-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Friday, October 30, 2015

Banana Republic USA? –The Democrat Vision for the Future of America Must Be Stopped.

From: Eagle Rising

By /

That should sound familiar as that definition increasingly reflects what we now see in our own country. Certainly there are differences in how the ruling plutocracy of traditional banana republics and how our budding ruling class gain and maintain power. In America, our leaders depend on political power instead of blunt force. Therefore, while the large working class is only relatively “impoverished,” government policies are designed to keep them from improving their economic condition. Meanwhile the poor stay poor and the rich get even richer. Under President Obama the income gap has widened, the median family income has declined, and the number of Americans living below the poverty line has increased. That is a stratified society and one becoming even more so.

The Democrat party is actively seeking to expand its power by increasing the number of those dependent on the government. They welcome the influx of illegal immigrants as a future voting bloc dependent on them that will rival and eventually surpass the African-American voting bloc. Both would routinely support the Democrat party. Already, President Obama and his supporters increasingly ignore the rule of law and the restraints of the Constitution. Under the Obama administration the Constitution has been blatantly ignored with executive actions bypassing Congress. With an iron clad grip on a future electorate the situation can only get worse.

Like a banana republic, there are increasingly two sets of laws. One set for the ruling elite and another set for the rest of us. Congress exempts itself from many of the consequences of the legislation they pass and do the same for their favorite supporters. They insure that they have Cadillac retirement and health care plans. Their union supporters and Wall Street backers are rewarded with sweetheart deals at the cost of the taxpayers. The Attorney General can lie to Congress, be found in contempt of Congress, and keep his job. The IRS can target political enemies of the regime, lie to Congress, and can cover up for Lois Lerner by destroying emails yet the Justice Department can find no evidence of wrong doing. Only time will tell if Hillary Clinton will ever be charged for endangering national security by using a private email server, but odds are she never will.

In a banana republic laws are whatever the junta decides they are. How is that different than having Democrat Senators (who have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution which includes the laws of the land) vote nearly unanimously to allow sanctuary cities to ignore immigration laws? Did anyone not notice that the Democrats on the Benghazi committee were more interested in protecting Secretary Clinton than in getting to the truth?

While it’s true that the Republicans have nominal control of Congress they are ineffectual in face of the usurpation of power by the Democrats because too many of them are content with the status quo as long as they stay in office. Since the major media is in almost complete support of the Democrats, too many Republicans aren’t willing to risk their reelection by being branded as enemies of the people. When our Founders rebelled against England they risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. Sadly that concept does not exist among most current Republican leaders. Only by electing an outsider, someone like Carson, Trump, or Cruz, can the Democrat vision of a banana republic America be slowed down and hopefully prevented.

God bless,

33% of Americans Believe It’s Time for States to Openly Defy the Feds – And that Number is Growing!

From: Freedom Outpost

by - - 10-29-15

A recent Rasmussen poll, which was conducted in July of 2015 discovered that 33% of Americans support the States openly defying the federal judiciary because of bad behavior, ie. Acting lawlessly.

Thirty-three percent of likely voters believe the States should exercise their Tenth Amendment rights and ignore the federal rulings because they are in violation of the enumerated powers granted to the judiciary under the Constitution.

According to Rasmussen, these numbers are now up nine points since February, at which time just 24% supported such a measure. Those who disagree fell from 58% in February to 52%. Apparently, a whopping 15% aren't intelligent enough to know the difference to make a decision.

"Perhaps even more disturbing is that the voters who feel strongest about overriding the federal courts – Republicans and conservatives - are those who traditionally have been the most supportive of the Constitution and separation of powers," reports Rasmussen. "During the Obama years, however, these voters have become increasingly suspicious and even hostile toward the federal government.

"The polling firm also pointed out that when it comes to those in political parties, fifty percent of Republicans side with the states, while just twenty-two percent of Democrats and thirty percent of independents also side with State's rights on the issue. 

The survey consisted of 1,000 likely voters and was conducted between June 30 and July 1, 2015. 

Pastor Matthew Trewhella, author of The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Resistance to Tyranny and a Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government, commented on the judiciary and Supremacy Clause: 
The federal judiciary has long built this fiction that they are the sole and final arbiter of what is constitutional or unconstitutional. They base this upon the Supremacy Clause which is Article 6, paragraph 2 of the U. S. Constitution. They claim that Article 6, paragraph 2 grants the Supreme Court supremacy to determine whether laws are constitutional or unconstitutional.

