The Left relentlessly attack Trump personally; his speech, hair, mannerisms, etc. They are oblivious to the reality that Trump is a symbol of the societal beliefs and values of millions of citizens
From: Canada Free Press
By Bill King —— Bio and Archives--August 3, 2018
Ever since his astonishing election win, Donald Trump has been assailed
by the Left: Dems, RINOs, MSM, academia, the “deep state,” Silicon
Valley elites, and globalists. Recently, the anti-Trump forces have
become increasingly frustrated, and even enraged, from failed efforts to
remove POTUS. The Left’s DNA is not coded for them to understand Trump,
or why he remains, and will remain, impervious to their continual
broadsides. The Left have gaping moral, social, and intellectual blind
spots that render them incapable of separating Trump, the man, from the
American values and beliefs he represents.
Heart and Soul of the American Spirit slowly dying under Obama
The political and ideological enemies aligned against Trump are tilting at windmills when they attack Trump personally. The reality is the Left’s mortal foe is not made of flesh & blood. Their archenemy is far more formidable than a mere man. Their foe is amorphous, intangible, i.e., a belief system conterminous with the American Spirit, diffused with foundational values and beliefs. These cherished values/beliefs had been ignored, demeaned, and actively suppressed during the Obama presidency. Millions upon millions of bewildered, hardworking citizens witnessed the debasement and refutation of traditional family values, American excellence, the rule of law, meritocracy, biological principles of male/female physiology, etc. Millions of other citizens experienced the eradication of livelihoods sacrificed before the altar of “climate change.”With the heart and soul of the American Spirit slowly dying under Obama, “non-coastal” citizens began to abandon all hope, with the “certainty” of a Hillary presidency and the coup de grace to follow. Then, a phenomenon occurred during the GOP primaries. A tough-as-nails, street fighter emerged, a person who spoke from his heart and sincerely cherished and unabashedly expressed his love for America, the American Spirit, and American exceptionalism. Multitudes of desperate citizens flocked to, or watched the patriotic, perpetual Trump rallies. Despite his Queens accent and his odd-colored hair, citizens bonded with this main-street billionaire, whom they began to trust implicitly to champion the restoration and protection of their deeply held beliefs in God, country, and family. On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 these citizens voted en masse and Trump won in the early morning hours of Wednesday. Then, that very afternoon, the Left launched its all-out war on Trump.
The war against Trump continues unabated
The war against Trump continues unabated. Bereft of honesty and conscience, however, the Left now flounder on their incessant waves of opposition to Trump. The Left never did, never can, and never will understand Trump’s visceral connection with everyday citizens. They cannot fathom that Trump is the citizens’ champion who fights for their American values and beliefs. Trump has fashioned a broad shield to protect everyday citizens, one made from the patriotic sinew of the American Spirit, a shield, while intangible, that can never be splintered. Equally demoralizing for the Left is their continuing inability to parry the nationalistic “sword” Trump so skillfully deploys on the political battlefield. His myriad of enemies are clueless as to the strategies relied on by Trump as when to advance, thrust, feint, and disengage. They also are unaware that Trump’s sword has been tempered repeatedly, over decades, in the no-holds-barred arena of real estate development against well-lawyered cutthroat adversaries, street-savvy competitors, and the insidious power of regulatory tyrants and political gatekeepers. Now, as POTUS, Trump arises early each morning armed with shield and sword to engage in political battle for the sole benefit of American citizens.The Left will continue to focus their hatred and venom on their faux mortal enemy, Trump, the “man.” They fatally misidentify their nemesis. For Trump is but the transparent symbol of the ideals that undergird American society. Ideals which flow from fundamental and natural rights embedded in the text and spirit of the U.S. Constitution. These American ideals resonate within the souls of citizens from all walks of life and age groups. Without reason or thought, the Left have unwittingly joined in battle against not a man, but an indomitable American Spirit personified by a man with blonde hair from Queens. The champion of “we the people.” In the coming skirmishes and battles with the Left, Trump knows in his heart he fights not alone, for Trump is “us.”
God bless,
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