We think big, and then we make it happen.

I love what I do, and I am grateful beyond words to the nation that has allowed me to do it.

So when people ask me why I am running, I quickly answer: I am running to give back to this country which has been so good to me.

When I see the crumbling roads and bridges, or the dilapidated airports, or the factories moving overseas to Mexico, or to other countries, I know these problems can all be fixed, but not by Hillary Clinton – only by me.

The fact is, we can come back bigger and better and stronger than ever before --Jobs, jobs, jobs!

Everywhere I look, I see the possibilities of what our country could be. But we can’t solve any of these problems by relying on the politicians who created them.

We will never be able to fix a rigged system by counting on the same people who rigged it in the first place.

The insiders wrote the rules of the game to keep themselves in power and in the money.

That’s why we’re asking Bernie Sanders’ voters to join our movement: so together we can fix the system for ALL Americans. Importantly, this includes fixing all of our many disastrous trade deals.

Because it’s not just the political system that’s rigged. It’s the whole economy.

It’s rigged by big donors who want to keep down wages.

It’s rigged by big businesses who want to leave our country, fire our workers, and sell their products back into the U.S. with absolutely no consequences for them.

It’s rigged by bureaucrats who are trapping kids in failing schools.

It’s rigged against you, the American people.

Hillary Clinton who, as most people know, is a world class liar – just look at her pathetic email and server statements, or her phony landing in Bosnia where she said she was under attack but the attack turned out to be young girls handing her flowers, a total self-serving lie.

Brian Williams’ career was destroyed for saying far less.

Yesterday, she even tried to attack me and my many businesses. But here is the bottom line: I started off in Brooklyn New York, not so long ago, with a small loan and built a business worth over 10 billion dollars. I have always had a talent for building businesses and, importantly, creating jobs. That is a talent our country desperately needs.

I am running for President to end the unfairness and to put you, the American worker, first.

We are going to put America First, and we are going to Make America Great again.

This election will decide whether we are ruled by the people, or by the politicians.

Here is my promise to the American voter:

If I am elected President, I will end the special interest monopoly in Washington, D.C.

The other candidate in this race has spent her entire life making money for special interests – and taking money from special interests.

Hillary Clinton has perfected the politics of personal profit and theft.

She ran the State Department like her own personal hedge fund – doing favors for oppressive regimes, and many others, in exchange for cash.

Then, when she left, she made $21.6 million giving speeches to Wall Street banks and other special interests – in less than 2 years – secret speeches that she does not want to reveal to the public.

Together, she and Bill made $153 million giving speeches to lobbyists, CEOs, and foreign governments in the years since 2001.

They totally own her, and that will never change.

The choice in this election is a choice between taking our government back from the special interests, or surrendering our last scrap of independence to their total and complete control.

Those are the stakes.

Hillary Clinton wants to be President. But she doesn't have the temperament, or, as Bernie Sanders' said, the judgement, to be president.

She believes she is entitled to the office.

Her campaign slogan is “I’m with her.”

You know what my response to that is? I’m with you: the American people.

She thinks it’s all about her.

I know it’s all about you – I know it’s all about making America Great Again for All Americans.

Our country lost its way when we stopped putting the American people first.

We got here because we switched from a policy of Americanism – focusing on what’s good for America’s middle class – to a policy of globalism, focusing on how to make money for large corporations who can move their wealth and workers to foreign countries all to the detriment of the American worker and the American economy.

We reward companies for offshoring, and we punish companies for doing business in America and keeping our workers employed.

This is not a rising tide that lifts all boats.

This is a wave of globalization that wipes out our middle class and our jobs.

We need to reform our economic system so that, once again, we can all succeed together, and America can become rich again.

That’s what we mean by America First.

Our country will be better off when we start making our own products again, bringing our once great manufacturing capabilities back to our shores.

Our Founders understood this.

One of the first major bills signed by George Washington called for “the encouragement and protection of manufactur[ing]” in America.

Our first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, warned us by saying:

“The abandonment of the protective policy by the American government will produce want and ruin among our people.”

I have visited the cities and towns across America and seen the devastation caused by the trade policies of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton supported Bill Clinton’s disastrous NAFTA, just like she supported China’s entrance into the World Trade Organization.

