-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

ISIS Plans Mass Genocide -- 500 Million People Need to Die

Evidently ISIS plans to wipe out all of us, starting with those in the Middle East, those of other religions, all atheists, and those who don’t subscribe to their particular brand of Islam.

At least that’s what a German reporter claims. He was permitted to be embedded in the Islamic State for 10 fun-filled days. Well, that must have been more fun than a barrel of severed heads.

According to 74-year-old reporter Jurgen Todenhofer, ISIS is deadly serious and truly believes they can actually win the fight against the infidels. Todenhofer told ABC News that “The IS fighters are much smarter and more dangerous than our leaders believe. In the Islam State, there is an almost palpable enthusiasm and confidence of victory, which I have not seen in many war zones.” He added: “They are extremely brutal. I’m talking about the strategy of religious cleansing. They are talking about 500 million people who have to die.”

And why wouldn’t they be extremely confident, knowing that Western politicians lack the courage and will to do what is truly necessary to stop them.

Todenhofer said that “The West underestimated the risk posed by IS dramatically,” and that the Islamic State is “much stronger and much more dangerous" than anyone in the West has estimated.

The German reporter explained their plan for genocide: "The IS wants to kill all nonbelievers and apostates and enslave their women and children. All Shiites, Yazidi, Hindus, atheists and polytheists should be killed. Hundreds of millions of people are to be eliminated in the course of this religious cleansing. All moderate Muslims who promote democracy, should be killed. Because, from the IS perspective, they promote human laws of the laws of God. This also applies to -- after a successful conquest -- the democratically minded Muslims in the Western world."

But what of the Obama grand strategy of airstrikes? We've heard that they have been vastly effective -- that they halted the expansion of ISIS, turning the tide -- driving ISIS out of Iraq.

Well, the reporter claims that this is not the case -- that the three major cities in Iraq controlled by ISIS have "been largely spared" from airstrikes because of concerns over civilian casualties and collateral damage.

Take for example, the city of Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, second only to Baghdad. Todenhofer wrote that "The city ofMosul, with a population of 3 million, for example, is controlled by IS with about 5000 fighters. To crush them with bombs means reducing all of Mosul to rubble and killing tens of thousands of civilians."

So in other words, with no or insufficient ground forces and a very limited air campaign, there is simply no defeating this group. It can't be done, and ISIS can only be contained for so long.

I'm not advocating for ground forces or even a heavier air campaign. I just don't know enough about the actual situation over there. No civilian does, and we will never get an honest assessment from this administration.

I'm not sure if this is really our fight at this time, or any time. The Europeans and other Middle Eastern countries should be waging this war -- or at least paying 100% of the cost of our bombing campaign.

Yet this is how we wage war today. We fight not to lose and then go home. For decades now it's worked well enough -- for the enemy left behind has been content to remain within its own borders.

ISIS however, has no borders. It is a virus that will just keep spreading if left unchecked -- and by unchecked I mean wiped out.

God bless,

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society

From: EuropeNews 9 August 2010

By Nicolai Sennels

Massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1.400 years may have done catastrophic damage to their gene pool. The consequences of intermarriage between first cousins often have serious impact on the offspring’s intelligence, sanity, health and on their surroundings

The most famous example of inbreeding is in ancient Egypt, where several Pharaonic dynasties collapsed after a couple of hundred years. In order to keep wealth and power within the family, the Pharaohs often married their own sister or half-sister and after a handful of generations the offspring were mentally and physically unfit to rule. Another historical example is the royal houses of Europe where royal families often married among each other because tradition did not allow them to marry people of non-royal class.

The high amount of mentally retarded and handicapped royalties throughout European history shows the unhealthy consequences of this practice. Luckily, the royal families have now allowed themselves to marry for love and not just for status. 

The Muslim culture still practices inbreeding and has been doing so for longer than any Egyptian dynasty. This practice also predates the world’s oldest monarchy (the Danish) by 300 years.

A rough estimate shows that close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred: In Pakistan, 70 percent of all marriages are between first cousins (so-called "consanguinity") and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2 2009 More stillbirths among immigrants"

Statistical research on Arabic countries shows that up to 34 percent of all marriages in Algiers are consanguine (blood related), 46 percent in Bahrain, 33 percent in Egypt, 80 percent in Nubia (southern area in Egypt), 60 percent in Iraq, 64 percent in Jordan, 64 percent in Kuwait, 42 percent in Lebanon, 48 percent in Libya, 47 percent in Mauritania, 54 percent in Qatar, 67 percent in Saudi Arabia, 63 percent in Sudan, 40 percent in Syria, 39 percent in Tunisia, 54 percent in the United Arabic Emirates and 45 percent in Yemen (Reproductive Health Journal, 2009 Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabs.). 

A large part of inbred Muslims are born from parents who are themselves inbred - which increase the risks of negative mental and physical consequenses greatly.

The amount of blood related marriages is lower among Muslim immigrants living in the West. Among Pakistanis living in Denmark the amount is down to 40 percent and 15 percent among Turkish immigrants (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2 2009 More stillbirths among immigrants".).

More than half of Pakistani immigrants living in Britain are intermarried:

The research, conducted by the BBC and broadcast to a shocked nation on Tuesday, found that at least 55% of the community was married to a first cousin. This is thought to be linked to the probability that a British Pakistani family is at least 13 times more likely than the general population to have children with recessive genetic disorders.” (Times of India, 17/11 2005 Ban UK Pakistanis from marrying cousins).

The lower percentages might be because it is difficult to get the chosen family member to the country, or because health education is better in the West.

Low intelligence

Several studies show that children of consanguineous marriages have lower intelligence than children of non-related parents. Research shows that the IQ is 10-16 points lower in children born from related parents and that abilities related to social behavior develops slower in inbred babies: 

"Effects of parental consanguinity on the cognitive and social behavior of children have been studied among the Ansari Muslims of Bhalgapur, Bihar.

