Because as long as they're not held responsible, the nation's demise is apparently just fine
From: Canada Free Press
by - Dan Calabrese -- May 5, 2016
As far as the #NeverTrump crowd is concerned, Hillary’s election is
apparently a done deal. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy if ever there
was one, but they just know Donald Trump can’t possibly beat her, and
they wouldn’t help him do it in any event because Trump is so icky to
Ask them about this, and they will offer elaborate justifications for why Hillary’s election is not their fault! Here’s Brandon Craig at the Reformed Layman going to quite the lengths to explain why a non-vote or a third-party vote by an otherwise conservative voter is not really a vote for Hillary:
A vote for Hillary is a vote for Hillary is a vote for Hillary
The first and most obvious reason is that a vote for Hillary is a vote
for Hillary whereas not voting for her is one less vote than she would
receive if you did vote for her. While this is painfully obvious, those
who make such accusations seem to not get this. My first response is
“oh so in that case you would be just as okay with me voting for Hillary
as you would with me voting third party or just abstaining?”. To this
they either reply with a resounding don’t vote for Hillary or they see
where I am going with it and they hem haw around. No matter how you
break it down, not voting for Hillary is always better than voting for
Hillary. So on its face it is clearly not true that a vote for a third
party or just not voting is the same exact thing as a vote for Hillary.
There’s more, but you get the idea. The #NeverTrump crowd is going into
some real logical gymnastics to make sure everyone knows Hillary’s
presidency will not be their fault, and most of it sounds like the
paragraph above.
Let me suggest we look at this in a different way. If you’re a
conservative voter and you care about this country, it seems to me - for
the reasons I went into yesterday and many others - you would have the following very straightforward objective: Prevent Hillary from becoming president.
That’s an important objective for conservatives, yes?
Hillary out of the White House
All right. Let’s test it. If you say no, that’s not an important
objective for you, then I’d say you’re either not really conservative or
you don’t really care that much about what’s going to happen to the
country. But I think I’d like to give people the benefit of the doubt so
I’m going to assume that, if you’re conservative, keeping Hillary out
of the White House is important to you. Great.
Now, let’s make a list of all the things that could happen that would prevent Hillary from winning:
2. Er, OK . . . there is no Number 2.
This is not about you being true to your vaunted “principles,” which might lead you to vote libertarian or stay home or whatever else. If you want to do those things so you can feel better about yourself, that’s your choice, but those things do not assist in the one and only outcome that can keep Hillary out of the White House. Just to remind you, that outcome again would be:
Donald Trump defeats her.
You either do whatever you can to make that happen, or you can’t really
say you were committed to her defeat. Voting for a libertarian doesn’t
help defeat Hillary because a libertarian isn’t going to defeat her in
the election. If anyone does, it will be Donald Trump. And you know
this. You can argue you didn’t help elect Hillary, and you can offer
logical contortions to justify that argument, but what you can’t
possibly say is what I can say: I will do the most effective thing I can
do to defeat Hillary.
By the way, the reason I am so committed to this has nothing whatsoever
to do with Donald Trump. I am neither a big fan nor a horrified foe. It
has everything to do with what will happen to this country if we lose
the Supreme Court, spend another four years racking up debt, continue
turning our backs on our allies while appeasing our enemies, continue
sicking the IRS on the political opponents of Democrats, impose even
more regulatory burdens on business, keeping letting the NLRB tip the
scales in favor of unions, use “climate change” as an excuse to do all
kinds of foolhardy things, intentionally put coal miners out of business
- and worst of all, concentrate executive power in the hands of the
woman who propagated the Benghazi lie, sold international influence for
Clinton Foundation donations and tried to hide it all with a schlock,
homebrew e-mail server kept in someone’s bathroom.
I would really like all this not to happen because it would decimate
this nation. So I’m going to do the one thing I can do that offers the
best chance of stopping it. I’m going to vote for Donald Trump.
If the effort of me and others committed to stopping Hillary fails,
we’re going to go through a terrible time in this nation - even worse
than what we’ve experienced under Barack Obama. Apparently you will be
fine with all this because you protected your vain sense of principle by
remaining #NeverTrump to the end. What you will not have done, however,
is your best to stop this woman.
You can claim all day long it’s “not your fault,” but you can’t claim
you were truly committed to stopping Hillary, because there was
something you could have done that would have made a real difference -
and you refused to do it. No matter how well you manage to rationalize
your choice, you will never be able to get away from that fact. And the
rest of us will never be able to get away from the consequences of our
mission’s failure - a failure brought about, by definition, because not
enough people were willing to support it.
Sleep well, #NeverTrumpers. The rest of us will be too busy trying to
stop the nation’s bleeding to care about whether you’re to blame.
God bless,
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