From: One News Now
by - Michael F. Haverluck - March 29, 2015
Conservatives are calling the White House’s declassification of Israel’s nuclear secrets a “jihad against Jews” orchestrated by President Barack Obama, while letting Israel’s worst enemy, Iran, run hundreds of centrifuges for its nuclear program that threatens Israel’s existence.
Without warning, a Department of Defense top-secret document that provides specifics on Israel’s assets was declassified by the Obama administration, reports Israel National News. The Beit El-based media hub indicates that the White House has now exposed “a highly covert topic that Israel has never formally announced to avoid a regional nuclear arms race” — one that the U.S. had kept secret for decades.
“But by publishing the declassified document from 1987, the U.S. reportedly breached the silent agreement to keep quiet on Israel’s nuclear powers for the first time ever, detailing the nuclear program in great depth,” the report obtained by WND stated.
The report indicated that the intentional security breach was “Obama[‘s] revenge for Netanyahu’s Congress talk” — an address that perturbed the president in part because U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner didn’t consult him before the invite. After snubbing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his Washington, D.C., visit — with Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry and other key Democrats joining in on the cold shoulder — Obama publicly stated that he didn’t pay much attention to the PM’s speech, saying he had nothing new to say, according to WND.
“The timing of the revelation is highly suspect, given that it came as tensions spiraled out of control between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Barack Obama ahead of Netanyahu’s March 3 address in Congress, in which he warned against the dangers of Iran’s nuclear program and how the deal being formed on that program leaves the Islamic regime with nuclear breakout capabilities,” Israel National News asserted.
Corroborating the report’s take, also sensed retribution in the timing of the declassification of Israel’s nuclear plans, saying “Obama’s evil revenge on Netanyahu continues.”
WND pointed out another conservative commentator’s assessment of the Obama administration’s blatant breach of Israel’s trust, saying it was “Obama’s jihad against the Jews.”
“Obama is sick, sick with Jew-hatred — unbalanced, unhinged, a danger to this this country, our allies, the world,” conservative activist Pamela Geller wrote on her Atlas Shrugs blog. “Israel’s nuclear program, whatever it may be, is purely existential insurance. If they have a nuclear weapon, they have had it for 50 years and have never used it, despite the decades-long Muslim wars against the Jews.”
Geller notes that Obama has all but destroyed the strong alliance the U.S. has nurtured with Israel for nearly seven decades.
“Israel has shared its secrets with the U.S. for decades,” Geller continued. “They never imagined a jihadist in the White House.”
This, of course, comes just weeks after the Obama administration was called out twice for spending millions in taxpayer dollars campaigning against Netanyahu to defeat him in the March 16 election.
Thumbs up to Iran’s nuclear program
Flagrantly paying no heed to Netanyahu’s warning before Congress — to make no concessions to Iran’s nuclear program — the United States did exactly what the PM advised against, essentially giving the Islamic Republic the go-ahead to run hundreds of centrifuges for its nuclear program in the confines of its fortified underground bunker.
“The United States is considering letting Tehran run hundreds of centrifuges at a once-secret, fortified underground bunker in exchange for limits on centrifuge work and research and development at other sites, officials have told The Associated Press,” reads the dispatch transmitted by the Associated Press from the nuclear negotiations taking place in Lausanne, Switzerland. “[T]he trade-off would allow Iran to run several hundred of the devices at its Fordo facility, although the Iranians would not be allowed to do work that could lead to an atomic bomb and the site would be subject to international inspections, according to Western officials familiar with details of negotiations now underway.”
The absurdity of the U.S.’s concessions was hit head-on by conservative commentators, who also acknowledge that Iran has publicly threatened to wipe the “Great Satan” (U.S.) and “Little Satan” (Israel) off the face of the planet.
“What international inspections? The ones Iran dismissed as an ‘illegal’ non-starter this week?” Breitbart’s John Hayward mockingly questioned. “Experts tactfully described the latest concession to Iran as ‘problematic,’ because ‘it would allow Iran to keep intact technology that could be quickly repurposed for uranium enrichment at a sensitive facility that the U.S. and its allies originally wanted stripped of all such machines — centrifuges that can spin uranium gas into uses ranging from reactor fuel to weapons-grade material.’”
Hayward also wonders why the U.S. isn’t calling into question why Iran requires a an indestructible fortified bunker to produce harmless nuclear energy for its citizens.
“They will be doing that spinning in a fortified bunker virtually impervious to air attack,” Hayward informed. “No one seems interested in asking Iran why they’d need such a facility to house part of a program for the entirely peaceful production of nuclear energy for civilian customers, which they perpetually claim is the goal of their nuclear program.”
Iran’s extreme secrecy over its so-called innocuous nuclear program is also called into question.
“The AP also mentions Iran’s resistance to snap inspections, and their refusal to divulge crucial information about their past activities to establish a baseline for future compliance,” Hayward reported.” A great deal of the historical information they refuse to hand over would involve the Fordo bunker site, which was kept secret until 2009.”
Hayward notes that Obama is playing with fire by vengefully disregarding Netanyahu’s warning about Iran’s true nuclear intentions and by bowing down to Iran’s demands while it continues to treat the president with contempt and disrespect.
“We are basically watching Iran squeeze one crazy concession after another from Team Obama, while the clock runs down on a month-end deadline for agreeing on the outline of an agreement — a deadline that clearly rattles Obama far more than it bothers the mullahs,” Hayward contends. “Everything going on right now looks more like Obama half-heartedly negotiating a surrender than working out some kind of tough deal. The Iranians insult him at will, dismiss any concession that would seriously hinder their nuclear program, and answer each new Obama capitulation with a fresh set of demands.”