IQ in inbred children (8-12 years old) is found to be lower (69 in rural and 79 in suburban populations) than that of the outbred ones (79 and 95 respectively). The onset of various social profiles like visual fixation, social smile, sound seizures, oral expression and hand-grasping are significantly delayed among the new-born inbred babies." (Indian National Science Academy, 1983 Consanguinity Effects on Intelligence Quotient and Neonatal Behaviours of nsari Muslim Children").

The article "Effects of inbreeding on Raven Matrices" concludes that "Indian Muslim school boys, ages 13 to 15 years, whose parents are first cousins, were compared with classmates whose parents are genetically unrelated on the Raven Standard Progressive Matrices, a nonverbal test of intelligence. The inbred group scored significantly lower and had significantly greater variance than the non-inbred group, both on raw scores and on scores statistically adjusted to control for age and socioeconomic status." (Behaviour Genetics, 1984). 

Another study shows that the risk of having an IQ lower than 70 goes up 400 percent from 1.2 percent in children from normal parents to 6.2 percent in inbred children: "The data indicate that the risk for mental retardation in matings of normal parents increases from 0.012 with random matings to 0.062 for first-cousin parentage." (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 1978 Effect of inbreeding on IQ and mental retardation"). The study A study of possible deleterious effects of consanguinity concludes, that "The occurrence of malignancies, congenital abnormalities, mental retardation and physical handicap was significantly higher in offspring of consanguineous than non-consanguineous marriages."

Mental and physical diseases and death

The risk of stillbirth doubles when parents are first cousins (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2 2009 More stillbirths among immigrants). One study analyzed the risk of perinatal death (the child dies during its own birth), infant death (child dies while still infant) and autosomal recessive disorders (serious and often deadly genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy):
Perinatal mortality in the Pakistani children was 1.5 times higher than that in the Norwegian children, and infant mortality in the Pakistani children was more than double that in the Norwegian children. Deaths due to autosomal recessive disorders were 18 times more common in the Pakistani children. Similarly, deaths due to multiple malformations, which may be part of unrecognized autosomal recessive syndromes, were 10 times more common.
(BMJ, 1994 Infant death and consanguineous marriage.)

There are also evidence suggesting that inbred people has a higher risk of developing mental disorders: "The clinical observations indicated that depression is very high in some communities where the consanguinity of marriages is also high." (Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2009 "Relationship between consanguinity and depression in a south Indian population". 

Another study focused on the relationship between intermarriage and schizophrenia: "The closer the blood relative, the more likely was there to be a schizophrenic illness." (American Psychiatric Press, 1982 The role of genetic factors  in the ethiology of the schizophrenic disorders.

The increased risk of insanity among children of marriages between cousins might explain why immigrant patients are stressing the psychiatric system and are strongly overrepresented among insane criminals: "In Sct. Hans Hospital, which has the biggest ward for clinically insane criminals in Denmark, more than 40 percent of the patients have an immigrant background." (Kristeligt Dagblad, 26/6 2007 Ethnic minorities overrepresented among the criminal insane).

Implications for the Western and the Muslim World

The consequences for offspring of consanguineous marriages are unpleasantly clear: Death, low intelligence or even mental retardation, handicaps and diseases often leading to a slow and painful death. Other consequences are:

Limited social skills and understanding, limited ability to manage education and work procedures and painful treatment procedures. The negative cognitive consequences also influence the executive functions. The impairment of concentration and emotional control most often leads to anti-social behavior.

The economic costs and consequences for society of inbreeding are of course secondary to the reality of human suffering.

However, inbreeding among Muslims has severe implications for both the Western societies and the Muslim world.

Expenses related to mentally and physically handicapped Muslim immigrants drains the budget for other public services: "When cousins have children together, they are twice as likely to have a disabled child - it costs municipal funds dearly. Disabled immigrant children costs Danish municipalities millions. In Copenhagen County alone, the number of disabled children in the overall increase of 100 percent at 10 years. ... Meredith Lefelt has contacted 330 families with disabled children in Copenhagen. She estimates that one third of their clients have a foreign cultural background." (BT, 10/11 2003 Immigrants inbreeding costing one million

On top come the expenses for Muslim immigrants who - because of different consequences of being born from blood related parents - are not able to live up to the challenges of our Western work market: Muslim immigrants and their descendants in Europe have a very high rate of unemployment. 

The same goes for Muslims in USA, where the Gallup Institute made a study involving 300.000 people concluding “The majority of Muslims in USA have a lower income, are less educated and have worse jobs than the population as a whole.” (Berlingske Tidende, d. 3. marts 2009: Muslims thrive in USA.

The cognitive consequences of Muslim inbreeding might explain why non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the Danish army's intelligence test than native Danes: "19.3% of non-Western immigrants are not able to pass the Danish army's intelligence test. In comparison, only 4.7% of applicants with Danish background do not pass." (TV 2 Nyhederne, 13/6 2007 Immigrants flunk army test.

It probably also explains - at least partly - why two thirds of all immigrant school children with Arabic backgrounds are illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system: "Those who speak Arabic with their parents have an extreme tendency to lack reading abilities - 64 percent are illiterate. ... No matter if it concerns reading abilities, mathematics or science, the pattern is the same: The bilingual (largely Muslim) immigrants' skills are exceedingly poor compared to their Danish classmates." (Rockwool Foundation Research Unit, May 2007: Ethnic students does not make Danish children worse.

The high expenses on special education for slow learners consumes one third of the budget for the Danish schools. “Immigrant children are clearly overrepresented on Copenhagen’s schools for retarded children and children with physical handicaps. … 51 percent of the children on the three schools in Copenhagen for children with physical and mental handicaps har immigrant back ground and on one of the schools the amount is 70 percent. … These amounts are significantly higher than the share of immigrant children in the municipality, which is 33 percent. The many handicapped children are a clear evidence that there are many intermarried parents in the immigrant families.” (Jydske Vestkysten, 4/4 2009 Tosprogede i overtal på handicapskoler). 

