-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Terrifying! Obama Regime Unveils Behavior Modification Program to ‘Nudge’ Americans

From: Minutemen News

By: Marilyn Assenheim -

FOX News reported on Tuesday that the government has created a “Behavioral Insights Team,” which is intended to influence the behavior of Americans. It is being referred to as a “nudge” because the team’s approach has been dubbed “subtle.” One can only assume that such “nudges” are intended to be the second part of a governmental, one-two punch, the first being ham-fisted executive orders. The first forces compliance; the second is designed to mesmerize one into voluntary acquiescence. The program isn’t in planning stages. It has already been implemented. FOX reports: “…the White House is already working on such projects with almost a dozen federal departments and agencies including the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture.”

The government release touts the advantages of the program: “Behavioral sciences can be used to help design public policies that work better, cost less, and help people to achieve their goals…the (Behavioral Insights) team would ‘experiment’ with various techniques, with the goal of tweaking behavior so people do everything from saving more for retirement to saving more in energy costs. Anyone interested in working for the White House in a ‘nudge’ squad? The UK has one and it’s been extraordinarily successful.”

The program cites benign examples of its intentions. But White House inspired behavioral modification experimentation won’t stop at cajoling us to save more for our old age. It is less about helping people achieve their goals than it is to help The Lyin’ King’s regime to achieve its goals. In this, the British government was far more honest. Quoting from the U.K.report: “In 2010, UK Prime Minister David Cameron commissioned the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), which through a process of rapid, iterative experimentation (“Test, Learn, Adapt”), has successfully identified and tested interventions that will further advance priorities of the British government, while saving the government at least £1 billion within the next five years…” Among the U.K.’s concerns were to get tax payers to fork over 30 million pounds of extra tax payments, which they did in three months. They also successfully convinced the public to take advantage of full-cost, government attic-clearance services. The British government realized a 500% increase in the purchase of their services and of attic-insulation. Evidence exists that the Lyin’ King’s power-hungry regime wouldn’t stop there.

Although the White House is painting its usual, self-serving picture, experts warn that there is nothing to stop government’s “we know best” snowball from turning into an avalanche. Michael Thomas, an economist at Utah State University, aired his concerns to FOX News: “Ultimately, nudging … assumes a small group of people in government know better about choices than the individuals making them. And sometimes… government actually promotes the wrong thing.” No kidding.

David Laibson, behavioral economics professor at Harvard University, is working with the government on the program. Laibson’s involvement in the program is right up The Lyin’ King’s alley; his verbal contortions outdo mountain switchbacks. First, Laibson states that “Every intervention would need to be tested to make sure (the program) works well…” Then Laibson added that the way the team will function is still unknown. Finally, Laibson “hopes the government will shy away from involving itself from controversial policies.” Well, Elvis certainly departed that auditorium ages ago. Laibson ends with a bang: “Let’s say we want people to engage in some healthy behavior like a weight loss program, and then start automatically enrolling overweight people in weight loss programs — even though they could opt out, I’m guessing that would be viewed as offensive …” Why assume one could “opt out”? Horrifyingly, Laibson believes it would be problematic not because of automatic enrollment but because “a lot of people would say, “…this is judging who I am and who I should be.”

FOX News ends with a cautionary note from Jerry Ellig, an economist with the Mercatus Center: “If you can keep it to a ‘nudge’ maybe it can be beneficial…but nudges can turn into shoves pretty quickly.” Mr. Ellig is dead wrong about a nudge from government being beneficial. A “nudge” from government is never beneficial to anyone except to government. We have almost five years of evidence of that.

God bless,

Take your jobs plan and shove it, Mr. President: Your policies have harmed Chattanooga enough

From: Chattanooga Times Free Press

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

 President Obama,

Welcome to Chattanooga, one of hundreds of cities throughout this great nation struggling to succeed in spite of your foolish policies that limit job creation, stifle economic growth and suffocate the entrepreneurial spirit.

