-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Charlie Daniels unloads on Obama's 'cowardice'

'You're not leading the country, you're misleading the country'

by Drew Zahn - May 27, 2013

Country-music legend Charlie Daniels isn’t buying the White House line that President Obama simply “didn’t know” about the scandalous actions plaguing his administration.

From the gun-running “Fast & Furious” debacle of 2011 to recent revelations the Internal Revenue Service has been targeting tea-party groups, Obama has denied knowledge of his underlings’ actions, even stating he only discovered the improprieties after the evening news reported them.

But in an exclusive interview with WND, the ever-outspoken Daniels blasted the president’s “excuses.”

“If I had a drunk bus driver, for instance, and I told everybody, ‘Don’t tell me about that, I don’t want to know about it,’ and that way if we get sued I can say, ‘I didn’t know it,’ basically that’s got to be what’s happened,” Daniels said. “[But] when you hide behind plausible deniability, that is not leadership. That is cowardice. You’re not leading the country, you’re misleading the country.”

Daniels further charged the blame-shifting is “pervasive” throughout the Obama administration.

“Look at the so-called attorney general, who should have been held to task a long time ago, for one thing, not prosecuting the Black Panthers standing in front of the polling place,” Daniels said. “Then we have Fast & Furious, then we have this thing in Benghazi, then we have the IRS thing – it’s one thing after another. This administration is out of control!

“People have, with reason – regardless of whether they support the presidential administration or not – lost any kind of trust,” Daniels said. “If someone says something, you don’t know if it’s true, if they mean it, if they don’t mean it. As far as what’s going on right now, we don’t have a leader.”

And don’t even think about defending Obama by pointing back to George W. Bush.

“Going back and saying what Bush or Reagan – or for that matter George Washington – did is a total and complete waste of time,” Daniels told WND. “It makes no difference what they did. This guy was supposed to be in to fix the mistakes any president in front of him made, and he’s not doing it. Making excuses for him is not going to help him. He needs to be held to account, he needs to come clean. He needs to get that IRS woman to go back in front of Congress and tell the truth.”

The IRS scandal in particular, appears to have piqued Daniels’ ire.

“Somebody deserves some jail time out of this thing with the IRS,” Daniels told WND. “It’s like the Gestapo. It’s like having your own, private, secret police force to sick on people. It’s dirty.

“I am not comparing Obama to Hitler; I’m comparing politics to politics,” the singer explained. “In the 1920s and ’30s Germany erred in that direction, giving a little bit here, a little bit there, giving the government more and more until they had it all, then all of a sudden the government turns around and says you can’t have guns and you can’t do this, you can’t do that. … This is a dangerous, terrible situation we have going on in this country right now.”

Since the 1950s Daniels has been a country singer and famed fiddler, perhaps best known for his hit song “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” He was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry in 2008.

But he also writes frequently on culture and politics, no stranger to bold statements in defense of God and country, and maintains a “soapbox” blog on his website, CharlieDaniels.com.

“I have never in my life seen the United States of America in the kind of shape it’s in right now,” Daniels told WND. “It’s time for somebody to do something to bring this country back together.”

But who’s that somebody, and what can they do?

Daniels decried that so many people in our country are unaware of the severity of the scandals rocking Washington and unwilling to be educated about their own government or the freedoms being slowly sapped from them by the very people they voted into office. Far too many, Daniels lamented, “don’t even know who the speaker of the House is” and “couldn’t find New Jersey on a map.”

“How much more are we going to let stupid get away with?” Daniels asked. “The Bible says, ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge’ – it’s what’s going on in this country. If people knew what was happening, it would scare them to death. But they don’t know. They’ve got their head in the sand; they don’t want to know. It’s just like, ‘Send me my check every month and the h— with everything else.’

“Who are they going to vote for?” he asked rhetorically. “They’re going to vote for the guy that gives them the most.

So can anyone make a difference in Washington?