Our high level of education may also make it harder for inbred students to follow and finish their studies: "Young people with minority backgrounds have a significantly higher dropout rate at secondary schools than youth with a Danish background. For trade school education, the dropout rate among immigrants is 60 percent, twice as high among adolescents with a Danish background....

There is great variation in educational outcomes when compared with national origin. For example, dropout among young people with Lebanese or Iranian background is far greater than among people of Vietnamese background." (Center for Knowledge on Integration in Randers, May 2005 “Youth, education and integration“). ”Among immigrant children that are born and raised in Denmark, more than a third has no education. Among native Danes it is less than one fifth that do not get an education. (Statistics Denmark: “Indvandrere i 2007”. 

The negative consequences of inbreeding are also vast for the Muslim world. Inbreeding may thus explain why only nine Muslims ever managed to receive the prestigious Nobel Prize (5 of them won the "Peace Prize" - for peace that turned out not to last for very long).

The limited ability to understand, appreciate and produce knowledge following a limited IQ is probably also partly the reason why Muslim countries produce 1/10 of the World average when it comes to scientific research: "In 2003, the world average for production of articles per million inhabitants was 137, whereas none of the 47 OIC countries for which there were data achieved production above 107 per million inhabitants. The OIC average was just 13." (Nature 444, p. 26-27, 1. November 2006 ”Islam and science: The data gap”. 

The lack of interest in science and human development in the Muslim World is also clear in the UN Arab Human Development Reports (AHDR). AHDR concludes that there have been fewer books translated into Arabic in the last thousand years than the amount of books translated within the country of Spain every year:

"The Arab world translates about 330 books annually, one fifth of the number that Greece translates. The cumulative total of translated books since the Caliph Maa'moun's [sic] time (the ninth century) is about 100,000, almost the average that Spain translates in one year." (Eugene Rogan ”Arab Books and human development”. Index of Censorship, vol. 33, issue 2 April 2004, p. 152-157). "70 percent of the Turkish citizens never read books."(APA, 23 February 2009 “).


There is no doubt that the wide spread tradition of first cousin marriages among Muslims has harmed the gene pool among Muslims. Because Muslims’ religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims and thus prevents them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are most likely massive. The overwhelming direct and indirect human and societal consequences have been explained above.

Compassion for the health of future generations should be enough to ban intermarriage among first cousins. The economic and societal consequences do also count. Such a ban would also lessen Muslim immigration to the West because many Muslim families would like to be able to continue their practice of intermarriage in order to live up to cultural and religious traditions and keep wealth and power inside their family.

A legislative ban on first cousin marriages is a logical and compassionate imperative for both the Muslim world, for EU and our Western national governments.

God bless,

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

President Ronald Reagan’s First Christmas Message to the Nation

God bless,
and Merry Christmas,

Nun pleads for Christians raped, sold, killed by ISIS

Refugees live 'like animals' in camps

 It is the season of “peace on Earth,” but Sister Hatune Dogan has a chill in her spirit that could only be felt in a time of war.
The Orthodox Christian nun feels it with each new atrocity committed against the Yazidi and Christian minorities of Syria and Iraq. She feels it in the church burnings across Egypt and the slaughter of innocent children in Pakistan.

For this reason she brought a word of warning to Americans in a visit last week to Minnesota, where she spoke to several church groups.

Today’s political climate draws her back to 1915 and her native Turkey, when her family experienced the cruelty of the Ottoman caliphate, which slaughtered 3 million Christians and reduced others to second-class status under subjugation, or “dhimmitude.”

ISIS is nothing new, she said, just the re-emergence of Islam’s dark side.

“ISIS is not fanatic. ISIS is not more terrible. ISIS is real Muslim believers who like to follow the Quran and Muhammad,” said the founder of Warburg, Germany-based Sister Hatune Foundation, a worldwide relief organization that has been honored by the German government for its dedication to human rights. “Others say they are Muslim. They say they believe Quran, but they don’t follow it.”

Armenian Christians accounted for about half of the 3 million victims in Turkey, but the other half were Christians of various ethnic backgrounds – Greek Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox and Protestants.  All felt the boot of jihad against their heads.

Sister Hatune arrived last Thursday at the Atlanta airport for a stopover on her way back to Germany. She was dressed in traditional black garments and a habit covering her hair. She wore a simple wooden crucifix around her neck and carried with her a well-worn copy of the Quran, which has become her constant companion wherever she goes to teach about the current situation in the Middle East.

She believes Christians in the West should learn what is written in the Muslim holy book. If they did, they would realize that the Islamic State, also called ISIS, is not doing anything that hasn’t been done in the past by devout Muslims who have conquered a people they see as “infidels.”

Where are all the Christians?

Sister Hatune points to the fact that 96 percent of the people who populated the Middle East at the turn of the eighth century were Christian. Now, that Christian population has dwindled to 6 percent. Turkey was once almost all Christian, but now it is 0.03 percent Christian. Iraq had 1 million Christians under Saddam Hussein, but now only a few thousand remain, and the churches of Baghdad will be mostly empty this Christmas.

“Where are these Christians? Where are these people? Just ask yourself,” said the fiery nun, whose native tongue is Aramaic.

Her family initially lived in Turkey as Jews, but later her entire village converted to Christianity.

Born in 1970 the middle daughter of 10 children, Sister Hatune learned to speak 13 languages, but none make her more proud than Aramaic.

“This is the language of Jesus,” she told WND.

