STOP! trying to put lipstick on this pig, ObamaCare is socialism
From: Canada Free Press
By Fredy 'Brooklyn' Lowe - November 17, 2013
Have you ever had a song or maybe just a few lines from an old song pop
into your head seemingly out of nowhere, but then wouldn’t go away?
Crazy as this sounds, I can’t seem to shake the lead lines of a 1966
song written by Steven Stills for his group at the time, Buffalo
Springfield, with its haunting melody:
There’s something happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear…
While you groove ahead about ..the man with a gun over there..
allow me to say there is a very good reason for these lines to keep
popping up, ‘cause without a doubt - something’s happening here, and
what it is, ain’t even close to being clear. ‘Cause the president is -
Telling me I’ve got to beware.
Most regular readers here at CFP have known since 2009 or so that the name Affordable Care Act
(ACA) was nothing more than political marketing baloney, and being
affordable was never even a consideration. And, you also knew that the
name his health care law is
better known as, ObamaCare, had even less to do with care than it did
affordability. So, knowing what we know, aren’t you a little surprised
that so many people are just now realizing, he lied when he said, “You
can keep your doctor.. your insurance plan.. while saving $2,500 per
It’s not that you and I are any more accustomed to his lies, but we all know that his biggest lie by far had nothing to do with healthcare,
and started with the words, “I do solemnly swear…” I must also admit,
with a Cheshire Cat smile, that the hope he was referring to was that
one day in our not too distant future, the name Obama will become
synonymous with lying; like “Come on, that was a bald-faced obama, you
can’t expect us to believe that.” Now wouldn’t that be poetic justice
for a disciple of Saul Alinsky to allow We The People to get the final -
I think it’s time we stop, children. What’s that sound? Everybody look what’s going down.
Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep. It starts when you’re always afraid. You step out of line, the man comes and takes you away.On October 1st, after spending the past 4 years as an unpopular concept, his signature achievement met the unpopular, light-of-day reality, as the untested healthcare exchange website - - unbeknownst to anyone in his administration - went live - well, went almost live. Numbers and statistics have never been my strong suit, so it’s understandable why my favorite report on the number of signups in the early days was that more Americans had landed on the Moon than signed up for a new ObamaCare compliant health insurance policy, with 76% of that number, I’m told, placing their insurance order in a shopping cart, as they had to watch the end of The Good Wife. As October turned to November the lies as cover for the earlier lies almost got down to defining the word ‘is’, as Bill Clinton did so slyly. But, Steny Hoyer came close when he said, he didn’t mean “You can keep it - PERIOD, what he meant to add was “ long as the policy didn’t change.” But, Steny conveniently omitted that to be compliant, all health insurance policies had to ‘change’ because ObamaCare mandated it. Thank you, Steny, you can sit down now. And, as everybody ...started to look at what’s going down - Obama panicked!
Battle lines being drawn. Nobody’s right, if everybody’s wrong.There seems to be a fundamental battle, with lines being drawn between the policies written into the law and the political showmanship necessary for selling the law to the masses. Now, you can keep your healthcare plan. Period! Well, kinda, but maybe we should have used a small ‘p’ and without the exclamation point. President Obama told us - again - the other day that, “If you like your insurance policy, you can keep it - For A Year! But, surprise! He can’t make this promise work either, because what he just promised is out of his control, it’s now up to the insurance companies to make that promise work. But, nobody’s right, if everybody’s wrong. Have you ever noticed, how it takes a man with Barack Obama’s integrity to one day refer to all the insurance companies as “Bad Apples” for not meeting his standards and requirements of ObamaCare; but the next day, when he needs them for shifting the blame away from himself, they are - Good Apples. And, as we’ve come to expect from Dishonest Barack, being in his Good-Apple-Graces may be short lived. You see, insurance companies don’t want the risk of being his fall guys either; but, they are also smart enough to realize that his latest fix was put in play primarily to shift the blame for policies being cancelled away from ObamaCare and right at them - the mean ‘fat cats’ insurance corporations - aka Bad Apples.