Forgive us if you are not greeted with the same level of Southern hospitality that our area usually bestows on its distinguished guests. You see, we understand you are in town to share your umpteenth different job creation plan during your time in office. If it works as well as your other job creation programs, then thanks, but no thanks. We’d prefer you keep it to yourself.

That’s because your jobs creation plans so far have included a ridiculous government spending spree and punitive tax increase on job creators that were passed, as well as a minimum wage increase that, thankfully, was not. Economists — and regular folks with a basic understanding of math — understand that these are three of the most damaging policies imaginable when a country is mired in unemployment and starving for job growth.

Even though 64 percent of Chattanooga respondents said they would rather you hadn’t chosen to visit our fair city, according to a survey on the Times Free Press website, it’s probably good that you’re here. It will give you an opportunity to see the failure of your most comprehensive jobs plan to date, the disastrous stimulus scheme, up close and personal.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 helped fund the Gig to Nowhere project, a $552 million socialist-style experiment in government-owned Internet, cable and phone services orchestrated by EPB — Chattanooga’s government-owned electric monopoly.

• • •

The Gig to Nowhere is a Smart Grid, a high tech local electricity infrastructure intended to improve energy efficiency and reduce power outages. After lobbying for, and receiving, $111.6 million in stimulus money from your administration, EPB decided to build a souped-up version of the Smart Grid with fiber optics rather than more cost-effective wireless technology. This decision was supposed to allow EPB to provide the fastest Internet service in the Western Hemisphere, a gigabit-per-second Internet speed that would send tech companies and web entrepreneurs stampeding to Chattanooga in droves.

In reality, though, the gig, like most of the projects funded by your stimulus plan, has been an absolute bust.

While the Smart Grid will cost taxpayers and local electric customers well over a half-billion dollars when all is said and done, there has been little improvement in the quality of EPB’s electric service. Worse, despite being heavily subsidized, EPB’s government-owned Internet, cable and telephone outfit that competes head-to-head against private companies like AT&T and Comcast is barely staying afloat, often relying on loans from electric service reserve funds to afford its business expenses.

Further, there has been no credible evidence to suggest that EPB can even provide a gig of service consistently and reliably. Any companies hoping to utilize the Gig to Nowhere are quoted monthly billing costs that make the service unfeasible. As a result, Chattanooga has remained a relative ghost town for technological innovation. Almost no economic development whatsoever has resulted from the gig.

• • •

What the gig has brought, however, is that shocking price tag. Because of your unwillingness to balance the budget, Mr. President, the $111.6 million federal handout to subsidize the Gig to Nowhere will actually cost federal taxpayers $158.2 million, due to interest. Once EPB received the stimulus infusion to fund the pork project, the electric monopoly took out a $219.8 million bond that will balloon to $391.3 million by the time Chattanoogans are done paying it off.

The bond’s first payment comes due this fall and there remain significant questions about how EPB can manage to pay the debt without hiking electric rates on EPB customers.

Building a Smart Grid to get into a telecom sector already well-served by private companies was a bad idea from the start. But getting government involved in places it doesn’t belong is a hallmark of your administration. As a result, you and your policymakers were happy to fund the Gig to Nowhere.

You claimed that the Smart Grid would create jobs for Chattanooga. But in reality, all it did was push America deeper in debt and lure a local government agency into making a terrible financial decision that will weigh on Chattanoogans like a millstone for decades to come.

So excuse us, Mr. President, for our lack of enthusiasm for your new jobs program. Here in Chattanooga we’re still reeling from your old one.

— The Free Press

God bless,

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Obama Years Graphics

I guess I knew this, but never saw it in such graphic form.

Proud moment here for all socialists...


proud moment if you’re a socialist

why work when its free.

socialism on the rise.......

& yet government expanded. Of course..... it takes more idiots to do the work of 1

who is going to pay for the food stamps, health care, illegal immigrants, and the rest of the
free stuff when more people are taking than working?

outrageous, don't they take enough money from us already


Send copies of this letter to at least two other people. 100 would be even better.

