-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Friday, September 27, 2013


We hear it all the time especially from the progressives, "Big Insurance, Big Banking, Big Oil, Big Auto Makers, Big Business, Big ..........., on and on the list goes. They try to somehow turn these industries into evil villains in the eyes of the public by applying the prefix Big. According to the progressives all our problems are caused by the "Big Industries". This, my friends, is nothing but a smoke screen to draw the citizens' attention from the real culprit. Do I have to spell it out, I assume most of the free thinkers who have read this much have already guessed the real culprit. Alright I'll spell it out, "BIG GOVERNMENT". This, my friends, is the root of all our problems.

Take for instance health care, it is not "Big Insurance" and "Greedy Hospitals" that are the problem, as progressives would have you believe, it is BIG GOVERNMENT".

When was the last time you looked at your health insurance coverage? Take a close look. My wife and I are in our middle age and we do not plan on having any more children but we are paying premiums for maternity services, we do not plan on becoming drug addicts but are paying premiums for drug rehab, we do not plan on becoming alcoholics but are paying premiums for alcohol rehab, and the list of coverages we do not want or will ever use goes on and on and yes we are paying premiums for them, you should take a close look at your policy some time.

So... why do we have to pay for all these ridiculous things that we do not want or plan to use.........yes.....that's right, "BIG GOVERNMENT" says we need them.

The Federal government has been mandating mandatory minimum coverage to "Big Insurance" for decades and on top of that the state government adds its' own mandatory coverage in addition to the Federal government mandatory minimum coverage. As we all know every time we add a service to an insurance policy it increases the premiums, so every time "Big Government" mandates a coverage premiums increase to add that coverage to the policies. On top of all this the states close the borders to us and limit us to purchasing our health insurance within the state we live in shutting us off from the rest of the country. Does anybody remember the word "competition", obviously nobody in "Big Government" does.

If "Big Government" at both the federal and state levels would get their noses out of private industry and stop insulting its' citizens by assuming we are too stupid to choose what coverage we want for our health insurance needs and open the rest of the country to us so we can buy our health insurance from any insurer of our choice any where in the United States we would then see competitive pricing and policy prices would be more affordable by leaps and bounds. We need our freedom of choice given back to us so we can decide what is right for our needs and stop paying premiums for services that we do not need or want.

This, my friends, is one edge of a double edged sword. So, you ask, what is the other edge of the sword? It certainly isn't "Greedy Hospitals". Have you guessed it yet? Try ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Without naming names one hospital system in one state which consists of five hospitals between the years 2002 to present has incurred unpaid hospital services to illegal aliens totaling more than $100,000,000.00 and one case in addition to this is, for instance, an illegal who has been in a coma from an auto accident for eighteen months incurring unpaid expenses of $1,500,000.00. The hospital finally contacted relatives from his home country and paid another $30,000.00 to fly him home on a medical flight only to be sued by relatives who are citizens of that state.

Hospitals, like any other business, operate for profit so they can grow and expand and pay for new equipment and the best doctors etc. If they do not get paid for the goods or services they provide then the cost of those goods and services go up to recover losses. This, my friends, means that everyone who has health insurance has to pay a higher price for those goods and services which cause the premiums to keep going up. So as long as "Big Government" does not enforce immigration laws and process illegals back to their own country this will always impact health care costs.

The current health care bill does nothing to address the problems as noted above and, in my opinion, should be repealed. This bill is nothing more than a corporate raider style takeover of an entire industry to be run by, yes, "Big Government" and empower government to be in the business of selling a product that you MUST purchase or be FINED! Name any business successfully run by "Big Government". There are none, enough said!

So....if any elected official says he wants to help lower health care costs and does not embrace these principles they are blowing the proverbial smoke........and are not serious about it at all. Take your elected officials to task on this issue and see what I mean.

As American citizens it is our responsibility to take back our freedom of choice on this issue, so keep your elected officials on their toes on this issue and tell them to apply the will of the majority or we will soon retire them.

This is an older post from August 2011, seems to me now is a better time to read it!

God Bless,


President Obama lied to us -- he told America some real whoppers about ObamaCare

by Todd's American Dispatch -

President Obama lied to us.

It wasn’t a white lie. It wasn’t a fib. It wasn’t a half truth. It was a bold-faced lie.

“No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise,” President Obama told the American Medical Association in 2009. “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

That statement turned out to be a lie. Period.

On Thursday I asked my Facebook community if they had faced hardships as a result of ObamaCare. 

The response was overwhelming. I received nearly 1,000 replies – from small business owners, nurses, doctors, electricians, stay-at-home moms, and military personnel. Every single person said they had been adversely affected by President Obama’s signature legislation.

So let’s break down the president’s lies.

Thursday he told an audience in Largo, Maryland that the Affordable Care Act had not hurt jobs.