Funny thing is – when one actually takes time to read Article 6, paragraph 2, they realize that the Supreme Court isn't even mentioned. In fact, federal courts aren't even mentioned. What is mentioned – and is declared to have supremacy – is the U. S. Constitution itself and all laws made in accordance therewith.

In other words, America's founders did not establish judicial supremacy as the Supreme Court is wont to assert (and thereby usurp all other branches of government) – rather they established constitutional supremacy.

All magistrates in America – whether federal, state, county, or local – did not take an oath of subservience to the federal government nor the federal judiciary. Rather, they took an oath to uphold the U. S. Constitution.

True federalism understands that all magistrates – whatever their level or sphere of jurisdiction – possess lawful authority. And that whenever one branch of government begins to play the tyrant – all other branches (whether federal, state, county, or local) have the duty then more than ever to uphold the Constitution and oppose that branch acting tyrannically – even if that branch is the Supreme Court.

Trewhella also pointed out that founding father Thomas Jefferson tried to warn the people about the friction of the Supreme Court being understood as authoritative in all matters. 
In writing to William Jarvis, Jefferson said, "You seem . . . to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy."

Jefferson had previously warned Charles Hammond in 1821, "The germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal Judiciary; an irresponsible body (for impeachment is scarcely a scare-crow) working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped."

Just two years later, he would write to A. Coray, "At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions, nevertheless, become law by precedent, sapping, by little and little, the foundations of the constitution, and working its change by construction, before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance."

If you are one that believes the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of what is lawful and constitutional, then you have believed a lie and a myth that Jefferson warned about. The States still retain their rights to this day to defy the federal judiciary, which has become an oligarchy. We just need strong statesmen as governors and legislatures to make that stand! The people will get behind those that will take the stand, but we must first seek out those willing to put all they are on the line for the sake of freedom, not necessarily a political future.

God bless,

Freedom For Everybody, But The Working Folks

From: charliedaniels

Oct 16 | Posted by: Charlie 

I watched the first Democratic Party debate and came away with a sense of wonder at just how far the United States of America has tilted in the direction of socialism, and how enthusiastically the younger people in the crowd reacted when some of the most radical socialist points were mentioned.

Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist made wild and totally undoable proposals that would push a nation already headed in that direction, quickly over the fiscal edge. Free college, free health care for all - including illegal aliens - bleed the top 1% who supply most of the venture capital and radically redesign the distribution of wealth without even one mention of personal responsibility or work ethic.

He literally cringes when confronted with the prospect of using military force - which is not only a prospect but an unfortunate reality these days - and with Bernie's social programs, there couldn't be anything left but a pittance to maintain a strong military anyway.

When asked if “black lives matter” or “all lives matter” he replied that “black lives matter” and went on a harangue trying explain his stance and falling far below the mark of ever getting there, as he stood on a stage with no black candidates and championed a cause that has advocated the murder of police officers.

Hillary was - for the most part - cool and collected, praising the Obama administration and basically vowing to proceed in the same direction with a monolithic government, capable of supplying cradle to grave needs for all who inhabit these shores.

The other three candidates were, for the most part, “also rans”, garnering less questions and receiving less face time than Hillary and Bernie, but the differences between their political philosophies and presidential aspirations were minimal as far as I could see. 

Speaking just for myself, Bernie Sanders is scary.

In my opinion, a Sanders presidency would dry up investments, in fact I think that the mere fact that he had won the election would send the markets into a tail spin.

The number of new bureaucracies it would take to administer his domestic programs would inflate the government payroll to the bursting point.

Now, I'm sure that Bernie is as sincere in his desire to redesign America as Barack Obama and probably visualizes a utopian society where everybody receives day care, health care, a college education and government subsidies should they decide they don't want to work for a living.

Two things wrong with Bernie's strategy.

1. A big, monolithic government stumbles over their own feet, is a model of inefficiency, cannot even run a postal service, is prone to corruption, is administered by those who will promise people anything to be reelected, will eventually take every cent paid in taxes just to keep the apparatus running, will have no choice but to raise taxes again and again on their way to creating a generation of citizens who have neither ambition, work ethic, morals nor individuality, a nation of robots and sheep who depend on the federal government for everything and do well to brush their own teeth.