We’ve lost nearly one-third of our manufacturing jobs since these two Hillary-backed agreements were signed.

Our trade deficit with China soared 40% during Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State -- a disgraceful performance for which she should not be congratulated, but rather scorned.

Then she let China steal hundreds of billions of dollars in our intellectual property – a crime which is continuing to this day.

Hillary Clinton gave China millions of our best jobs, and effectively let China completely rebuild itself.

In return, Hillary Clinton got rich!

The book Clinton Cash, by Peter Schweitzer, documents how Bill and Hillary used the State Department to enrich their family at America’s expense.

She gets rich making you poor.

Here is a quote from the book: “At the center of US policy toward China was Hillary Clinton…at this critical time for US-china relations, Bill Clinton gave a number of speeches that were underwritten by the Chinese government and its supporters.”

These funds were paid to the Clinton bank account while Hillary was negotiating with China on behalf of the United States.

She sold out our workers, and our country, for Beijing.

Hillary Clinton has also been the biggest promoter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which will ship millions more of our jobs overseas – and give up Congressional power to an international foreign commission.

Now, because I have pointed out why it would be such a disastrous deal, she is pretending that she is against it. She has even deleted this record of total support from her book – deletion is something she is very good at -- (at least 30,000 emails are missing.)

But this latest Clinton cover-up doesn’t change anything: if she is elected president, she will adopt the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and we will lose millions of jobs and our economic independence for good. She will do this, just as she has betrayed the American worker on trade at every single stage of her career – and it will be even worse than the Clintons’ NAFTA deal.

I want trade deals, but they have to be great for the United States and our workers.

We don't make great deals anymore, but we will once I become president.

It’s not just our economy that’s been corrupted, but our foreign policy too.

The Hillary Clinton foreign policy has cost America thousands of lives and trillions of dollars – and unleashed ISIS across the world.

No Secretary of State has been more wrong, more often, and in more places than Hillary Clinton.
Her decisions spread death, destruction and terrorism everywhere she touched.

Among the victims is our late Ambassador, Chris Stevens. He was left helpless to die as Hillary Clinton soundly slept in her bed -- that's right, when the phone rang at 3 o'clock in the morning, she was sleeping.

Ambassador Stevens and his staff in Libya made hundreds of requests for security.

Hillary Clinton’s State Department refused them all.

She started the war that put him in Libya, denied him the security he asked for, then left him there to die.

To cover her tracks, Hillary lied about a video being the cause of his death.

Here is what one of the victim’s mothers had to say:

“I want the whole world to know it: she lied to my face, and you don’t want this person to be president.”

In 2009, before Hillary Clinton was sworn in, it was a different world.

Libya was cooperating.

Iraq was seeing a reduction in violence.

Syria was under control.

Iran was being choked by sanctions.

Egypt was governed by a friendly regime that honored its peace treaty with Israel.

ISIS wasn’t even on the map.

Fast forward to 2013: In just four years, Secretary Clinton managed to almost single-handedly destabilize the entire Middle East.

Her invasion of Libya handed the country over to the ISIS barbarians.

Thanks to Hillary Clinton, Iran is now the dominant Islamic power in the Middle East, and on the road to nuclear weapons.

Hillary Clinton’s support for violent regime change in Syria has thrown the country into one of the bloodiest civil wars anyone has ever seen – while giving ISIS a launching pad for terrorism against the West.

She helped force out a friendly regime in Egypt and replace it with the radical Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian military has retaken control, but Clinton has opened the Pandora’s box of radical Islam.

Then, there was the disastrous strategy of announcing our departure date from Iraq, handing large parts of the country over to ISIS killers.

ISIS threatens us today because of the decisions Hillary Clinton has made.

ISIS also threatens peaceful Muslims across the Middle East, and peaceful Muslims across the world, who have been terribly victimized by horrible brutality – and who only want to raise their kids in peace and safety.

In short, Hillary Clinton’s tryout for the presidency has produced one deadly foreign policy disaster after another.

It all started with her bad judgment in supporting the War in Iraq in the first place.