“There's no widespread evidence that the Affordable Care Act is hurting jobs,” he said.

Investor’s Business Daily reports that as a direct result of ObamaCare, more than 300 companies have either eliminated jobs or reduced full time jobs to part time jobs. Hospitals across the country are firing staff and reducing work hours.

Janet Blanck owns Country Blossom Florist, a small shop in Gilbert, Ariz. She tells me that as a result of ObamaCare she’s had to lay off three employees.

At one time, she employed eight people. Those who were not let go now work part-time because of rising insurance costs.

“Obama is killing us,” she told me. “It breaks my heart to have to do this. I have to protect what I have built and this is the only way that I know of to get around this law and still stay in business.”

President Obama also promised us that we would be able to keep our doctor. Another lie.

Several hundred of you, like Joel Keefauver, wrote to tell me that your doctors were either shuttering their practices or shedding patients.

“Under the forthcoming Affordable Care Act and new healthcare regulations, I will no longer be able to provide the quality of healthcare you have come to expect and that I believe is proper,” the doctor wrote in a letter to Keefauver. “The increased cost imposed by complying with these new laws, along with decreasing reimbursements, creates a financial burden that is unsustainable for my solo practice.”

DiDi Henry’s elderly mother recently moved from Alabama to Louisiana. She has been unable to find a doctor willing to take Medicare patients.

“Several doctors told her that they just aren’t taking Medicare patients because of ObamaCare,” she told me.

The president also told us ObamaCare would make health insurance affordable? Another whopper.

Business owner Sheila Frey tells me her insurance rates have increased by 46 percent. Her small family-run company is paying $2,000 a month for coverage.

And remember how President Obama promised rebate checks to defray the cost of buying insurance coverage? Well, Shelia tells me her rebate check was a meager $127. You do the math.

Tammy Boisvert told me she had to find a new pediatrician.

“My family doctor of 20 years couldn’t take my newborn due to this insurance mess,” she wrote. “With a family of six all seen by this one doctor, I suddenly had to search for a new pediatrician.”

President Obama promised we could keep our current health care plan. Another lie.

Michelle Cox, of Asheville, N.C. wrote to me about a letter she received Thursday from her insurance company.

“ACA requires is to make significant changes to our health benefits plan designs,” the letter read. “We cannot renew your existing plan in 2014.”

Alissa Delamar is in the same boat -- searching for insurance after her company canceled its group plan.

“I’m stressed so much financially now I can’t fathom any more debt,” she wrote. “It leaves you hopeless.”

Catherine Schneider and her husband own Blue Sky Trucking in Montgomery, Minn. They were just informed that their insurance policy would be canceled in December.

“It’s too expensive,” she said. “The Affordable Care Act is disrupting our business and it has the potential to destroy our family.”

Allison deNijis’s family policy was also canceled.

“I thought Obama said we could keep our insurance?” she asked. “I thought he said our cost would decline? Not true! Epic fail!”

Her family was offered a new policy that now includes a nearly $1,000 monthly premium and $5,000 in individual deductibles.

“I am seriously considering just paying the fine and putting the differential amount in a personal savings account,” she told me. “Why should I pay over $13,000 in premiums?”

By the time ObamaCare is fully implemented, I suspect most Americans will be begging for death panels – to put us out of our misery.

God bless,

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Obamacare: Top 10 Reasons It's Wrong for America

From: The Heritage Foundation

Revised and updated September 16, 2009

1. Millions Will Lose Their Current Insurance. Period. End of Story: President Obama wants Americans to believe they can keep their insurance if they like, but research from the government, private research firms, and think tanks show this is not the case. The economic incentives plus a government-run health plan as proposed in the House bill (H.R. 3200), would cause 88.1 million people to see their current employer-sponsored health plan disappear.

2. Individual Mandate Means Less Liberty and More Taxes: Although he once opposed the idea, President Obama is now open to the imposition of an individual mandate that would require all Americans to have federally approved health insurance. This unprecedented federal directive not only takes away your individual freedom but could cost you as well. Lawmakers are considering a penalty or tax for those who don’t buy government-approved health plans.

3. Your Health Care Coverage Will Probably Change Anyway: Even if you kept your private insurance, eventually most remaining plans—whether employer plans or individual plans—would have to conform to new federal benefit standards. Moreover, the necessary plan
“upgrades” will undoubtedly cost you more in premiums.

4. The Umpire Is Also the First Baseman: The main argument for a “public option” is that it would increase competition. However, if the federal government creates a health care plan that it controls and also sets the rules for the private plans, there is little doubt that Washington would put its private sector “competitors” out of business sooner or later.

5. The Fed Picks Your Treatment: President Obama said: “They’re going to have to give up paying for things that don’t make them healthier.…If there’s a blue pill and a red pill, and the blue pill is half the price of the red pill and works just as well, why not pay half for the thing that’s going to make you well.” Does that sound like a government that will stay out of your health care decisions?