If you want a microcosm of what kind of world a Bernie Sanders presidency would promote, harken back to what happened in New Orleans after Katrina.

Next door on the Mississippi Gulf coast where the damage was just as bad, the people took care of getting their own to safe shelter and were out and about repairing the damage as soon as the sun came out.

Over in New Orleans - partially due to incompetent leadership by the city and state, but mainly because of the entitlement mentality years of dependency had fostered - the people sat back and waited for somebody to come get them and we all know the results.

2. There is no such word as "free" in federal government. They neither produce anything or provide an income producing service, and every red cent it spends comes directly out of some taxpayer's pocket.

Even though the top tax rates Sanders is talking about are totally insane, even if he was able to collect them they would be a mere pittance when it comes to keeping his socialist utopian government afloat.

When you take money from one source and move it around, you haven't created more money, you've just moved it from one pocket to another and in the case of federal government, it goes into a black hole and never emerges again.

Socialism has never worked, it’s flawed in design and that has been proven again and again over the last century.

Will America succumb to the siren call of "free everything" and end up on history's rubbish heap along with the other nations foolish enough to embark on that one-way street?

I hope and pray not. 

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels

God bless,

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Muslim Religious Leader says “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam”

From: Eagle Rising

By /

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.  

Regardless if he lives in Norway, or if he is Barack Obama, I am not myself threatening the person. 

I am telling you what is stated in the law. 

I have told you what is in the Koran and in the Hadith

I have not pointed at one specific person and said “You, we must kill.”

Host: One of those who burned a Koran is afraid because somebody who listens to you might want to kill him, because you have said that is the punishment according to the Koran. Isn’t there the risk that somebody would listen to you?

Mullah Krekar: He must fear… anybody who follows the Koran… will have to fear the crime he has committed and fear that his punishment will be executed…

 Anybody who knows of this punishment can kill him. Anybody. We will defend out religion with our own blood. Our only limits are limits of blood, limits made of explosives. 

Those who insult our religion must know that one of us will die. Those who insult our religion and our honor must understand – that this is a matter of life and death. 

Host: Would you be satisfied if this man gets killed?

Mullah Krekar: Yes. I would send a gift to the person who kills him. Why wouldn’t I be happy about that?

Host: How would you describe those who attacked Charlie Hebdo?

Mullah Krekar: They were defending their honor, they were defending their holiness… Yes, of course {they were heroes}. They were Jihadists.

Make sure to watch the entire eye-opening interview. Our leaders, especially the liberals, live in a fantasyland where Islam is as moral and upright as any other religion. It’s just not so.

If you don’t believe me, listen to Mullah Krekar as he gives us some very clear insight into the mind of Islam… it ain’t pretty.

God bless,

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Islam and the Fall of Europe

From: American Thinker

By Jerrold L. Sobel - October 20, 2015

A duality, Islam is first and foremost a political movement ensconced in a religion from which it expresses its imperialist nature through a multi faceted concept known as jihad.  Christian Europe today, among other factors to be discussed later, lacking cognizance of Islam’s millennial ploy of hegemonic control via emigration, is saddled with a demographic birthrate inverse to that of their new emigres.  Europe is in the throes of Islamization. Writes author Bat’Ye’or in her critically acclaimed work: Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis.
“The ideology, strategy, and tactics of Jihad has constituted throughout history a fundamental part of Islamic Jurisprudence and literature, since it is through jihad that the Islamic community developed and expanded.” 
She highlights a three point historical blueprint used for centuries to secure the fall and Islamization of earlier Christian societies throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, and how these constituents eventually subdued the majority host populations:

1- As a result of “wars, conquests, temporary peace treaties, terror like practices and alliances” There was a “gradual erosion of resistance within societies targeted but not yet conquered by jihad.”   

2- “Insecurity caused by the constant mass immigration of foreign populations and the subsequent process of alteration and substitution of one civilization by another, hostile to the indigenous inhabitants.” 

3- The emergence of powerful collaborationist parties economically and politically linked with Muslim Rulers.”