“The true power in this country is the House of Representatives. That’s our people,” Daniels said. “That’s the people that the people put in every two years. We need to put people there that hold people accountable. The Senate’s a d— lost cause. In my opinion the House of Representatives needs to hold everyone’s feet to the fire. … We need to get to the bottom of this thing.

“If the IRS gets off scot free, the Benghazi thing is let go and the Justice Department getting into these reporters’ lives is let go, we’re finished,” Daniels concluded. “I mean, it’s just gone: nothing going to be done about nothing, and they can do anything they want to and we’re just at their mercy.”

“I hope that this time he’s dug in deep enough that they’re not going to let it go,” Daniels said of Obama. “If people had any idea what they’re losing in this country, they would be doing something about it.”
God bless,

Monday, May 27, 2013

Obama Claims That Working With Muslim Brotherhood Will Bring Victory Over Terrorism

by - May 26, 2013
The president decided last Thursday – five years into his presidency – to finally address the gravest threat to our nation and the West in the wake of a bloody wave of jihad attacks under his sloppy and feckless watch.

He said, “Victory will be measured in parents taking their kids to school; immigrants coming to our shores; fans taking in a ballgame; a veteran starting a business; a bustling city street.”

What does that even mean? He speaks of “victory” when he is the architect of defeat. He speaks of victory while the Fort Hood victims languish and slaughtering jihadist Nidal Hasan still has not been brought to trial, but has received more than a quarter-of-a-million dollars in compensation. He speaks of victory when he won’t even call the jihad attack on a London street “terrorism,” instead terming it “senseless violence.”

Jihad beheading victim Lee Rigby will receive the same tribute as soldiers who die in action, but Fort Hood jihad victims are victims of a “criminal act of single individual,” not international terrorism. Why would Obama authorize a drone hit on Anwar al-Awlaki (who never killed anyone) but not give the victims of his Islamic preachings the same military designation?
What is his plan? It’s to partner with Muslim Brotherhood groups in America that work feverishly to “eliminate and destroy” America from within. Obama said Thursday that
“the best way to prevent violent extremism is to work with the Muslim American community – which has consistently rejected terrorism – to identify signs of radicalization, and partner with law enforcement when an individual is drifting toward violence.”
Work with the Muslim American community? Just as Obama said this, former Hamas-CAIR official Cyrus McGoldrick urged Muslims not to talk to law enforcement. “And never let them in your home.” This is Hamas-CAIR’s policy as well. They urge Muslims not to cooperate with the authorities. Really, Obama? You’re counting on these Islamic supremacists?
Robert Spencer said,
The Muslim American community has consistently rejected terrorism? Four separate studies since 1998 have all found that 80 percent of U.S. mosques were teaching jihad, Islamic supremacism, and hatred and contempt for Jews and Christians. … And in the summer of 2011 came another study showing that only 19 percent of mosques in U.S. don’t teach jihad violence and/or Islamic supremacism.”
But Obama wants to work with the Muslim American community – despite the fact that all the major Muslim groups in the U.S. are linked in various ways to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is dedicated in its own words to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.” What’s his plan? To close Gitmo and release the killers, when we know the recidivism rate is extraordinarily high. He stands by his drone attacks while having denied the motive of jihadic doctrine. He is killing Americans and yet he whines that we “compromised our basic values – by using torture to interrogate our enemies.”

He is denigrating the Bush administration’s waterboarding of three killers that saved thousands of lives and led to the killing of Osama bin Laden. Our soldiers are waterboarded so they understand the process. Who does this poser think he’s kidding? He kills people, spies on journalists and abandons our ambassador and other Americans in Libya, and he is preaching to us?

Obama says that there have been no large-scale attacks in the U.S. I disagree. Scores of large scale attacks were thwarted. That counts. And Fort Hood and Boston were large scale. Hundreds of people living with shrapnel, broken flesh and bone – and the dead.

Our delusional president claims our standing in the world is what it was. I beg to differ. We are much weaker under his reign. Obama’s abandonment of our allies in Egypt, Libya, Israel and Eastern Europe has weakened our hegemony and influence in those regions. And he has effectively surrendered to the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Obama claims that “unrest in the Arab World has also allowed extremists to gain a foothold in countries like Libya and Syria.” That, too, is a deliberate misrepresentation of what happened. Obama backed jihadists. That’s what happened in the Muslim world. Did he think that backing jihadists in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and now Syria would end well?

