You soft headed negroes who still think this is about "race" and "cops shooting black men" are blind. You are as blind as the negroes who sold captives to Muslims on their caravans, and Europeans on their ships, instead of banding together to purge them from your land. You are as blind as the negroes who allowed a party that hates you, to buy your votes and loyalty for the right to live in the ghetto on welfare. You are as blind as the negroes who sit and listen to a black man preach "black power" on a white man's TV station that promotes the WORST of your people. And you are as blind as the negroes who bemoan about "white privilege" while voting for a rich white woman who is brazenly flaunting her privilege IN YOUR FACE, by breaking a law that would put YOU under the jail, while she walks away without a slap on the wrist.

You need to close your mouths, open your eyes, and realize; that this is only part of the devil's plan, not to destroy black people, or white people........but ALL people.

God bless,