God bless,

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Race Hustlers and Barack Obama’s Biggest Presidential Failure

From: Clash Daily

By /

As one who fought for civil rights in the late 50s and early 60s, it is disappointing to see the race hustlers out in force – exploiting the acquittal of George Zimmerman for personal gain. After five decades of lobbying for equal rights for all citizens – with a multi-racial family – I find the behavior of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Charles Rangel, Eric Holder and other race hustlers to be totally disgusting, irresponsible, and exploitative.

Little Al and Big Jesse claim Whites hate Blacks and that the White power structure is biased against Blacks. This despite the fact that White America has twice elected a Black President, approved a Black Attorney General and many Black White House associates.

Also, the hard data shows the majority of Blacks who are killed or injured are victimized by other Black criminals. For example, every weekend in Chicago, dozens of Blacks are killed or injured by African-Americans. And over 6000 Blacks are killed by other Blacks in the United States each year.

So why is Al Sharpton – and for that matter the other race hustlers – using the George Zimmerman verdict to enhance their false claim of White racism? Hard statistics tell us Blacks are far more preoccupied with race issues than Whites.

Why are the Black race hustlers giving so much attention to the Zimmerman case – to this multiracial man who killed his attacker in self-defense. And why is the mainstream media giving so much attention to this isolated and weak case – and not to the bigger picture problems facing Black communities around our country?

Obviously, the race hustlers must foment racial discontent to sustain their seats of power in Black society and in the Democrat Party. And the media cooperates with them – recognizing the audience appeal of a good racial story: “White guy shoots an attractive and innocent Black kid returning home after purchasing skittles and ice tea.”

The media depiction of Trayvon Martin as an innocent kid with skittles and iced tea is highly deceptive. He was expelled from school four times and at the time of the shooting, was a drug user, a fighter, possibly a jewelry thief, and a reverse racist. He lost his cool – slugged Zimmerman – took him to the ground – beat the hell out of him with deadly fists – and repeatedly bashed his head against the concrete walkway.

The media depiction of a 12 year old Trayvon was raw deception. In fact, he was a powerfully built,
seventeen-year-old six-footer. Also, Zimmerman wasn’t White in the traditional sense, but a short, light skinned Hispanic with some Black ancestry and a proactive and positive anti-racial history. The media even invented “White Hispanic” to reinforce the appeal of their “White Adult Kills Black Child” headline.

Last, and certainly not least, the Zimmerman affair and trial served the interests of the Obama Administration by getting the Obama scandals and cover-ups out of the media spotlight – in anticipation of the upcoming midterm elections. The Dems “never let a good crisis go to waste” as Rahm Emanuel likes to say. Everything is politics in the Obama camp.

Obama’s detractors often produce a long list of areas where the President has failed to deliver on his promises and representations to the American people.

However, none of his failures is more conspicuous than his failure to improve race relations. His election and Administration was to be proof-positive that the age of racial discrimination in America was a thing of the past.

However, time-and-again, Obama and his buddy Attorney General Eric Holder, have played the race card to enhance their political advantage. Obama’s insertion of the Department of Justice into the George Zimmerman self-defense shooting is simply the latest example. Clearly, this was not a federal matter – but a state matter.

With the midterm elections coming up in 2014, the Democrats need to play the race card once more to further their cause – to distract voters from the real failures of the Obama Administration and his Dem cronies in Congress. They are betting that they can again win the support of minority voters, race-sympathy voters, and under-informed voters – as they have in past elections.

With all of the glaring strategic problems and issues facing America today, it is utterly irresponsible for the federal government and a national party to play these dishonorable games. And for the President of the United States, the US Attorney General, the Democratic Party, and the Constitutionally protected liberal-leftist media – to participate in this manipulation of public opinion – is beyond the pale.

And guess what – if an under-informed public drink the Kool-Aid – and informed voters stay home as they did in 2012 – the liberal-leftist Dems will again seize control of the House and Senate. And that, my friends, could be the final nail in the coffin of the America we once knew and loved.

In God we must trust . . . but we must always do our part to secure the truth – to protect our freedom – and to defend the American-Way.