What’s his plan? Why didn’t Obama mention that his administration scrubbed all counter terrorism materials and manuals of jihad and Islam – disarming law enforcement and counter terrorism officials? Where did that get us? Boston.

When Obama speaks of the threat on our shores, he only cites the rare non-Muslim attacks: “Finally, we face a real threat from radicalized individuals here in the United States. Whether it’s a shooter at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin; a plane flying into a building in Texas; or the extremists who killed 168 people at the federal building in Oklahoma City.”

He doesn’t say a word about the hundreds of thwarted, and in some cases successful, acts of jihad. He goes on to explain that jihadists are lying when they quote Quran chapter and verse and wage war in the case of Islam. Obama said, “This ideology is based on a lie, for the United States is not at war with Islam.” No, it is Obama who is lying about the ideology. And while we may not be at war with Islam, clearly there is a significant part of Islam that is at war with us. Are we going to fight back?

God bless,

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

President Obama -- the CEO who knows nothing

From: Fox News
By  - May 21, 2013

Remember Kevin Costner’s movie, “No Way Out”? President Obama could star in the remake. Either he knew about the IRS scandal and he should be impeached…or he knew nothing about it, and he should resign for incompetence. 

Take your pick.

The reason I believe he is lying is because I’ve never heard of a CEO who knows nothing going on under his own command.

Certainly Obama has always given the impression he knows everything going on. When it came to his big success -- the killing of Usama bin Laden - the Obama White House was quick to take full credit. We heard the narrative that Obama was involved in all the planning. He knew every minute detail. Obama was the hands-on CEO. It was Obama's “kill.”

It was like a UFC Championship bout to the death: Osama versus Obama. That’s certainly what the public relations spinners at the Obama White House wanted us to believe.

But suddenly, when it comes to the IRS scandal, the president has morphed from Chuck Norris to Sgt. Shultz of "Hogan's Heroes." He knew...NOTHING. He heard...NOTHING. He saw...NOTHING. Suddenly it's a VERY big government and no one man can know what's going on under his command. Suddenly he is the ultimate hands-off CEO. Suddenly he was too busy on the golf course.

Even when the Obama White House was briefed on the IRS scandal during election season, senior aides told Obama nothing. Why on earth would they bother to mention to the CEO that a massive scandal is under investigation, one that involves his own employees who are acting like gangsters to destroy his critics and opponents? No one would bother to inform a CEO about a little thing like that, right?

The first time the president of the United States allegedly found out about the IRS scandal was on a Friday, just 10 days ago, just like the rest of us. We are led to believe he was watching CNN and they mentioned the IRS scandal. And I guess we’re to believe that Obama turned to his Chief of Staff and said, “Wow, those IRS dudes really went rogue!”

Suddenly Obama gets his news about what his own government is up to from the media. This would be funny, if it wasn't tragic.

We're being lied to by our own president. I believe he knew about the IRS scandal, because it was his White House doing the targeting.

I am living proof. I am a witness to how bad this scandal really is -- with a personal story of IRS harassment and persecution to make your toes curl. Pure coincidence, you think? Just low-level rogue employees acting on their own, you think?

You think they got this idea all on their own? They went rogue out of the Las Vegas office of the IRS, at the same time other low-level IRS employees went rogue out of the Cincinnati, Fresno and Washington, D.C. offices.

These same low-level career bureaucrats that decided to profile, target, and persecute me, also chose to persecute Billy Graham, James Dobson, various radio talk show hosts, and people associated with Tea Party groups, conservative foundations, Jewish pro-Israel groups, and any group daring to educate the public about the U.S. Constitution. And all of this was decided “on the fly” by low level employees, in different offices, with no coordination, and no orders from above. 

Do you believe that? Really? Then, I’ve got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

But let’s assume for a moment that Obama really knew nothing about all this. Well that’s almost as damning as if he knew. That would make him the most incompetent and clueless CEO in history.