Wars, conquests, temporary peace treaties, alteration of host societies, terror attacks, emigration, gradual erosion.  Sound familiar?

Keeping in mind, this book was first published in 2005, the author is not referencing today’s monumental mass immigration into Europe but those of earlier migrations subsequent to the Second World War.  The intent of this hijra is unmistakable.  It can be traced back to the dawn of the Muslim era and codified by the the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah in 628 AD.  This one event set the criteria, the pattern for international relations between Muslims and the Kafir  (anyone not a Muslim) to this very day.

The Treaty was between Muhammad from Medina on the Arabian peninsular and another tribe opposed to Muhammad, the Quraish from Mecca.  It was intended to end years of strife and warfare between the two sides subsequent to Muhammad’s banishment from Mecca.  In part It acknowledged: A 10 year truce; allowed for Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca whence originally they came; offered the Quraish the option of conversion.

Hudaybiyyah, quoted throughout the centuries is a traditional source of pride to Muslims; it’s been their rendering for conquest of non-Muslim lands for millennia.  Facing pposition to the Treaty by some within his group, Muhammad allayed fears by promising “great booty” in the near future.  True to his men, not so the Quraish, within two years Muhammad abrogated the treaty and conquered the city. Why is this relevant today?

As the archetype of Islamic conquest, Hudaybiyyah contains all the elements utilized in jihad to sap the strength of an indigenous population until it breaks:  incessant hostility; terror tactics; 10 year truces; mass emigration; exhaustion of host resources.  This tried and true approach will become the death knell for modern Europe.  Consonant with other aforementioned considerations, mass immigration by foreign Muslim populations is once again leading to one civilization, the Muslims, replacing another, Christians, Jews, and all other “non-believers” on the continent.

Permeated with guilt never shared for their Jewish inhabitants, the European Union (EU) is finally beginning to realize they have opened up the gates of their own demise. Efforts have begun to stem this unprecedented avalanche of Islamic immigration.  According to an article in the Gatestone Institute International Policy Council:  Germany’s Muslim Demographic Revolution,” 
  • "There are 20 million refugees waiting at the doorstep of Europe.”
  • Mosque attendance in Germany has doubled.
  • Muslim men “routinely take advantage of the social welfare system by bringing two, three or four women from across the Muslim world to Germany and are married by an Imam.” In accordance with Muslim doctrine the wealth of a country is degraded and usurped as: 
  • The married women demand social welfare benefits, including the cost of a separate home for themselves and for their children, on the claim of being a "single parent with children.
It’s worth quoting in full a requiem by Victor Orban, the President of Hungary:
"For us today, what is at stake is Europe, the lifestyle of European citizens, European values, the survival or disappearance of European nations, and more precisely formulated, their transformation beyond recognition. Today, the question is not merely in what kind of a Europe we would like to live, but whether everything we understand as Europe will exist at all.”
A prescient observation by a man recognizing the handwriting on the wall.  Orban acknowledges the insidiousness of this uncompromising, messianic movement and how it seeks not only eradication of host culture but its history as well.  

Across his border, German Interior Minister, Thomas de Maiziere stated on August 19, “800,000 Islamic refugee migrants are slated to enter Germany in 2015; a 4 fold increase over 2014.”….the equivalent  of nearly 1% of its total population.  Orban concluded:
“Many of the migrants are from the Middle East and North Africa, a large number (40%) are from countries in the Balkans, including Albania and Kosovo. This implies that nearly half of those arriving in Germany are economic migrants, not refugees fleeing war zones.”
Germany is not alone and this is not new news.  According to the latest 2015 Pew Research Center research, the demographics of this latest migration breaks down the following way:  

With an additional 1.5 million Islamic “refugees” expected to stream across the continent this year; 81%, 35 or younger, the alarm has finally gone off.  The European Commission and Turkey have agreed on a plan to stem the flow of refugees to Europe by patrolling Turkey's frontier with Greece and setting up new camps, but in lieu of factors already mentioned, it appears too late for Christian Europe to recover.   Indeed all signs suggest the next 25 to 50 years will see the inevitable displacement and Islamization of Europe’s Christian population.  The predominant question to many minds is:  How did this happen?  Who made the pivotal decisions to allow such unrestricted immigration onto the continent? 