The Sister Hatune Foundation works in 35 countries with Matthew 25:34-40 as its mission statement – feeding, clothing, sheltering and providing medical care to the poor and persecuted of the world. She has been making regular trips to the Middle East since 2005, and ISIS presents a new challenge: trying to rescue orphaned children from its clutches.

Sister Hatune returned to her home convent in Germany for only a few days before she will make another trip to the Middle East to celebrate Christmas with persecuted Christians. She was with them in November when she visited refugee camps in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. She also sneaked into Syria to meet with Christians there.

“They need your support. Without your support they can’t continue,” she says in avideo showing her with a group of Yazidi refugees. “They live like animals. Starving. No food. Unsanitary. No one should have to live like this.”

It’s a plight she is all too familiar with. Her question “What happened to all the Christians?” is purely rhetorical and completely personal. Her family lived through the genocide of 1915 in Turkey, the country from which her parents fled in 1985.

Her great-aunt Sarah lived through the persecution in Zaz, a small village in southeastern Turkey, in 1915.

“She was 18 years old, very beautiful. One of the Muslim men saw her and said, ‘She is beautiful. She belongs to me,’” Sister Hatune said.

Sarah had four brothers, a mother and father, several cousins, aunts and uncles living in the village.

“Twelve in all, in October 1915, they killed in front of her eyes,” Sister Hatune said, motioning with her hands and speaking in a thick accent. “Shot them in front of her eyes.”

The operation was carried out by Islamic jihadists, both Turks and Kurds, with the blessing of the Turkish army.

“It was planned,” she said.

In all, 365 members of her family’s church, St. Demetrios, were murdered, representing about half of the village’s population.

“First they shot them. More than half were still alive so they burned them alive in the church in 1915 in my village,” she said.

Her great-grandmother had two children and was forced in 1921 to beg her Muslim masters to let her keep one of them and raise him as a Christian.

It is the same experience playing out today under ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

“The most beautiful ones they take for their wives and say ‘now you have to be Muslim,’” said Sister Hatune.

The others are forced to convert or die. Many have been slaughtered in front of their parents. She has one video smuggled out of Iraq that shows three young boys, around 5 or 6 years old, being psychologically tormented by their eventual killer.

“Tell me which one should I cut first,” the man asks them in Arabic.

A long butcher knife sits on a table beside him.

“Come put your head here,” he says, as the boys scream in terror.

They take a step back, but the confines of the small room leave nowhere to run.

When neither boy steps forward to volunteer his neck, the man yells: “Come all of you. Come all of you!”

He grabs one of the boys. The one in the white shirt. The boy screams and the other two cry.

“Are you ISIS?” the man yells over the screaming boy. “Are you ISIS?”

“No!” the boy answers through his tears.

All three were beheaded. The nun said she received the video from a relative of the three boys.

In another video, shot in 2013, three Christian priests are shown being led out into a field with their hands bound. A Muslim man wrestles one priest to the ground and slices his head off while several hundred Muslims yell: “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!”

‘I Believe in Action’

Drawing on her own family background, Sister Hatune has recently finished work on her 13th book, “I Believe in Action,” written to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Christian genocide in Turkey. In this book she compares the life of Jesus to that of Muhammad, Islam’s main prophet.

“I not write from my head. All facts,” she said. “Muhammad came and he brought killing, beheading, pedophilia. He slept with a 9-year-old girl, he married when she was 6 years old. We know because she says it herself in the Hadith. In Yemen today, where Shariah is the law, they have to marry the girl before her first menstruation, maximum of age 13, because it is written.”

Sister Hatune thumbs through her Quran and finds another verse that she says leads Muslims to murder Christians in the Middle East.

“Twenty-five times in Quran it says to kill Christians because we are involved in polytheism,” she said, explaining that Muslims do not understand the concept of the Holy Trinity. “Also it says to not make friends with Christians.”

Europe is on its way to becoming the next battleground for Islam, especially Belgium and France, where Muslims make up 6 to 10 percent of the population. Sister Hatune’s adopted country of Germany is at least 4 percent Muslim and has more than 4,000 mosques.

“A mosque is not just for prayer,” the nun said. “It is to prepare to kill the unbeliever and control the world.”

In the Quran there are 97 verses against the unbeliever.

“And there are verses against the Christians who say God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or that Jesus is the Son of God. They have to be beheaded, the head cut off from the neck; no other interpretation. This is what the Muslims are doing. Normal Muslims, who are really Muslims, have to follow this rule,” she said. “There will never be peace on Earth if these verses of the Quran are not stopped. It is in the Quran, Hadith and sunna 36,800 times, the words ‘cut,’ ‘kill’ or ‘attack.’ How can there be peace on Earth?”

The Quran also gives Muslim men permission to rape girls and women who are held captive as slaves (Sura 23:5-6).

In conquered cities, ISIS has marked the homes of Christians with a red symbol of the Nazarene. They are then visited by ISIS militants who bring unspeakable horrors upon the families.

Sister Hatune says it is justified under Sura 5:33 in the Quran, which states:

“Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land.”
Muslim apologists in the West say the verse is taken out of context by “Islamophobes,” but Sister Hatune believes otherwise.

“Those of us Christians from Middle East. We know them. We know their rules,” she said.

Today there are 57 Islamic countries living under Islamic law.

“Education is not allowed for the girls. The women are created for the sex for the gents,” she said. “If she becomes raped she has to bring four men with her as witness. Of course it is impossible, so she will be stoned. There are so many women and girls who die from stoning.”

Sister Hatune recalls going to school in Turkey as a young girl. Even though everyone in her village was Christian, no Christians were allowed to hold positions of authority under Islamic law, so all her teachers were Muslim.  If the Christian children were caught going to church the teacher would beat them, usually by striking their hands with a metal rod.

She said the Turkish government confiscated all the guns from Christians before launching a violent jihad against them.