Let’s use the example of a CEO of a public company on Wall Street. He steps up to the podium with cameras flashing and says, “There was an organized mafia-style intimidation and extortion scheme going on among my employees…with the intent to destroy my competitors. I never knew a thing about it. I was not involved. I found out this morning by watching CNN. I’m as shocked as you.”

Note: this is where the audience laughter drowns out the CEO. The next series of events are clear. The Board terminates this CEO on the spot. The company announces a lawsuit to recover all his salary and stock options. The SEC announces an indictment and he is prosecuted under RICO statues for fraud, racketeering and extortion. He loses everything and goes to prison.

There you have it folks. This IRS scandal did involve a rogue employee. That rogue employee is our rogue president.

Rest assured you've only seen the tip of the iceberg. This IRS scandal will soon get much worse. And it will lead to the president himself -- if the media does their job.

But if it turns out that Obama really knew nothing…if he was too busy playing golf to bother with running his own government…then the problem is even worse than we imagined. In that case, we have a CEO who knows nothing about running the U.S. economy and commanding the U.S. military.

God help America.

God bless,

Monday, May 13, 2013

Benghazi, Alinsky & Sacrificing Souls For The Unachievable Utopia

by  - May 12, 2013
Watching the events of the past weeks Benghazi hearings has been a little disturbing, to say the least. By all rights this scandal should lead to impeachment hearings for President Obama and his entire administration as far as I am concerned. It won’t though because there isn’t enough outrage among a population that has been indoctrinated into a worldview that espouses big government. Also, half the country is still blind to the reality that there is something much larger at work here, if they are even aware of it all. As sad as it is we are truly living in an age where the freedoms of the majority has been surrendered by the fears of the minority, and the masses just blindly follow the path laid before them by their socialist masters.

For those of us that are paying attention we face an uphill battle against a radical minority who not only controls the opinions of the masses through media but education as well. These radicals have a vested interest in maintaining their power and they are the masters of running campaigns that literally destroy any opposition that stands in the way of their ultimate objective, a world communist paradise otherwise known as a Utopia. It is imperative that this is understood because after all, we have an Alinsky style community organizer in the White House and according to Alinsky-
“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counter attack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
This is the fifth rule of tactics in Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and can be seen on page 128. It essentially explains why the republicans have developed a yellow stripe down their backs and can be regularly seen waving a white flag. They are scared to death because there is nothing the left will not say or do to discredit them. This tactic is employed specifically to put the opposition on the defensive and then make them react to the most ridiculous accusations. Another rule that Alinsky has is that any good tactic is one that your people enjoy. In other words folks these people sink to incredible lows and have a ball destroying peoples reputations while putting them in a reactionary mode trying to prove what was said about them is not true. We have seen that this can become very nasty, yet effective in advancing their agenda. The strategy has bordered on the ridiculous with ads such as the one depicting Paul Ryan throwing granny off the cliff to creating mental associations connecting gun right supporters to mass murderers.

It is difficult for people to understand this mentality because we tend to project ourselves onto others I believe. Most of us try to be decent, honest citizens and would never do to others what the left does to us. We try to do the right thing. The left doesn’t believe in a “right thing” in the same sense that we do folks. They believe in moral relativism which allows them to get away with anything when it comes to reaching their goals of establishing a totalitarian government.