On October 2, 2014 Switzerland voted to limit mass immigration thru its borders.  Rather than follow its lead, European officials registered “regret” over the results of this referendum.  “There will be consequences, that's clear,” demurred Luxembourg foreign minister Jean Asselborn.  German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier chimed in, “Switzerland has rather damaged itself with this result.”  Not to be outdone, French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius stated the vote was “bad news for Europe.”  One year later, arguably the greatest proponent of Middle Eastern immigration, German Chancellor, Angela Merkel is facing what the Wall Street Journal refers to as a “Revolt over Migrants.”

Speaking in Eastern Germany this past week it was difficult for her to ignore a man holding a poster that read, “stop the refugee chaos.  Preserve German culture and values.  Topple Merkel.”  By all accounts it may be too late for such sentiments.  Reports have it Sharia courts presided by Muslim “peace judges” now dot Germany, where even non-Muslim German judges in German courts cite Sharia law and quote from the Quran.

In 2011, Vienna's High Court upheld a court conviction of a woman, Elisabeth-Wolff for making this factual statement about Muhammad:
"We all know that Muhammad married Aisha when she was 6 years old and consummated the marriage when she was 9. Now, what do we call this behavior if not pedophilia.”
This is the moribund state Europe is in today.  At least the fabled denizens of Troy had only to contend with one Trojan Horse, not so Europe today; many have already breached their gates.  Greeting these new arrivals are the progeny of earlier emigres usurping the lifeblood and culture of their new homeland.

God bless,

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Washington Sets the Stage for Another Financial Crisis

From: The Daily Signal

by - Stephen Moore /


Thursday, October 15, 2015

'Lawless, godless' left driving Americans mad

Bestselling author reveals hidden cause – and solution – for today's political, economic, moral chaos

Following is the "Introduction" to David Kupelian's new book, "The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture." In it, the author of "The Marketing of Evil" and "How Evil Works" reveals what "the fundamental transformation of America" really means.

"The progressive left under Obama," writes Kupelian, "is accomplishing much more than just enlarging government, redistributing wealth, and de-Christianizing the culture. With its wild celebration of sexual anarchy, its intimidating culture of political correctness, and its incomprehension of the fundamental sacredness of human life, it is also, whether intentionally or not, promoting widespread dependency, debauchery, family breakdown, crime, corruption, depression and addiction." The book, now skyrocketing up the Amazon charts, focuses on real solutions and healing.

America, like all nations, has endured its share of mega-crises. We've had military conflicts that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands; economic disasters, like the Great Depression, that left millions destitute; disease pandemics, including the Spanish flu, which killed 675,000 Americans; catastrophic earthquakes and other natural disasters; and, of course, the 9/11 terror attacks. We've also endured serious social upheaval, including a devastating Civil War!

Yet we Americans, a resilient and optimistic lot, have always persevered and ultimately prevailed – a truism borne out by every generation's near-sacred mission to leave their exceptionally blessed nation a better place for their children and grandchildren.

Today, however, many fear those days are over, and that naught but trouble lies ahead.

It's not just the daunting array of current geopolitical threats – wars, terrorism, de facto invasion by millions of illegal immigrants, unpayable national debt and economic disintegration, "1984"-style surveillance, and a palpable and ever-increasing loss of freedom – all causing high anxiety over an uncertain future. It's also a growing conviction that government itself, whose primary reason for existence is to protect its citizens, has instead become Americans' greatest nemesis.

To be sure, the American political scene has always been tumultuous, rife with raucous criticism of government and the president. A few decades ago, Richard Nixon became so mired in scandals, "enemies lists," and "dirty tricks" that he had to resign. And Jimmy Carter openly acknowledged the nation's "malaise" and "crisis of confidence" in response to his appeasing and spectacularly inept leadership.

In the 1990s, a scandal-plagued Bill Clinton, though not convicted, was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice. Yet with Barack Obama, America has been thrust into an entirely new and almost surreal realm. For no other occupant of the White House, however controversial or unpopular, has ever inspired such a widespread conviction among the populace that a sitting American president and wartime commander in chief actually hates the very nation he was elected to lead and is sympathetic toward her enemies.