God bless,

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mark Twain on the Entitlement Mentality

From: Patriot Update

Written on Monday, July 22, 2013 by David L. Goetsch

Mark Twain specified that his autobiography not be released until he had been dead for 100 years. He wanted to make sure that everyone he insulted in his final work would also be dead, along with close relatives. The autobiography is out now and there are plenty of the dead and buried insulted in it. But one group he insults is not only still alive—it’s growing by leaps and bounds. This group consists of people who look to nanny government for their sustenance, a group that has come to be known as the entitlement generation.

In his autobiography Twain comments that “Any man who is satisfied to be fed by another man rather than by the honest sweat of his own brow should be shot.” Twain cites numerous occasions in his life when he was taken advantage of while trying to do a good deed for another man. Twain’s well-intentioned deeds typically consisted of providing for people who claimed to be down on their luck. In variably, the person “helped” did not appreciate the help, did not pay back the money Twain loaned him, and did not change his profligate ways. This situation should sound familiar to anyone aware of what has happened to America during the Obama administration. In fact, if Mark Twain were still alive he would be aghast to learn that the phenomenon he decried has become an accepted and acceptable way of life in America.

Twain, never one to treat politicians gently, would have much to say about President Obama and so-called progressive liberals who not only condone the entitlement mentality, but promulgate it as a political strategy for gaining and retaining power. I am sure he would also have a word or two to say about Americans who think the government—that is to say the American taxpayer—owes them a living. If Mark Twain could come back from the grave he would find an America much changed from the one he knew. Twain’s was a more self-reliant America in which those who were truly down on their luck looked to charity for help, not the government, and those who could work did.

Mark Twain and people of his era knew instinctively that to allow a man to live off the earnings of others was to rob that man of his dignity, ambition, and self-worth, not to mention robbing the giver of his hard-earned income. They also knew that when dealing with people you get more of what you reward. Reward sloth through government entitlements or any other means and you will get more sloth. It is really that simple. The entitlement mentality is more addictive than cocaine and it can spread faster than a virus. Allow a man to get used to being idle and he will want to be idle forever. Reward idleness with government entitlements and people will make a living from being idle.

Laziness, sloth, and idleness are concepts that even the most ignorant, uneducated, unskilled individual is born knowing how to exploit to his advantage. People who will not exert even an ounce of initiative, drive, or energy to take care of themselves will exert enormous effort, motivation, and innovation when it comes to playing the system to get the most for doing the least. These entitled individuals then sire large numbers of entitled youngsters—usually out of wedlock—who grow up with the entitlement mentality instilled at their mothers’ breasts. Mark Twain might have over stated his solution to this problem somewhat, but he at least recognized the need for a solution.

God bless,

Friday, July 19, 2013

Introduction to Transhumanism

New book and DVD explore scientific, religious aspects

From: World Net Daily - July 19, 2013

This is not about the "$6 Million Man." You might call it the 6,000-year quest.

Today, in 2013, transhumanism is a vibrant scientific and philosophical movement. And it's accelerating rapidly.

Genetically-engineered foods? Old news.

Human-pig hybrid embryos? Years ago.

"Spider-goats?" Done.

Actual synthetic life? It's called "Synthia," achieved last year by the J. Craig Vitter Institute.

The race to perfect technologically-enhanced life forms reached breakneck speed in 2007, and it's ongoing in labs around the world. Much of the work is government-funded but much is within the private sector. You can learn about some of the progress in official reports and in the proceedings of academic and scientific conferences. But quite a lot is hidden from view - either for reasons of military secrecy or in the sphere of corporate researchers working feverishly to patent genetic forms most of the public could never imagine.

Narrating the spellbinding new documentary "Transhumanism," author and publisher Tom Horn opens a window into a field of technology that presents profound challenges in the areas of public health, ethics and religion.

Researchers are combining human and animal DNA in order to solve a multitude of health problems and stay ahead in the "arms race" to develop soldiers with stronger battlefield capabilities.

There are obvious potential benefits from enhancing human physiology: cures for disease, relief from pain, and longer life.

