-Ronald Reagan


-Albert Einstein

- Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U.

-The liberal thinking process never ceases to amaze me.

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Friday, April 20, 2018

What Did the Media Know, and How Long Have They Known It?

From: The Western Journal

by - Angela Box - April 19, 2018

Our fully compromised, far-left media, who this week hyperventilated over the fact that Sean Hannity used President Donald Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen on a real estate matter, has for over a year gone out of its way to completely avoid the subjects of actual collusion.

They are instead still focused on non-collusion between Trump and Russia, and now their obsession with a porn star who recently composed a sketch of a man she claimed threatened her — who looks an awful lot like Tom Brady.

Who knew Stormy Daniels was a Patriots fan!

In all seriousness, our media, who are now pretending there was some collusion between Sean Hannity, Donald Trump, and his lawyer Michael Cohen, have no qualms about lying about their ties to all manner of past and present elected Democrats.

Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and others have exposed the ties of the frauds on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, The New York Times, LA Times, etc. to Democrats.

Literally, dozens and dozens in the media have either worked for, given massive amounts of money to, or have attended private functions with elected Democrats. In fact, many of the media hand-wringers feigning outrage over Hannity attended John Podesta‘s party right before Hillary Clinton‘s campaign kickoff.

The media never disclose their extensive ties to Democrats

The media believe there are two sets of rules: one set for Democrats (especially Barack Obama and the Clintons) and one set for Normal America.

Today, the Inspector General has referred former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for criminal charges. Yesterday, eleven Congressmen signed off on a criminal referral regarding FBI and Department of Justice collusion with the DNC, Hillary Clinton‘s campaign, and an obvious frame-up of an incoming president.

I wonder what will the media do?

Imagine you are a Republican Secretary of State.

You decide to install private internet servers in a basement in Colorado and your New York compound to circumvent government prying eyes. Your boss, the President of the United States, claimed no knowledge of such a server — but emailed you several times (using an alias) on that server’s IP address.

Other government officials also corresponded with you on the unsecured, private server. You passed classified information in unsecured emails to your most trusted aide, who then passed the information on to her former Congressman pervert husband who will soon serve time in prison for soliciting inappropriate contact online with a 15-year-old girl.

You and your former President HINO (Husband in Name Only) also had a private foundation, which racked up hundreds of millions of dollars of “donations” from all manner of foreign regimes and entities who thought one day you too would be President of the United States.

You and your HINO also amassed millions of dollars in speaking fees from foreign regimes and large corporations.

Perhaps you were deeply involved in the sale of 20 percent of our uranium to Russia — who was paying your husband half a million dollars for a 30-minute speech, and had donated tens of millions to your “charitable foundation.”

Maybe your POTUS boss signed off on the sale even after an undercover informant told him and the heads of the CIA and the FBI that Russia was actively seeking to use American channels to bribe you and your foundation to gain use of our uranium.

Could be after your private server was discovered, and after you helped to cover up a Muslim terrorist attack in Benghazi by calling it a protest over an anti-Islam video, Congress decided they wanted to see what was contained on your private server.

Maybe you thought the presidency was yours, that it was owed to you after standing by the first black president who had one of the worst economic, domestic and foreign relations records of all time. Maybe you thought your party owed it to you because you stood by your husband, who by all accounts is at the very least a scoundrel and most likely far worse.

Perhaps, after Congress asked you for your emails, you and your aides decided to Bleach Bit, acid-wash, delete, and then smash all of your email devices with hammers so those 33,000 subpoenaed emails would never get it into the hands of Congress.

Maybe the FBI director who wanted you to win the presidency decided to write his exoneration of you two months before he interviewed you. And then that FBI director gave a 20-minute public indictment of you before he said, “Never mind.”

What if then it was discovered that you had funneled millions of campaign dollars to a law firm to cover up your work with Fusion GPS, an opposition research organization who hired a Trump-hating, former MI-6 agent named Christopher Steele.

Let’s say Steele had a bunch of Russian contacts and those contacts presented him with outlandish stories about your opponent which involved hookers peeing on a bed in Moscow — among other salacious, unverified nonsense.

Let’s stipulate that Fusion GPS and Steele never verified any of the details of the dossier. Let’s also stipulate that the media had access to said dossier for over a year, but would not publish it out of fear of litigation.

And then you lose the presidency, and the biggest anti-establishment change agent this country has ever seen gets elected President of the United States.