Indeed, Americans seem shell-shocked by a president superficially depicted as incompetent, oddly disconnected, and blinded by ideology, but who upon closer examination can be seen invariably pursuing some deep and unspoken anti-American, anti-commonsense impulse in addressing every crisis confronting the republic. Moreover, as we shall soon see, many of those crises have been purposely created by Obama and his administration to advance a largely concealed agenda.

This daily roller coaster of scandals and crises, as well as the multiple threats facing the nation during (and often because of) Obama's presidency, would be daunting enough. But add to them a pervasive and wantonly perverse culture that celebrates mindless narcissism and wild sexuality while openly mocking God, morality, and the overarching transcendent sacredness of life that preserved our national soul in previous eras. The result is that Americans today are being affected by political and moral chaos in unprecedented and transformative ways.

Indeed, America is undergoing the progressives' long-promised "fundamental transformation," and it's not a pretty sight. That much everyone knows.

But what few seem to realize about this "transformation" is that the sheer stress of living in today's upside-down America is literally driving tens of millions to the point of illness, depression, despair, addiction, and self-destruction in a multiplicity of guises.

Consider the following trends:

•     Suicide has surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of injury death for Americans. Even more disturbing, Stars and Stripes reports that more active-duty U.S. soldiers have been dying by suicide than in combat.

•     Shocking new research from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that one in five of all high-school-aged children in the United States has been diagnosed with ADHD, while a large study of New York City residents shows, sadly, that one in five preteens – children aged six to 12 – have been medically diagnosed with either ADHD, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or depression.

•     Equally alarming, one in 10 girls reportedly engages in "self-harm" in the form of "cutting" their bodies with a knife or razor, while New York's state Department of Health reports that "self-inflicted injuries, such as cutting, burning, and pinching, are the second leading cause of hospitalizations due to injury for children ages 15 to 19 years."

•     Fully one-third of the nation's employees suffer chronic debilitating stress, and more than half of all "millennials" (18- to-33-year-olds) experience a level of stress that keeps them awake at night, including large numbers diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorder.

•     New research also concludes that stress renders people susceptible to serious physical illness, and a growing number of studies now confirm that chronic stress plays a major role in the progression of cancer, the nation's second-biggest killer. Of course, the biggest killer of all, heart disease, causing one in four deaths in the U.S., is also known to have a huge stress component.

•     Incredibly, eleven percent of all Americans aged twelve and older are currently taking antidepressants—those powerfully mood-altering psychiatric drugs with the FDA's "suicidality" warning label and alarming correlation with mass shootings. Women in their 40s and 50s are especially prone to being diagnosed as depressed, with 23 percent of them – almost one in four – now taking antidepressants.

•     Add to that the tens of millions of users of all other types of psychiatric drugs, including, for example, the 6.4 million American children between 4 and 17 diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Ritalin or similar psycho-stimulants. Throw in the 28 percent of American adults with a drinking problem – that's more than 60 million – plus the 24 million using illegal drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, and inhalants, and pretty soon a picture emerges of a nation of drug-takers, with well over a hundred million of us dependent on one toxic substance or another, legal or illegal, just to get through life.

•     And Americans aren't addicted just to drugs and alcohol, but, it seems, to everything: Enormous numbers of men, women, and children are addicted to online pornography (85 percent of young men and nearly 50 percent of young women reportedly watch porn at least once a month). That may be why an astonishing 110 million Americans currently have a sexually transmitted disease.

Food addiction is also rampant, with one in three American adults clinically obese, and more than one in six of the nation's youth.

By the way, things are no better across the pond – and may even be worse. One major study concluded that almost 40 percent of Europeans are plagued by mental illness.

What on earth is going on? Why isn't medical science – and for that matter, all of our incredible scientific and technological innovations in every area of life – reducing our stress and lightening our load?

Why doesn't the almost-magical availability of the world's accumulated knowledge, thanks to the Internet, make us more enlightened and happy? Why is it that, instead, more and more of us are so stressed-out that we're on a collision course with illness, misery, tragedy, and death?

Most important, what can we do to reverse course? Is that even possible?


'He wants people to snap'

"Life is difficult," wrote psychiatrist M. Scott Peck at the outset of his international best seller, "The Road Less Traveled." Stress, difficulties, disappointments, accidents, disease, misfortune, cruelty, betrayal – they're unavoidable in this life.