6. Higher Taxes Than Europe Hurt Small Businesses: A proposed surtax on the wealthy, included in the House bill (H.R. 3200), will actually hit hundreds of thousands of small business owners who are dealing with a recession. If it is enacted, America’s top earners and job creators will carry a larger overall tax burden than France, Italy, Germany, Japan, etc., with a total average tax rate greater than 52%. Is that the right recipe for jobs and wage growth?

7. Who Makes Medical Decisions? What is the right medical treatment and should bureaucrats determine what Americans can or cannot have? While the House and Senate language is vague, amendments offered in House and Senate committees to block government rationing of care were routinely defeated. Cost or a federal health board could be the deciding factors. President Obama himself admitted this when he said, “Maybe you’re better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller,” when asked about an elderly woman who needed a pacemaker.

8. Taxpayer-Funded Abortions? Nineteen Democrats recently asked the President to not sign any bill that doesn’t explicitly exclude “abortion from the scope of any government-defined or subsidized health insurance plan” or any bill that allows a federal health board to “recommend abortion services be included under covered benefits or as part of a benefits package.” Currently, these provisions do not exist.

9. It’s Not Paid For: The CBO says the current House plan would increase the deficit by $239 billion over 10 years. And that number will likely continue to rise over the long term. Similar entitlement bills in the past, including Medicare, have scored much lower than their actual eventual cost. A new study released by the Peterson Foundation estimates the House bill would add $1 trillion to the deficit in the second decade.

10. Rushing It, Not Reading It: We’ve been down this road before—with the failed stimulus package. Back then, we also heard that we were in a crisis and that we needed to pass a 1,000-plus-page bill in a few hours—without reading it—or we would have 8% unemployment. Well, we know what happened. One Congressman even said it’s pointless to read the reform bills without two days and two lawyers to make sense of it. Deception is the only reason to rush through a bill nobody truly understands.

For more information, please visit: http://FixHealthCarePolicy.com

God bless,

Democrats are the Know-Nothings about the Constitution

From: Human Events

Betsy McCaughey  -

Displaying their ignorance of the U.S. Constitution, Democratic bigwigs are excoriating Republican members of the House of Representatives for attaching a condition — no Obamacare — to a stopgap bill to fund the government when the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called it “extortion”. Sen. Steny Hoyer labeled it “hostage-taking”. Representative Nancy Pelosi termed it “legislative arson”.

In truth, what the House Republicans are doing is not blackmail. It’s checks and balances in action. Congress has always had the power to attach almost any condition — including repealing or changing a law — to appropriations. The framers wrote the Constitution that way for good reason.

The nation’s first plan of government, the Articles of Confederation, had no president. When the framers gathered in 1787 to write a second, more effective plan, they reluctantly created the presidency. Reluctantly, because the founders worried that a president would accumulate power and spend flagrantly as they had seen the despotic kings of Europe do.

To prevent that, the founders created checks and balances. In the words of James Madison, the Constitution’s chief architect, each branch of government is “effectually checked and restrained by the others. ”

Congress was given power over the purse — the power to appropriate money and to borrow it or raise it through taxes, because locating the power in Congress would force the president to constantly negotiate with Congress.

Fast-forward 226 years to last Friday. President Obama called Speaker of the House John Boehner to say, “he will not negotiate” with Congress on raising the U.S. government’s borrowing authority. The president, who claims to be a constitutional scholar, needs a refresher course.

The same day, Obama whipped up a crowd at a Ford plant, complaining that by attaching conditions to the appropriations bill, House Republicans are “trying to mess with me.” Yes, they are, Mr. President, though Madison expressed it with more elegance and precision.

“An elective despotism is not the government we fought for,” Madison wrote in Federalist 58.

A president with the power to borrow and spend at will would be just that.

Sadly, large numbers of Americans are at risk of being bamboozled by the Democrats’ inflammatory accusations and warnings of a government shutdown.

One reason is that, shockingly, only one-third of Americans can identify the three branches of government (according to a Pew Foundation poll). That’s how gravely our civics education has failed.

Secondly, the president’s party is fanning fears of a shutdown, something no one wants. But let’s be clear, the military would continue to operate, doctors and nurses would still come to work at federal hospitals, air traffic controllers and other emergency personnel would be on the job, and everyone would eventually get paid. If you’re planning a trip to Yellowstone National Park, you might be inconvenienced.

Compare that to what’s at stake: preserving the Constitution. The health reform the president is insisting on implementing is a distorted, mangled, half-baked version of what Congress enacted in 2010. It is no longer the Affordable Care Act. The president is illegally picking and choosing what parts to keep. Gone is the employer mandate, the cap on out-of-pocket expenses, income verification for subsidy recipients and over half the deadlines in the law. These changes are not just illegal. They shift billions of dollars in costs onto taxpayers, cheat seriously ill patients and leave employees in the lurch, all in a devious attempt to patch up an unworkable law.