What if your allies in the DOJ and the FBI, who worked so diligently to stop this man from becoming president, now put Phase Two of their “insurance policy” into effect?

What if the fired FBI director, who on one level you hate, but on the other level you love because he’s trying to destroy the man who beat you, decided to leak classified memos and the unverified dossier to the media?

What if he admitted on 20/20 with one of the “reporters” who used to work for you that he knew the dossier was false because that’s what he told the new president, yet the dossier was the main piece of evidence used to get a FISA warrant to spy on innocent Americans and to try and destroy a duly-elected president?

What if two text-loving FBI employees who were having a romantic relationship and the FBI’s now-former deputy director who was deeply connected to intelligence sources, conspired with members of the FBI, CIA and DOJ to orchestrate a coup d’etat?

What if there is actual, provable evidence that the past administration’s Department of Justice and the FBI were working together to frame the incoming President of the United States, illegally wiretap his transition facilities, destroy anyone in his orbit, and use the compliant media as their disseminator of disinformation?

What if you spent the last 15 months on a sad and pathetic book tour blaming everybody but yourself for your loss?

As a Republican, would you, or any of these people connected to you, get away with any of it?

Why, Hillary, you know the answer to that.

So to Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Fusion GPS, James Clapper, John Brennan, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Nelly Ohr, Bruce Ohr, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, and anyone else connected in this tangled flowchart of ACTUAL collusion, corruption, deception, and criminality: zero hour is quickly approaching.

Normal America waits for justice for the people who think they’re above the law, and who think they are the puppet masters of us all.


God bless,

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Whatever the Left Touches, It Ruins

From: The Daily Signal

by - Dennis Prager / /

The only way to save Western civilization is to convince more people that leftism—not liberalism—is a nihilistic force. Quite literally, whatever the left touches it ruins.

So, here is a partial listing of the damage done by the left and the Democratic Party:

The most obvious—and, therefore, the one more and Americans can resonate with—is the near destruction of most American universities as places of learning. In the words of Harvard professor Steven Pinker—an atheist and a liberal—outside of the natural sciences and a few other disciplines (such as mathematics and business), “universities are becoming laughing stocks of intolerance.”

If you send your children to a university, you are endangering both their mind and their character. There is a real chance they will be more intolerant and more foolish after college than they were when they entered college.

When you attend an American university, you are taught to have contempt for America and its founders, to prefer socialism to capitalism, to divide human beings by race and ethnicity. You are taught to shut down those who differ with you, to not debate them. And you are taught to place feelings over reason—which is a guaranteed route to eventual evil.

The left has ruined most of the arts. The following three examples are chosen because they are scatological, a favorite form of left-wing artistic expression. Before the left poisoned the arts, art was intended to elevate the viewer (or listener). But to the left, “elevate” is a meaningless term; it is far more at home depicting urine, fecal matter, and menstrual blood.

In 2011, a lifelike German sculpture depicting a policewoman squatting and urinating—even the puddle is sculpted—received an award from a prestigious German foundation, the Leinemann Foundation for Fine Art.

In 2013, the Orange County Museum of Art in California placed a huge 28-foot sculpture of a dog outside the museum, where it periodically urinates a yellow fluid onto a museum wall.

In 2016, one of the most prestigious art museums in the world, the Guggenheim in New York, featured a pure-gold working toilet bowl, which visitors were invited to use. The name of the exhibit was “America”—so one could literally relieve oneself on America.

Thanks to the left, the Philadelphia Orchestra, one of the greatest orchestras in the world, allowed itself to become of a voice of leftist hate last week. It featured the premiere of Philadelphia Voices, “a political rant put to musical garbage,” as some musically knowledgeable Philadelphians described it to me.

In the fifth movement, titled “My House Is Full of Black People,” the black teen narrator chants the following lines: “The county is full of black people/ All wanting to be heard/ While old white men draw lines on maps/ To shut all of them up.” Later in the movement, he yells, “If you would all just f—ing listen!”

Uplifting, no?

On the left, that’s considered art. And, of course, such politicization of the arts is accepted as the norm. Indeed, that’s part of the left’s poisoning of everything—its politicization of everything.

The left is increasingly poisoning sports. In most football stadiums this past season, one could not attend an NFL game without being subjected to left-wing contempt for America and its flag.

So, too, one cannot watch late-night television if one desires to simply be entertained before drifting off to sleep. Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, and other hosts have changed late-night TV into left-night TV. Why merely be funny when you can use your monologues to advance your left-wing views?

