From: Last Resistance
by - John DeMayo -
Obama’s America has gradually developed an irresistible tolerance for the dangerous and immoral culture of Islam. Islam’s whispers have now turned to shouts as this manufactured religion continues its assault on our freedoms and American ideals. American society’s distorted views of Islam as a legitimate religion, guaranteed a place in our free society, are fueling the conquest of our nation and the future subjugation of our free people.
For those broadminded Americans who have grown to accept Islam’s dynamic assimilation into U.S society, be warned. Islam is not a religion it is a culture. As hard as academics try, Islam cannot be defined as a belief system founded on personal choice as it is with Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or Hinduism rather it is an ideological scheme defining all life’s choices, social order and laws. More importantly, the Muslim belief system is grounded firmly in the conquest of its enemies and subordination of any conflicting faith or social order. Islam is not a faith respecting free will and a search for God. It is wholly materialistic, demanding adherence to its social precepts under penalty of death or enslavement.
Religious observance and loyalty is a quest for goodness and truth. All true religions inspire their followers to seek out God and experience God’s love. This is not the case with Islam. True Islam mandates conformity to a strict social construct that places Arab culture and its Islamic traditions above all things. To a genuine Muslim there is no higher truth than found in the Koran. God’s gift of free will is a falsehood and all things happen through the will of Allah. Islam is the antithesis of religion and spirituality. It does not exist to lead men to God only to perpetuate the growth and dominance of its culture. Islam is a fabricated religion designed by a man committed to world conquest. Unlike Christianity, there is no social benefit or charity for non-believers, Islam exists for the benefit of Muslims and Islam only.
In contrast to all other world religions, Islamic prayer allows no spiritual openness, no intimate or personal contact with God. It is purely a communal ritual designed to breed conformity of thought and action. Worship or the expressing of love and awe is not necessary in the Islamic culture, only obedience and submission.
No argument made in defense of true Islam’s forbearance for American values of religious freedom, human equality, and Democracy has a basis in fact or history. Islam is not tolerant. Those who wish to frame it as such willfully ignore Islam’s war among its faithful. The Islamic world is not only at conflict with non-believers, but also with its own people who are seeking to shed the shackles of social rule by its Sharia Law. All over the world, as the police state that is Islam falters, Islamic leaders turn on their own slaughtering those who would dare to question the humanity and righteousness of violently enforced religious laws and social paradigms.
Is it liberal America’s hope that Islam will allow itself to be marginalized and accept a more mild approach toward women’s rights, civil and criminal law, blasphemy, sexuality, polygamy and freedom of others to find God in their way and in their time? Does our government believe that the Islamic culture, a culture that promotes terrorism, forced marriage, murder, deceit, Sharia justice and the extermination of the Jewish race is entitled to the same Constitutional protections afforded those that teach peace and spiritual altruism?
First Amendment protections for the preference of religious practice and Civil Rights laws in America continue to be reshaped, by so-called American Muslims and a growing number of tax exempt Islamic Charities sanctioned by the U.S. government. Islamic influences have already integrated Sharia or Islamic law into the U.S. finance, banking industries and court systems. If Islamic cultural influences continue their current rate of ascendance, Islamic indoctrination will surely become a legally enforced mandate in our schools, social order, and government institutions.
Today in America, many in our government have grown to accept Islam’s Arab Imperialism and are working to afford it legal protections against free criticism and challenge. America cannot afford to legitimize a philosophy and culture as religious that sanctions the execution of those who turn away from its totalitarian political ideology.
In the United States, we have a social contract that provides for freedom of worship without government intrusion. Moreover, our religious faithful are not free to demand special protections and indulgences from our lawmakers in the course of their spiritual journey. Islamists operating in America are using first amendment rights to secure a protected place at the legislative table. This is not a conspiracy theory; it is part of their plan.
God bless,
by - John DeMayo -
Obama’s America has gradually developed an irresistible tolerance for the dangerous and immoral culture of Islam. Islam’s whispers have now turned to shouts as this manufactured religion continues its assault on our freedoms and American ideals. American society’s distorted views of Islam as a legitimate religion, guaranteed a place in our free society, are fueling the conquest of our nation and the future subjugation of our free people.
For those broadminded Americans who have grown to accept Islam’s dynamic assimilation into U.S society, be warned. Islam is not a religion it is a culture. As hard as academics try, Islam cannot be defined as a belief system founded on personal choice as it is with Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or Hinduism rather it is an ideological scheme defining all life’s choices, social order and laws. More importantly, the Muslim belief system is grounded firmly in the conquest of its enemies and subordination of any conflicting faith or social order. Islam is not a faith respecting free will and a search for God. It is wholly materialistic, demanding adherence to its social precepts under penalty of death or enslavement.
Religious observance and loyalty is a quest for goodness and truth. All true religions inspire their followers to seek out God and experience God’s love. This is not the case with Islam. True Islam mandates conformity to a strict social construct that places Arab culture and its Islamic traditions above all things. To a genuine Muslim there is no higher truth than found in the Koran. God’s gift of free will is a falsehood and all things happen through the will of Allah. Islam is the antithesis of religion and spirituality. It does not exist to lead men to God only to perpetuate the growth and dominance of its culture. Islam is a fabricated religion designed by a man committed to world conquest. Unlike Christianity, there is no social benefit or charity for non-believers, Islam exists for the benefit of Muslims and Islam only.
In contrast to all other world religions, Islamic prayer allows no spiritual openness, no intimate or personal contact with God. It is purely a communal ritual designed to breed conformity of thought and action. Worship or the expressing of love and awe is not necessary in the Islamic culture, only obedience and submission.
No argument made in defense of true Islam’s forbearance for American values of religious freedom, human equality, and Democracy has a basis in fact or history. Islam is not tolerant. Those who wish to frame it as such willfully ignore Islam’s war among its faithful. The Islamic world is not only at conflict with non-believers, but also with its own people who are seeking to shed the shackles of social rule by its Sharia Law. All over the world, as the police state that is Islam falters, Islamic leaders turn on their own slaughtering those who would dare to question the humanity and righteousness of violently enforced religious laws and social paradigms.
Is it liberal America’s hope that Islam will allow itself to be marginalized and accept a more mild approach toward women’s rights, civil and criminal law, blasphemy, sexuality, polygamy and freedom of others to find God in their way and in their time? Does our government believe that the Islamic culture, a culture that promotes terrorism, forced marriage, murder, deceit, Sharia justice and the extermination of the Jewish race is entitled to the same Constitutional protections afforded those that teach peace and spiritual altruism?
First Amendment protections for the preference of religious practice and Civil Rights laws in America continue to be reshaped, by so-called American Muslims and a growing number of tax exempt Islamic Charities sanctioned by the U.S. government. Islamic influences have already integrated Sharia or Islamic law into the U.S. finance, banking industries and court systems. If Islamic cultural influences continue their current rate of ascendance, Islamic indoctrination will surely become a legally enforced mandate in our schools, social order, and government institutions.
Today in America, many in our government have grown to accept Islam’s Arab Imperialism and are working to afford it legal protections against free criticism and challenge. America cannot afford to legitimize a philosophy and culture as religious that sanctions the execution of those who turn away from its totalitarian political ideology.
In the United States, we have a social contract that provides for freedom of worship without government intrusion. Moreover, our religious faithful are not free to demand special protections and indulgences from our lawmakers in the course of their spiritual journey. Islamists operating in America are using first amendment rights to secure a protected place at the legislative table. This is not a conspiracy theory; it is part of their plan.
God bless,
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