“Village by village they came and said, ‘If you don’t give your guns we will put you in prison for seven years,’” she said.

At the age of 14 Sister Hatune left Turkey with her parents in 1985, finding refuge in Germany. She joined a monastery there called the Sisters Serving Christ when she was 16.

“We were a rich family. They threatened my father to cut him here,” she said with a tug on the lower portion of her ear. “He run away. He said this is enough. We must leave everything and go.”

Theodore Shoebat, son of former Palestinian terrorist-turned Christian Walid Shoebat, described Sister Hatune in a Dec. 30, 2013 article as a modern-day Mother Theresa.

“Hatune’s willingness to help the persecuted is so immense that it surpasses what anyone is doing today in the Middle East,” Shoebat wrote. “She has visited 38 countries and worked in the Ministry of Charitable and Social Service in Zimbabwe, Turkey and in India. Her righteous deeds of course receive the vociferous wrath of the jihadists, in the words of Dogan, ‘I get 18 death threats in seven languages.’”

A message for America

Sister Hatune came to America last week to seek donations for her ministry to the persecuted minorities of Iraq, Syria, Egypt and India. Most of these minorities are Christian but many in Iraq and Syria are of the ancient Yazidi sect. In one video Sister Hatune appears in a Yazidi refugee camp surrounded by families who have nothing but the clothes on their backs.

She came to America with a plea for help. But she also came with a message for Americans.

“America is inviting its own slaughterers to its door,” she said, referring to the U.S. policy of taking in Muslim refugees through the United Nations refugee program.

WND reported Dec. 11 that the U.N. has assigned 9,000 mostly Muslim refugees from Syria for resettlement in U.S. cities and towns and the U.S. has accepted nearly 2 million from Muslim countries since 1992.

“You have already a parallel society in America,” Sister Hatune said. “In 50 years they will kill your grandchildren before your eyes. The Middle East is already here. It is here. It is not far from here. It is at your door.”

That’s a message many churches in Minnesota were not ready to hear, said Debra Anderson, who heads a local chapter of ACT! For America and sponsored Sister Hatune’s recent visit.

“She wanted to do something active. She felt faith without works was dead,” Anderson said. “But it was rough trying to get her invited to speak at the churches in Minnesota. Some of it was her message. She is very critical of the Muslim governments.”

One church group that invited her to speak gave her a reception that Anderson described as “cool.”

They visited an order of Catholic nuns and “five or six of them walked out near the end of her presentation,” she said.

“Some of the photos of human suffering she showed in her presentation; I think they were really shaken,” Anderson said. “I don’t know that they had ever been challenged in their way of thinking like that. But it was all facts. We told them to check out other experts.

“But I had this one nun just interrupt me and say, ‘I am not going to listen to her anymore,’” Anderson said. “I had a hard time getting her into the churches. I really did.”
Anderson said she put out a request for speaking venues to some 800 people on her email list representing various Christian denominations.

Only a few responded with invitations.

One of the nuns from the convent in Minnesota interrupted Sister Hatune’s presentation with a specific concern.

“Sister, that’s enough,” she said, voicing her concern about a potential backlash against Muslims in the community if Sister Hatune’s documentation were to ever get widely disseminated.

But while some were repelled by the stories of thousands of girls being raped and the images of Christians being crucified by ISIS or Muslims playing soccer with the heads of their victims, others responded by coming up afterward and asking how they could get more information and possibly get involved in helping these persecuted Christians.

“My mission is to help the suffering people where they are,” Sister Hatune said. “They cannot come to me, so I go to them. One hundred percent of donations go to the suffering people. We are all volunteer. We are total independent. We have no big donor now. I wish. We have two fish and five loaves, and God is multiplying.”

The work is carried out by 5,000 volunteers with no paid staff, Sister Hatune said.

An elderly German man left the Orthodox nun a small stipend to live on when he died. She pays out of her own pocket for travel, or has a sponsor pay for her flight, as was the case with her trip to Minnesota.

Now she is making plans to return to the Middle East for Christmas, hoping to bring some gifts for children.

One of those who heard her message asked her if she was afraid.

“Everyone has fear,” Sister Hatune said. “But I am called to show solidarity. You do that, not with talk, but with action, with duty. Jesus is my body guard.”

The nun says Islamic culture is basically “like a dog,” in that it must be confronted. If there is a void or a weakness in the Christian culture, the Muslims will sense that weakness and continue to march through and intimidate the native culture.

“You cannot be afraid of Islam culture,” she said. “If you run, they will come after you like dog culture. You must stand your ground. I don’t say fight. I say resist. I say to them, ‘Stop. I don’t want you. I have my own God.’ They come here thinking to conquer the country. If they don’t accept the American way of life, go back to your home. The government has to understand this.”

God bless, 


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sheriff Joe scores victory against Obama's amnesty

Legal challenge now on fast track

by - Bob Unruh

A judge has sided with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in the first clash in what is expected to be a major court fight over the legality – or not – of Barack Obama’s looming amnesty program, ordering a fast track for case arguments and hearings.

The announcement came on Wednesday from U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell in Washington, and granted a motion from Arpaio’s attorney, Larry Klayman of FreedomWatch, to move things along quickly.

Two Justice Department lawyers representing Obama in the fight had wanted their initial response delayed for weeks – for one thing because of the coming Christmas season.

But Howell ordered Obama to respond to Arpaio’s motion for a preliminary injunction – to protect the U.S. while the merits of the amnesty program are debated in court – by Dec. 15. A full preliminary injunction hearing is set for Dec. 22.

Arpaio, through his attorney, was the first to file a complaint regarding Obama’s executive order that grants legal status to approximately 4.7 million illegal aliens who broke U.S. law to enter.

“We are very pleased that Judge Howell has ordered an expedited hearing on our motion for preliminary injunction which asks to preserve the status quo and stop the implementation of President Obama’s executive order,” Klayman said. “The executive order violates the Constitution, as it seeks to circumvent the powers which the Framers delegated to Congress.”