Who would argue if a stricken loved one was offered the $6 million promise: "We can make him better"?

But the implications are staggering.

Already, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is developing policy guidelines for dealing with part-human organisms. If a pig, rabbit, feline or hominid was 1% human, would it require special legal classification? What about if 40% or 70% human? At what point does the Bill of Rights apply?

The potential for new forms of disease engendered by DNA experimentation and particularly as it involves the crossover between species is but one public health risk current science may be unable to address.

More alarming may be the rapidly-growing philosophical/spiritual transhumanist movement aspiring to use human enhancement technologies to create a new form of the human species.

"Singularity" - or the merging of man's biological thinking and existence with technology to the point that there is no distinction between human and machine - is the goal of this strand of the movement, which is expected to achieve a major breakthrough between now and 2019 because of the pace of technological advancement.

Proponents of these efforts hold out the promise of virtual immortality if the entirety of human consciousness can be uploaded and spread throughout time and space.

Historian Francis Fukuyama has warned of a "hell scenario" in which "we no longer struggle, aspire, love, feel pain, make difficult moral choices, have families, or do any of the things that we traditionally associate with being human."

Yet there are huge incentives - military, scientific, and financial - for this work to continue, and therefore it will not stop, and as with all human technology it will increase in efficiency and sophistication.

"Transhumanism" gives you a thorough overview of this phenomenon: How we got to where we are, who the major players are, as well as the philosophical underpinnings of the movement. It is not solely about science, but about the future of the human species.

You can get the new DVD "Transhumanism" at an exclusive discount price from the WND Superstore.

God bless,

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Preposterous Pro-Abortion Positions

From: Apologetics Press

by Eric Lyons, M.Min.- July 18, 2013

Aristotle once wrote: “[T]he same attribute cannot at the same time belong and not belong to the same subject and in the same respect…. [I]t is impossible for the same man at the same time to believe the same thing to be and not to be” (Aristotle, 4:4). It is impossible, for example, for a single door to be completely shut and completely open at the same time. Likewise, it is contradictory for a man to say, “Yesterday I never left my house to go to the store,” if indeed he did leave his house yesterday to go to the store. The fact is, nothing can both be and not be for the same person, place, or thing, at the same time, and in the same sense (cf. Jevons, 1928, p. 117). For a person to say otherwise, he is either a liar or delusional.

Consider the nature of a contradiction in light of the pro-abortion movement and related laws in America. How is it that the same unborn child can be a human being and not a human being at the same time? For example, if a mother and her six-month-old unborn baby boy are brutally murdered while walking into a hospital, the perpetrator may likely be charged with “double murder” (cf. Ertelt, 2009). Why double murder? Because both the mother and her unborn child are human beings. However, if that same mother walks into a medical facility to have someone remove the (alleged) non-human “appendage” from her body, the mother and her accomplice are protected by the law (in many states, even when the unborn child is nine months old). These positions are so blatantly contradictory that even Heather Boonstra, senior public policy associate at the pro-abortion Alan Guttmacher Institute, stated: “The law cannot hold both that a pregnant woman is two persons and at the same time allow her to have an abortion” (as quoted in Simon, 2001).

It is no secret that President Barack Obama strongly supports the pro-abortion platform. He has been a consistent advocate of pro-abortion policies for many years. It is also no secret that Washington, D.C. has some of the least restrictive abortion laws in the United States (“State Policies…,” 2013), allowing for abortion for any reason at any point during the mother’s pregnancy. Astonishingly, as Dave Boyer reported in the Washington Times in 2012, “[t]he pro-choice Obama White House requires pregnant visitors to count their unborn child as a person for tours of the executive mansion” (2012, emp. added). So, in our nation’s capitol, a pregnant woman can visit the President’s home, only if she first fills out paper work in which she counts her unborn child as a human being. Yet, that same mother is free to leave the White House, enter a D.C. abortion clinic, and have her unborn child murdered, under protection of a blatantly contradictory law that our President endorses.

