-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Monday, October 31, 2016

FBI Defied Attorney General Lynch in Announcement on Reopening the Clinton Email Investigation!

From: Constitution

by -  Onan Coca October 30, 2016 

Color me unsurprised.

In what has been a ridiculously chaotic roller coaster of an election year, we just had another surprising turn of events. FBI Director James Comey’s decision earlier this week to inform Congress that he was reopening the investigation into the Clinton email scandal sent shockwaves throughout the nation. However, earlier today the New Yorker broke the story explaining that Comey’s announcement almost didn’t happen. Why? What almost kept him from announcing that the FBI had found more disconcerting Clinton emails?

Loretta Lynch.
Yes, the nation’s chief law enforcement officer once again stepped in to try to keep justice from taking place. Jane Mayer, of the New Yorker, explained that Lynch told Comey to keep his mouth shut and stick to the party line of “not commenting on ongoing investigations.”
Comey’s decision to make public new evidence that may raise additional legal questions about Clinton was contrary to the views of the Attorney General, according to a well-informed Administration official. Lynch expressed her preference that Comey follow the department’s longstanding practice of not commenting on ongoing investigations…
According to the Administration official, Lynch asked Comey to follow Justice Department policies, but he said that he was obliged to break with them because he had promised to inform members of Congress if there were further developments in the case. He also felt that the impending election created a compelling need to inform the public, despite the tradition of acting with added discretion around elections.
 Of course, Mayer and the New Yorker focus their story not on Lynch’s pressuring of the FBI Director, or on the new evidence that Hillary Clinton may be a corrupt criminal about to become President. No, they focus on what they call the “unprecedented” nature of Comey’s decision to inform Congress about the investigation. But this isn’t strictly accurate as Ed Morrissey at HotAir.com points out:
That early-July love for Comey appears to have worn off, eh? Some of this is true, but perhaps not as aberrational as the former high-ranking DoJ official would like to acknowledge. Bill Clinton won his first presidential election with a little boost from a last-week indictment of Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger by Iran-Contra special counsel Lawrence Walsh, Paul Mirengoff recollects:
Weinberger had been indicted earlier in the year. But the new indictment cited a Weinberger diary entry that contradicted something President Bush had said.
The Clintons seized on the new indictment, howling about a “culture of corruption” that supposedly pervaded the administration. Bush’s poll numbers declined and Bill Clinton won the election.
Shortly after the election, a federal judge threw out the new indictment because it violated the five-year statute of limitations and improperly broadened the original charges. President Bush then pardoned Weinberger.
There’s no small amount of irony in that, nor in the sudden demands for full transparency from Hillary Clinton and the rest of her team. Had Hillary been transparent about her e-mail server from the beginning — or used the State Department system, which was designed to provide transparency to Congress and the courts while securing the information — she wouldn’t find herself in this mess.
The story should be about the fact that the FBI found enough troubling information in their new source (likely something from the Anthony Weiner investigation) that they were forced to reopen an investigation that they probably wanted to forget about. The story should be that the person most likely to be our next President has now been under FBI scrutiny on two different occasions and that she continues to lie to the American people about what has been going on. The story should be that the Obama administration’s Justice Department has been doing everything within their power to ensure that justice does not take place and that the Democrat candidate wins in November.

Those things should be the heart of the story; instead the New Yorker focuses in on the FBI Director’s decision to tell Congress about the investigation. Seriously?

This may be the perfect example of just how corrupt and screwed up our justice department and the mainstream media have both become.

God bless,

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton Revealed: the Queen of Corruption and Crime

From: Eagle Rising

Written by Greg Holt - October 26, 2016

Is it just me or is the news no longer the news? What is news anyway, or what is the news supposed to be?

Information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by means of newspapers, websites, radio, television, and other forms of media. The Free Dictionary.com
News is information about current events. Wikipedia
News is information that wasn’t known before or current events broadcast over the radio, television, online or in print media. Your Dicionary.com
So – let me see if I have this right, news is information about current events, as in all of the information concerning said events. The media is supposed to report on all of this information so we the public can be informed. Apparently the lame stream media did not receive the memo on this. Take a tour of CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Huffington Post, The New York Times, etc., according to these supposed news sources – Donald Trump is a foul mouthed clueless buffoon. Meanwhile Hillary is the all-knowing savior of the United States who by-the-way made a couple of small mistakes – no big deal, nothing to see here. Apparently most of the major U.S. news sources mislaid a significant portion of the news

Reporting the news would mean reporting what is actually happening, good and bad, both sides of the story, not what the lame stream media decides is good for the public to consume. It really irks this writer that the majority of the media simply decide what they feel is ok for the rest of us to see. If the folks who call themselves journalists actually reported the truth about Hillary like they are so gung-ho to do with Donald, Hillary would not stand a chance of being elected president.

The Deceptive and Dishonest Media  


Instead of reporting on say the enormous amount of revelations coming from Wikileaks concerning Hillary Clinton, the lame stream media not only does not report it, they even attempt to help cover it up. Infowars even referred to Hillary as – editor-in-chief of the main stream media. The main stream media, excuse me, the lame stream media cannot seem to do enough to cozy up to Hillary Clinton. Hillary’s health issues should be of major concern since she is campaigning to be president. If one does a Google search however, one will see little written about it by the LSM. The New York Times gave the Hillary campaign veto power over an article they ran, while other outlets deemed the inquiries into the Clinton Foundation to be media sensationalism, and fake or nonexistent scandals.

Social Media and Search Engine Bias 
Apple – as in the iPhone maker, deemed a podcast carried on iTunes as explicit because it’s subject matter was Donald Trump. Apple as well refused to publish a game that poked fun at Hillary Clinton, but has many that ridicule Donald Trump. Twitter likes to ban conservatives and conservative content, even going so far as to change trending hashtags so nothing negative where Clinton is concerned trends. Instagram bans accounts that show Clinton in a negative perspective. Facebook censors trending news and shuts down pages for having conservative views. Google may be censoring search results to help protect Hillary, and guess who runs the Clinton cartel’s digital campaign? None other than Eric Schmidt, the Executive Chairman of Google’s new parent company, Alphabet.
Hillary Clinton’s Temperament 
Hillary likes to claim that Donald Trump does not posses the required temperament for the job of president, Hillary having been in the Senate as well as having been Secretary of State, does of course. Trump is brash and has something to learn about diplomacy for sure, but this writer can tell you without a doubt, Hillary in no way possesses the temperament for the office of the president. What Hillary does posses is a hair-trigger temper. It is well documented by former Secret Service personnel and others concerning the blow-ups, nasty and condescending comments etc.
Hillary is Anti-police 
Hillary is without a doubt anti-police, she can claim she is on the side of law enforcement but her actions say otherwise. In this article Hillary mentions the ridiculous notion of police terrorism, but she is on the side of the police – uh huh. I could not find an article to link to – but I’m pretty sure Hillary even asked law enforcement to leave her rallies, and she for sure snubbed the endorsement of the National Fraternal Order of Police.