Though I was not in government service, I was among the earliest to criticize

the rush to war, and yes, even before the war ever started.

But Hillary Clinton learned nothing from Iraq, because when she got into power, she couldn’t wait to rush us off to war in Libya.

She lacks the temperament, the judgment and the competence to lead.

In the words of a Secret Service agent posted outside the Oval Office:

“She simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office…from the bottom of my soul, I know this to be true…Her leadership style – volcanic, impulsive…disdainful of the rules set for everyone else – hasn’t changed a bit.”

Perhaps the most terrifying thing about Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy is that she refuses to acknowledge the threat posed by Radical Islam.

In fact, Hillary Clinton supports a radical 550% increase in Syrian refugees coming into the United States, and that's an increase over President Obama's already very high number.

Under her plan, we would admit hundreds of thousands of refugees from the most dangerous countries on Earth – with no way to screen who they are or what they believe.

Already, hundreds of recent immigrants and their children have been convicted of terrorist activity inside the U.S.

The father of the Orlando shooter was a Taliban supporter from Afghanistan, one of the
most repressive anti-gay and anti-women regimes on Earth.

I only want to admit people who share our values and love our people.

Hillary Clinton wants to bring in people who believe women should be enslaved and gays put to death.

Maybe her motivation lies among the more than 1,000 foreign donations Hillary failed to disclose while at the State Department.

Hillary Clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency.

Here is some more of what we learned from the book, Clinton Cash:

A foreign telecom giant faced possible State Department sanctions for providing technology to Iran, and other oppressive regimes. So what did this company do? For the first time ever, they decided to pay Bill Clinton $750,000 for a single speech. The Clintons got their cash, the telecom company escaped sanctions.

Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the transfer of 20% of America’s uranium holdings to Russia, while 9 investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary Clinton appointed a top donor to a national security board with top secret access – even though he had no national security credentials.

Hillary Clinton accepted $58,000 in jewelry from the government of Brunei when she was Secretary of State – plus millions more for her foundation. The Sultan of Brunei has pushed oppressive Sharia law, including the punishment of death by stoning for being gay. The government of Brunei also stands to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of Hillary’s Trans-Pacific Partnership, which she would absolutely approve if given the chance.

Hillary Clinton took up to $25 million from Saudi Arabia, where being gay is also punishable by death.

Hillary took millions from Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and many other countries that horribly abuse women and LGBT citizens.

To cover-up her corrupt dealings, Hillary Clinton illegally stashed her State Department emails on a private server.

Her server was easily hacked by foreign governments – perhaps even by her financial backers in Communist China – putting all of America in danger.

Then there are the 33,000 emails she deleted.

While we may not know what is in those deleted emails, our enemies probably do.

So they probably now have a blackmail file over someone who wants to be President of the United States.

This fact alone disqualifies her from the Presidency.

We can’t hand over our government to someone whose deepest, darkest secrets may be in the hands of our enemies.

National security is also immigration security – and Hillary wants neither.

Hillary Clinton has put forward the most radical immigration platform in the history of the United States.

She has pledged to grant mass amnesty and in her first 100 days, end virtually all immigration enforcement, and thus create totally open borders in the United States

The first victims of her radical policies will be poor African-American and Hispanic workers who need jobs. They are the ones she will hurt the most.

Let me share with you a letter our campaign received from Mary Ann Mendoza.

She lost her amazing son, Police Sergeant Brandon Mendoza, after he was killed by an illegal immigrant because of the open borders policies supported by Hillary Clinton.

Sadly, the Mendoza family is just one of thousands who have suffered the same fate.

Here is an excerpt from Mrs. Mendoza’s letter:

“Hillary Clinton, who already has the blood of so many on her hands, is now announcing that she is willing to put each and every one of our lives in harms’ way – an open door policy to criminals and terrorists to enter our country. Hillary is not concerned about you or I, she is only concerned about the power the presidency would bring to her. She needs to go to prison to pay for the crimes she has already committed against this country.”

Hillary also wants to spend hundreds of billions to resettle Middle Eastern refugees in the United States, on top of the current record level of immigration.

For the amount of money Hillary Clinton would like to spend on refugees, we could rebuild every inner city in America.