He continued, “Importantly, if this executive order is not preliminarily enjoined at the outset of this litigation, severe irreparable harm will result, as it thwarts Sheriff Arpaio’s duties and responsibilities as the chief law enforcement officer of Maricopa County, Arizona. As stated by the sheriff upon filing suit: ‘This unconstitutional act will have a serious detrimental impact. Specifically, it will severely strain our resources. Among the many negative [e]ffects of this executive order, will be the increased release of criminal aliens back onto streets of Maricopa County, Arizona, and the rest of the nation.’”

“As was true in the recent case which I filed against the NSA, styled Klayman, et. al v. Obama, et. al (13-cv-00851), one day that constitutional rights are violated is one day too long,” Klayman continued. “In the NSA case, the Fourth Amendment rights of nearly all Americans were violated. In this case concerning Obama’s immigration order, the constitutional powers of the Congress are being flouted.”

WND had just reported that Obama’s attorneys were trying to throw a wrench in Arpaio’s attempt to prevent the amnesty.

The timing is crucial, his complaint argued, because the government already is pouring resources into meeting the orders, and the offer of amnesty likely will draw a whole new flood of illegal aliens.

Department of Justice attorneys Adam Kirschner and Brad Cohen had argued to a federal court in Washington, D.C., that Christmas is coming, and they need a lot more time.

The attorneys had asked that they be allowed until the second half of January even to submit an initial response to Arpaio’s motion for a preliminary injunction, even though the administration has boasted it has thoroughly examined the legality of Obama’s immigration action.

“This timeline is also warranted because it will be particularly difficult to address the array of issues presented on a condensed schedule in light of the upcoming holidays,” the attorneys said.

Klayman told the judge, however, that “the defendants obviously have already extensively reviewed and analyzed their view of the law and precedents. On Nov. 20, 2014, the Office of Legal Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice released its 33 page legal memorandum for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.”

Klayman told the judge the Obama administration officials “have not only evidenced but publicly boasted that they have extensively examined these issues legally.”

Klayman’s submission to the court noted that even though Obama never signed a formal executive order on his immigration action, the impact is that programs and procedures are being changed already to meet his demands.

The president’s decision, Klayman wrote, “orders direct DHS personnel including the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and ICE to immediately suspend enforcement of immigration laws with regard to any who appear to be eligible for the new deferred action programs, even though such persons might not yet be able to apply for formal recognition.”

The instructions also tell law enforcement officials to “immediately” begin identifying those who could be given the special benefit.

Klayman also argued that the federal government already has leased office space and begun the process of hiring 1,000 new workers to process the illegals through Obama’s amnesty program.

All of those actions would be for nothing if a court rules that the program doesn’t meet the Constitution’s requirements, he wrote.

“By contrast if the implementation is simply delayed until a court decision, there will be no such harm,” he said.

Another injury would result from a new flood of illegals drawn by the promise of amnesty, he said.

“America witnessed the tragedy and the shock as thousands of ‘unaccompanied minors’ rushed across the nation’s southern border shared with Mexico in the summer of 2014. Some of these ‘unaccompanied minors’ were middle-aged men with gray hair claiming to be 17 years old without identity documents, some intact families but misreported among the news, but some children as young as four (4) years old. Young men and middle-aged men – lacking any documentation but claiming to be 17 years old – were placed in high schools next to 16 and 17 year old girls.”

The fallout has resulted in “an epidemic of Enterovirus D68 and most likely hepatitis,” he said.

“The Department of Homeland Security should be ordered to stop issuing any new DACA amnesty or work permits or renewing DACA status and Employment Authorization Cards until the court can analyze, review, and decide upon whether DACA status is legally valid and constitutional.”

The original lawsuit, filed only hours after Obama’s immigration announcement was made, names Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Immigration Services chief Leon Rodriquez and Attorney General Eric Holder as defendants.

It seeks to avoid “irreversible harm” from Obama’s actions because they will “encourage[e] more illegal aliens to enter the country unlawfully.”

Arpaio, who has been consistently at odds with the Obama administration, released a statement at the time: “I am not seeking to myself enforce the immigration laws as this is the province of the federal government. Rather, I am seeking to have the president and the other defendants obey the U.S. Constitution, which prevents this executive order from having been issued in the first place. This unconstitutional act must be enjoined by a court of law on behalf of not just myself, but all of the American people.”

God bless,

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Grass-roots revolt over 'huge deception' by GOP

Massive push for ouster of Boehner, McConnell

From: World Net Daily

by - Leo Hohmann

The time to fight amnesty is now, say the leaders of 10 activist groups, but with leaders in the Congress like Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., the fight looks more like a dog rolling over for its master.

That’s why the groups – which include tea party and anti-illegal immigration activists – have signed a letter calling on Republicans to oust Boehner and McConnell from their respective posts in the House and Senate, citing evidence they have colluded with the White House to legalize five million illegal aliens. That, they say, can only be interpreted as an open invitation for more illegals to cross the border.

An omnibus spending bill up for a vote this week, possibly as early as tonight or Thursday, includes spending for the Department of Homeland Security that will be used to implement amnesty. Nearly $1 billion in aid would go to integrate illegals into communities nationwide.

William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration and one of the signatories to the letter, says the bill before the House is a betrayal of the values represented by more than 70 percent of the people who voted in last month’s mid-term elections.

“They’re mocking the public and it’s a huge deception. We can’t allow that deception to prevail. What we need right now is we need the phones ringing off the hook,” Gheen said. “Word in D.C. is Boehner is hell bent on getting his plan through to help Obama with the budget and American citizens out there now have less than 48 hours to respond and take action to change that.”