The Clinton Campaign’s Fake Support and Fake Polls 

It seems upon first glance that the masses are gushing undying love and support for their heroine Hillary Clinton.

Did you catch that?

What it seems like and what the reality is, well, that’s two entirely different dogs. Hillary does not have anywhere near the support she is made to look like she has – that support is in large part carefully crafted, manufactured to prop up the Clinton image. Take Hillary’s large Twitter following – many of these followers are fake, and Hillary’s Facebook fans? Some of those are purchased. The truth is largely irrelevant if a large portion of the people in this country are not aware of what the truth is. Social media is a powerful tool, and public perception can be swayed by it when the proper people are manipulating the facts and stats to support a lie that is dressed up to look like the truth.

Hillary and her cohorts have even faked polls that show her in the lead, what a surprise. You can read a very well done article on this over at Daisy Luther.com
Clinton Sabotage and Dirty Tricks Machine
The Clinton campaign in collusion with the Democratic National Committee stacked the deck against fellow Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders thereby insuring his loss. A new batch of Wikileaks emails show that the new head of the DNC, Donna Brazile has also been secretly colluding with the Clinton campaign. As the evidence plainly shows, Hillary Clinton is perfectly willing to step on even fellow Democrats to get what she wants.

The Clinton dirty tricks machine even posted vulgar fake job ads to malign Trump. Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of inciting violence in the not so distant past, remember this? In Hillary’s own words according to Reuters“Yesterday, we witnessed the latest in a long line of casual comments from Donald Trump that crossed the line,” she said, citing “his casual inciting of violence.” Funny (it’s not really) how things work, the one making accusations is now the one known to have actually done what she, (Hillary) accused the Donald of doing in the first place. Some of the violence was staged by cronies working with the Clinton campaign, how about that?

The Clinton campaign has designated the Wikileaks dumps as “Russian Propaganda.” Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta recently suggested that the publicignore the leaked emails as Hillary Clinton is perfectly consistent in her public and private views – uh, WOW, what a whopper that is. That would be like someone  claiming that Richard Nixon had absolutely nothing to do with Watergate, which incidentally Hillary didhave something to do with. And of course the lame stream media (LSM) ignores these revelations because of course it does not matter what wrongs the Clintons commit, only what wrongs Donald Trump may or may not have committed.
The Clinton Crime Syndicate
Hillary and her partner in crime, (pun intended) have a long history of criminal activity. The Clintons were involved in drug running and money laundering back in Arkansas. Hillary while Secretary of State arranged for Russia to purchase twenty percent of U.S. uranium production. Hillary has a history of documents going missing long before her email woes.The Rose Law firm, firing the White House Travel office, Benghazi, etc. The Clintons used the IRS to get to those who apposed them, they used private investigators to harass and intimidate the women Bill Clinton had affairs with or other inappropriate sexual conduct. There is a lot more that the Clintons have been involved in including the trail of dead bodies left behind. You can read a lot more about their checkered past here. More recently Hillary was involved in illegal arms sales and the unnecessary war on Libya.
The Bottom Line
Bill and Hillary Clinton have been involved in illegal and unethical activities for a long time, and as the evidence shows that trend is in full force and effect during her campaign. Hillary will stop at nothing to get what she desires – the presidency of the United States. It does not seem to matter a wit who Hillary has to step on, how many lies she has to tell, or how dirty she has to play. What does matter is getting what she wants, and Hillary has proven she will do anything it takes to get it.

Given the above info, and there is a lot more out there then I have listed here – voting for Hillary regardless of party affiliation makes no sense whatsoever. Even a fellow liberal – reporter Bob Woodward of Watergate fame has stated that Hillary Clinton is corrupt! There are those who will vote for Hillary because of what they perceive that they can get out of Hillary being president. This includes of course huge companies like Google and Apple. I would pose a question here: even getting some things that a person desires whatever those desires may be – is it really worth it if the Clinton cartel attains office and through their actions continue to precipitate the destruction of the United States? Anyone who believes Hillary stands for the good of this country – well you are only fooling yourself.

God bless,

Suicide as Western Nations Allow Themselves to be Taken Over by Muslim Invaders

From: Constitution

By Warner Todd Huston October 28, 2016 

Many radical Muslims have forewarned the west that they intend to enter western nations and then use liberal western laws against their hosts to destroy them from the inside. Sadly, it is nearly impossible to deny that they have been succeeding admirably at their goal.

This destruction from within is occurring in nearly every nation in Europe as well as Australia, Canada, and the United States of America. Every single western nation exhibits multiple examples of Muslims gathering en masse and then daring western authorities to stop them from overwhelming and destroying western systems from within.

Two recent examples perfectly show this tactic, one in Germany and another in Bosnia-Herzegovina
In Bosnia-Herzegovina, for instance, a large group of Muslims have taken over a town and essentially banished native citizens from entering the area. And they are now daring authorities to do something about it.

The town in the eastern European nation was essentially conceived from the beginning as an affront to Bosnians, the UK Express reported.

“Investors from the Middle East built the 160-home luxury estate near Tarcin, which is close to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo,” the paper noted.

The town was then marketed in Kuwait as a Muslim-only community in a country “gifted with beautiful nature by Allah.”

Meanwhile, some of the town’s new residents insist they don’t want any native Bosnians to enter “their” town. “We are Muslim, but we are praying at home and in mosques, and we are a secular state. They are different from us,” one resident said. It begs the question of why go to Bosnia in the first place if you want to remain separated? Why not just stay where you’re at?