The left has poisoned mainstream religion. Mainstream Protestantism, non-Orthodox Judaism, and much of the Catholic Church—including and especially Pope Francis—are essentially left-wing advocacy groups with religious symbols.

The left is destroying the unique American commitment to free speech. Almost half of incoming college freshmen do not believe in free speech for what they deem “hate speech” (merely taking issue with a left-wing position is, in the left’s view, “hate speech”). They do not understand that the whole point of free speech is allowing the expression of opposing ideas, including what we consider “hate speech.”

The left has poisoned race relations. America is the least racist multiracial society in the world. On a daily basis, Americans of every race and ethnicity get along superbly. But the black left and the white left constantly poison young minds with hate-filled diatribes against whites, “white privilege,” “systemic racism,” black dorms, black graduations, lies about the events in Ferguson, Missouri, and the like.

The left has made innumerable women unhappy, even depressed, with its decades of lying about how female sexual nature and male sexual nature are identical—leading to a “hookup” culture that leaves vast numbers of young women depressed—and its indoctrinating of generations of young women into believing they will be happier through career success than marital success.

And, in some ways scariest of all, the left is poisoning our children with its commitment to ending male and female as distinct categories. One of the great joys of life, celebrating one’s sex, is now deemed nothing more than a hateful idea in many of your children’s schools.

For these and other reasons, if you treasure American and Western civilization, fighting the left—something all liberals and conservatives need to do—is the greatest good you can engage in at this time.

God bless,

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Jason Chaffetz: 10 things Congress should do, but won't

From: Fox News

by - Jason Chaffetz

Congress is on the clock.  Time is ticking.  Here are ten actions Congress should take now to truly do the work of the American people, but they won’t.

1.    DOJ Conflicts of InterestChairman Grassley, Chairman Goodlatte, Chairman Gowdy, and Chairman Johnson, who preside over House and Senate Judiciary and Oversight matters, should convene a joint hearing to facilitate public testimony from Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.  They should be asked to explain and clarify the numerous visible and apparent conflicts of interest on Mueller’s team, including their own. 

2.    Second Special Counsel:  Upon the release of the upcoming DOJ Inspector General Report, the House Judiciary Committee should move to formally demand the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to join the IG in further investigating warranted matters with power to prosecute those who have violated the law. 

3.    Answers from the FISA Court: The House and Senate Judiciary Committees should call the FISA Court judges before Congress to offer public testimony about the process and the specific case of Trump campaign surveillance.

4.    Subpoena ComplianceHouse and Senate Judiciary should call Attorney General Sessions to testify about all outstanding Congressional subpoenas and why the DOJ has not yet complied.

5.    Border SecurityThe Homeland Security Committee, Judiciary Committee and Oversight Committee should continue to hold numerous hearings on securing our borders and fortifying them with a wall.  Pass legislation allowing the president to reallocate funds from Department of Defense.

6.    Testimony from Mayor Libby SchaafOakland Mayor Libby Schaaf should be called to testify before Congress to defend her decision to protect criminals and endanger federal law enforcement.  She should have to raise her right hand and testify under oath before the American people.

7.    Facebook/Twitter hearingsFacebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey should be called to testify in person before Congress about their speech suppression practices.  Having made the American people their product rather than their customer, they should be required to answer for the commercial and political use of personally identifiable information.

8.    Reform the Broken Budget Process.  Congress should kick off a serious effort to reform the broken budget process with a joint hearing.  House Speaker Paul Ryan and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, along with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer should be made to testify before a joint budget committee chaired by the House and Senate.  Those four people should be asked to publicly testify and explain what went wrong with the budget process and how they’re going to fix it.  They should publicly debate the solutions and defend their positions.  House Budget Chairman Steve Womack, R-Arkansas, and and Senate Budget Chairman Mike Enzi, R-Wyoming, should preside over the hearings. 

9.    Balanced Budget Amendment.  Give the states the opportunity to vote on whether Congress should be subject to balancing the federal budget.  We will never reign in spending until the American people have to pay for what we’re actually spending.  There are several drafted amendments to choose from.  If two-thirds of the states want Congress to balance the budget, then they’ll have a mandate to do it.

10.  Confirm Trump AppointeesThe U.S. Senate should refuse to recess until all the president’s appointees have been voted on.  Inexplicably, there are 160 nominations in committee and another 199 pending on the Senate calendar.  Congress should put an end to the delay tactics of the Senate minority.

God bless,