Gheen is joined in the letter by the leaders of Tea Party Nation, Restore American Liberty, 2 Million Bikers to D.C., Overpasses for America, Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform, N.C. Listen, NCFIRE, Riders USA and The Remembrance Project.

Numbers USA is also motivating its members to send a message to the Republicans in Congress. The nation’s largest anti-immigration group has thus far stopped short of calling for Boehner and McConnell to resign their leadership posts, but the group sent an email alert to its members Tuesday that said any vote for “Boehner’s CR omnibus amnesty bill” will be remembered and duly noted as a vote for amnesty.

“Numbers USA will score as a vote for amnesty a vote for the CR omnibus that House GOP Leaders intend to bring to the floor this week, unless it includes language to defund the President’s unconstitutional amnesty,” the email said.

“It should be obvious to all Members, as it is to Americans, that Congress cannot in good faith fund an unconstitutional act for any period of time,” the email continued. “Without question, the Department of Homeland Security, and more specifically, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, would play the central role in carrying out the President’s unconstitutional amnesty. There should be no debate about restricting their ability to use fees or appropriations to do so.”

But the DHS should not be the only agency that gets handcuffed by Congress, the Numbers USA email said. It listed the Social Security Administration, the IRS, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Justice Department as all having roles in amnesty that must be defunded.

According to the Senate Conservatives Fund, the following Republican leaders in the House want to pass a $1.1 trillion spending bill that funds the president’s “unlawful executive amnesty.”
1. Rep. John Boehner, Speaker of the House
2. Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., majority leader
3. Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., majority whip
4. Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., chief deputy whip
5. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., conference chair
6. Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., NRCC chair
7. Rep. Luke Messer, R-Indiana, policy committee chair
8. Rep. Hal Rogers, R-Ky,, appropriations committee chair
9. Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, rules committee chair
10. Rep. Bill Flores, R-Texas, Republican study committee chair
They are ignoring millions of Americans who oppose this action and tens of thousands of people who have been urging them to honor their oath and defend the Constitution, the Senate Conservative Fund stated.

Gheen sees the actions of Boehner and McConnell as nothing short of a criminal conspiracy in which the two congressional leaders talk as if they are against amnesty while working to support it.

At this point, only “burning up the phone lines” will stop the collusion of the two parties, he says. But time is running out.

The vote on the spending bill is scheduled to take place within the next 12 to 48 hours.

On an earlier bill, House Bill 5759 that passed last Friday, the House leadership changed the text at the last minute, swapping out language that was meant to condemn Obama’s executive actions as illegal for language that actually gives Obama legal cover for his amnesty policies. The legal cover came in the form of an “exception” where amnesty would be allowed in cases where immigrants are at “imminent risk of serious bodily harm,” which is what Obama has been arguing all along was the pretext for granting amnesty.

So many of the Republican House members who thought they were voting in favor of stopping Obama’s executive amnesty were actually voting to protect the president from any legal challenges, as explained by Rep. Louie Gohmert in a statement over the weekend.

“Switching the text of that bill, a lot of people are shocked and in disbelief about Boehner’s procedural slight of hand,” Gheen said. “It is so disturbing to people that they don’t want to believe it’s true. ‘I hope this isn’t true’ or ‘this can’t be happening,’ they’re saying. There’s a lot of denial, it’s not really sinking in for some folks.”

But as more people get wind of the story coming out of Washington this week, more of them don’t like the way it smells, he said.

“From our viewpoint Boehner and McConnell are both too far gone, too closely tied into the Obama camp on immigration to ever be trusted,” he said.

ALIPAC has identified 30 Republican senators as against the Obama-Boehner-McConnell camp, which means they out-number the pro-amnesty Republicans by a 2-to-1 margin in the Senate. In the House the advantage for anti-amnesty lawmakers is even greater at 3 to 1.

“We have the numerical advantage, what we need is just the amount of public output here to push lawmakers to oust Boehner and McConnell,” said Gheen, who believes secret meetings on amnesty have been held “through proxies” between the Republican leaders and the White House.

He also cites a report by radio host Mark Levin that McConnell worked behind the scenes last year to pass Senate Bill 744, widely considered by conservatives to be an amnesty bill.

“He was organizing for it and then voted against it to avoid the wrath of the conservative Kentucky voters,” Gheen said.

“It is becoming obvious that if Boehner and McConnell retain their positions there will be no real resistance to Obama and illegal amnesty,” he said. “Obama, Boehner and McConnell are on the same team, and with the evidence we are documenting here the American people should have no real hope that anything will be done to stop Obama.”

Numbers USA has also reported on a vision for America within the Congress that divides across party lines on the issue of immigration.

A large percentage of Congress — a majority on certain measures — believe that virtually all illegal border crossers along with those who enter legally but overstay their visas should be allowed to remain in the U.S. forever, says a report on the Numbers USA website.
“Since 1997, Congress and presidents have several times decided to give various groups of those illegal aliens the right to U.S. citizenship as a reward for their resourcefulness in evading our Border Patrol and immigration laws,” the report states. “Not surprisingly, news of these rewards has spread globally and enticed hundreds of thousands more to become resourceful illegal aliens.

“In Congress, there now is a serious debate about whether the nation should even try to enforce its immigration laws. The debate is between “national-community Americans” — those who continue to believe in the idea of a separate, self-governed nation — and those who have a “post-American” vision. The post-American vision is for (1) America’s workers to be “allowed” to compete directly with every worker in the world who makes the effort to move to this country and for (2) the quality of life of a local community to be determined by global forces rather than by democratic self-determination.”
Gheen says the Constitution is being undermined by a criminal conspiracy to get an unpopular policy, amnesty, implemented in defiance of the expressed will of the American voters.

Gheen says he doesn’t believe Obama would have acted so boldly coming off of an election sweep of his party had he not been assured ahead of time by the GOP leadership in Congress that there would be no serious consequences for taking unilateral action.