Hillary’s Wall Street immigration agenda will keep immigrant communities poor, and unemployed Americans out of work. She can’t claim to care about African-American and Hispanic workers when she wants to bring in millions of new low-wage workers to compete against them.

Here are a few things a Trump Administration will do for America in the first 100 days:

Appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution. Hillary Clinton’s radical judges will virtually abolish the 2nd amendment.

Change immigration rules to give unemployed Americans an opportunity to fill good-paying jobs

Stand up to countries that cheat on trade, of which there are many

Cancel rules and regulations that send jobs overseas

Lift restrictions on energy production

Repeal and replace job-killing Obamacare -- it is a disaster.

Pass massive tax reform to create millions of new jobs.

Impose tough new ethics rules to restore dignity to the Office of Secretary of State.

There is one common theme in all of these reforms.

It’s going to be America First.

This is why the stakes in November are so great.

On election day, the politicians stand trial before the people.

The voters are the jury. Their ballots are the verdict. We don’t need or want another Clinton or Obama.

Come November, the American people will have a chance to issue a verdict on the politicians that have sacrificed their security, betrayed their prosperity, and sold out their country.

They will have a chance to vote for a new agenda with big dreams, bold ideas and enormous possibilities for the American people.

Hillary Clinton’s message is old and tired. Her message is that can’t change.

My message is that things have to change – and this is our one chance do it. This is our last chance to do it.

Americans are the people that tamed the West, that dug out the Panama Canal, that sent satellites across the solar system, that built the great dams, and so much more.

Then we started thinking small.

We stopped believing in what America could do, and became reliant on other countries, other people, and other institutions.

We lost our sense of purpose, and daring.

But that’s not who we are.

Come this November, we can bring America back – bigger and better, and stronger than ever.

We will build the greatest infrastructure on the planet earth – the roads and railways and airports of tomorrow.

Our military will have the best technology and finest equipment – we will bring it back all the way.
Massive new factories will come roaring into our country – breathing life and hope into our communities.

Inner cities, which have been horribly abused by Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party, will finally be rebuilt.

Construction is what I know -- nobody knows it better.

The real wages for our workers have not been raised for 18 years -- but these wages will start going up, along with the new jobs. Hillary’s massive taxation, regulation and open borders will destroy jobs and drive down wages for everyone.

We are also going to be supporting our police and law enforcement -- we can never forget the great job they do.

I am also going to appoint great Supreme Court Justices.

Our country is going to start working again.

People are going to start working again.

Parents are going to start dreaming big for their children again – including parents in our inner cities.

Americans are going to start believing in the future or our country.

We are going to make America rich again.

We are going to make America safe again.

We are going to make America Great Again – and Great Again For EVERYONE.

God bless,

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

GOP infighting threatens the republic


June 21, 2016

Will Rogers used to get a lot of laughs telling crowds, “I don’t belong to any organized political party; I’m a Democrat.”

He could make the same claim today, substituting Republican for Democrat, but it wouldn’t provoke a hint of laughter because there’s nothing the least bit funny about what’s happening now in the upper echelons of the GOP.

It may be amusing to supporters of Hillary Clinton, the obvious beneficiary of this Republican internecine battle, but it’s repugnant to anyone on either side of the political aisle who still believes “governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

That’s basic civics, as meat and potatoes as you can get in understanding how we do business here in America when it comes to choosing our leaders.

So it is that on that one day of the year we call Election Day, citizens get to call the shots, which is how Donald Trump got to be where he is today.

He did not become the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee by staging a coup or subverting the rules or duping voters with sleight-of-hand shenanigans.

Indeed, he was as transparent as you can get, calling evil by its name — radical Islamic terrorism — while our current commander in chief prefers to think of ISIS as “a JV team.” Talk about different world views!

Trump’s bombast, whatever you may think of it, touched a nerve in this nation’s electorate; he connected with Americans by telling them what they’ve been longing to hear.

That’s how he got to where here is today. There’s no mystery to it. Millions of Americans took the time to listen, then took the time to vote.

They’re the reason Trump is where he is today. It’s called vox populi, the voice of the people.