The news of the growing Muslim-only town comes on the heels of news from European security services that that a large group of members of ISIS have said they’ve taken root in an Eastern European city and are ready to be activated at any time.

The second story occurred in Germany where German parents were enraged when a local school in the ski resort town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen forced its students to chant “Allahu Akbar” and learn Muslim prayers.

Parents supplied the media with school handouts that read, “Oh Allah, how perfect you are and praise be to you. Blessed is your name, and exalted is your majesty. There is no God but you,” news reports revealed.

The story came on the heels of at least one other school telling German parents that Christmas celebrations have been canceled so as not to upset Muslim immigrants.

By some estimates gangs of illegal Muslim migrants have committed more than 200,000 crimes in Germany since the beginning of the “refugee” crisis — or as should more rightfully be called “invasion.” It’s gotten so bad that the normally uber tolerant German people are now saying that officials should be allowed to shoot and kill illegals as they try to illegally cross the border.

As Europe becomes inundated with hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Syria and other Muslim nations it is becoming clear that these gangs of mostly military aged males are wholly uninterested in becoming true citizens of what ever European nation they’ve entered.

Instead of being appreciative and working to become citizens of their adopted country, tens of thousands of these migrants are bringing violence, destruction, and rape to Europe instead of a desire to become a worthy and productive member of European society.

The most shocking example of this was the New Year’s night attack hundreds of migrants unleashed upon Cologne, France at the beginning of this year. The city was struck with hundreds of Muslims marauding through the city raping and assaulting women and beating up anyone who would move to oppose them.

But by other reports Europe is collectively suffering a Cologne every single day as hundreds of women and children are raped and attacked in an epidemic of violence.

There are literally thousands of other examples of Muslims looking to swamp the west with an avalanche of Muslim immigrants who will refuse to assimilate but there is no better example than the “Calais Jungle” migrant camp in France.

The large Muslim refugee camp at Calais had turned that once picturesque city into what had been called a “war zone” as migrants coursed through the city stealing, raping, and committing acts of vandalism at will with little fear of the authorities.

Western Journalism video recently explained that Calais is a major port city in northern France and is the principal ferry crossing point between England and France near the Channel Tunnel, also known as the “Chunnel.” Calais soon ended up with thousands of migrants living in a makeshift camp which became known as the “Jungle.”

In its video, WJ reveals the testimony of a Calais resident who tells what life is really like for the people of her town since the invasion of illegal Muslim migrants began.

The middle aged woman told an audience that Calais “used to be a very nice town” but since the refugee camp was founded literally thousands of migrants careen through the city destroying, stealing, and attacking everything in their path.

“They bash cars with iron bars, the attack people — they even attack children — there are rapes, there is theft, it is unimaginable what we suffer,” the resident said plaintively. “They enter private houses when people are at home, they just enter, they want to eat, they help themselves, sometimes they also bash the people, stealing what they can and afterwards what they cannot take they destroy.”

The woman said the more the migrants are given the more they demand. She also noted that when local citizens are beaten and robbed the police do nothing saying only, “what do you want? They all look the same; we can do nothing.”

The woman was furious because the French government has abandoned her town and she railed against those foolish enough to say that this sort of untrammeled immigration “enriches” French culture.

“I ask myself where their cultural riches are,” the Calais resident said ruefully. “Because if it is to sack, to destroy, to steal, to rape and so on, the French were fully capable of doing it themselves, one had only to ask.”

At long last, the Calais Jungle is being dismantled and migrants told to leave the area. But it took well over a year for authorities to finally act.

In another example of the destruction from within, the British legal system has been systematically undermined by parallel courts set up by Muslims to “judge” their own community members and the worst thing about it is that British authorities are standing back and allowing this to happen. There is no longer a single rule of law for all Britons. Instead there is the law for native Britons and a separate but equally treated “law” for Muslim immigrants based on barbaric Sharia “law.”

Europe is far from alone with this sort of stuff. The United States is also experiencing these attacks from within. Only this week a Muslim woman in St. Louis, Missouri, brought a lawsuit against a company that wouldn’t hire her. With little proof, she claimed the company passed on employing her because she is a devout Muslim woman who always wears her hijab Muslim headscarf.

And speaking of parallel courts, Muslim communities are trying that game here in the U.S., as well. A Muslim only court was created in a Dallas, Texas, Muslim community a few years ago, for example. The instigators of the court insisted that Texas laws did not apply to them and that they should be allowed to judge their own people without the interference of Texas courts and law enforcement.

Eventually the mayor of the Dallas suburb put an end to the idea, but if she weren’t strong enough to speak out and act, it would have continued.

If you’ve paid any attention at all to the news you’ve heard these stories. What it all comes down it is a Muslim invasion of people entering western countries never with the intent of becoming citizens but always with the desire to force their host nations to accept their barbaric ways and later to conquer by conversion or the sword.

God bless,

Thursday, October 27, 2016

What Happened to the FBI?

From: TownHall

by -Judge Andrew Napolitano - Oct 27, 2016

When FBI Director James Comey announced on July 5 that the Department of Justice would not seek the indictment of Hillary Clinton for failure to safeguard state secrets related to her email use while she was secretary of state, he both jumped the gun and set in motion a series of events that surely he did not intend. Was his hand forced by the behavior of FBI agents who wouldn't take no for an answer? Did he let the FBI become a political tool?

Here is the back story.

The FBI began investigating the Clinton email scandal in the spring of 2015, when The New York Times revealed Clinton's use of a private email address for her official governmental work and the fact that she did not preserve the emails on State Department servers, contrary to federal law. After an initial collection of evidence and a round of interviews, agents and senior managers gathered in the summer of 2015 to discuss how to proceed. It was obvious to all that a prima-facie case could be made for espionage, theft of government property and obstruction of justice charges. The consensus was to proceed with a formal criminal investigation.

Six months later, the senior FBI agent in charge of that investigation resigned from the case and retired from the FBI because he felt the case was going "sideways"; that's law enforcement jargon for "nowhere by design." John Giacalone had been the chief of the New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., field offices of the FBI and, at the time of his "sideways" comment, was the chief of the FBI National Security Branch.