He sees any comments by Boehner or McConnell in opposition to Obama’s amnesty as mere lip service meant to fool the public.

“What we need right now is the phones to be ringing off the hook,” Gheen said. He believes that may be the only way to break up the “Obama-Boehner-McConnell amnesty plot” that 74 percent of voters in the last election oppose.

“That’s the ammo right there. That’s the sharp point that can break through this deception,” he said.

Gheen said he hopes the list of leaders calling for Boehner and McConnell to resign will continue to grow. He urges leaders any tea party or liberty groups, any government watchdog organizations, sheriffs or party leaders who wish to join the other 10 organizations to call him at 919-272-8238.

God bless,

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Rams make clear they have no idea what happened in Ferguson

From: Canada Free Press

By Dan Calabrese  December 1, 2014 

 The St. Louis Rams did just about everything right yesterday during the game, as the tire tracks on the backs of the Oakland Raiders can tell you following a 52-0 Rams victory. Before the game was another matter, though, as Rams players Stedman Bailey, Tavon Austin, Jared Cook, Chris Givens and Kenny Britt took the field during pre-game introductions in the so-called “hands up, don’t shoot” pose

This, we’re told, is the gesture being used on the streets of Ferguson to symbolize the total innocence of Michael Brown and the brutality of Darren Wilson in the shooting whose aftermath has set Ferguson ablaze.

It’s a pretty good indication of why professional athletes should stick to the game on the field and not presume to make grand public statements about matters they don’t really understand. It’s gutless and mindless to offer an empty gesture in “solidarity” with people who are burning down an entire community in response to an event they don’t even understand. The media narrative here - that a racist white cop shot an innocent, unarmed black youth - is so far removed from what the evidence suggests actually happened, there’s no way to even begin to bridge the distance between the two.

.And crap like this only exacerbates the problem. A lot of the violence in Ferguson is sheer opportunism, as some people just like to engage in random violence and the atmosphere there gives them the opportunity to do it. But to the extent any of this is fed by a real belief that racist police brutality occurred here, public figures like these morons fuel the fire with such ignorant gestures.

Now that doesn’t mean the NFL should discipline them as St. Louis County Police are asking. I believe people should have the freedom to express themselves however they want without sanction, but their expressions should also be held up for scrutiny in the public arena. The Rams players who participated in this display are ignorant fools who don’t understand anything about what really happened when Michael Brown attacked Darren Wilson, and Wilson was forced to make a split-second decision about how to defend his own life. They’ve not only bought the media narrative, they’ve now advanced it by telling the world that they stand with the thugs.

People went absolutely bananas because Ray Rice hit his wife and because Adrian Peterson struck his son, and I’m not saying they were wrong to do so. But in Ferguson, violent mobs have destroyed much of the city based on a complete media lie, and Bailey, Austin, Cook, Givens and Britt have now congratulated them for it.

Thugs. All of them.

God bless,

Monday, December 1, 2014

2016 nightmare: Bush vs. Clinton

From: World Net Daily

by: Joseph Farah

Now that Thanksgiving is past and we’re just a month away from the beginning of 2015, it’s time for America to consider its political future.

I know many are still basking in the repudiation of Barack Obama and the Democratic Party in the 2014 midterm election, but it’s time to look forward.

The 2016 presidential election, perhaps the last chance to undo the “fundamental transformation” of the country, is around the proverbial corner.

What are we likely looking at as the choice?

Bush vs. Clinton.

No kidding. This is not a bad joke. That’s how the political game is rigged right now by the two major political parties. It’s not an inevitability, but it’s the best bet based on the way the political establishments of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have manipulated the process.

Mitt Romney didn’t just fail to beat Obama in 2012. He also led an effort to rig the 2016 Republican nomination to ensure someone like him would be picked as the GOP nominee. Right now, the odds-on favorite is Jeb Bush – or Chris Christie or maybe even Romney, again.

Can you imagine how bad that would be for America?

Just when it’s critical that the Republican Party, the only viable alternative to the Democrats’ Insane Clown Posse, be strong, bold, innovative, with an eye to redefining itself in the way Ronald Reagan did, it’s drifting along in business-as-usual mode.

The House speaker is John Boehner.

The Senate majority leader is Mitch McConnell.

The presidential nominee is likely to be a Bush or a Christie or a Romney, when it should be a Rand Paul, a Ben Carson, a Ted Cruz or a Mike Huckabee.

There’s only one thing that can change that – very, very hard work by grass-roots activists starting now. And maybe one other thing: The need for one or more of these worthy, anti-establishment candidates to put their own ego in check in favor of the best interests of the country.

Maybe some group of influential Americans who want to restore the country to greatness can get these four worthy men in a room somewhere and winnow down the anti-establishment candidates to just one or two. Otherwise, the primary process, as it has been set up by the establishment, just won’t support a good outcome.

I don’t consider myself wise enough to choose between these four men. There are too many variables. But four good candidates will spread the vote too thin – leaving someone like Jeb Bush to win. That’s the way it looks to me.

What that means will spell disaster for the country.

Do you really think President Jeb Bush, House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are capable and willing to roll back the damage inflicted by eight years of Barack Obama?

No way!

That’s why it’s important for grass-roots activists to engage immediately.

I would be happy with any one of the four – Paul, Carson, Cruz or Huckabee. There’s a lot of talent on the Republican bench. The problem is the “coaches” just won’t play them.

It will take a political miracle to get any of them selected under the rules set forth by Romney, Karl Rove and the other GOP establishment “experts.” They are feeling empowered and energized by the results of 2014. They think they were responsible for the big Republican gains in the House and Senate.

So it’s time to get busy. They are.

If left to inertia, it’s going to be Bush vs. Clinton in 2016, again.

That’s not a choice. It’s a sentence for America.

God bless,