But, even if his latest fix works - it won’t! What happens if by the end of November is still not working? How ‘bout the end of December? Since the only way people can receive their federal subsidies on their healthcare policy is through the ObamaCare exchange, if it’s not working, millions who were not able to sign up, will end up paying a fine (or is it a tax?) to the IRS, or say it isn’t so, they will be left with nothing but getting health insurance the old fashioned way by calling an agent on the phone and deciding freely on a policy that works best for them; and then go out to dinner and a movie, in America, with the money that they just saved.
By the way, this latest promise in no way helps those five million citizens. Like collateral damage their policies were cancelled, and as one commentator, wittily using the medical metaphor said, “You can’t get those shots back in the syringe.” Except for one small problem, they’re not collateral damage or shots - they are American people - who got screwed. The Democrats are in chaos and will try to offer - something - because that’s a lot of votes they could lose - which sadly is their only motivation. I have never been aware of such reversals of fortune since The Republican Shutdown, to today’s Democratic Signature Healthcare Implosion. Meanwhile, one industry specialist noted: “Changing the rules after healthcare plans have already met the requirements of the law could destabilize the market and result in higher premiums for all of our customers.” The federal government telling a privately owned company what products it can or cannot sell is like them telling us we can’t buy a Pontiac. Oh Wait! They already did that, never mind.
Young people speaking their minds. Getting so much resistance from behind.It seems that President Obama has gotten everyone, including Congress, so used to his dictatorial tactic of using EO’s to change or amend any part of a law that doesn’t fit his ever evolving agenda, so he threw the old ‘enforcement discretion’, out there, and why not? It worked so well to keep the illegal aliens ‘corralled’ while he works the back-room-deals for their amnesty voting rights. This is basically telling insurance companies to break the law, and we’ll use ‘discretion’ (wink) in enforcing it’. But, this time there is a Problem! (w/a capital ‘P’) Indiscriminately changing laws on his own violates the Constitutional separation of powers, usurping the power of Congress to exercise its own independent judgment. Now Speaker Boehner must come out of the smoking lounge long enough to say more than, “I don’t see within the law how they can do this administratively… to keep his pledge that would be both legal and effective.” Someone must get a note to Johnny B. that clearly states, “You debate the legality of ‘amendments’ to the law in the House of Representatives!” Signed - We The People.
But, truly I think .. it’s time we STOP! Children, what’s that sound? Everybody look what’s going down. It’s an overthrow of our Constitutional Republic; it’s socialism destroying our freedoms, that’s what’s going down.
The definition of socialism includes the denial of individual rights - by force. That force used doesn’t always imply a gun-in-ya-face, but it can easily lead to that as we witnessed in Watertown, Massachusetts after the Boston Marathon bombing. Because, force can also be by overly burdensome taxation, mandates, and regulations. ObamaCare is by force. There is an old humorous saying that says socialists don’t care what you do as long as it’s mandatory, but it’s not that humorous, when the joke is on us.
STOP! trying to put lipstick on this pig, ObamaCare is socialism, with its 2,000+ pages and tens of thousands of regulations written or to be written by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. ObamaCare is control. ObamaCare is power over America’s freedoms. Before ObamaCare, five million people chose their healthcare policies - freely. But, since ObamaCare became ‘the law of the land’ mandating that all insurance ‘products’ meet his new federal standards, while our freedom to choose was taken away or better yet - cancelled!
We are well aware that ObamaCare is only the first step in their ultimate utopian goal of a single-payer, government run/controlled healthcare system. Our job is to STOP! them. We say - I want my country back. This may well be our final chance at - getting it back. It’s not going to be easy either, as they say, politics is a blood sport, some of us may get ‘scarred’ a little. But, here is the choice: we either become - One Nation under Obama with Poverty and Unemployment for All - or between now and November, 2014 we work our ‘no-ifs-ands-or-butts’ off, to send the ultimate message to - Cancel the employment of every Democratic Representative and Senator who nullified their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America by voting in favor of ObamaCare. PERIOD.
God bless,
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