The reason for the "sideways" comment must have been Giacalone's realization that DOJ and FBI senior management had decided that the investigation would not work in tandem with a federal grand jury. That is nearly fatal to any government criminal case. In criminal cases, the FBI and the DOJ cannot issue subpoenas for testimony or for tangible things; only grand juries can.

Giacalone knew that without a grand jury, the FBI would be toothless, as it would have no subpoena power. He also knew that without a grand jury, the FBI would have a hard time persuading any federal judge to issue search warrants. A judge would perceive the need for search warrants to be not acute in such a case because to a judge, the absence of a grand jury can only mean a case is "sideways" and not a serious investigation.

As the investigation dragged on in secret and Donald Trump simultaneously began to rise in the Republican presidential primaries, it became more apparent to Giacalone's successors that the goal of the FBI was to exonerate Clinton, not determine whether there was enough evidence to indict her. In late spring of this year, agents began interviewing the Clinton inner circle.

When Clinton herself was interviewed on July 2 -- for only four hours, during which the interviewers seemed to some in the bureau to lack aggression, passion and determination -- some FBI agents privately came to the same conclusion as their former boss: The case was going sideways.

A few determined agents were frustrated by Clinton's professed lack of memory during her interview and her oblique reference to a recent head injury she had suffered as the probable cause of that. They sought to obtain her medical records to verify the gravity of her injury and to determine whether she had been truthful with them. They prepared the paperwork to obtain the records, only to have their request denied by Director Comey himself on July 4.

Then some agents did the unthinkable; they reached out to colleagues in the intelligence community and asked them to obtain Clinton's medical records so they could show them to Comey. We know that the National Security Agency can access anything that is stored digitally, including medical records. These communications took place late on July 4.

When Comey learned of these efforts, he headed them off the next morning with his now infamous news conference, in which he announced that Clinton would not be indicted because the FBI had determined that her behavior, though extremely careless, was not reckless, which is the legal standard in espionage cases. He then proceeded to recount the evidence against her. He did this, no doubt, to head off the agents who had sought the Clinton medical records, whom he suspected would leak evidence against her.

Three months later -- and just weeks before Clinton will probably be elected president -- we have learned that President Barack Obama regularly communicated with Clinton via her personal email servers about matters that the White House considered classified. That means that he lied when he told CBS News that he learned of the Clinton servers when the rest of us did.

We also learned this week that Andrew McCabe, Giacalone's successor as head of the FBI Washington field office and presently the No. 3 person in the FBI, is married to a woman to whom the Clinton money machine in Virginia funneled about $675,000 in lawful campaign funds for a failed 2015 run for the Virginia Senate. Comey apparently saw no conflict or appearance of impropriety in having the person in charge of the Clinton investigation in such an ethically challenged space.

Why did this case go sideways?

Did President Obama fear being a defense witness at Hillary Clinton's criminal trial? Did he so fear being succeeded in office by Donald Trump that he ordered the FBI to exonerate Clinton, the rule of law be damned? Did the FBI lose its reputation for fidelity to law, bravery under stress and integrity at all times?

This is not your grandfather's FBI -- or your father's. It is the Obama FBI.

God bless,

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hillary Planning Her Escape After a Trump Win With a $1.8 BILLION Money Transfer to QATAR

From: Eagle Rising

by Tony Elliott - October 25, 2016

It appears Bill and Hillary Clinton are making plans to flee the country in the event Donald Trump wins this election. Reports are circulating that the Clinton’s have transferred 1.8 Billion dollars from the Clinton Foundation to the Qatar Central Bank via a facilitation/abatement of JP Morgan Chase & Company for reasons not revealed.

This move of such a large sum of money to the country of Qatar says in itself Hillary Clinton knows she is going to lose the election, and she doesn’t plan to allow her or Bill to be prosecuted for various high crimes and treason under a Trump Administration.

The country of Qatar happens to be one of a handful of countries that does not have an extradition treaty with the United States, thus would be a perfect place for her to run to in escaping justice.

Donald Trump has said many times during his campaign and at the Presidential debates that once he gets into office he intends to prosecute her on various high crimes from her latest crimes of sending classified material via a personal e-mail server to gun-running to terrorist groups in Syria resulting in the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi.

Apparently, Hillary is not the only person in Washington who has made plans to escape justice under a Trump Administration, John Kerry has quietly been selling his property in the US for millions of dollars of late, with an announcement of the sale of his $25 million Nantucket mansion in June 2016 as well as the sale of his yacht for $3.9 million in July 2016.

President Barack H Obama has also apparently been making exit plans with his purchase of a $4.9 million seaside mansion in Dubai in January 2016, another non extradition country.

Snopes and other supposed fact checking sites have debunked both the story of Obama’s purchase of the mansion and the firing of Rear Admiral Rick Williams, however over the last several months these sites have been busted for lying in trying to debunk such information as the before mentioned, when in fact the information is true. Snopes and other sites try their best to keep incriminating information from being believed, but the truth has a way of coming out on its own, as it always has.

The Bush family has been quietly buying property as well with the purchase of 100,000 acres in Paraguay in 2006, yet another country good for the Bush family, since it does not allow extradition to any country if the death penalty is a possibility for the crime. If the corruption is found to go as far back as both of the Bush Administrations with any connections to them being the perpetrators of the events on 9-11, the death penalty would surely be a stipulation of any extradition request. Apparently, if things get going with prosecuting the corrupt and treasonous, the Bush’s plan on getting out of the country as well.

Interestingly, the Bush family’s Nazi connections dating back to WWII seem to have played a part in the Paraguay purchase since most Nazis fled to South America after WWII. Since George H. W. Bush’s father Senator Prescott Bush was director and shareholder in companies that were connected with institutions financially backing the Nazis, the Bush family has a long history of being associated with Nazis.

With the movement of huge amounts of funds, selling millions of dollars in real estate, and the purchase of millions in real estate overseas, we are seeing the plans of the corrupt in Washington who have been ripping of our country in the trillions, murdering US citizens in the thousands, and citizens in foreign countries by the millions since 9-11 finally realizing their crimes against humanity is about to be exposed.

We are also witnessing the change from what amounts to nothing more than a Nazi Dictatorship in Washington to an actual Presidential Administration who not only will look to the Constitution as the basis of all laws, but one who is going to prosecute the criminals in our government and return it to being a government by the people, for the people, and of the people of the USA. Not the Dictatorship over the people, to the people and who disregards the people as we now have in power.