The fact is, at best, the pro-abortion movement in America is absurd—leaving behind reality at every turn. At worst, it is a repugnant, blight on society—so evil that the horrific shedding of innocent blood is actually considered proper. “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” (Isaiah 5:20-21).

God bless,


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hail Satan!: The New Pro-Choice Mantra


By Matt Barber

In the war between life and death, all eyes are on Texas as the Lone Star State legislature is poised to pass a sweeping late-term abortion ban. Gov. Rick Perry has pledged to sign the bill into law. The lines have been clearly drawn surrounding this progress toward equality and civil rights for pre-born Americans. Not surprisingly, as the pro-abortion side loses legislative battle after legislative battle, its “true colors” are coming into focus. Those colors are darker than many might have imagined.

During all civil rights struggles there occurs, it seems, some flashpoint in time that indelibly sears into the conscience of a culture, with clarity, the profound realization that one side represents good and the other side evil. Who can forget the images in the 1960s of law enforcement officials turning the hoses – and the dogs – on peaceful African-America demonstrators for merely petitioning their government for racial equality? Millions of fence-sitters across America witnessed this gross injustice on television, sat up in their chairs and finally said: “This is wrong. I will not stand for it.”

Although, our pro-abortion media will not likely give it much coverage, a similar such flashpoint of clarity occurred this past Tuesday in the Texas State House as pro-abortion activists, throughout the day, shouted “Hail Satan!” in an effort to drown out pro-life speeches and an impromptu rendering of “Amazing Grace.” CNN’s Josh Rubin confirmed this astonishing display by tweeting on site: “Crowd of anti-abortion activists giving speeches while a group of people chant hail Satan in the background.”

I would like to take a moment to pause and personally thank our Satan-hailing friends for their brutally wicked honesty. What may have seemed, at the time, a glib bid to mock the peaceful Christians in attendance has, instead, demonstrated to the world exactly from whom (or what) derives the revolting inhumanity that is all things “pro-choice.”

Understandably, many leftist now complain that this frank display of “pro-choice” allegiance to the prince of darkness has hurt the multi-billion dollar baby-killing biz. They’re right. It has. It’s blown away the smokescreen of euphemistic “pro-choice” rhetoric and propaganda to expose, naked beneath, that which lies at abortion’s inglorious core: Death, death and more death.

Indeed, the very Satan they hail was the first “pro-choicer.” While Jesus is “the way, the truth and the life,” Satan is the end, the lie and death itself. While Christ is the “author of life,” Satan is the author of abortion. Our “pro-choice” friends in Texas have now revealed that they at least intuitively recognize this reality.

Matthew 12:34-37 admonishes, “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Do you consider yourself “pro-choice”? Perhaps it’s time to reconsider. When “pro-choicers” find themselves shouting “hail Satan!” over a chorus of “Amazing Grace” at a gathering geared toward saving babies, maybe it’s time to dust off that ol’ worldview and give it a second look.

Scripture warns: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)

If you answer to “pro-choice,” you’re only deceiving yourself, my friend. You’re “delighting in wickedness.” Pro-choice to do what? Pro-choice to dismember alive a baby girl in her mother’s womb. That’s wicked. That’s evil – objective, absolute evil – every time and without exception.

That’s abortion.

Abortion is death. If you’re “pro-choice,” you’re pro-abortion and, consequently, pro-death. As the babies you should be protecting perish, so, too, do you perish. You are perishing in the spirit, which is a fate worse than physical death. It’s forever.

The precious aborted babies you refuse to defend – the babies you condemn to death – will see God. Ultimately, they will have eternal life. But because you “refuse to love the truth” and “delight in wickedness,” Scripture warns that, unless you repent and are saved, you will not. If you believe that this is about “women’s reproductive rights,” then you’re laboring “under a powerful delusion.” You “serve the lie.”

Whether you know it or not, you serve Satan.

Open your eyes.

As goes the refrain, “I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see.” You can still be found. You can still see. A big step in the right direction is to first admit this painful truth: “Pro-choice” is pro-death.

Join the right side of history. Join the side of good over evil. Join the side of life over death.

Be pro-life.

God bless,