By the time self-absorbed Republican honchos realized a monster had been created, one they couldn’t control, they had been boxed into a corner. They could either acknowledge the obvious appeal of this phenomenon and throw their support behind him, or attempt to nullify the verdict of voters by disenfranchising them, saying their opinions do not matter.

And they don’t even feel a need to manufacture this plot in a smoky back room; they’re brazenly seeking to impose their will in broad daylight, unapologetically.

It’s ugly to watch.

On her best day, Hillary couldn’t damage the GOP half as much as it is damaging itself right now.

What a shame for those who urgently long to see America move in a different direction.

God bless,

No, Hillary Supporters, Here’s Who REALLY Sold Weapons To ISIS!

From: Political Insider

by - Rusty - 6-21-16

It looks like our small-minded friends on the left have a new bumper sticker talking point when it comes to gun control. This one isn’t going to fly, however.

Yesterday, the Senate rejected four separate gun control measures that would have done nothing to prevent the terrorist attacks in Orlando or San Bernardino, but would have done a great deal in infringing upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.

Senator Chris Murphy, a Hillary Clinton supporter who took part in a 15-hour filibuster on the Senate floor in which he pressed Republican leaders to allow votes on the proposed gun-control bills, even admitted these legislative attempts would do nothing to stop terrorist attacks.
But that didn’t halt him from issuing the Democrat Party with new talking points – that rejection of these bills equates to Republicans selling weapons to ISIS.
“We’ve got to make this clear, constant case that Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS,” Murphy said, adding “ISIS has decided that the assault weapon is the new airplane, and Republicans … are allowing these weapons to get in the hands of potential lone-wolf attackers.”
Elizabeth Warren, a Clinton advocate whose entire career is based on a lie, furthered this false talking point on social media.
This isn’t a fight the Democrats really want to pick with Republicans.

In 2011, the Obama administration under the direction of then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, began a gun-running operation that allowed weapons to get into the hands of jihadists linked to ISIS and al-Qaeda.

Clare Lopez, a former CIA officer and the primary author of CCB’s interim report, titled How America Switched Sides in the War on Terror, explained the gun-running scheme.

Via Breitbart:
“This U.S. gun-running policy in 2011 during the Libyan revolution was directed by [then] Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and [the late Libya Ambassador] Christopher Stevens, who was her official envoy to the Libyan AQ rebels.”
To avoid having the funds tracked back to the Obama administration, the arms flow to Libya was financed thru the United Arab Emirates, while Qatar served as the logistical and shipping hub, she noted.
“In 2012, the gun-running into Libya turned around and began to flow outward, from Benghazi to the AQ-and-MB-dominated rebels in Syria,” Lopez added. “This time, it was the CIA Base of Operations that was in charge of collecting up and shipping out [surface-to-air missiles] SAMs from Libya on Libyan ships to Turkey for overland delivery to a variety of jihadist militias, some of whose members later coalesced into groups like Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS [also known as IS].”
Senator Rand Paul also claimed that ISIS had received and is currently operating with U.S. weapons in their military campaigns in Syria and Iraq.

In addition, reporter Jerome Corsi revealed that hundreds of documents declassified in 2015 point to the direct role that Hillary had in aiding the rise of ISIS.

Maybe the media should go over this again, and ask senators Murphy and Warren who has actually sold weapons to ISIS.

God bless,

Thursday, June 16, 2016

DNC Hacker Releases Trump Oppo Report

"Guccifer 2.0" claims credit for breaching party's networks


JUNE 15--An online vandal using the name “Guccifer 2.0” has claimed credit for the recent hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s servers and has provided The Smoking Gun with documents stolen during the illegal operation, including a 237-page opposition research report on Donald Trump.

In an e-mail today, the hacker wrote, “Hi. This is Guccifer 2.0 and this is me who hacked Democratic National Committee.” Claiming that the incursion was “easy, very easy,” the hacker added that, “Guccifer may have been the first one who penetrated Hillary Clinton's and other Democrats' mail servers. But he certainly wasn't the last. No wonder any other hacker could easily get access to the DNC's servers.”