God bless,

Hillary's Climate of Hate

From: TownHall

by - Michelle Malkin - Oct 26, 2016 

Who are the haters? Who are the autocrats? Who are the serial abusers of power?

Only one presidential candidate has wielded the sledgehammer of government against personal enemies.

Only one presidential candidate has exploited a spouse's public office to exact revenge on political dissenters.

Only one presidential candidate has a quarter-century track record of taxpayer-subsidized demagoguery and class warfare.

And as the most recent undercover investigation by James O'Keefe's Project Veritas revealed this past week, only one presidential candidate has been directly linked to a scheme to foment chaos and violence at her opponent's rallies.

Ignore the kindly grandma with the "Stronger Together" backdrop warbling about her happy family and singing the praises of diversity and inclusion. Look beyond the carefully manufactured semblance of bipartisanship and moderation.

Remember history -- or rather, "herstory."

Hillary Clinton isn't just a nasty woman. She's a ruthless hatemonger devoted wholly to two corrupt pursuits while on the federal teat: tearing down and cashing in.

To clueless millennials, "bimbo eruptions" might sound like a Trumpism. But it was vintage Team Hillary's misogynistic moniker for horndog Slick Willie's accuser outbreaks in the 1990s.

Respect for women? This is the snarling elitist who attacked Gennifer Flowers, a paramour of her cheating husband, as a "failed cabaret singer" whom she would verbally "crucify" if she had the chance.

Just how vindictive can Crooked Grandma be? Ask the people who know her best. David Watkins, a former top administrative aide from Arkansas in the Clinton administration, laid out the then-first lady's central role in the crony-motivated White House travel office firings.

The Clinton's old pal, Hollywood producer Harry Thomason, had pushed for wholesale dismissal of travel office staff in favor of their connected friends.

"We both know that there would be hell to pay," Watkins informed Chief of Staff Thomas McLarty if "we failed to take swift and decisive action in conformity with the First Lady's wishes."

Indeed, Hill unleashed hell. Watkins was sacked under the guise of punishment for using a government helicopter as transportation to a golfing event -- something that's a privilege for presidents, not peons.

He was far from alone. Bill and Hill's IRS (two for the price of one, don't forget) targeted conservative think tanks and nonprofits. Bill and Hill's FBI improperly and illegally accessed the files of countless citizens who inconveniently ruined the Clinton narrative.

And the woman who just weeks ago mauled millions of Trump supporters nationwide as "irredeemable" and "deplorable" is a pro at sweeping demonizations.

Remember: She made a name for herself attacking life-saving drug companies as greedy profiteers in the 1990s, even as she and her husband raked in their campaign donations.

Money-grubbers never change. While walloping drug companies again last year, she took more money from the nation's top-15 largest pharmaceutical firms than all the other GOP candidates combined.

The two-faced, split-tongued politician who mocked Trump for calling out America's rigged system came to power decrying the "vast right-wing conspiracy" to deflect from that blue dress her husband stained. She's a menace to alternate media, to entrepreneurs, to honest, hard-working people, to the rule of law, public safety and national security.

When you tune out the manufactured noise and distractions, when you ignore the media squirrels and engineered scuffles, when you rip up the gender card and contemplate nearly 25 years of the politics of personal destruction and private enrichment -- not to mention the standalone disqualifying scandals of Benghazi, Emailgate and the WikiLeaks disclosures -- the choice should not be difficult.

You can take a gamble on the imperfect businessman who has never held public office. Or you can go with the guaranteed continuation of Hillary Clinton's entrenched climate of hate and culture of corruption. Left, right or center, if you are opposed to Clintonian history repeating itself, you'll take your chances with Trump. I am.

God bless,

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Donald Trump vs The Establishment


God bless,

Monday, October 24, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

James O’Keefe’s RIGGING THE ELECTION Video Released – Confirms Mass Voter Fraud!

From: The Political Insider

by - Kosar - October 19, 2016

Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe is out with his 2nd video about the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Now, we see Democrat Party insiders explain privately how they commit voter fraud on a mass scale.

Scott Foval, who was just fired, admits that the Democrats have been rigging elections for the past fifty years. And now, so is Hillary Clinton:

Scott Foval was the National Field Director of Americans United for Change. And he had that job until the moment these videos were released.

Just because Democrats commit voter fraud doesn’t mean they want their operatives to admit it on tape!

hillary voter fraud

As Breitbart reports:
In the video, Foval is heard saying, “We manipulated the vote with money and action, not with laws.”
He then explains:
It’s a pretty easy thing for Republicans to say, ‘Well they’re bussing people in!’ Well you know what? We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you fuckin’ assholes for fifty years, and we’re not going to stop now. We’re just going to find a different way to do it. So, I mean I grew up with that idea. They used to bus people out to Iowa. If they needed people there we’d bus people out to Iowa.
Foval also discusses the problem of being caught, stating, “The question is, whether when you get caught by a reporter, does that matter? Because does it turn into an investigation or not? In this case, this state, the answer is no, because they don’t have any power to do anything.”
Foval suggests that the voter fraud scheme could potentially be implemented “on a much bigger scale. You implement a massive change in state legislatures and in Congress. So you aim higher for your goals, and you implement it across every Republican-held state.”

God bless,

Monday, October 17, 2016

Watch! Democrats' black ops exposed

O’Keefe's Project Veritas videos capture rigging of 2016 election

From: World Net Daily

by -  Bob Unruh - October 17, 2016

A Democratic operative has been captured on video revealing his agents and cohorts are “starting anarchy” by creating “conflict engagement … in the lines at Trump rallies.”

The stunning statements from Scott Foval, the national field director at Americans United for Change, were captured by James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, who earlier captured comments from Democrats about how common voter fraud is.

He also got Bob Creamer, founder and partner of Democracy Partners, admitting, “I’m not suggesting we wait around, we need to start this s— right away.”

Added Foval, “It doesn’t matter what the friggin legal and ethics people say, we need to win this m—–f—–.”

And Creamer confirmed, “The campaign is fully in it.”

The video:

Project Veritas said it is working on a multi-part series that “exposes the dark secrets at the highest levels of the DNC and Clinton presidential campaign.”