The best way to explain this is to say that the ultimate expression of morality for the left is the sacrifice of their morality for the greater good of mankind. From their warped perspective the greater good of mankind means restructuring society into a one world communist government that can make it fair for everyone. In other words to call republicans racist and homophobes and call gun right supporters terrorists are understood by the left to be deplorable tactics, but if they succeed in destroying the opposition than they have lived to the highest standard of morality by sacrificing their own “salvation” for the salvation of mankind. If they are not willing to corrupt themselves for the greater good than they do not really care. This is the way the left thinks America and we have to understand this if we expect to stand a chance at getting our country back. Let’s ponder this quote a moment-
“To say that corrupt means corrupt the ends is to believe in the immaculate conception of ends and principles. The real arena is corrupt and bloody. Life is a corrupting process from the time a child learns to play mom against dad in the politics of when to go to bed; he who fears corruption fears life.”
He goes on to say that a “man of action” does not have the luxury of making decisions consistent with his own conscience and the good of mankind, therefore he must always chose the latter. In other words the radical leftist believes that by sacrificing their own “personal salvation” they are in fact, as stated earlier expressing the highest form of morality because it is being done for their ultimate objective which they believe will create a perfect paradise, world communist government. It must be realized that this objective cannot be reached. What they are really doing is destroying the soul of mankind because they are acting without God. No matter how hard people try to change the truth to suit their agendas truth will always remain the truth. In this case truth tells us that mankind cannot and will never be able to create a perfect paradise without God; that is not our purpose. So the natural consequence is that instead of creating a perfect paradise where everyone is equal and everything is fair, they are creating another hell on Earth because they have failed to look at what happened the last time they tried this. Of course, if you understand the left and the depth of their depravity than you understand to them it may take the slaughter of another 20 million to reach their objective. After all according to Darwin and Hegel a perfect society would evolve out of conflict.

What does all of this have to do with Benghazi? Maybe nothing; however, if it turns out to be true that there was a massive gun running operation at the heart of the scandal it could be argued that it was done for the purpose of removing the Syrian president , Bashar Al-Assad in order to give control of the region to U.N. troops. Knowing that the left is infatuated with Alinksy like tactics, statements like “What difference does it make” from Hillary Clinton and “Death is a part of life” from Eliah Cummings make more sense. They are selling their souls in an attempt to protect their agenda; which they believe will eventually serve the greater good of mankind. I think in reality they are only concerned with serving the greater good for themselves and protecting their lies.

God bless,

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bombshell Benghazi Testimony: Beyond Incompetence


By Bobby Eberle

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Amnesty Cost to Taxpayers: $6.3 Trillion

From: The Heritage Foundation

May 6, 2013

Washington, D.C., May 6, 2013 -- Granting amnesty to an estimated 11 million unlawful immigrants will cost taxpayers at least $6.3 trillion, according to a new report by Heritage Foundation scholar Robert Rector. The highly anticipated report, released today, becomes available as a Senate committee is set to mark up a “comprehensive immigration reform” bill May 9.

“No matter how you slice it, amnesty will add a tremendous amount of pressure on America’s already strained public purse,” said Rector, Heritage’s senior research fellow in domestic policy studies. 

The vast majority of the fiscal costs examined are long-term – including costs associated with Obamacare, Social Security and other entitlements, plus more than 80 means-tested welfare programs. Among the major findings of Rector and co-author Jason Richwine:

  • Over the course of their lives, former unlawful immigrants together would receive $9.4 trillion in government benefits and services and pay $3.1 trillion in taxes, for a lifetime “fiscal deficit” – at minimum -- of $6.3 trillion (total benefits minus total taxes).
  • The typical unlawful immigrant is 34 years old, has a 10th-grade education, and already receives $14,387 per household in government benefits in excess of taxes paid. After the bill’s “interim” period of about 13 years, when former unlawful immigrants become eligible for welfare and Obamacare subsidies, that “fiscal deficit” would double to $29,500 per household.
  • After amnesty, the typical unlawful immigrant will receive government benefits for 50 years, meaning his household would receive $592,000 more in government benefits during his lifetime than he would pay in taxes. At retirement, he would draw more than $3 in Social Security and Medicare for every dollar he paid in FICA taxes.

Heritage President Jim DeMint joined Rector to outline the findings of the report at a news conference at 11:30 a.m. in The Heritage Foundation’s Lehrman Auditorium. Joining them was Derrick Morgan, Heritage’s vice president for domestic and economic policy.

Read the entire report (“The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer”) here: http://www.heritage.org/Research/Reports/2013/05/The-Fiscal-Cost-of-Unlawful-Immigrants-and-Amnesty to-the-US-Taxpayer

God bless,