Attached to the e-mail were an assortment of DNC documents stolen by “Guccifer 2.0,” including donor lists (see below), internal memos, and the Trump report. Claiming to have been inside the DNC networks for more than a year, the hacker took credit for lifting “thousands of files and mails,” which he recently “gave to Wikileaks.”

To download a PDF of the DNC’s Trump report, click here or on the above image.

Among the stolen material, the hacker claimed, were “some secret documents from Hillary's PC she worked with as the Secretary of State.” The material provided to TSG did not include these purported Hillary Clinton records.

The Trump report, dated December 19, 2015, is a comprehensive review of the presumptive Republican nominee’s business career, finances, and personal life.

The document opens with the assertion that, “One thing is clear about Donald Trump, there is only one person he has ever looked out for and that’s himself. Whether it’s American workers, the Republican Party, or his wives, Trump’s only fidelity has been to himself and with that he has shown that he has no problem lying to the American people. Trump will say anything and do anything to get what he wants without regard for those he harms.”

DNC officials yesterday acknowledged the breach, saying that a security firm traced the penetration back to Russian government hackers. According to The Washington Post, DNC officials claimed that “no financial, donor or personal information appears to have been accessed or taken.”

However, based on the documents sent to TSG, that contention appears inaccurate.

In response to e-mailed questions, the hacker--who wrote from a GMZ.us e-mail account--said, “First I breached into mail boxes of a number of Democrats. And then using the info collected I got into Committee servers.” Included in the pilfered material sent to Wikileaks, the hacker wrote, are “election programs, strategies, plans against Reps, financial reports, etc.”

Regarding the jailed hacker “Guccifer”--who recently pleaded guilty to federal felony charges--“Guccifer 2.0” wrote that, “I stand against Guccifer's conviction and extradition. I will continue Guccifer's business and will fight all those illuminati the way I can. They should set him free!!!!”

In addition to providing documents to TSG, the hacker has uploaded some of the stolen material to a WordPress web site, which refers to the posted records as “just a few docs from many thousands I extracted when hacking into DNC’s network.”

God bless,



'Islamic refugee' caught in U.S. with gas-pipeline plans

America It Is Time To Wake Up!

From: World Net Daily

In an eerie development on concerns about Islamic terrorism, New Mexico police have apprehended an illegal Middle Eastern woman in possession of the region’s gas pipeline plans.

According to Judicial Watch, authorities in Luna County – which borders Mexico – pulled the woman over during a traffic stop. The woman was described as an “Islamic refugee.” After the plans were found, county authorities alerted the U.S. Border Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces, or JTTF, which has been deployed to the area to investigate.

The pipeline plans include the Deming region, situated about 35 miles north of the Mexican border and with a population of about 15,000. Deming is considered one of the “10 worst places” to live in New Mexico due to drug cartels, gangs, unemployment, poverty and crime.

The constant smuggling across the porous southern border extends beyond drugs. Organizations such as Judicial Watch have documented how Mexican drug traffickers also smuggle Islamic terrorists into the U.S. via remote farm roads or rural airfields. An internal Texas Department of Public Safety report leaked by the media in 2014 documents several members of known Islamist terrorist organizations have been apprehended crossing the southern border in recent years.

According to information forwarded to Judicial Watch by a high-ranking Homeland Security official in a border state, Mexican drug traffickers help Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the United States to explore targets for future attacks. Such jihadists crossing back and forth across the border include a Kuwaiti named Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, an ISIS operative who lives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso, Texas. Khabir has trained hundreds of al-Qaida fighters in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen and has lived in Mexico for more than a year. He now concentrates on training men to fight in an ISIS base near Ciudad Juárez, situated in the U.S.-Mexico border region.

An article appeared in an Italian newspaper in which Khabir brags how easy it is to stake out U.S. targets. He says the border region is so open that he “could get in with a handful of men, and kill thousands of people in Texas or in Arizona in the space of a few hours.”

The threat is so considerable that Foreign Affairs Secretary Claudia Ruiz, Mexico’s top diplomat, says in the Italian article she doesn’t understand why the Obama administration and the U.S. media are “culpably neglecting this phenomenon,” adding that “this new wave of fundamentalism could have nasty surprises in store for the United States.”