Its undercover journalists reveal “key players coordinating clandestine operations in support of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”

Project Veritas says the actions are “behind-the-scenes shady practices with consequences most Americans have seen on national television at Donald Trump campaign rallies across the country.

“What the media hasn’t reported is that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee has been directing these activities with, at very best, a very thin veil of plausible deniability.”

Foval said in the video: “The [Clinton] campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, The Foval Group goes and executes the s—.

“Democracy Partners is the tip of the spear on that stuff.”

Creamer founded the Democratic consulting firm Democracy Partners and is listed as a partner on the website. He is the husband of Jan Shakowsky, a congresswoman from Chicago. In 2005, he plead guilty to tax violations and bank fraud.

“Wherever Trump and Pence are going to be, we have events and we have a whole team across the country that does that both consultants and people from the Democratic Party,” Creamer told an investigator. “And the Democratic Party apparatus and the people from the campaign, the Clinton campaign and my role with the campaign, is to manage all that.”

Involved in potential “violations of federal campaign coordination laws ” are the Hillary Clinton campaign, Clinton’s Super PAC Priorities USA and the Democratic National Committee, said Project Veritas.

“The thing that we have to watch, is making sure there is a double blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what we’re doing,” explained Foval.

He was describing the conduit of information between the DNC, Clinton campaign, Political Action Committees, the AFL-CIO and other organizations.

“There’s a double blind there. So they can plausibly deny that they knew anything about it,” he said.

“I’m saying we have mentally ill people, that we pay to do s—, make no mistake,” said Foval in the video. “Over the last 20 years, I’ve paid off a few homeless guys to do some crazy stuff, and I’ve also taken them for dinner, and I’ve also made sure they had a hotel, and a shower. And I put them in a program. Like I’ve done that. But the reality is, a lot of people especially our union guys. A lot of our union guys…they’ll do whatever you want. They’re rock and roll. When I need to get something done in Arkansas, the first guy I call is the head of the AFL-CIO down there, because he will say, ‘What do you need?’ And I will say, I need a guy who will do this, this and this. And they find that guy. And that guy will be like, Hell yeah, let’s do it.'”

Project Veritas  said it observed a “dirty tricks operative unwittingly” delivering a “dark money trail to the DNC and Clinton campaign.”

The group said it sent undercover video investigators to various Democratic points of interest to interview Foval and Creamer.

Foval, the group said, answers directly “to the head of special events for the DNC and the head of special events and political for the campaign.”

He contracts directly “with the DNC and the [Clinton] campaign.

Foval explained, “They [DNC, Clinton campaign and Super PAC, AFL-CIO, etc.] can plausibly deny that they knew anything about it.”

He added, “The campaigns and DNC cannot go near [Super PAC] Priorities, but I guaran-d—-tee you that the people who run the Super PACs all talk to each other and we and a few other people are the hubs of that communication.

“You remember the Iowa state fair thing where Scott Walker grabbed the sign out of the dude’s hand and then the dude kind of gets roughed up right in front of the stage right there on camera?” Foval asked. “That was all us. The guy that got roughed up is my counterpart who works for Bob.”

Foval also, Project Veritas reported, referenced Shirley Teeter, a 69-year-old who claimed she was “assaulted” at a Trump rally in North Carolina.

“She was one of our activists,” he said.

“I’m basically deputy rapid response director for the DNC for all things Trump on the ground,” explained Aaron Minter aka “Aaron Black.” “Yeah, and nobody is really supposed to know about me.”

He said, “So the Chicago protest when they shut all that [the Donald Trump rally], that was us.”
Last week O’Keefe reported his Twitter account was shut down as he was releasing reports on voter fraud.

In one video he released last week, a Clinton staffer confessed that ripping up voter registration forms – if they are for Republicans – is “fine.”

The video also revealed a sexist atmosphere inside the Clinton campaign in which another staffer boasts he would probably have to “grab a–” twice before he’d even reprimanded. It underscores the double standard by Democrats who have been critical of the 11-year-old recording of Donald Trump making lewd remarks about women.

In the video, both Wylie Mao, a field organizer for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party of Florida in West Palm Beach, and Trevor Lafauci, a Clinton campaign staffer, agree that ripping up registration forms from Republicans should be “fine.”

“If I rip up completed VR forms, like 20 of them, I think I’ll just get reprimanded. I don’t think I would get fired,” Mao said.

Lafauci, after being told that someone else ripped up Republican registration forms, said, “Yeah, that should be fine.”

When Project Veritas journalists confronted both Mao and Lafauci about the comments they made on camera, they “refused to answer and walked away,” the organization said.

O’Keefe previoulsy released an undercover video of Alan Schulkin, the New York Democratic commissioner of the Board of Elections, confirming there is widespread fraud.

In the video, he is heard disclosing that organizers use buses to haul people from poll to poll to vote.
“Yeah, they should ask for your ID. I think there is a lot of voter fraud,” he said in the video, which was recorded some months ago.

God bless,

Top 36 Hillary F-bombs, flip-outs and eye-popping tantrums

From: World Net Daily

In just three weeks, American voters might just “unleash Hellary” on the nation – electing a president known to fly into foul-mouthed fits of rage, hurl dangerous objects at people’s heads, physically attack a former president and even diabolically tongue-lash Secret Service agents sworn to protect her with their lives.

That’s according to dozens of witnesses – many former Secret Service agents, Arkansas state troopers and an FBI agent – who might say Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton is what Rush Limbaugh could call “a witch with a capital B.”

But don’t expect the mainstream media to start digging into Hillary’s reported temper tantrums any time soon. While the major networks focus single mindedly on an 11-year-old video recording of GOP nominee Donald Trump making sexually charged comments about women, they virtually ignore claims by witnesses who say Hillary’s foul-mouthed fits of rage happen even today.

And those expletive-laced explosions are enough to make any right-minded American recoil in horror.

During her campaign for the Democratic Party nomination and the presidency, Hillary has reportedly made the lives of her staffers a living hell.

“Hillary’s been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left her staff members in tears and unable to work,” a campaign aide told Edward Klein in 2015, according to a New York Post report. “She though the nomination was hers for the asking, but her mounting problems have been getting to her, and she’s become shrill and, at times, even violent.”