God bless,
by - Michael F. Haverluck - March 29, 2015
Conservatives are calling the White House’s declassification of Israel’s nuclear secrets a “jihad against Jews” orchestrated by President Barack Obama, while letting Israel’s worst enemy, Iran, run hundreds of centrifuges for its nuclear program that threatens Israel’s existence.
Without warning, a Department of Defense top-secret document that provides specifics on Israel’s assets was declassified by the Obama administration, reports Israel National News. The Beit El-based media hub indicates that the White House has now exposed “a highly covert topic that Israel has never formally announced to avoid a regional nuclear arms race” — one that the U.S. had kept secret for decades.
“But by publishing the declassified document from 1987, the U.S. reportedly breached the silent agreement to keep quiet on Israel’s nuclear powers for the first time ever, detailing the nuclear program in great depth,” the report obtained by WND stated.
The report indicated that the intentional security breach was “Obama[‘s] revenge for Netanyahu’s Congress talk” — an address that perturbed the president in part because U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner didn’t consult him before the invite. After snubbing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his Washington, D.C., visit — with Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry and other key Democrats joining in on the cold shoulder — Obama publicly stated that he didn’t pay much attention to the PM’s speech, saying he had nothing new to say, according to WND.
“The timing of the revelation is highly suspect, given that it came as tensions spiraled out of control between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Barack Obama ahead of Netanyahu’s March 3 address in Congress, in which he warned against the dangers of Iran’s nuclear program and how the deal being formed on that program leaves the Islamic regime with nuclear breakout capabilities,” Israel National News asserted.
Corroborating the report’s take, also sensed retribution in the timing of the declassification of Israel’s nuclear plans, saying “Obama’s evil revenge on Netanyahu continues.”
WND pointed out another conservative commentator’s assessment of the Obama administration’s blatant breach of Israel’s trust, saying it was “Obama’s jihad against the Jews.”
“Obama is sick, sick with Jew-hatred — unbalanced, unhinged, a danger to this this country, our allies, the world,” conservative activist Pamela Geller wrote on her Atlas Shrugs blog. “Israel’s nuclear program, whatever it may be, is purely existential insurance. If they have a nuclear weapon, they have had it for 50 years and have never used it, despite the decades-long Muslim wars against the Jews.”
Geller notes that Obama has all but destroyed the strong alliance the U.S. has nurtured with Israel for nearly seven decades.
“Israel has shared its secrets with the U.S. for decades,” Geller continued. “They never imagined a jihadist in the White House.”
This, of course, comes just weeks after the Obama administration was called out twice for spending millions in taxpayer dollars campaigning against Netanyahu to defeat him in the March 16 election.
Thumbs up to Iran’s nuclear program
Flagrantly paying no heed to Netanyahu’s warning before Congress — to make no concessions to Iran’s nuclear program — the United States did exactly what the PM advised against, essentially giving the Islamic Republic the go-ahead to run hundreds of centrifuges for its nuclear program in the confines of its fortified underground bunker.
“The United States is considering letting Tehran run hundreds of centrifuges at a once-secret, fortified underground bunker in exchange for limits on centrifuge work and research and development at other sites, officials have told The Associated Press,” reads the dispatch transmitted by the Associated Press from the nuclear negotiations taking place in Lausanne, Switzerland. “[T]he trade-off would allow Iran to run several hundred of the devices at its Fordo facility, although the Iranians would not be allowed to do work that could lead to an atomic bomb and the site would be subject to international inspections, according to Western officials familiar with details of negotiations now underway.”
The absurdity of the U.S.’s concessions was hit head-on by conservative commentators, who also acknowledge that Iran has publicly threatened to wipe the “Great Satan” (U.S.) and “Little Satan” (Israel) off the face of the planet.
“What international inspections? The ones Iran dismissed as an ‘illegal’ non-starter this week?” Breitbart’s John Hayward mockingly questioned. “Experts tactfully described the latest concession to Iran as ‘problematic,’ because ‘it would allow Iran to keep intact technology that could be quickly repurposed for uranium enrichment at a sensitive facility that the U.S. and its allies originally wanted stripped of all such machines — centrifuges that can spin uranium gas into uses ranging from reactor fuel to weapons-grade material.’”
Hayward also wonders why the U.S. isn’t calling into question why Iran requires a an indestructible fortified bunker to produce harmless nuclear energy for its citizens.
“They will be doing that spinning in a fortified bunker virtually impervious to air attack,” Hayward informed. “No one seems interested in asking Iran why they’d need such a facility to house part of a program for the entirely peaceful production of nuclear energy for civilian customers, which they perpetually claim is the goal of their nuclear program.”
Iran’s extreme secrecy over its so-called innocuous nuclear program is also called into question.
“The AP also mentions Iran’s resistance to snap inspections, and their refusal to divulge crucial information about their past activities to establish a baseline for future compliance,” Hayward reported.” A great deal of the historical information they refuse to hand over would involve the Fordo bunker site, which was kept secret until 2009.”
Hayward notes that Obama is playing with fire by vengefully disregarding Netanyahu’s warning about Iran’s true nuclear intentions and by bowing down to Iran’s demands while it continues to treat the president with contempt and disrespect.
“We are basically watching Iran squeeze one crazy concession after another from Team Obama, while the clock runs down on a month-end deadline for agreeing on the outline of an agreement — a deadline that clearly rattles Obama far more than it bothers the mullahs,” Hayward contends. “Everything going on right now looks more like Obama half-heartedly negotiating a surrender than working out some kind of tough deal. The Iranians insult him at will, dismiss any concession that would seriously hinder their nuclear program, and answer each new Obama capitulation with a fresh set of demands.”
God bless,
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