From: Last Great Stand
By · Saturday, August 6th, 2016
To say that Barack Obama is an ideologue isn’t going to make national news at this point, that much is a given. Anyone with a pulse and an IQ over 6 has known that since before Obama took office in 2008, and even most liberals not registering any brain activity would have admitted as much once Obama secured his re-election in the 2012 election. It’s also not major news to say that Obama and his administration have been the most corrupt administration in recent memory, or that they subscribe to the philosophy of, “The ends justify the means,” the Constitution be damned…
With all that said, if recent weeks have shown us anything at all, they have shown us that Hillary Clinton is infinitely more corrupt than Obama, even more of a sociopath, not to mention a stone-cold killer when you consider that FIVE of her political enemies died from very strange and mysterious deaths in the last SIX weeks alone, making the number of dead former Clinton associates totaling 67 people. Coincidences? Hardly! Well, it gets worse… reports:
If that's the case, then how is
Hillary Clinton leading in all the polls considering THIS was the scene
at the Democrat National Convention (below) WHILE Hillary was speaking
(if you listen you can hear her)?
Today’s Real Clear Politics average has Clinton leading Trump with Clinton having 47%, and Trump having 40%? How is that possible? In a recent interview with a member of Nate Silver’s VERY liberal 538 group, reports that the 538 insider said:
Wow. Thanks to Wikileaks, we already know that the DNC deliberately rigged the Democrat primaries to make sure Hillary won.
One family that needs no reminding of the fraud the DNC committed is
the Lucas family. Shawn Lucas was the person who delivered the service
of process to the DNC office advising Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the
DNC that they were parties to a national class action lawsuit for
defrauding the American people.
Sadly, just this week, Shawn became one of the FIVE Clinton adversaries to die from mysterious deaths in the last SIX weeks. There are conflicting reports about whether Shawn died in his sleep, or on his bathroom floor. The fact that details are being kept very quiet should raise suspicion. The fact that a DNC insider is saying Hillary is paying for her commanding lead in the polls should terrify you. As I've been saying, and will continue say moving forward:
The video below goes into more detail: reports:
Right about now I am reminded of something I heard a week or two ago on a recent episode of The Official Hagmann & Hagmann Report. It was something Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show said that has really stuck with me. He said:
God bless,
By · Saturday, August 6th, 2016

To say that Barack Obama is an ideologue isn’t going to make national news at this point, that much is a given. Anyone with a pulse and an IQ over 6 has known that since before Obama took office in 2008, and even most liberals not registering any brain activity would have admitted as much once Obama secured his re-election in the 2012 election. It’s also not major news to say that Obama and his administration have been the most corrupt administration in recent memory, or that they subscribe to the philosophy of, “The ends justify the means,” the Constitution be damned…
With all that said, if recent weeks have shown us anything at all, they have shown us that Hillary Clinton is infinitely more corrupt than Obama, even more of a sociopath, not to mention a stone-cold killer when you consider that FIVE of her political enemies died from very strange and mysterious deaths in the last SIX weeks alone, making the number of dead former Clinton associates totaling 67 people. Coincidences? Hardly! Well, it gets worse… reports:
Following the conventions, a pattern has emerged from the polling: Donald Trump
has taken a commanding lead in all demographics. From the well to
poorly educated and even out-performing Romney among women and
Hispanics. According polling aggregates the only demographic Hillary is
winning is African American single women and White College Males with
advanced degrees in Social Sciences.
Today’s Real Clear Politics average has Clinton leading Trump with Clinton having 47%, and Trump having 40%? How is that possible? In a recent interview with a member of Nate Silver’s VERY liberal 538 group, reports that the 538 insider said:
You think it's . . . random? Come on. Who do you think pays for the
polls? People who want results. You're buying media. It's like ads or . .
. I don't know. Like newspaper stories? You pay 30k for a poll of
Florida, it says what you want."
Sadly, just this week, Shawn became one of the FIVE Clinton adversaries to die from mysterious deaths in the last SIX weeks. There are conflicting reports about whether Shawn died in his sleep, or on his bathroom floor. The fact that details are being kept very quiet should raise suspicion. The fact that a DNC insider is saying Hillary is paying for her commanding lead in the polls should terrify you. As I've been saying, and will continue say moving forward:
political class and the globalist controlled corrupt mainstream media
are using lies and cover-ups to lead the masses directly into the voting
booth in November to vote for Hillary. Once she is elected, Hillary
will personally lead the sheep to slaughter. reports:
Following the conventions, a pattern has emerged from the polling: Donald Trump
has taken a commanding lead in all demographics. From the well to
poorly educated and even out-performing Romney among women and
Hispanics. According polling aggregates the only demographic Hillary is
winning is African American single women and White College Males with
advanced degrees in Social Sciences.
We spoke to a source who works at Nate Silver's political advocacy group
RealTrueNews: "Is it fair to say that Silver is worried?"
538 Source: "In a panic. Our business model is predicated on making liberals feel better about the election. Right now? It's a disaster."
RTN: "So what are you doing?"
538: "Well,
we're changing the model for starters. There were a few hours when the
server was showing the real projections and while traffic was pretty
high, let me tell you, it was a melt-down politically."
RTN: "What do you mean?"
538: "Well,
Nate's a liberal. No secret there. When he saw what was happening he
flipped out. Had us look for bugs–something gone wrong–looking at the
feeds. Of course nothing was wrong. Nothing had changed. Then he got on
the phone with his people embedded with Q-Pac and Survey Monkey and PPP
and all those guys–"
"Huh? Oh, yeah–it's a big social club. The pollsters all work together.
We have a Slack-room that's sharing all kinds of results and skews and
all that. That's how we keep it all orderly."
RTN: "Orderly?"
538: "Sure–what?
You think it's . . . random? Come on. Who do you think pays for the
polls? People who want results. You're buying media. It's like ads or . .
. I don't know. Like newspaper stories? You pay 30k for a poll of
Florida, it says what you want."
RTN: "But what about on election day?"
538: "Oh–we
drive it. You set the expectations ahead of time. It's called
pre-loading. You'd be surprised how we can fine-tune things. Mass belief
is powerful. The problem here is (a) not everyone plays nice. Fox is
rogue. Rasmussen was . . . bad. They were doing real polling. Also,
there's like a game of chicken. At the start of the cycle we do real
polling so that everyone knows how they better buy in. This time . . . Trump just caught us by surprise. The impact was so big–it came on so fast–Hillary just collapsed."
RTN:"What–what happens next?"
538: "I
don't know, man. There are a bunch of smaller groups out there doing
real polls. I don't know if anyone can keep this under wraps. They had
to talk Silver off the edge of the building yesterday. It was bad."
RTN: "He was literally going to throw himself out a window?"
538: "Yeah–he
was–well, but we're on the second floor. He was just really pissed. I
mean, he got a call from the White House telling him to fix it and
RTN: "Wow."
538: "Wow is right."
are at a crossroads in history … We are being given a chance. We as a
country are being given a chance to make some substantial changes
spiritually, emotionally, physically, economically, politically … we
have a real opportunity we will not get again in my lifetime … and our
window is short. Our window is very short.”
God bless,
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