Madison anticipated this threat to freedom, as well. In Federalist 62, he warned that it will be pointless for Americans to elect a Congress, if their elected lawmakers in turn enact laws “too voluminous to be read,” or if these laws then “undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what it will be tomorrow.” That’s Obamacare.

On this week’s Saturday radio address, Obama again confronted House Republicans, demanding that they fund the government, no questions asked. Obama claimed, “the most basic constitutional duty Congress has is passing a budget.”

Wrong again, Mr. President. Congress’ most basic duty is to protect and defend the Constitution, and withholding the money is the chief way to do it.

Betsy McCaughey is a former Lt. governor of New York and the author of “Beating Obamacare.”

God bless,

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Barack Obama –The Bad, The Really Bad &The Ugly

From: Freedom Outpost

Friday, September 20, 2013

Guns Don't Kill - Gun Free Zones Do

From: Eagle Rising

By /

In no way do I want to minimize or trivialize any of the mass shootings we have watched take place in recent years by dumbing down the causes to one or two issues. However, with the liberal media’s withering attack on gun rights which uses these attacks as their “ammunition,” some kind of response is necessary to combat the misinformation. We are a nation of over three hundred million people, and an estimated 270 million guns are spread out among us. We are the most well-armed nation in the world, a heritage passed down to us through the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees the right of every American (who is not a felon) to carry a firearm.

Even with these gaudy numbers of guns and gun owners, gun violence in America among legal gun owners is statistically insignificant. In fact, the vast majority of gun crime is committed by criminals who carry their weapons illegally. Meanwhile, in America, a gun is 7 times more likely to stop a crime than to commit one.

Furthermore, consider the recent and most famous instances of mass shootings in the news. All of these rampages took place in areas described as “gun free” zones. The movie theater in Aurora, CO, the school in Newtown, CT, the military base in Fort Hood, TX, and the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. All of these places were gun free zones where the shooters took advantage of the guaranteed weakened state of their victims. In fact, if you try to remember back to other infamous mass shootings from Paducah, KY to Columbine, CO the gun free zone is a common thread. However, the media has placed the idea of blaming fun-free zones out of bounds in the political discourse – anyone who considers eliminating these “safe” zones (or un-safe zones depending on your perspective) is immediately labeled an extremist. In fact, a simple Google search of gun free zone returns stories of mass killing and liberal attempts to deflect blame from gun free zones. The gun free zone is one of the liberals’ “hills to die on”, even though it’s other people who are facing death because of them.

See, what we've learned about mass shooters is that they are cowards. Many of them choose these unprotected areas because they offer the path of least resistance for the killer. Consider that in the killing at the Aurora, CO movie theater the shooter had his choice of seven theaters within 20 minutes of his home… yet he chose the only theater that did not allow patrons to carry weapons. It was a gun-free zone. Even more telling is the shooting that took place in Oregon just days before the attack at Newtown. In the Oregon shooting, a killer marched through a mall, shooting at helpless victims -- that is until he encountered armed resistance. Immediately after seeing that one of his intended victims had a weapon, the Oregon shooter retreated and fired one last shot… the bullet that ended his own life.

In fact, situations like this are more common than you realize, perhaps, as the Oregon story illustrates, because the media doesn’t seem to cover the cases that end well because of an armed citizen. Buzzfeed has a neat collection of mass shootings that were stopped by armed citizens, who were in the right place at the right time. Had you heard of any of these instances? Are they commonly brought up in the media?

The honest truth is this. When you couple the fact that so few of our gun crimes are committed by legal gun owners, with the fact that most of these mass shootings happen in gun free zones by mentally imbalanced people… we get a completely different picture than the portrait painted by the liberal media and the Democrat Party.

Could the war on guns be charade orchestrated by the left to simply wrest power from conservatives by disarming us? The scary truth is that the reason we have a 2nd Amendment is to ensure that we would have the firepower to dislodge a tyrannical government if the need ever arose. Today we see members of our government trying to disarm us by changing laws and enflaming public sentiment against us. Our government is filled with legislators who fear our weapons because those weapons give us more power than they’d like us to have.

Murder is always evil. It is always a violent and destructive act that attacks the very fabric of our communities. We must respond, and we must try our best to ensure these things happen less and less in the future. However, we cannot allow the emotion of the moment to overcome our abilities to reason and consider logic. The gun control ideas of the left are a red herring. They create as many problems as they solve. The best answers to violence and public safety come from conservatives who love liberty and value independence.

Don’t let the liberal media mislead you – we are safer with a gun in our hands than with our empty hands in the air begging for mercy.

God bless,