According to the report, Hillary blasted a low-level campaign worker who had made a scheduling mistake. When Hillary viciously berated her, the worker turned and began to walk away. That’s when Hillary reportedly grabbed her by the arm.

In one June 2016 report, it was revealed Hillary hurled a Bible at a Secret Service agent’s head, according to former agent Gary Byrne, who said her explosions grew worse as the Clintons’ time in the White House went on.

Byrne warned Hillary is too “erratic, uncontrollable and occasionally violent” for the presidency.

Hillary has even “beaten Bill, hit him with hard objects, scratched and clawed him, and made him bleed,” according to the 2015 book, “The Clintons’ War on Women,” by authors Robert Morrow and Roger Stone.

Former White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers said Hillary sometimes exploded and belittled people: “Mrs. Clinton go really angry. … The president didn’t really attack personally. Mrs. Clinton sometimes did … not only would she humiliate you in front of your colleagues or whoever happened to be around, Hillary tended to kind of run a campaign against people behind their back, and that was certainly my experience.”

A Clinton driver claimed Hillary would throw “yellow legal pads, files, briefing books, car keys.”

WND’s request for comment from Hillary’s campaign hadn’t been returned at the time of this report.

These stories of Hillary’s explosive and violent tantrums are also confirmed the 2016 book, “Hillary the Other Woman,” by Dolly Kyle:
“[M]any people gloss over the reports about what I call Hillary’s vexcapades, her screaming, cursing, and throwing fits usually as a result of Billy’s sexcapades. Ordinary folks can easily understand how she would be upset with him for having sex with untold numbers of other women while ‘married’ to Hillary. Many people think that her behavior was justified by his provocations, no matter what she said or did. … I’ve heard troopers telling funny stories about Hillary that really weren’t funny, such as slamming kitchen cabinets so hard that the doors came off the hinges, and throwing glassware across the room. … Hillary could get away with it as long as she didn’t do it in public. If anyone ever reported her behavior, then that person was swiftly condemned in public as a liar. … Hillary’s contemptuous, uncontrolled outbursts are so extreme that most people cannot wrap their minds around the possibility that a First Lady could act like that.”
The following is a list of Hillary’s most eye-popping, foul-mouthed, belittling “vexcapades” directed at her husband, the men and women who protect her, her political enemies and even her own friends.

Attacking Secret Service agents, state troopers, aides:

“Go f— yourself!” Hillary screams at a Secret Service agent. He had passed her in the West Colonnade of the White House and greeted the first lady with, “Good morning.” This quote is reported by former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne in his 2016 book, “Crisis of Character.”

“They f–ed us, Bill! We need to get rid of these assh—s, Bill! They’ve had it out for us from the beginning!” – Hillary convinced Secret Service agents left over from the George H.W. Bush administration were conspiring against the Clintons, according to Byrne’s “Crisis of Character.”

“If you want to remain on this detail, get your f—ing ass over here and grab those bags!” – Hillary’s purported outburst directed at an unnamed Secret Service agent who had explained his duties did not include carrying suitcases from her plane to her limo, according to the 1999 book, “The First Partner,” by Joyce Milton.

“Stay the f— back, stay the f— away from me! Don’t come within 10 yards of me, or else! Just f—ing do as I say, OK?” – Hillary’s reported explosion at Secret Service agents as they explain that they must remain nearby to effectively protect her. The quote comes from the 1996 book, “Unlimited Access,” by Gary Aldrich.

“Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those sunglasses. We need to go back!” – Hillary flips out on a Marine One pilot after the helicopter had been nearing Air Force One and was headed for home. The quote is found in the 2003 book, “Dereliction of Duty,” by Air Force Lt. Col. Robert Patterson.

“F–k off! I have to see you s–t-kickers every day. I’m not going to talk to you, too! Just do your g-d-damn job and keep your mouth shut” – Hillary’s response to an Arkansas state trooper after he greeted her with, “Good morning,” according to Christopher Anderson’s 2004 book, “America Evita.”

“[You] f—ing idiot.” – Hillary’s outburst at an Arkansas state trooper driving her to an event. This quote was reported in the 1999 book, “Crossfire: Witness in the Clinton Investigation,” by L.D. Brown.

Concerning Bill’s ‘indiscretions’:

“You stupid, stupid bastard. My God, Bill, how could you risk everything for that?”Hillary reportedly slapped Bill and admonished him for having an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. This quote was included in the 1999 book, “Bill and Hillary: The Marriage,” by Christopher Anderson.

“These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them!” – Hillary’s purported statements concerning Bill Clinton’s sex accusers during the 1992 presidential campaign. This quote was included in the 1999 book, “Bill and Hillary: The Marriage,” by Christopher Anderson.

“What the f— do you think you’re doing? I know who that whore is. I know what she’s here for. Get her out of here.” Hillary sees one of Bill’s girlfriends in early 1992, just before they moved into the White House. This quote is reported in the 1995 book by Ronald Kessler, “Inside the White House.”

“I want you to do damage control over Bill’s philandering. … Bill’s going to be president of the United States. … I want you to get rid of all these b–ches he’s seeing. … I want you to give me the names and addresses and phone numbers, and we can get them under control.” Hillary speaking to Little Rock private investigator Ivan Duda in 1982, according to the 2005 book, “The Truth About Hillary,” by Edward Klein.

“Come on, Bill, put your d–k up! You can’t f— her here!” – Hillary reportedly shreds Bill, then governor of Arkansas, for speaking to an attractive woman at an event, according to Arkansas state trooper Larry Patterson. The quote is reported in a January 1994 American Spectator article by David Brock and the 1995 book by Ronald Kessler, “Inside the White House.”

Pet names for Bill, etc.:

“Where’s the miserable c–k sucker?” – Hillary’s reported question shouted to a Secret Service agent in reference to the whereabouts of her husband, Bill Clinton. This quote appears in the 2005 book, “The Truth About Hillary,” by Edward Klein.

“Come back here, you assh–e! Where the f— do you think you’re going?” – Hillary explodes on Bill, according to the 1998 book, “Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House,” by Gary Aldrich.