Yet, during eras when society and families are stable, unified, and fundamentally decent and moral – as, say, America during the 1950s and early '60s – the stress level for each person is minimized, or at least not vastly compounded by a perverse society. Conversely, when, as is the case today, we have widespread family breakdown, a depraved culture that scorns traditional moral values, a chaotic economy, and a power-mad government dominated by demagogues and seeming sociopaths, the normal stresses of life are vastly multiplied.

Worse, subjecting Americans to unbearable stress, conflict, and crisis by Team Obama is not only intentional – it is strategic. Remember, these people are revolutionaries (engaged in "bringing about a major or fundamental change," as Merriam-Webster puts it). They are utterly committed to replacing one societal structure – America's constitutional, limited-government, free-enterprise system – with another – a socialist, wealth-redistributionist system run by an all-powerful government.

Such radical change cannot be accomplished while Americans are calm, happy, content, and grateful for their blessings. Citizens must be unhappy and stressed-out. Indeed, widespread popular discontent has always been the required fuel for the leftist transformational engine.

Just reading a few pages into Saul Alinsky's leftist playbook, "Rules for Radicals," one encounters repeated confirmation that the very heart of radical "change" is keeping the populace angry, encouraging their grievances, stoking their resentments, and making sure they are continually upset. That is the primary psychological dynamic of "community organizing" – and since 2009 America has been led by a community organizer in chief and longtime master practitioner and instructor in Alinsky's Far-Left agitation methods.

Top radio talker Rush Limbaugh picked up on this normally unspoken aspect of Obama's modus operandi when he told his radio audience, "I think he wants people to snap. I think Obama is challenging everybody's sanity. ... The more chaos there is, the more requirement there is for him to step in and control the chaos."

Commenting on Obama's sudden obsession with employing every means possible to deny law-abiding Americans their constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms, Limbaugh exclaimed, "Obama is literally pushing people to snap, attacking the very sanity of the country. ... I mean, all of this is so in our face. Everything that people hold dear is under assault, deliberately making people upset! This is not what presidents do."

It's not what presidents do – unless they happen to be leftist revolutionaries, in which case "deliberately making people upset" is precisely what they do to accomplish their intended "fundamental transformation."

Fox News analyst Chris Stirewalt alluded to the same phenomenon when he commented on "The Kelly File," "I might even submit that this is part of an [Obama] administration strategy which says the crazier, the angrier, the madder they can make Republicans ... the better."

And best-selling author-columnist David Limbaugh put it this way: "One may reasonably wonder whether the militant left in this country is solely dedicated to manufacturing issues to keep the nation in a constant state of uproar, angst and disharmony."

This book will present the case that not only are such allegations true, but keeping Americans in a constant state of uproar, angst, and disharmony constitutes an absolutely essential component of the Far Left's transformation of America.

This process has been ongoing and long precedes Barack Obama. Indeed, Americans could not have chosen as their leader someone as transcendently unworthy of the presidency as Obama without first having allowed their minds and hearts to be captured. Through constant indoctrination, intimidation, and emotional manipulation (as well as being continually rewarded once they have "converted"), a sizable part of the American electorate, to one degree or another, has been programmed over the course of decades by a subversive school system, an equally perverse "news" establishment, and a shameful and degrading culture.

Of course, at the very nucleus of the myriad assaults on traditional America is the rejection – at least by society's elites – of God and the repudiation of the Judeo-Christian values that have long undergirded our civilization. This in turn has led to pervasive societal disintegration and a Pandora's box of endless and unimaginable problems.

What we're about to discover together in this book is that not only are we undergoing a "fundamental transformation of America," but another transformation even more profound, that of Americans themselves. And that, it turns out, was the real object all along.

But not to worry. We will also explore creative and sometimes outside-the-box strategies for righting the American ship of state, as well as living well in a dangerous and utterly unpredictable age. And we'll survey the very best, most proven and effective ways to rise above the stress and chaos that seem increasingly to dominate what once was a unified and supremely influential superpower – and even more important, a good, decent, and happy country.

God bless,


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Top 5 gun control lies of Democrat Hopefuls

Yesterday, while democrat presidential hopefuls ramped up for their first debate on CNN, the NRA got a jumpstart on combatting the anti-gun lies the usual suspects were likely to perpetuate to the American public that night. Watch the video here and read the NRA’s article below on “The Top 5 Gun Control Lies the Democrats are Bound to Bring Up in the Debate.”