In December 2015, Judicial Watch broke a story in which five Middle Eastern men were apprehended crossing the border with stainless steel cylinders in backpacks, one of numerous arrests or apprehensions of Middle Eastern men on the border. It is not reported what the cylinders contained.

Mexican authorities have confirmed ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas in an area known has “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. The same Mexican source confirmed another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States.

During a joint operation in April 2015, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as “plans” of Fort Bliss – the military installation that houses the US Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation.

The Anapra region is controlled by Mexican drug cartels, making it “an extremely dangerous and hostile operating environment” for federal police and Mexican army authorities.

Judicial Watch notes, “Mexican intelligence sources report that ISIS intends to exploit the railways and airport facilities in the vicinity of Santa Teresa, NM (a US port-of-entry). The sources also say that ISIS has ‘spotters’ located in the East Potrillo Mountains of New Mexico (largely managed by the Bureau of Land Management) to assist with terrorist border crossing operations. ISIS is conducting reconnaissance of regional universities; the White Sands Missile Range; government facilities in Alamogordo, NM; Ft. Bliss; and the electrical power facilities near Anapra and Chaparral, NM.”

God bless,

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Terrorist Watchlist, Explained

From: The Daily Signal

by - David Inserra /

What is the Terrorist Watch List? 

The Terrorism Screening Database is the official name for “Terrorist Watch List” and is maintained by the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center. The Terrorism Screening Database is the U.S.’s central repository of foreign and domestic known and suspected terrorists.

It receives names of suspected international terrorists from the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which is maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center in connection with the U.S. intelligence community and security agencies that have information on terrorists. It also receives data on domestic terrorists from the FBI.

The Terrorism Screening Database only includes information used to identify terrorists. The database itself does not include classified information on terrorists regarding what they have done and how we have been tracking them. This classified information is maintained in the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment for foreign terrorists and the FBI for domestic terrorists.

How Is the Terrorism Screening Database Used?

From the Terrorism Screening Database, more specific lists are created for different purposes. For example, the No Fly and Selectee lists are used to prevent individuals from travelling or to subject them to greater scrutiny. For an individual to be included on the No Fly or Selectee List, additional evidence of his threat to aviation security and clear identifying information is needed above and beyond the reasonable suspicion standard.

Another list extracted from the Terrorism Screening Database is the Known and Appropriately Suspected, or KST file. To be included on the KST file, clear identifying information is needed. The KST is queried by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System that is used to check firearm purchases. Inclusion on the file does not itself prevent a gun purchase, but flags the purchase for further review. The individual is allowed to purchase a firearm so long as he is not a felon, adjudicated to be mentally ill, a fugitive from justice, an illegal immigrant, or prohibited from making gun purchases for another statutory reason.

What Is the Standard of Proof Needed to Be Put on the Terrorism Screening Database?

To get on the Terrorism Screening Database, U.S. officials nominate an individual whom they have “reasonable suspicion” to believe is engaged in or aiding terrorist activities. There must also be a sufficient level of identifying information to include an individual on the list. There have been, and continue to be, legal battles over whether proper avenues for redress exist to get off the No Fly list.

So How Did Omar Mateen Get His Guns?

Omar Mateen was subject to two FBI investigations in 2013 and 2014 and was added to the Terrorism Screening Database. Following the conclusion of the investigations, Mateen was removed from the Terrorism Screening Database. As a result, when he went to purchase the firearms used in the attack, he was not in the KST file and was not flagged by the FBI. Even if he had been on the list, he would likely not have been prevented from purchasing a weapon. The FBI would have been alerted, however, and could have responded and investigated further.

Did the FBI Make a Mistake?

In the coming days, the FBI’s decision to close its investigations will be reviewed. FBI Director James Comey has said that it appears the bureau followed the correct procedures but the steps the agents took are being examined to see if something fell through the cracks. Until we know more about how the FBI investigated Mateen, it is too early to assume the FBI did something wrong. It does, however, point to the critical role the FBI plays in investigating and preventing terrorism and why our intelligence and law enforcement agencies need the right resources and tools, as well as the right coordination with state and local law enforcement, to stop terrorists before they strike.

God bless,