“What the f— are you doing up there? You get back here right away.” – Hillary blasts Bill Clinton on the phone in 1993 just after the president had traveled to Boston and spoken to the National Governors Association, suggesting he would be flexible on the universal coverage and employee mandates in his health plan. Just one day after he returned to the White House, Bill retracted his remarks, claiming he was still fully committed to universal coverage. This quote was included in the 2006 book, “The Survivor: Bill Clinton in the White House,” by John F. Harris.

“You f—ing assh—e!” – Hillary screams at Bill on the morning of his Inauguration Day as the two waited in a holding room within earshot of a reception room where congressional leaders had been waiting for the ceremonies to begin. The quote appears in the 1999 book, “Hillary’s Choice,” by Gail Sheehy.

“You stupid motherf—er!” – Hillary flips out on Bill in front of news media on his Inauguration Day, according to the 1996 book, “The Seduction of Hillary Rodham,” by David Brock.

“G-d damn it, Bill, you promised me that office.” – Hillary complaining to her husband, then-President Bill Clinton, on Inauguration Day because he didn’t give her Vice President Al Gore’s office, which was located near the Oval Office. This quote was included in the 1999 book, “Bill and Hillary: The Marriage,” by Christopher Anderson.

“That sorry son of a b–ch” – A common Hillary phrase to describe Bill Clinton when he was Arkansas governor, according to Christopher Anderson’s 2004 book, “America Evita,” and Ronald Kessler’s 1995 book, “Inside the White House.”

“Motherf—er” and “C—sucker” – More of Hillary’s purported nicknames for husband Bill, according to R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.’s 1996 book, “Boy Clinton: The Political Biography.”

“You are a real s–t. Do you know that, Bill? Christ, a real s–t.” – Hillary erupts on Bill, according to the 1999 book, “Bill and Hillary: The Marriage,” by Christopher Anderson.

Racist and anti-Semitic outbursts:

“Stupid k-ke” and “f—ing Jew bastard” – Hillary purportedly used these terms to describe Jewish people somewhat frequently, according to the 2016 book, “Hillary the Other Woman,” by Dolly Kyle, Bill Clinton’s longtime childhood friend.

“You f—ing Jew bastard” – Hillary explodes at campaign manager Paul Fray in 1974 on the night of Bill Clinton’s defeat in his run for the House of Representatives, according to the 2000 book, “State of a Union,” by Jerry Oppenheimer.

“That god-damned n—er” – both Hillary and Bill reportedly used this term when they referred to Jesse Jackson, according to the 2016 book, “Hillary the Other Woman,” by Dolly Kyle.

On her enemies:

“That’ll teach them to f— with us!” – Hillary’s statement to aides after a 1998 “Today Show” interview with Matt Lauer during which she claimed a “vast right-wing conspiracy” was out to get her and Bill. This quote was reported in the 2000 book, “The Case Against Hillary Clinton,” by Peggy Noonan.

“What are you doing inviting these people into my home? These people are our enemies! They are trying to destroy us!” – Hillary explodes at aide Rahm Emanuel when she learns in 1993 that he had planned a bipartisan event in the White House East Room. He had invited Republican former Secretary of State James A. Baker to speak in support of NAFTA, which Hillary supported. This quote appears in the 2006 book, “The Survivor: Bill Clinton in the White House,” by John F. Harris.

“Son of a b–ch!” – Hillary reacts to news that President George W. Bush has made a surprise visit to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan and received a heartfelt welcome from U.S. troops as he served them Thanksgiving dinner in 2003. The president’s visit, which was covered extensively by the news media, took place just before Hillary’s arrival. This quote is reported in Christopher Anderson’s 2004 book, “America Evita.”

“F— him, Bill! He’s Reagan’s g-d-damn vice president!” – Hillary speaking to her husband about an invitation from then-Vice President George H.W. Bush to visit his Maine home in 1984, according to the 199 book, “Crossfire: Witness in the Clinton Investigation,” by L.D. Brown.

“You sold out, you motherf—er! You sold out!” – Hillary, as a first-year law student at Yale in 1970, blasts high-profile attorney Joseph Califano, who had been representing Coca-Cola during a congressional investigation into the company’s use of migrant labor at Minute Maid’s Florida orange groves. This quote is found in Califano’s 2004 book, “Inside: A Public and Private Life.”

On her friends, allies and constituents:

“Gentlemen, I’ve looked at your proposal, and it’s pure bulls–t! Now you’ve had your meeting! Get out!” – Hillary’s purported statements to insurance executives who weighed in on the Clintons’ health-care plan, according to the 1998 book, “Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House,” by Gary Aldrich.

“G-d damn, L.D., did you see that family right out of ‘Deliverance’? Get me the hell out of here.” – Hillary to L.D. Brown, an Arkansas state trooper, while she attended a county fair and had spoken to Arkansans wearing overalls and cotton dresses. This quote was reported in the 1999 book, “Crossfire: Witness in the Clinton Investigation,” by L.D. Brown.

“This is the kind of s–t I have to put up with.” – Hillary reportedly told a friend after a supporter presented her with earrings shaped like the Arkansas Razorbacks, according to the 1996 book, “Blood Sport: The President and His Adversaries,” by James B. Stewart.

“Bimbos,” “sl-ts,” “trailer trash,” “rednecks,” “sh-t-kickers” – Terms Hillary purportedly used to describe Arkansans, according to Christopher Anderson’s 2004 book, “America Evita.”

Other gems:

How long do I have to stay home with this kid? What would look right to people around here?” Hillary complains to her close friend, Louise, about feeling trapped at her Arkansas home with her new baby, Chelsea. Hillary was not pleased when Louise told her she should wait about three months before returning to work. This quote was reported in the 2016 book, “Hillary the Other Woman,” by Dolly Kyle.

“Where is the g-d-damn f—ing flag? I want the g-d-damn f—ing flag up every f—ing morning at f—ing sunrise.”  – Hillary rips an Arkansas trooper early one morning in 1991 when the U.S. flag hadn’t been raised yet, according to a January 1994 American Spectator article by David Brock.

“When are they going to get those f—ing retards out of here?!” – Hillary, also known as Arkansas’ “Mother of the Year” in 1984, grows impatient as handicapped children slowly collect their Easter eggs on the lawn of the Arkansas governor’s mansion. The quote is found in the 2016 book, “Hillary the Other Woman,” by Dolly Kyle.

God bless,