1.  That 40% of all gun sales in the U.S. do not go through background checks.

This has been debunked over and over again by multiple media outlets and fact checkers. The figure comes from a decades-old survey that was conducted…drumroll…BEFORE the federal background check system even existed. Read more here.

2. That it’s easier to buy a gun than it is to buy a vegetable…or a book.

Despite what President Obama says, it is categorically false to say that it’s “easier to buy a gun than buy a book.” There are those things called federally-mandated “background checks,” and many, many gun laws across the 50 states. Also, there’s no excuse for not knowing your state’s gun laws. Educate yourself here.

3. That a so-called “assault weapons” ban is just “common sense”

Do you know what an “assault weapon” actually is? No? Ok, then read this first.


Here’s what you should know. The push for an “assault weapons” ban was invented by anti-gunners after they realized their push for a full-on gun ban had failed. Congress banned the firearms in 1994. When it expired in 2004, violent crime continued to decrease in the United States. Imagine that…

4.That if you believe in the Second Amendment or support the NRA, you must be an “extremist!”

Poll after poll after poll shows Americans support the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. A recent CNN poll found that 59% of Americans oppose more federal gun restrictions. Another recent Rasmussen poll showed that 68% of respondents said they would feel safer living in a neighborhood with guns. And then there’s that time earlier this year that 63% of Americans told the Pew Research Center that the best way to defend against crime is with gun ownership. Wow. Most Americans are like, so extreme!

5. Gun Control works.

Again, no matter what President Obama says, this is, again, false. Our nation’s violent crime rate is at a 43-year low. Meanwhile, Americans have been purchasing firearms in record numbers. Read more about it here. Or here. Or here. Or here.

God bless,

Friday, October 9, 2015

Meet the 46 U.S. Senators Guilty of Treason

From: Constitution.com

by Bethany Blankley

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch just announced America’s partnership with the United Nations to initiate a “global police force.” Her efforts are consistent with other politicians who reject the Second Amendment, not to mention the first several articles of the U.S. Constitution.
In April 2013 the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved the first international treaty written to regulate a $60 billion global small arms trade.
Only Iran, Syria, and North Korea opposed the treaty.
Amendment 139’s stated purpose was, “To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (U.N. Resolution 2117).”
The U.N. Arms Treaty’s stated purpose is to prevent “and control the illicit trade of weapons while regulating the international trade of them.” This includes:
  • Creating a national gun registry;
  • Mandating control of firearms and ammunition;
  • Regulating the manufacture of gun parts;
  • Limiting stores’ ability to sell firearms.
Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), who introduced the Amendment, argued the U.N. treaty was:
“another attempt by internationalists to limit and infringe upon America’s sovereignty. Such a treaty would require the United States to implement laws as required by the treaty, instead of the national controls that are currently in place. This would also disrupt diplomatic and national security efforts by preventing our government from assisting allies like Taiwan, South Korea, or Israel when they require assistance.”
Two Independents and 44 Democrats– 46 U.S. Senators voted to relinquish American citizens’ constitutional rights– to the United Nations.

The United Nations is not an American ally. It is an international regulatory body not recognized under Constitutional law to have any legal authority over American citizens. By voting to destroy constitutional rights, and by “providing comfort” to alleged enemies and also members of the U.N., these legislators should be tried for treason. They include:

Baldwin (D-WI)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bennett (D-CO)
Blumenthal (D-CT)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Coons (D-DE)
Cowan (D-MA)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Franken (D-MN)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hirono (D-HI)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kaine (D-VA)
King (I-ME)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
McCaskill (D-MO)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murphy (D-CT)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schatz (D-HI)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Udall (D-CO)
Udall (D-NM)
Warner (D-VA)
Warren (D-MA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)

The United Nations has no constitutional authority to confiscate, register, regulate, or limit American citizen’s constitutional right to bear arms.

The Second Amendment has been consistently defended at all levels of U.S. court jurisdiction. Yet these senators ignored the very law they swore to uphold and protect.

None should remain in office. None should receive a pension or benefits. All should be tried for treason. 

God bless,